Slovenia – Recommended podcasts
What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.
Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders. -
Welcome to the two/thirds podcast hosted by Jelly and Slogo
Pred ameriškimi volitvami, ki bodo potekale 5. novembra, so novinarji radia, televizije in MMC-ja v skupnem projektu pripravili niz pogovorov o različnih vidikih današnje ameriške družbe, od znanosti, gospodarstva do glasbe in športa. Vabljeni k spremljanju videokastov ZDA 2024.
Dobrodošla v Parbati podcastu, kjer Nastja in Ines razbijata tabuje o ženski cikličnosti, hormonih, spolnosti, plodnosti, bio hackingu za ženske in še kaj. Ta podcast je prostor, kjer nobena tema ni tabu ali prepovedana. V vsaki epizodi bova delili preproste skrivnosti, ki ti bodo pomagale boljše razumeti svoje žensko telo, od tega kaj ti sporoča tvoja menstruacija, kako obvladovati svoje hormone s prehrano in načinom življenja, pa do tega kako si lahko izboljšaš svoje počutje, produktivnost, telesno zmogljivost in užitek s tem, da živiš v skladu s svojo žensko cikličnostjo.
If you experience constant money worries, health problems, guilt feelings, fear, procrastination, inability to speak up for yourself, marital problems, confusion about your life, vitality, and so on, releasing will give you a powerful, unique, and very practical tool that will dramatically improve the quality and effectiveness of your life.
The Release Technique™, developed by Larry Crane with the guidance of expert Lester Levenson, can help eliminate the negativity associated with life’s challenges. -
Welcome to Freedom Humor! with Host Nani Reno, the podcast where no politician, policy, or scandal is too sacred to mock.
As I expose the harsh realities of government corruption and advocate for justice for all. "Freedom Humor" is a podcast that delves into the darkest corners of government dealings, shining a light on the ways in which they use the working class to line their own pockets and perpetuate poverty. The way the powers at be play their chess game, have always played their chess game and use The People as pawns to gain power, control and money.
Each episode, I'll be digging deep into the facts, analyzing data that brings you a clear-eyed view of the truth.
From rigged elections to police brutality, from environmental destruction to economic inequality, we'll cover it all.
We’ll speaking on the devastating impacts of colonialism and systemic oppression has had on indigenous communities, POC and The People in general.
Sharing knowledge is a door we can use create a better future for all. It’s our responsibility to ensure history does not repeat itself. That's why I'm committed to using any platform given, to amplify marginalized voices and promote transparency between government and the people. -
Was the moon landing faked? Did Shakespeare actually pen his works? And were the pyramids really built by aliens? In History's Greatest Conspiracies, Rob Attar takes a deep dive into the theories in the company of expert historians to uncover if there's any truth behind the murky myths.
History’s Greatest Conspiracy Theories is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. For more fascinating stories from the past, head to HistoryExtra, the home of ‘History’s Greatest’ podcasts. There you can find other feeds including History’s Greatest Cities and HistoryExtra LongReads. Find out more at
We'd love to know what you think about the podcast, so leave us a review and let us know the topics you think we should be covering. Or, follow us on Facebook, X, Instagram or YouTube to keep in touch.
You can listen ad-free to this podcast and more by subscribing to HistoryExtra Plus here: -
Podkast o aktualnih političnih vprašanjih, kjer Delovi novinarki sprašujeta kompetentne analitike in politične voditelje. Gre za pogovorno oddajo, kjer novinarki z gostom soočata različna mnenja, ugotovitve ali informacije in na podlagi tega gostov ter gledalcem in poslušalcem ponudimo kredibilne informacije na podlagi katerih si izoblikujejo mnenje.
Voditeljici: Suzana Kos in Barbara Eržen -
Der Podcast über Trends, News und den Alltagsgeschichten aus dem Leben von zwei Freunden aus Deutschland und Norwegen. Perfekt gegen Langeweile und Einsamkeit! In diesem Podcast kann alles lustig sein.
Agriculture is our only business. From Crops, Machinery, Swine, Dairy, Beef, and Poultry we have the resources and tools to maximize your efficiency and effective marketing management.
Poročila oziroma zadnja kratka informativna oddaja Radia Slovenija. Podkast ima angleško ime, da ga lažje prikličete na pametnih napravah. Je kopija podkast vira Novice Radia Slovenija.
📍Najbolj pokrito odkrit podcast v Sloveniji
🎙️Voditeljica: Kaja Grozina
🤫Pokrij se in odkrivaj z nami!
🎬 Vsak teden nova epizoda in novi gostje 🗽 -
World leading experts, artists, actors and enthusiasts - all having a foot in the world of the Vikings - come together in Grimfrost's podcast. Grimfrost is the world's largest community and webshop for people interested in the Vikings. The podcast is launched to commemorate Grimfrost's 10th anniversary in 2024 as part of our quest to build a bridge between the past and the present.
Podkast Vidno polje širi misijo TAM-TAM Inštituta in gleda čez ramo oblikovalkam in oblikovalcem plakatov. Z izbranimi gosti opazujemo in razpravljamo o njihovih delih, kreativnih postopkih in o vlogi plakata v družbi ter smo pozorni na vizualne podobe, ki na javnih površinah ulovijo naš pogled. Da se razširi naše vidno polje, podkast uziramo mesečno. Pogovore vodita Nejc Bahor - Biga in Peter Kuntarič - Kunta. Ustvarjeno v studiu Radia Študent. Po dobrem plakatu se dan pozna!
Pravijo, da v politiki ni naključij, če pa so, so skrbno načrtovana … V podcastu Politika in kokice se pogovarjamo o aktualnem dogajanju v politiki, njenem zakulisju, medijih in družbi in še čem. Naslonjeni nazaj, s skledo kokic in veliko potrpljenja :)
Podkast, v katerem si psihoterapevtka dr. Andreja Pšeničny in ekonomist dr. Marko Pahor diskretno postavljata vprašanja o vsem, kar vpliva na kakovost življenja in drzno iščeta odgovore.
Sva Živa in Brina, sestri v Kristusu. To je najin podkast, kjer bova govorili o Bogu. Do nebes je katoliški podkast. Tukaj bova z vami delili radosti, preizkušnje, misli in utrinke najinih življenj z Bogom. Pridruži se nama in klepetaj z nama o Gospodu, našem Očetu.
Your favorite movie guy and his guests recommend the movies we made and the movies that made us. Deep dives, reviews and conversations are ahead come aboard and get Rec’d!
The online world can be a breeding ground for hate. But why do some people behave the way they do on social media?
In each episode, the BBC's Disinformation and social media correspondent Marianna Spring - one of the most trolled BBC journalists - dives into her inbox and investigates a different extraordinary case of online hate to find out.
She meets the people at the heart of these conflicts, and in some cases brings them together, to see if understanding - even forgiveness - is ever possible.
Goldman Sachs leaders and analysts break down the key issues moving markets in this weekly podcast.
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