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我是Emily,在Emily報報的頻道中,主要會繞著:自我成長、工作甘苦、世界文化與旅遊時事...等四大主題來談 我之前是一名空服員,在2000多個飛行的日子裡,曾經在飛機上邂逅了,超過七萬名來自世界各地的旅人,帶著大小黑行李箱拖遍五大洲100多個城市。 我一直用自己獨特的方式,記錄著對於這個世界的看法。 請讓我帶著你的思緒,一起翼翔世界吧! 合作聯絡:[email protected] 追起來Instagram,有許多有趣的飛行小故事和彩蛋分享:讚起來Facebook,會有我的精彩寫作和直播內容:訂起來Youtube,有關於我的空服員工作大解密,以及考空姐教學: --Hosting provided by SoundOn
Because everyone has a food story. From our first mouthful of applesauce in front of our adoring family, to our first bite into a jalapeño pepper, and everything in between, food is at the heart of the human experience. We love it. We need it. Food is family and ritual. Fun and work. Sophistication and guilty pleasure, scarcity and overabundance. Food makes us ecstatic and sometimes crazy. Food delights and disappoints. Can you think of a connector that binds us together more universally or seamlessly than our shared relationships with food? That’s what we do in this podcast: Share entertaining, evocative, celebratory, complicated and funny food stories.
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本書是亞洲知名漫畫製作人.IP經紀人.電影導演和監製 :李建興Jack Lee精彩前半生的自傳。他出生於馬來西亞,天生機靈聰慧,而且天生三寸不爛之舌,十六歲即輟學獨自前往發展,做過各行各業,然後在漫畫找到自己的定位,在80年代的香港很快憑漫畫事業創造人生第一桶金。他和香港.台灣日本.馬來西亞等地的漫畫家合作,除了代理銷售漫畫到東南亞各地,也邀請黃玉郎的弟子周聖組成漫畫工作室,出版香港武俠漫畫。在90年代港台漫畫的黃金年代,他日進斗金,風光一時。
人沒有一身順風,接下來Jack 經歷浮浮沉沉,經歷破產,去中國重新開始,回到馬來西亞開始從事電影業。憑著一股不服輸的堅持,再次站起來,堪稱『打不死』。Jack Lee和您分享他經歷的商場謀略,奇人異事,行內不為人知的秘密,和他經歷多次高低潮也不放棄的致勝關鍵,值得您細細品味。
喜歡我的節目,歡迎用ECPay贊助我 :
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薑是老的辣 酒是陳的香兩個高中舊識直到畢業後,才因人生的峰迴路轉而向彼此靠攏【不要駝背 TALKBACK】記錄著初入三字頭的2隻迷途羔羊,對生活的感想與啟發;節目名稱像是在對未知的人生百態呼喊,要記得把背挺起來態度拿出來!請小資女喝杯珍奶: R: 喜怒哀樂,來得快去得也快/ 現在是射手,上昇是射手,這輩子註定是射手/ 雖然喜愛露營,但拒絕野營/ 覺得活潑外向跟怕生是兩回事/ 物質生活是精神糧食/ 在2020年股市熱潮後,什麼都沒做就成為社會底層/ 高雄微北漂/ 景觀建築人- U: ENFP/視手搖如命/SATC & 康熙來了狂粉/喜挑戰社會框架、愛重機有中二病的老人魂/不管是月亮天蠍 人類圖 還是紫微都被再三強調的超強直覺人/對人生百態人性多變充滿好奇心/征戰過台北, 溫哥華, 費城, 矽谷, 希望往更多城市邁進--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Pop culture, gender politics, and developmental psychology in the “Baby-sitters Club”—you didn’t know you needed it.
沒辦法專注讀完一本書?總是找不到想讀的書?PressPlay Academy 耳邊說書,讓各領域說書人為你解讀書本精華知識每天 15 分鐘輕鬆聽!-Podcast 每日更新。想免費聽到 600+本說書?即刻下載 PressPlay Academy App天天登入 PPA App 聽書,還能解鎖逐字稿、心智圖功能!【免費下載 App】|【iOS】|【Android】:|和編輯們說悄悄話:[email protected] provided by SoundOn
Tī o̍h Tâi-gí ê kòe-têng tiong hi-bāng ē-sái sú-iōng ka-kī ê bó-gí lâi thó-lūn ka-kī ū hèng-chhù ê tāi-chì, pau-hâm tān-sī bô hān-chè tī bûn-hòa, gē-su̍t, im-ga̍k, tiān-iáⁿ, le̍k-sú, tiat-ha̍k, gí-giân, má ē ū chú-chia̍h téng-téng ê thó-lūn.
While I started to learn Tâigí (Taiwanese), I hope to be able to use my native language and discuss things I am interested in, including but not limited to culture, art, music, movies, history, philosophy and cooking too.
Tī 學台語 ê 過程中希望會使使用家己 ê 母語來練習順紲討論家己有興趣 ê 代誌, 包含但是無限制 tī 文化,藝術,音樂,電影,歷史,哲學,語言, mā 有煮食等等 ê 討論.
chhiáⁿ siá phoe hō͘ goán 請寫批予阮 goán chiok su-iàu kó͘-lē 阮足需要鼓勵 XD
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twitter► @lajioohformosa
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Hey there, culture enthusiasts, and welcome to The Fern Print Podcast - an unconventional academic exploration into the weird and wonderful facets of pop culture, literature, and everything in-between. Made by a weirdo for fellow weirdos.
Armed with her trusty background in academia, the ability to hyper-fixate possessed only by the neurodivergent, and the holy spirit of inquiry, host Madison Fernway will delve into a whimsically weird and ominously obscure topic, all while aiming to make academic podcasting a little less serious and a lot more accessible.
Trust, dear listener, if you’re a burnt-out gifted kid, a fellow neuro-spicy individual, chronically online, a card-carrying millennial, a lifelong learner, or simply in search of something strange, this show is a little bit of brain food, and mostly fever dream.
( A ) — Aesthetics
( R ) — Ritual
( T ) — Thoughts
easyARTalk — 探索生活中無處不在的美學經驗 ~
不單純只是談論藝術相關的 Podcast... 還包含分享多元的時尚文化思維、生活美學觀點... 等。其中也會探討自我成長與身心靈療癒的話題,幫助大家活得更健康並發掘內在的美與力量。
無論您是美學愛好者、藝術創作者,或是追求自我成長與身心靈和諧的探索者... 歡迎跟我一起體驗這個世界的美好!
E-mail : [email protected]
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Welcome to Jem's Coffee Shop! Feel free to take a seat and sip on your favourite beverage while I talk about anything and everything every Tuesday! Follow @jemscoffeeshop on IG to stay updated! Please email [email protected] for all business inquiries :)
NEW SEASON Dear Daughter: Stars. Namulanta is back with more letters from parents to their children - but this time with a celebrity guest list!Personal stories of family, love, and parenting in the spotlight from guests who are all ‘stars’ in their field.
How does Bollywood star Kalki Koechlin teach her daughter about body standards? Why did TikTokker Mama Seebz go from telling her children to stop scrolling to becoming a content creator herself? What can The Receipts podcaster Audrey Akande teach her daughter about friendship break-ups? And why exactly did Bridgerton actor Adjoa Andoh lurk around building sites while pregnant?
Dear Daughter is an award-winning podcast from the BBC World Service about love, life, family, and raising children. It is the brainchild of Namulanta Kombo, a mother on a quest to create a ‘handbook to life’ for her daughter, through the advice of parents from all over the world.
Each episode, a guest reads a letter they’ve written to their children (or their future children, or the children they never had) with the advice, life lessons, and personal stories they’d like to pass on.
Expect extraordinary true stories, inspirational advice for parents, and moving accounts of families, relationships and raising daughters.
Share your letter! What do you want to say to your kids? Or the next generation? Do you have thoughts on motherhood, fatherhood, or parenthood to share? Whether you are a mum or mom, dad or papa, grandparent, uncle, aunt, daughter, son or just want to write a letter, send us a Whatsapp message on +44 800 030 4404 or visit
You can read our privacy notice here:
Taiwan is patchwork quilt of diverse, motiving personalities. Here, we have politicians who make history, entrepreneurs whose innovations help keep the global economy afloat, and artists who explore creativity in fascinating, inspiring ways. Taiwan Talk shows its listeners the unique perspectives of Taiwan all over the world. From those at home, those abroad, and those who’ve chosen to make this island their home. Taiwan Talk airs on ICRT FM100 at 8am, and in the evening in the 6pm news hour. --Hosting provided by SoundOn
Have you always known you could change the world - if only you could find your car keys on the regular?
Clutter Free Academy is for you. If you want to live clutter free, organized and prepared for anything, this is to podcast you must listen to.
With practical ideas and tons of hope, humor and how-tos, host Kathi Lipp with teach you to live with Less Cutter, More Life. -
Promoting and sharing Fantasy and Science Fiction books that are either lost, forgotten, or need a bigger audience Support this podcast:
my name is anna archer, i'm 22 years old and i'm from the uk <3 welcome to our lil safe space, where i share my thoughts, feelings and reflections. i know what it feels like to struggle and i just want to be a helping hand to as many people as possible. there is no posting schedule (i release an episode when i can), as life is never linear and i'm trying to practice to not put too much pressure on myself xxx
@insideannasmind on instagram <3 (the best community)
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.