Samfund & kultur – Island – Nye podcasts
NOTE: Dr. Chismoore is currently away. He has left really important thinkers, and comedians, TOM FELL and GRIFFIN WENZLER in charge.*
Each week Dr. Chris Chismoore takes on the impossible task of discussing neuroscience, biohacking, men’s health, and men’s culture.
Dr. Chris Chismoore is a heterodox neuroscientist, polarizing archeologist, persistent entrepreneur, and tenured professor in the Department of Research at a really good college. He’s been profiled in Scientific American, Harper’s Weekly, and TigerTeen Beat. His work has been published in the Journal of Thought, the New England Papers, and Wine Yum Today. His studies on biohacking the men’s genome have been revolutionary to regular guys everywhere.
On Goobertime, Dr. Chris deconstructs winning strategies and world-class performers in eclectic areas (medicine, business, chess) digging deep to find tools, tactics, and tricks listeners can consider to optimize and integrate into efficient routine strategies for routine success and full potential living.
Welcome to the Journey. Welcome to the Awakening. You are loved. No one thinks like you. -Dr. Chris Chismoore
Because the world is actively made unlivable for too many. Join Julia, Clayton, and Cody as they experiment with social theory, politics of liberation and solidarity, and real world issues to question: How can we make livable cultures?
Follow our Twitter (@unlivablepod) for sneak peaks of new episode topics before they release. More information at -
Lífið er allskonar, eins og þetta podcast. Hér spyrjum við spurninganna sem enginn bað um svör við, förum djúpt í hlutina og pælum örlítið of mikið í öllu - með húmor, speki og smá tilvistarkreppu á kantinum.
Hvað fékk íbúa Flateyjar á Skjálfanda til að taka sig saman um að yfirgefa heimili sín, alla sem einn? Árið var 1967 og nokkru áður höfðu allir ábúendur flutt úr afskekktum byggðum Flateyjarskaga — landsvæði sem hafði framfleytt fjölda fólks en líka kostað fjölda mannslífa.
Þarna voru mannabyggðir á ystu þröm og gerðar tilraunir með þanþol fólks. Tilraun sem stóð í þúsund ár.
Umsjón og dagskrárgerð: Guðrún Hálfdánardóttir.
Ritstjórn og samsetning: Þorgerður E. Sigurðardóttir.
Tæknimaður: Lydía Grétarsdóttir.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Live & Pre-Recorded Show Uploads
Konungurinn lengi lifi, skrifaði Donald Trump um sjálfan sig á samfélagsmiðlum í febrúar.
Frá því að hann tók við embætti forseta hefur hann unnið að því að gjörbylta bandarísku stjórnkerfi og samfélagi með suðurafríska tæknimógúlinn Elon Musk sér við hlið.
Hugmyndirnar sem þeir styðjast í niðurrifinu og uppbyggingu hins nýja samfélags hafa lengi verið að bruggast í tæknigeiranum - og þær eru róttækari en marga grunar.
Lýðræðið er komið á endastöð, og Bandaríkin þurfa snjallan forstjóra sem stýrir samfélaginu eins og sprotafyrirtæki. Það þarf að byggja upp einveldi, nýtt konungsdæmi, segja jafnvel sumir.
Í þessum þáttum sökkvum við okkur ofan í þessar byltingarhugmyndir og hugsuðina á bakvið þær, konungssinnana í Kisildal.
Umsjón: Lóa Björk Björnsdóttir og Kristján Guðjónsson.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The co-founders of Bullstrap (Claudio Conte & Mason Hoza) come together to discuss anything and everything relevant in the world of men's lifestyle, tech accessories, business, and life!
Best friends Jay and Jaz light up together for girls time and explore an array of topics together. New episodes drop every Thursday.
Twitter: @HighFriendsPdc
Tiktok: @HiFriendsPdc -
مرحباً بكم في "أبو عمر بودكاست"، حيث نروي قصص النجاح والتجارب الملهمة من قلب هيوستن، تكساس، مع ضيوف من مختلف المدن الأمريكية. في هذا البودكاست، نستضيف نخبة من صانعي المحتوى، ورواد الأعمال، والمبدعين، والمثقفين العرب الذين يشاركوننا رحلتهم، تحدياتهم، وأسرار نجاحهم. من خلال حوارات شيقة وعميقة، نسعى لإلهام المستمعين وإثراء معرفتهم في مجالات مختلفة تشمل صناعة المحتوى العربي، ريادة الأعمال، المجتمع، والهجرة.
يستضيف ويقدم هذا البودكاست رائد الأعمال محمد الطواها، المعروف بأبو عمر حلال، وهو مؤسس لعدد من العلامات التجارية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، من أبرزها سلسلة مطاعم "أبو عمر حلال".
انضموا إلينا في كل حلقة لتستمعوا إلى قصص ملهمة وأفكار جديدة يمكن أن تكون الشرارة التي تحتاجونها لتحقيق أحلامكم وأهدافكم.
أبو عمر بودكاست – حيث تبدأ الحكاية وتُكتب الفصول الجديدة.
Welcome to "Abu Omar Podcast," where we narrate success stories and inspiring experiences from the heart of Houston, Texas, with guests from various American cities. In this podcast, we host a distinguished group of Arab content creators, entrepreneurs, innovators, and intellectuals who share their journeys, challenges, and secrets to success. Through engaging and deep conversations, we aim to inspire listeners and enrich their knowledge in various fields, including Arab content creation, entrepreneurship, community, and immigration.
This podcast is hosted and presented by entrepreneur Mohammad Altawaha, known as Abu Omar Halal, who is the founder of several brands in the United States, most notably the "Abu Omar Halal" restaurant chain.
Join us in each episode to hear inspiring stories and new ideas that could be the spark you need to achieve your dreams and goals.
Abu Omar Podcast – Where the story begins and new chapters are written.
Why are some people able to talk with just about anyone—about almost anything? In this Slate miniseries, Charles Duhigg dives into the science of conversations from his acclaimed bestseller Supercommunicators. With psychologists, social scientists, and even a Hollywood writer, he explores how to ask the right questions, communicate without words, and find meaningful connections in our lives.
We publish highlights on the opinions and relationship advice from the Oli & Danny Podcast. If you have a serious relationship issue and you want advice on then email the podcast anonymously and we will unpack it on the show and in the publication. -
Come with me on the whole new world of adventures through online and real world dating after my 40’s!
Rules , guidelines , communications, and troubles. Saving a relationship how to do it or how to end it , and how to know if it can be saved .
Podcast interamente dedicato a New York: la sua storia, i suoi miti, i suoi fatti, i suoi personaggi.
A podcast focusing on all things travel—stories from my travels, best practices, industry news, and much more. Sit back and enjoy Tales From the Air.
Þættir sem ræða móðurhlutverkið á fræðandi og heiðarlegan hátt, óritskoðað og í sinni raunverulegustu mynd. Farið verður yfir rannsóknir sem snerta á því hvaða áhrif það hefur á einstakling að verða móðir og jafnvel tekin viðtöl við sérfræðinga hvað það varðar.
Hugtök á borð við móðurmótunarskeið (e. matrescence) verður sett undir smásjána sem og önnur áhugaverð hugtök á borð við sjálfsmyndarkrísu, mömmuskömm og mömmukulnun. Mýtur á borð við bleika skýið og "góðu mömmuna" verða skoðuð út frá akademískum rannsóknum til þess að kanna hvort þetta séu mýtur eða möguleiki.
Hér er leitast við að fræða frekar en að hræða og valdefla mæður og verðandi mæður með því að ræða hlutina óhikað.
Stjórnandi Elín Ásbjarnardóttir Strandberg. -
Welcome to my world, where I share what I love
YES is your expression of self. Sharing my thoughts and experiences with meditation and how I break free from fear to liberation.
To connect and reach out to see more of my work.
Please visit my website. -
Become a Paid Subscriber: and Sensual Tales: A Journey into Passion and Desire.
🌈 I am Sarah, seeking ikigai, my reason for being. I am a genX woman developing my voice and documenting my journey. I am undergoing a process of learning and growing, researching and sharing what is and isn't working for me. I want to develop models and methods to help others. - Vis mere