"Spaces" is a series by artist and writer Morgan Harper Nichols on cultivating dedicated areas for thinking, reflecting, and imagining. The focus is on practices like journaling, keeping notebooks, and creating digital gardens. These activities are more than just tasks to keep up with; they are spaces to explore and ways to create resources that can benefit various areas of life. From school to work, inner worlds to connecting with the rest of the world, and making art to writing, Morgan shares insights from both her research and personal practices to help you capture details, inspire ideas, cultivate imagination, and foster creativity.
For novelists, memoirists and screenwriters who want to know how stories work so they can finish their manuscripts faster, and without frustration. Each week literary editors Valerie Francis and Melanie Hill explain the craft of storytelling using films as examples. The goal is simple: to learn from writers who have come before us...what worked well and what didn't work so well. If you want to spend more time writing your book/screenplay and less time studying story theory, this podcast is for you.
"The only thing that matters, and that ever will matter, is the story. That's it." - Tom Hanks (Oxford Union 2024) -
Interviews with Scholars of Japan about their New Books
Support our show by becoming a premium member! -
Jim and Della try to find each other the best Christmas present. A short story written by O. Henry.
Reading of Soseki’s ’I am a cat.’
Translated and read by Hiro & Rooster -
CRAFT SAKE UNIVERSITYは、「日本の生産者さんを応援する」をテーマに、
這是由新竹高中圖書館所經營的Podcast頻道。我們將邀請愛好書本的老師同學一起聊書,也會分享圖書館有趣的小知識與新竹高中的歷史。竹中圖書館與書為伍,被大樹環抱。下次我們圖書館見!竹中圖書館FB|竹中圖書館IG|說竹中ê故事FB| provided by SoundOn
Rich original stories told by Kids, for Kids. This next generation of content creators is presented by Biddy Bedtime Stories.
Word Matters is a show for readers, writers, and anyone who's curious about the English language. Join Merriam-Webster editors as they challenge supposed grammar rules, reveal the surprising origins behind words, tackle common questions, and generally geek out about the beautiful nightmare that is our language.
新書の概略と冒頭本文を音声でお届けすることで、“立ち読み感覚” で気軽に教養に触れ、学びたいテーマとの出会いや、新たな発見の機会をご提供します。
現代思想、経済、金融、哲学、社会学、サブカルチャーなどをテーマとして毎月3~4冊の新刊を発行している新書シリーズです。 -
ポッドキャストの書き起こしサービス「LISTEN」はこちら -
FREE Podcast Stories for Kids and Family, Original and Classic Fairy Tales
Podcast by Maki Fujimura
Updates from the world’s leading classical music label
あの伝説の実話怪談本『新耳袋』シリーズでお馴染み、“怪異蒐集家”木原浩勝がお送りする、本格派怪談番組。 毎週、木原浩勝が語る実話怪談や怪談検証をメインに、不思議と恐怖に包まれたトークをお届けします。
TOKYO FMが、芥川賞や直木賞などを主宰する公益財団法人日本文学振興会と共に贈る「聴いて親しむ日本文学」のシリーズ。日本文学研究者のロバートキャンベル氏が毎回小説家をゲストに迎えて、日本文学の真髄に迫る特別番組です。