In which new and old faces are encountered and a new chapter of the realm-hopping mystery unfolds...
Going on a brief hiatus, but we'll be back (soon)ish, dear listener!
In which a library is visited, pasts are remembered, and ships are nibbled upon...
Episodi mancanti?
In which there is some continued contention betwixt heroes and crazy Time Lords...
In which escapes, deceptions, and commands are made...
In which old acquaintances are preemptively met...
In which communications are facilitated...
In which ships run aground, disagreements are had, and milkshakes are drunk...
In which characters are submerged in water, the space-time vortex, and identity crises...
In which our heroes must form a UNITed front...
In which dangers are reencountered and new faces are assumed...
In which an abrupt shift in surroundings is processed, new attire is procured, and some new locals are encountered...
In which terrain is turned and last-minute calls are made...
In which tiers of a current reality are explored and subsequent questions are dodged...
In which magical islands are topographically-themed clocks, or something...
In which the basics of banking and boating are learned...
In which contacts prove useful and shopping is conducted...
In which a new world of magic and technology is explored...
In which our heroes come to terms with changes past, present, and future...
In which sacrifices are made amid attempts to right wrongs...
In which our heroes mount waaay up, inspect beneath their noses, and make a chilling decision...
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