Kids & Family – Unkari – Uudet podcastit
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Üdvözlünk a Waldorf Útravalók podcast csatornán!
Célunk, hogy közelebb hozzuk a Waldorf pedagógia gazdag világát azokhoz, akik egy gyermekközpontú, harmonikus nevelési szemléletet keresnek. A pécsi Mandulafa Waldorf inspiráló közegéből indulva epizódjaink olyan alapértékeket mutatnak be, mint a természet tisztelete, az élet ritmusainak megélése, az egyéni képességek kibontakoztatása és az egész életen át tartó tanulás szeretete.
Köszönjük, ha támogatásoddal hozzájárulsz az új tartalmak elkészítéséhez! -
HAMUBAN SÜLT POGÁCSA - A holisztikus gyermeknevelés magazinja.
Magazinunk útravalót kínál mindazoknak,
akik gyermekük és önmaguk testi, mentális és érzelmi egészségét szem előtt tartva,
holisztikusan gondolkodnak a gyermeknevelésről, bízva a mesék varázslatos erejében is.
Olyan témákat járunk körül, amelyek nemcsak olvasóként izgalmasak, de általuk felkészíthetjük gyermekeinket a rájuk váró életcsatákra is.
Írásainkat szülőknek, nagyszülőknek, pedagógusoknak, gyermekekkel foglalkozó szakembereknek egyaránt ajánljuk. -
《给宝宝的睡前故事》是一本专为宝宝们打造的温馨童话集。在这个特别的故事集中,你会发现一系列充满爱和魔幻的故事,每一篇都是为了陪伴宝宝进入梦乡而编写的。 Bedtime Stories for Babies" is a heartwarming collection of fairy tales specially crafted for little ones. Within this special storybook, you'll discover a series of tales brimming with love and magic, each one written to accompany babies into dreamland.
Trial in English kindergarten stories The Little Red Hen
Enter the enchanting world of "Winnie The Pooh," where friendship, simplicity, and wisdom shine through every adventure. A.A. Milne’s beloved characters—from Pooh to Piglet, Tigger, and Eeyore—teach us life lessons in kindness, curiosity, and contentment. This heartwarming series is perfect for listeners of all ages, offering timeless tales of friendship and wonder in the Hundred Acre Wood.
In this podcast, Bry and Jay seek to empower and uplift parents by reminding them why they chose to give their children the gift of homeschooling. Our goal is to reframe and redefine the stereotype of homeschooled kids as we highlight the positives and explore the negatives with honesty and hope. Presented by the Homeschool CARE Foundation.
Welcome to "Modern Dad Life," where hosts Brett and Phil dive into the multifaceted world of fatherhood in today's fast-paced world. This podcast explores the highs and lows of raising children—everything from toddler tantrums to navigating the complexities of growing up. If you’re a parent looking for guidance, support, and camaraderie, you’re in the right place. Whether you're dealing with diapers or preparing for the first day of school, "Modern Dad Life" blends candid discussions, personal stories, and insightful tips to redefine what it means to be a 'good dad' in the 21st century.
What if we did modern womanhood differently?
Global Top 5% in Self Improvement, the Unboxable Podcast offers SOULFUL INSPIRATION, SELF-DEVELOPMENT AND MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES FOR WOMEN IN SERVICE ready to explore their gentle power | This 5-star-rated gem offers outside-the-box conversations with multidisciplinary guests from all over the world.... go from running around without a moment to yourself to relaxed, full of joy, and with the energy to show up as the best woman, and HUMAN, possible. + Self-development + Real-life stories + Soulful recovery + Conscious living. Host and somatic practitioner Alena Turley interviews amazing guests candidly sharing how they have found courage, love, trauma-recovery, and healing.
Start with our most played episodes
— Lael Stone on Aware Parenting and Navigating Trauma
— Dawn Agnos, Empath and Medium on Being a Sustainable Human
SCROLL DOWN for Episodes ⬇⬇
This is a podcast about women, friendship, motherhood and more. Join Kallie Branciforte, Caitlin Houston, Megan Schinella and Charlotte Smith as they discuss everything from navigating careers to parenting challenges to the science experiment that is aging as a woman. With humor, honesty and authenticity, Just 4 Moms is the conversation you have with your girlfriends around the kitchen counter.
The Town Mouse And The Country Mouse
Meséimet óvodásoknak és bölcsisiknek írom. Egyszerű, rövid, vidám mesék. A bakonyi hegység végigkíséri a történeteket, melyekben a természet, az állatok szeretete dominál.
Főszereplője a történeteknek egy kisfiú, aki barátaival: a lóval, a cicával és láthatatlan rókával él az erdő közepén.
A élet szeretetére tanítok, a pozitív gondolkodás járja át a mesék történeteit.
Kívánom minden gyermeknek, hogy merjen nagyot álmodni és higgyen saját magában!
Vica -
Putting a modern twist on storytelling, Urban Kidz Chronicles is a podcast showcasing child-friendly, captivating stories that will inspire a generation.
Listen to original stories written by your host, ShaQuina Stanley, that explore life lessons and hot topics including social media, hip-hop culture, and all things cool kids want to do, be and hear!
Focusing on culturally relevant storytelling through an engaging and fresh approach to literature, with the aim of helping children to enjoy thought-provoking discussions and develop reading and comprehension skills.
Perfect for imaginative kids, this podcast delivers entertainment that educators, teachers, parents, and children alike will love, featuring beautifully narrated adventures, all of which help kids to push the limits of their imagination while invoking critical thinking.
Celebrating different cultures and walks of life, each episode offers the opportunity to analyze, celebrate and discover a fresh perspective on living and learning. And remember, if you want to find out about more standards-aligned and academic curricula – check out our worksheets and activities that go alongside the stories! Visit hiphopteaching/podcast or Hip Hop Teaching on -
Learn all about cat behavior, tips and tricks for owning a cat, community cat information, and even fun cat facts! Support this podcast:
دندانپزشکی به زبان ساده اما صحیح
ما در طرح لبخند به دنیای دندان و دندانپزشکی قدم میذاریم و تلاش میکنیم به زبان ساده اما صحیح، نکته ها و شگفتیهای اون رو برای شما رمزگشایی کنیم.
در این مسیر سعی میکنیم مهمانهای عزیزی رو هم در جمع خودمون داشته باشیم که در گفتگو با ما شریک بشن و در تکمیل بحت به ما کمک کنند.
ما برای محتوای پادکست یک مسیر در نظر گرفتیم، از آغاز حیات انسان آغاز میکنیم و قدم به قدم جلو میریم و ملاحظات دندانپزشکی رو درباره این مراحل زندگی بررسی میکنیم
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Buford, Justin, and Ty Barrett discuss anything and everything that has to do with stock dogs. Their combined experience as trainers, trialers, judges as well as their Oklahoma country charm puts them in a unique position to help people learn more about this amazing sport through their stories and lessons in this podcast
Your host Alley, is a mom, clinical director, therapist and entrepreneur; she's a doctoral student with expertise in education, counselling psychology, child/adolescent development, and supporting neurodivergent kids and their parents (and educators) as they navigate, advocate for and celebrate neurodiversity. She's candid, open, and has a knack for breaking things down into digestible and relatable bites; did I mention she only rolls with science-backed strategies? In each episode, she explores issues inspired by her practice and real-life experience where, of course, Science Drives.
Just the nightly story time routine of Rumi n his Ummi
Az UNICEF Magyarország új, hatrészes minisorozatában Mészáros Antónia az UNICEF Magyarország ügyvezető igazgatója és Szlankó Viola, az UNICEF Magyarország gyermekvédelmi igazgatója olyan szakemberekkel beszélget, akik napi szinten találkoznak a fiatalokat érintő legnagyobb kihívásokkal. Olyan témákról, amelyek napjainkban a legnagyobb kihívásokat jelentik a kisgyermekek és fiatalok szüleinek, családjainak. Kapcsold be! kéthetente csütörtökönként 19:00-tól az UNICEF Magyarország YouTube csatornáján és a legnagyobb podcast megosztókon.
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