Unkari – Uudet podcastit
پادکست چیپتون کار خود را از اواخر اردیبهشت ماه سال 1398 شروع کردهاست. قرار بر این است که هر هفته به خبرها و رویدادهای مهم صنعت بازی در ایران و جهان پرداخته و نیز سری به ارتباط هنر هشتم با دیگر ابعاد سرگرمی خواهیمزد.
Hi! I'm Mark CMG Clover, host of The Okay Grognard Show (podcast, videos, and more). I live in beautiful Lake Geneva, the birthplace of D&D, and I'm the Owner/Author/Publisher at Creative Mountain Games. I run regular 1E AD&D games and play lots of other wargames, boardgames, and card games, too! Let's talk games and be positive as we promo our hobby in every way we can. Thanks for being a part of this!
Role playing, D&D, Table top gaming, miniature games, wargames
A True Crime Podcast, by Brandi & Kelli. Join us, as we hop aboard the crazy train and talk about bitches who just ain't right!
Listen to us talk about movies you’ll love; indie, mainstream, and everything in between.
The 1331 Chapter starts now. Looking for in-depth analysis of all things horror. Join us weekly with new chapters. As we go over all things horror: New horror movies, Top 10 Countdown, What’s streaming , Horror news, Serial killers, and so much more. The 1331 has three horror hosts. Ripper, The Thunder, and Mistress of the Monsters Lanna. Come and Join The Cult.
Welcome to Trinity Talks podcast (formerly "Trinity Church Sermons"). Topics include: weekly sermons, human interest, pastor chats, mental health and more from Trinity Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), Arlington VA. Visit us on the web at www.trinityarlington.org!
In each episode, our software-generated hosts break down top industry stories, analyze trends, and provide expert insights. Whether it's new car releases, market shifts, or technological advancements, we’ve got you covered with real-time discussions, powered by AI. Tune in for engaging, data-driven conversations that keep you informed and ahead of the curve in the fast-paced world of cars!
Stay connected with the future of automotive news—powered by tech, tailored for you. 🚗 -
Join Associate Professor Dipendra KC from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University as he explores the use of AI in communicating research on civil society, sustainability, social entrepreneurship, and global development. Each human guided, AI generated episode examines recent studies, offering perspectives on global issues. This podcast unpacks research findings from social ventures to sustainability practices, making them accessible to academics, practitioners, and curious listeners. Tune in for discussions that connect theory and practice in our changing world.
This is the podcast for my YouTube channel (SmithstonianCG) where I code and game!
Um lugar pra transbordar.
Ez a Podcast egy beszélgetős műsor makettezésről, makettezőknek, makettezőktől. Jajj de elcsépelt, de hát komolyan így van ... Szóval, ilyen is van már.
Nagyon várjuk a visszajelzéseket. -
The NOJO Podcast will give weekly updates and insight into the season of your favorite NOJO players, hear behind the scenes stories, learn about their team, and so much more.
Welcome to Blind Optimism the podcast dedicated to the upliftment and edification of Gods People. Here on Blind Optimism we focus on transforming the mind through the gospel of Jesus. Through diving into his word we are able to motivate, inspire and elevate our level of consciousness to be more equipped to handle life’s daily challenges and concerns. Come with me as we journey into exploring the love of God and His purpose for our lives.
Exploring how God chooses broken people for His glory and our good.
A chosen Generation, A royal priesthood, a holy Nation, God's own special people.
Ad Fontes è un podcast che parla della teologia, della storia e dell’apologetica della fede cristiana per incoraggiare e aiutare ogni italiano a riscoprire come il Vangelo di Gesù Cristo è vero, buono e bello. Infatti, ogni generazione di cristiani deve riscoprire il Vangelo per applicarlo nella propria epoca. Il nostro desiderio è di vedere al presente una nuova riforma spirituale nelle chiese cristiane italiane. Unisciti a noi ogni settimana per una conversazione sugli aspetti che contano della fede cristiana da una prospettiva teologica riformata.
A havi rendszerességű műsorunkban vendégeinkkel Radóczy Jusztina beszélget életútjukról, különös tekintettel sajátos hivatásukra, amelyre Isten meghívta őket. A keresztény ember legfontosabb küldetése az, hogy tanúságot tegyen Krisztusról. Kilépve önmagából, a fogyasztói mentalitásból mások felé.
A Közelről magazin kitűzött célja az, hogy ”testközelből” találkozhassunk olyan emberekkel, akik elkötelezték magukat a szolgálatra az egyházban. Mik az erőforrásaik és mik a buktatók hivatásukban? Miért jobb másokért élni, mint csak önmagunknak? -
The Time Fix Podcast is a podcast for everyone who wants to improve their relationship with time, to become more productive and get more done.
Welcome to Inspired Teams.
Life is too short. We need to enjoy it by working in human-centered organizations that are worthy of receiving the best that we have to offer. I’m finding our new role models – creators and rebels WHO make working together better. They’re in dynamic, inventive environments that are as creative, courageous, and adaptable as we are. We’ll hear their journey and way of being plus guideposts and methods for how they’re co-creating innovative workplaces focused on dynamic leadership and inspired teams. I’m your host - Catherine Jaeger - Näytä enemmän