Arts – Slovenia – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.
    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to Robbie Williams and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • I'm an executive coach based in Tokyo. In this podcast, you will hear how celebrities and leaders try to overcome the struggles that we all face, but are usually too shy to talk about.

  • Adam Anders is a television and music producer who has sold more than 100 million albums and in recent years has become one of the most in-demand Executive Producers for music-driven film and television. Anders is the CEO of Anders Media, and its record label Deep Well Records, a sub-label of Capitol Music Group. Host Gordon Cox (contributing theatre editor at VARIETY and host of VARIETY’s Stagecraft Podcast on The Broadway Podcast Network) helps drive this amazing collection of conversations with Adam including adapting The Prom from stage to screen for Netflix, creating the original sound of Glee for Ryan Murphy, and even why he decided to step away from an incredibly successful career writing songs for top pop artists around the world.

  • Two-Time World Acrobaticgymnastics Champion, USA Gymnastics Hall of Famer, Cirque Du Soleil artist and RAINN Advocate Shenea Stiletto discusses the Circus Arts Industry Lifestyle, Innovation within the Circus Arts, and explores circus and acrobatic gymnastics competitive life as she has lived it from past to current and what the future may bring. Each episode of Circuspreneur Podcast, Shenea Stiletto will bring you insight through her own experiences with the addition of special guests as well.

  • Hi Everyone,

    Welcome to The Mindful Dancer Podcast. I am your host Emma from 100%You Athletics and I am so excited that you have joined me today.

    The Mindful Dancer Podcast is for dancers who are interested in the power of mindfulness. In each episode, I will share a different concept that will hopefully challenge your current views and help you understand the importance of mindful training and mindful living.

    Enjoy :)


  • The Beyond the Stage podcast is brought to you by the Learning & Engagement team at Singapore Repertory Theatre (SRT). The podcast aims to inspire and inform young people and professionals to pursue and learn about the arts, igniting conversation amongst industry peers. The programme focuses on Arts Education, Careers, Community, Access and Professional development.

  • Short podcast stating a few reasons why you should start cooking

  • Blažev odtis je podcast, kjer se prepletajo barvite zgodbe iz vsakdanjega življenja in zanimivi pogledi na svet, z osebnim pečatom. Vsaka epizoda prinaša mojo strast do kulinarike in edinstvene poglede, od okusnih receptov do navdihujočih dogodkov, ki bogatijo vsakdanje življenje. S sloganom "Okusno barviti čvek" skozi svoje izkušnje, mnenja in nasvete ustvarjam prostor za sproščene pogovore, polne ustvarjalnosti, okusa in mojega osebnega odtisa.

  • Filmmaker & KIOS producer, Joshua LaBure, discusses cinema with a rotating cast of filmmakers, cinephiles and critics. Every Friday! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.

  • „Textil für Morgen“ ist der Podcast über die Zukunft & Nachhaltigkeit in der textilen Branche von Südwesttextil, dem Verband der baden-württembergischen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie. Wir möchten Unternehmen bestärken, gemeinsam die Herausforderungen der nachhaltigen Zukunft und Entwicklung anzugehen und aktiv zu werden. Dafür sprechen wir mit Branchenvertreter*innen über Transformationsprozesse, Innovationen und ihre Perspektiven auf das Thema Nachhaltigkeit.

  • Before the Shutter is named for both what we see presented in front of the camera and also what takes place before the shutter is released.
    Discussions around photographic techniques and principles.
    What makes a great piece of photographic art.
    Occasional equipment reviews, tips and tricks.
    Check out my work at
    instagram -
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    Blog -

  • 22 institute Podcast - Vaš vodnik po lepotni industriji, trajnem ličenju (PMU), postopkih za kamuflažo brazgotin in strij (SMC) ter navdihujočih zgodbah iz vsakdanjega življenja.

    Voditeljica podcasta je Tatjana Damjanović, ustanoviteljica in vodja 22 institute, ki trenutno deluje kot mentorica za mlade podjetnice v lepotni industriji. Tatjana pomaga dekletom, ki se soočajo s težavami in iščejo načine, kako razvijati svoje poslovanje in rasti kot profesionalke. Njena strast do lepotne industrije in želja po podpiranju žensk v poslovnem svetu prinašata edinstven vpogled v vse izzive in priložnosti, ki jih to področje ponuja.

    V epizodah se bodo pogovarjali o različnih vidikih dela v lepotni industriji, delili nasvete za uspešno poslovno pot in se dotaknili tem iz osebnega življenja.

  • V dialogu z mislečimi, umetniki, drugimi, robnimi, v dialogu s svetom,
    kolikor ga čutim kot breme ali priložnost in možnost. Dialog omogoča
    dihanje, čutenje pa tudi presenečenje. Zatorej podcast POGOVARJA SE FRANCI KAPLER.

  • Nuggets is a series of small audio dramas designed to pack a big punch, as the show tagline says, "big truths in small doses."

  • A kingdom burdened by war, taxes, and a tyrannical monarch ...

    As England struggles to carry on in the absence of the good King Richard, other forces begin gathering to grab power. Meanwhile, those who suffer most are the common folk, crushed under the weight of excessive taxation and lawlessness.

    Rich soundscapes, original music, and compelling voice acting bring the medieval world of Robin Hood to life, immersing listeners in an epic tale of bravery and justice--in a way you've never heard before.

  • Dive into the world of Sherlock Holmes Daily, where the intrigue and intelligence of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's most famous detective come to life in a modern daily format. Enjoy fresh, engaging episodes that explore classic mysteries and new adventures, ensuring a daily dose of deduction for Holmes enthusiasts and newcomers alike. - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free!

  • Silent generation is a Chicago based cultural analysis podcast that surveys the cultural consequences of urban renewal and car-oriented development in the mid-20th century. It explores what was lost between the silent generation and generation Z, pointing to negative outcomes (nihilism, regional homogeneity, and low trust societies) and potential antidotes (subcultures, secular social movements, and individual moral codes). Topics discussed include art, fashion, politics, history and urbanism.

    Find us on Instagram: silent.generation

  • After grieving my cousins murder and a breakup. I found myself stuck in a rut and a very dark place. I felt very low. I lacked motivation, I felt alone, I tried to keep myself distracted to avoid the actual feelings of the things I was experiencing, I lost some jobs, friends, and etc. I made decisions that weren’t quite thought out, and now I’m picking up the pieces and enjoying this healing process! The MakeUp Series is about speaking your truth and finding the rejuvenated version of yourself. A fancface can’t thrive in a broken place!”
    IG: @theemakeupseries
    Join FB group

  • Meaningful conversations about the craft of film photography.

  • Art Lessons for Art Teachers. This podcast provides you with an art supply list, set-up and clean-up tips, step-by-step instructions, and links to graphics. You will have everything you need for each art lesson.