Liettua – Uudet podcastit

  • Two Christian guys navigating the chaos in the world. Surviving Babylon delves into the challenges faced by Christians in today's world. Our aim is to advocate for an authentic Christian lifestyle, viewing modern-day issues through a biblical and spiritual lens. We emphasize the importance of not merely identifying as a Christian or adhering to religious practices, but actively living out the principles of Christianity and striving to align with the perfect will of God. For your convenience, you can find Surviving Babylon on all platforms through our Linktree ( , including our Instagram handle @survivingbabylon_podcast.

  • Свежий взгляд на забытые евангельские истины.

  • Церковь святого Павла проповедует пастор Александр Панков и приглашенные гости.
    Наша церковь:
    «Церковь Святого Павла»- это место ,где разные люди могут найти любовь, принятие, прощение, наставление и поддержку. Наша цель поделиться Благой Вестью с тысячами жителей России и всего мира. Наша мечта о том , чтобы оснастить каждого верующего для важного и значимого служения, помогая ему открыть дары и таланты, дарованные ему Богом.
    Во что мы верим?
    Веруем во Единого Бога, Всемогущего Отца, Вседержителя, Творца неба и земли, всего видимого и невидимого. И в Единого Господа Иисуса Христа, Сына Божия

  • Prienų parapijos jaunimo bendruomenė „Kur 2 ar 3“ dalijasi savo patirtimis ir mintimis.

  • Sermons and devotionals from Mountain View Baptist Church in Tuxedo, North Carolina.

  • A chapter-by-chapter devotional commentary on the entire New Testament. Grow deeper in your faith with total immersion in God's Word! Great for anyone seeking to connect with God through His Word and for in-depth discipleship.

  • Bienvenue sur Samourai Dansant.

    Créée par un voyageur vivant au Japon, ce canal vise à partager des idées sur la condition humaine, à explorer différentes cultures et perspectives, et à prendre soin de notre santé mentale.

    Rejoignez-moi pour découvrir des analyses et réflexions sur les événements qui ont un impact profond sur notre monde, ainsi que sur les œuvres de grands penseurs tel que Nietzsche.

  • Ar galima restorane nemokamai gauti vandens? Kokios išmokos priklauso netekus artimojo? Kada suplyšęs įsigytas drabužis laikomas brokuotu, o kada - tai mūsų kaltė? Kiek didelių gabaritų atliekų galima atiduoti nemokamai, o kada už jas reikia susimokėti? LRT Radijo laida „DUK“ užduos šiuos klausimus už jus ir pateiks atsakymus, kurių kartais patingime paieškoti. LRT Radijo laida nepaliks jūsų nežinioje - kas mums, kaip vartotojams priklauso ir kada apie tai net nežinome? Ved. Austėja Kuskienė

  • Dead Hearts Club is a podcast about the decisions that define the hearts of every living human: the moments we decide to do what seems intolerably vulnerable, and hard, then doing it again (and again and again) because not living this way carries with it a much greater risk.

    Nestled here, between craggy emotional outcroppings and the shared love of a well-timed dick joke, are conversations about the kind of vulnerability that makes you feel like you're gonna die (in a good way).

    Heart-warming and obscene, hilarious and absolutely uncensored, Dead Hearts Club is hosted by Morgan Wade, and co-host, Bria Anderson.

  • Converse with Clover Podcast is a platform of truth, facts, fun, and support for women. So, whether you’re looking for inspiration, an honest conversation with special guests, invigorated personally or professionally, or need to step out of your everyday life, be sure to listen in.

    About our Host: Dr. Clover A. Perez is an active speaker on criminal justice reform, a motivational speaker, and the founder of A Beautiful HEART Ministries and Seven65 Ventures. Dr. Perez has a deep intuition that allows her to accurately connect the dots between women, their stories, and their power. She helps women believe they are more significant than their obstacles and more robust than their struggles. She encourages women to think about a plan for their lives, execute it, and prosper without permission or regret. Join us on the Converse with Clover Podcast as we discuss all the intricacies of being a woman.

  • When has life ever been easy? We have tools, technology, and media available at our fingertips, yet we struggle to keep up. Is the problem really more resources faster? Or are we struggling to find real, meaningful connections with other people? Kindness is the key to all of that. Kindness is the spark in a first impression and it is the fuel that keeps our most meaningful relationships alive. Whether in work, play, or personal interactions, we all could use more kindness in our lives. When we choose kindness, the world gets better!

  • Heather Allison is the Sacred Feminine, Soul + Shamanic Guide for women who are here for something MORE. A Destiny Accelerator, she helps her clients step into the lives, the Love, the Success, the Magic and the experiences they have always been meant for.
    Her work has been described as “unimaginable transformation,” “revolutionary,” “whole-life changing,” and “by far the most important work I’ve ever done” by the women who have experienced it.

    She is an Activator of those who are here to be Activators. The Divine Feminine guide for Divine Feminine guides. And a mentor for every woman who desires to walk a path full of Miracles, and live a life of Beauty and Purpose.

    Through her signature Mystery School, Golden Goddess, Heather teaches the principles and practices from her reality-changing methodology called Sacred Harmonic Energetics™ (S.H.E.). These are Energetic, Shamanic, Emotional, Subconscious, as well as highly-practical and real-life tools that support everything we crave as humans: Deep Love, Soul Aligned business and success, clear Intuition and guidance, personal Power, Harmony, and the fulfillment of our Sacred Destinies.

    Enter the Sacred Feminine Mysteries with her here on The Golden Path — and go deeper into the More you're meant for at (

  • Многие смотрели сериал.
    Ещё больше людей играло в игры.
    Но вот с книжным оригиналом знакомо меньше всего людей.
    Хочется исправить это и донести до людей оригинальность, пусть и в моём восприятии. Произведения читаю в третий раз. И в третий раз восхищаюсь.

    Ссылка для ознакомления со мной, поддержки и прочей радости:

  • В Болгар Капитал Подкаст разгръщаме красотата на света на инвестициите в недвижими имоти, финансите и предприемачеството. Забравете за обикновените подкасти. Това е пътеводител към финансовия успех и живота С ИСТИНСКИ СМИСЪЛ от хора, които РЕАЛНО практикуват това, за което говорят!

    Какво да очаквате:

    Изключителни Гости: Слушайте историите на успешни предприемачи, инвеститори и водещи фигури в света на бизнеса. Гости, които споделят своите пътища, провали и триумфи, което ще ви даде неповторими уроци и преживяване.

    Експертни Съвети: Пийте от извора на знанията - Съвети и стратегии от финансови експерти за ежедневие при нас.

    Вдъхновение и Мотивация: Открийте как успехът може да бъде достигнат по различни пътища. Вдъхновяваме ви да мечтаете без граници и да постигате повече.

    Защо Болгар Капитал Подкаст е Уникален:

    Широка Гама от Теми: Покриваме всичко - от инвестиционни стратегии и финансови новини до предприемачески успехи и житейски уроци, които няма да чуете никъде другаде.Реални Истории, Реални Хора: Не сме теоретици, а практици. Информацията, която ще получите тук идва от хора, които са изживели и успели в сферата, за която говорим.Интерактивност и Общност: Ние сме свързани с нашата общност. Вашите въпроси, коментари и идеи са винаги добре дошли, затова често правим именно такива подкасти
  • Each episode Dr. J reads a dramatic passage from one of Shakespeare’s plays and discusses how it and the play its from equip us for life’s challenges as well as giving us the pleasures of art.

  • Молодь, культура, музика та волонтерство!

    Це подкаст про досвід молодих людей із різним середовищем, силу та важливість волонтерства. Ми висвітлюємо надихаючі історії від молоді, яка змінює світ. Приєднуйтесь до нас, щоб дослідити силу молоді, культури, та волонтерство!

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