Religion & Spirituality – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Welcome to our podcast channel. We exist to go all out for the rising generations and see the miraculous in the mundane.

  • Welcome to the weekly podcast of Ocean Church - Cape Coral led by Campus Pastor Josh Hall. To learn more visit our website at or download the Ocean Church App. To support this ministry and help us continue to fulfill our mission to love God, love others, make disciples, and reach the lost click here:

  • Welcome to Elohim Podcast, a podcast about real life issues from a biblical perspective. We want to show love without compromising the truth. The bible teaches us how to live a righteous life style, yet understanding that we are imperfect. Join us on this journey as we give different perspectives a voice. 

  • When men go through pregnancy loss like miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss, there are very few resources, including those that are hope-filled or Christ-based. On the Foreknown Men Podcast, men get real with their faith, discuss how to best support their wives, and connect so they can overcome the heavy pain of overcoming such a loss.

    Foreknown Men's Ryan Cole leads men on a journey to add hope and light after loss. After having multiple miscarriages, a stillbirth, and battling infertility, Ryan connects with other men to provide hope and a path through the pain.

  • Follow along The Journey!

    Instagram: @withlovedonia
    TikTok: @vibewithdonia

  • Join Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Edmond, Oklahoma as we walk through the entire Bible together in one year! Episodes will be published daily beginning January 1st, 2022 but we encourage you to jump in when you can! The format will be an Old Testament reading, followed by a Psalm, then ending with a New Testament reading. All readers of this podcast are members of Holy Trinity. We are grateful for their volunteerism and commitment to this project. Blessings as you join us on this endeavor!

  • This is a place for all ex-Amish can get together and tell their stories , because so many ex-Amish leave and don't know witch way to turn for morals, understanding, and leadership.

    We will discuss at length:

    1- Faith in God

    2- The importance of morals

    3- Growing up Amish

    4- Leadership

    5- Our Country

    6- The Future

    So you can hear the stories of others and get important life advice or just simply listen to some good, clean, and valuable entertainment.

    I also just like to talk and connect with people so reach out !
    Phone number: 641-954-5726
    Email: [email protected]

  • Come, Follow Me is a latter-day saint (LDS) podcast that provides unique insights and thoughts to augment the church's official curriculum.

  • Visit The Legacy Room, where Dr. Abner Chou and Dr. Nathan Busenitz discuss foundational doctrines fo the Christian life. These conversations will help you better understand the essential beliefs of the Christian life, convictions The Master's Seminary has always taught and will always defend.

  • The world is thirsty for empathy. In this podcast, Kim Smiley interviews some of the most empathetic people on the planet, inspiring you to harness the power of empathy in your own life.

  • On the Pure Possibilities Podcast, we will explore the powerful links between emotions, mindset, and energy, practical tips and real-life stories to help you break free from limitations and find joy in your daily life as well as learning how to get better in tune with your true authentic self.  Together, let's align your heart, mind, energy and soul.  

    Follow Shannon @pure_possibilities on Instagram or Shannon Danielle on Facebook for daily inspiration! 

    Subscribe to the Pure Possibilities Podcast and share the show with someone you love! We're all in this together!  Let's get to it!! Much love, Shannon 

    Click here to connect with Shannon!

  • Lead your wife.

    Makes sense, right?

    Want a different experience in your marriage?

    Get your wife to give you different experiences.

    Influence and motivate her to do that.

    Not in a manipulative way, but rather in a way that ministers.

    But to be true to this, you must be in a place where you can consistently give her different (increasingly better) experiences.

    Here’s a secret brother. You are always leading her whether you know it or not.

    And you have led her to a place where she gives you unhappy experiences.

    And you have blamed her. You have shamed her. You have deflected responsibility for this unhappy marriage to her. You have defended yourself despite the fact that, you have led her to this reality.

    Want to fix it?

    Lead her on purpose, by getting there first and attracting her into the space of being able to provide increasingly better experiences for a spouse.

    The sad thing is... most men get stuck in blaming, shaming, defending, and deflecting until they get on the phone with me or one of my coaches -- desperate for help to try to avoid a devastating divorce.

    The get on the phone with me because I’ve helped thousands of men to turn their failing marriage around... to create the Have It All Marriage... a marriage that empowers them to achieve everything they want in life.... even if she is refusing to talk, has moved out, or is filing divorce papers when he gets on the phone with me.

    And the way that I do this, is I teach them to lead their wife from a place of being a Real Man.

    Real men take radical responsibility and extreme ownership over all the results in their life.

    Any man who has achieved any level of success works hard to get better at the how every day.

    Any man who has achieved any level of success works hard to get more clear on the why ever day.

    But what men are not taught is the what and the how and the why will never get him the results he desires unless he becomes the ’who’ -- a man who gets real about where he is leading himself and his wife.

    Until he understands that he, himself, is what is holding him back, he is a blamer... a shamer... a deflector... and a defender... and he is his own biggest obstacle.

    And sadly, while he, himself, pays a steep price for this posing, ultimately it’s his wife and his kids who pay the most.

    What is now necessary, is for strong men to rise up and refuse to pose, but instead take ownership of their own weakness, transcend it, and lead.

    What is now necessary is a revolution of fake, posing men, one man at a time, from the inside out. Each man who has been taught to be fake and to pose from a very young age, by a society that is designed to keep men down on purpose... must rise. Each man must rise to become the man WHO can transcend the blame, the shame, the defense, and the deflection... and to deal with the real.

    And this is impossible for a man operating alone. And because men are taught by this society to operate alone, they are being held down while believing they are a victim of their wife, their kids, their job, their business, the marketplace, or any number of things outside of their control.

    Yet the man who joins a brotherhood, joins a revolution, a movement, where he is no longer operating alone; but rather, inside of a group of men who live differently... a group of men who hold themselves accountable to lead their wife, by first learning how to lead themself... that man begins to rise... and to deliver a consistent level of increasingly better experiences to his wife, his kids, his clients, and his Creator.

    I’m Bob Gerace, and I call this brotherhood: The Real Man Revolution.

    Join us, brother. We’re changing the world, one man at a time from the inside out.

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  • Inspiring stories of Kadampa Buddhists sharing how their meditation journey started, what their favourite practices are, what difficulties they have encountered along the way and how they use meditation to overcome them.

    We'll be posting a new Kadampa Story often, so make sure to subscribe to enjoy each new story.

    This podcast series is hosted by Kadampa Meditation Centre Australia, it isn't the official Kadampa podcast channel - for that, you can find wonderful short teachings at:

  • We are all just trying to make sense of our uncertain times. What if there were timeless wisdom we can draw from?

    Narellan Community Congregational Church is a faith community in the southwest of Sydney, Australia, seeking the free, full, and forever life Jesus promised. In his teaching and example we have found timeless wisdom for uncertain times.

    The episodes of this podcast provide recordings of our weekly sermons or a deep dive into a topic arising out of those sermons. If you have any questions, comments, or kudos, you can contact us via our website at We would love to hear from you!

    On our website you will find show notes for each episode, videos, links, and other resources to help you on your journey.

  • It may seem easy to judge a book by its cover, but behind every book stands many, many peopleโ€”not only authors, but also editors, designers, marketers, and salespeople, among others. On Behind the Books: A Podcast from IVP Academic, we take the posture of curious learners to explore the humanity behind and within the publishing process, enjoying the intellectual and faith journeys that have brought us to this one-of-a-kind calling.

    In our first season of the Behind the Books podcast, we focus on a milestone publication recently released, the second edition of The Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, what we affectionately call โ€œthe DPL2.โ€ We think the best way to do that is to hand the mic (literally!) to the three volume editors: the biblical scholars Scot McKnight, Lynn Cohick, and Nijay Gupta. For eleven episodes, theyโ€™ll take us on a deep dive into the DPL2 with interviews and conversation with contributors, to share insights from the planning, research, writing, and editing process, and (in the season finale) to take a look back at the creation of the first edition of the DPL thirty years ago.