Fiction – Poland – Recommended podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • جحا مسلسل روائي جديد يحكي قصص حكيم الحمقى المشهورة وقصص لم تسمعوها من قبل. يروي لنا راوٍ مميز جدًا حكايات عجيبة عن عباءة تأكل، وسحر يحول الرجال إلى حمير، وحركات بهلوانية تذهل العقول، في محورها كلها الماكر المحبوب، جحا.

  • The Obituary Writer of Crestfall, Idaho finds himself deeply in over his head as he investigates a series of strange and mysterious deaths… when he is supposed to simply be writing obituaries. Along the way he encounters murderous farmers, man-eating cats, haunted bicycles, and a healthy dose of ominous shadows. Support us on Patreon:

  • From werewolves in the doghouse to new ghouls at work, there's no problem too strange for this weekly advice segment, from the UK's only dedicated radio service for the creature community.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Самый тёплый подкаст про современную литературу.

    Подкаст, который создается при поддержке выдуманных мужиков, отборного книжного стекла и самых спорных современных литературных гилти-плеже. Подкаст про книги, содержание которых проще обсудить с незнакомцами в интернете, чем с близкими людьми.

    А ведем его мы. Две журналистки, подруги и любительницы почитать — Лера и Аля.

    Те самые девчонки, для которых фраза «‎ещё одну страничку и спать» не мем, а жизнь. Которые на вопрос «что ты любишь читать?» нервно пытаются вспомнить какие жанры и предупреждения фикбука безопасно называть вслух.

    Ну а если серьезно: в каждом эпизоде подкаста «‎Книжный ворм» мы рассказываем про одну книгу, которая по каким-то причинам относится к нашим литературным гилти-плеже. Обсуждаем эти причины, разбираем почему тАкОе можно и нужно читать.

    Иногда пристрастно, но всегда честно, смешно и с любовью.

    Для лиц старше 18 лет.

  • Soul Operator is a horror audio drama/solo ttrpg actual play, created with the intention of highlighting solo ttrpgs through a narrative format. Follow Tessa Whitlock as she navigates these strange new worlds, for better or for worse. Part of the Rusty Quill Network.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


    "Podcast na dobranoc" to bajki dla dorosłych. Stworzyłem to miejsce po to, aby dać nam wszystkim przestrzeń na oddech, wyciszenie i spokojny sen.

    Zgaś światło, wyłącz powiadomienia i chodź ze mną.

    Głos @szymonadam

  • It's 1984, and Daniel Knox is on the run. He's spent his entire life evading mysterious creatures that are disguised as everyday people - the ones he calls 'Shadows'. Preying on humans in secret, the Shadows are an enigma even to Daniel. But he knows one thing for sure - the Shadows' true nature can't be seen by anyone but him. As he seeks refuge in a remote mountain community, Daniel crosses paths with a traveller who is investigating the disappearance of her sister in the same town. Gradually, the secrets begin to unravel - and for Daniel - life will never be the same again. 'The Road of Shadows' is a Beyond the Dark production. Created by Mark R. Healy.

  • A Conspiracy Era Delta Green Actual Play Podcast. Mystery, investigation, horror and strong character development.

  • „Jak być (nie) mogło” to podcast, w którym dr Jerzy Stachowicz i dr Agnieszka Haska opowiadają o literaturze fantastycznonaukowej przed 1939 rokiem; o tym jak przedwojenni autorzy i autorki wyobrażali sobie przyszłość Polski i świata, a także o tym, jakie poruszane przez nich problemy są aktualne do dziś.

    Podcast zrealizowano w ramach grantu w działaniu 3.3.2 „Promocja badań naukowych”, realizowanego w ramach programu „Inicjatywa Doskonałości - Uczelnia Badawcza” Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.

  • Re-discover the amazing story of the 1999 cult classic - Planescape: Torment.

    A fully voiced re-telling of the game's story with a modern take and narrative drive.

    I hope to follow on from Rhyss Hess' example in lovingly creating an homage to this wonderful story, that aims to allow new and existing fans to enjoy the narrative in an episodical, fully voiced, unofficial audio series. I will be mostly using Dan Simpson's in-depth guide to cover as much content as possible in one single playthrough.

    This series began as a way to challenge and stretch my voice over and audio editing capabilities; and since, has become a vast passion project where I re-experience one of my all-time favourite stories, bringing renewed life to the beautifully written characters.

    Planescape: Torment - Enhanced Edition

    Beamdog brings modern features to yet another classic isometric RPG in Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition. Uncover secrets of past lives in this story-rich, tactical roleplaying game set in Sigil, a dark fantasy city at the heart of the Dungeons & Dragons multiverse. Explore the planes, survive combat alongside a party of unique companions, and solve puzzles unlike any ever seen in the genre. The original Planescape: Torment was released in 1999 to widespread critical acclaim. It won RPG of the Year from multiple outlets for its unconventional story, characters, and amazing soundtrack. Since then, millions of Planescape: Torment fans have enjoyed exploring the strange and dangerous city of Sigil and surrounding planes through the Nameless One's eyes.

    Beamdog has partnered with Chris Avellone, Lead Designer on the original Planescape: Torment, to curate Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition and update it with modern features to share with a new generation of role playing fans. "Beamdog has worked hard to ensure the feel and tone of the Enhanced Edition matches the original game. At the same time, they've also taken advantage of current generation technology to allow for improvements to the interface and feel - it's the best way to play Planescape: Torment, hands-down."

    Discover an incredibly rich story and a unique setting unlike anything else in fantasy. Defeat strange and alien creatures, engage in rich dialogue, and explore the dark and dangerous Planescape setting in this 50+ hour RPG classic.

    This is Planescape: Torment like you’ve never seen before.

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Niech zapach kawy ciągle pieści nasze zmysły:

    Krótkie historie powstają po to, by uświęcić szczegół, przez chwilę popieścić się z cząstką - by złapać rozkosz w palce i schować ją w kieszeń. Czytam tu swoje teksty, bo chcę się dzielić swoim światem.

  • Wojownicy z Zamku Mgieł to audiobook/ podcast/słuchowisko przygodowe w klimatach gier RPG takich jak np legendarny Gothic. Tworzony z pasji, pełny akcji oraz niespodziewanych zwrotów wydarzeń. Wciągająca fabuła oraz mnogość charakterystycznych postaci. Czarodzieje, smoki, rycerze oraz demony w odwiecznym pojedynku dobra ze złem.
    Zapraszam do świata Wojowników z Zamku Mgieł.

  • Васіль Быкаў пісаў так у мемуарах “Доўгая дарога дадому” пра сваю аповесць “У тумане” (1988), якая стваралася ім у Доме творчасці ў Нідзе: “Сюжэт “Туману” быў гатовы даўно. Ідэя чалавечай безвыходнасьці нязрушна сядзела ў маёй сьвядомасьці і час ад часу дамагалася рэалізацыі. Некаторыя казалі: пэсымізм, фаталізм, розныя іншыя ўпадніцкія ўплывы. Можа, і так. Але колькі ў людзкім жыцьці здараецца канфліктаў – з сабой ці з грамадзтвам, якія разьвязаць немагчыма. Не паддаюцца ніякім разумным высілкам. І ня толькі ў сытуацыі, калі дабро супрацьстаіць злу. Але і тады, як пісаў Гегель, калі канфлікт ляжыць у адносінах правага з правым. Тое ўжо трагедыя. Як паглядзець, дык усё чалавечае жыцьцё – трагедыя, бо ўсе пачуваюцца правымі. Ніхто ня лічыць сябе вінаватым”

    Чытае Ігар Дзянісаў

    Выдавец: Міжнародны саюз беларускіх пісьменнікаў

    Запіс зроблены на студыі HUKAPIS кампаніі

  • Mój Loch to kanał poświęcony RPG, improwizacji i opowiadaniu historii. Znajdziecie tu między innymi profesjonalnie nagrane sesje, które świetnie się sprawdzają jako słuchowisko. Na kanale spotkacie wspaniałych improwizatorów z nerdowskim zacięciem.

  • khōréō is a quarterly magazine of speculative fiction and migration. We publish fiction, non-fiction, and art by immigrant and diaspora authors and artists. Winner of the 2022 Ignyte Award for Best Fiction Podcast.

  • Witajcie w "Tajemnicze Loty – podcast, który powstał z pasji jednej osoby do tworzenia autorskich historii w klimacie kosmicznego horroru . Tutaj każdy odcinek to podróż w nieznane, gdzie znajome potwory kosmiczne mieszać się będą z zupełnie nowymi. Wszyto to w fascynujących pełnych akcji opowieściach
    Podkład dźwiękowy , dzięki uprzejmości

  • Аповесць «Пакахай мяне, салдацік» — лірычная трагедыя, у якой канфлікт героя з ваеннай рэчаіснасцю дасягае псіхалагічнай напружанасці і экзістэнцыйнай вастрыні. Быкаўскі твор прасякнуты болем за чалавека, яго зломлены, скалечаны лёс і адначасова напоўнены пафасам асуджэння вайны.

    У аповесці В. Быкаў надае значную ўвагу вобразу жанчыны. Дзеянне ў аповесці «Пакахай мяне, салдацік» адбываецца ў апошнія дні Вялікай Айчыннай вайны ў ваколіцах невялічкага аўстрыйскага гарадка.

    Запіс зроблены на студыі HUKAPIS кампаніі
    Тэкст агучыў акцёр Нацыянальнага акадэмічнага тэатра імя Янкі Купалы Ігар Дзянісаў.

  • When anyone asks Audrey why she moved to Alaska, she tells them for a fresh start. But a lot of the people in Alaska are hiding from something. And Audrey is no different. When she journeyed to Alaska, she found something even more dangerous. Maybe we feel the uncanny valley because long ago, we had to fear something that pretended to be human. 

  • Piszę straszne historie i później je sobie czytam (kiepsko)

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