Government – Poland – Recommended podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Il mondo non è mai stato così veloce, complesso, in crisi. Le storie da raccontare sono tante e serve chiarezza. Questo è Globally, il nuovo podcast di Will e ISPI dove spieghiamo la geopolitica in modo chiaro. Seguici anche su Instagram @will_ita


  • By 2040, the population over 80 will more than double, but our perceptions of aging and plans for seniors’ care innovation have not kept pace.

    Let’s change the conversation.

    Coming of Age features host Donna Duncan, CEO of the Ontario Long Term Care Association, in lively discussions with national and international experts on ageism and how to reimagine seniors’ care.

  • The official podcast of the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists. Join us as we discuss the latest news in diabetes care, education, advocacy and technology.

  • Współtworzymy i realizujemy politykę innowacyjną państwa. Każdego roku wspieramy tysiące projektów badawczo-rozwojowych. W podcastach NCBR rozmawiamy z liderami, ekspertami i beneficjentami o naszej ofercie i przybliżamy efekty naszych działań.

  • Audycje dotyczące tematyki Miasta Malborka, rozmowy, spotkania, wywiady z mieszkańcami
    (realizacja Radio Malbork, Urząd Miasta Malborka)

  • Today’s food insecurity requires new solutions. Have policymakers kept up, or are they relying on yesterday’s answers? On the Reset the Table podcast, CSIS Global Food Security Program director Caitlin Welsh makes room at the table for fresh ideas for solving food insecurity around the world—and right here at home.

  • Welcome to the Home of Future Thinking, where micropolitans unite to face the challenges of the future head-on.

  • To nie kolejny program informacyjny, który podaje suche informacje o wydarzeniach ze świata bez większej analizy ich przyczyn i skutków. Na rozmowę zaprasza Marcin Łuniewski! A jeśli interesują cię międzynarodowe konflikty, polityka wielkich mocarstw i chciałbyś wiedzieć więcej o otaczającym nas świecie - słuchaj Radia Kampus w środy o 13.45 na 97,1 FM i

  • Это шоу в поддержку малого бизнеса.

    Ведущий — предприниматель и писатель Александр Цыпкин — выясняет, перед лицом каких возможностей нового времени оказался бизнес в России.

    Для этого он беседует с бизнесменами из разных сфер и задаёт им вопросы:

    — Как привлекать новых клиентов?

    — Как развивать бизнес в онлайне?

    — Как удержать сотрудников?

    — Что стало с продажами?

    — Как вообще себя чувствует малый бизнес?

    Александр выяснит у успешных предпринимателей, как переупаковать бизнес в новой реальности, и поделится полезными лайфхаками.

  • “Simon Says” is a deep dive into the topsy-turvy world of Malaysian politics and why it matters. Follow host Simon Yeo as he gives his perspectives and decodes current political and government news for you.

    If you have ever wondered about some of the following, this show is for you!
    “Why does boring history matter to politics?”
    “What’s Malaysia’s future going to be like? Should I even start a family?”
    “How can I tell if what the media is telling me is true or not?”
    “How can we, the people, get more involved?”

  • Eyüpsultan Belediyesi PODCAST yayınları ile karşınızda.

  • O tym, co ważne – dla Polski i Polaków.

  • Denizli avukat seçenekleri arasında en başarılı ve güvenilir olanlar, köklü avukatlık ofislerinde çalışmaktadır. Bu ofisler, müşterilerine ücretsiz avukat destek hizmeti sunarak, hukuki konularda kendilerini korumalarını sağlamaktadır.

  • DIA Connections is an exciting new podcast featuring overlooked or unfamiliar aspects of who we are, what we do, and the countless ways we've impacted the lives of people everywhere. Since its creation in 1961, the Defense Intelligence Agency has been the nation's premier all-source military intelligence organization. Our team at DIA deploys globally, alongside warfighters and interagency partners, to defend America's national
    security interests. However, we are so much more, as this podcast series will reveal.

  • What’s really going on in the world and how are things run? Why is everything so crazy and why does life sometimes seem like a giant joke? Maybe I’ve found some answers that might help you like they’ve helped me.

  • 'The Arms Control Poseur' is a thought-provoking podcast series brought to you by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) and is funded by the European Union Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium (EUNPDC). This series delves into the intricate world of arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation, unpacking the most pressing issues in global security today. Each episode features in-depth discussions with leading experts and practitioners, offering insights into the challenges and complexities of preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their delivery systems. Hosted by William Alberque, Director of Strategy, Technology and Arms Control, the podcast navigates through the nuances of geostrategy, alliances, and the impact of disruptive technologies on international security. Join the experts as they explore the critical role of arms control in maintaining global stability. 

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Naszym zadaniem jest informować o Unii Europejskiej, a w szczególności o Parlamencie Europejskim i jego działaniach, debatach, decyzjach, w tym o inicjatywach polskich europosłów i zajmowanych przez nich stanowiskach. W tym celu organizujemy i wspieramy konkursy, konferencje, seminaria, lekcje o UE w całej Polsce. Zapraszamy do subskrypcji naszego kanału!

  • This podcast features strategies and advice from today’s leaders and experts in emergency management. Its purpose is to empower and enrich current and future leaders.