障害者雇用を進めないといけないのは分かってる、でも他の仕事で手をつけられていない・・・ 障害者雇用の提案を経営者や上司にしていく必要があるという中小企業の経営者様や人事担当者様必見! 障害者の雇用率を確保しながら、入社する方が「安心して働ける」職場・組織つくりのサポートをしています!社労士&中小企業診断士の資格を持ちながら、大企業での障害者雇用部門の責任者を務めた経験もあるため、”雇用する側の目線”でご支援をさせていただきます。 ラグランジュサポート株式会社: 初回無料相談はこちら: [email protected]
世代間ギャップ、異性間ギャップ、価値観の違いなどによるコミュニケーションに課題を聴くだけで解消できる!キーワードは「心理的安全性」、お互いに安心感を感じ、信頼関係を築き、成果につなげる人間関係構築の秘訣をお伝えします。 書籍『心の通った会話がチームを強くする 心理的安全性を生み出す伝え方』
Welcome to "Yoga in the Therapy Room: The Nontraditional Therapist's Guide to Integrating Yoga into Your Therapy Practice." This podcast is designed to empower mental health therapists with the knowledge and confidence to integrate yoga into their sessions safely and ethically. Whether you're new to yoga or looking to enhance your therapeutic toolkit, our trauma-informed approach ensures that you can incorporate simple, easy-to-use yoga practices tailored to your clients' needs.
Join us as we explore practical techniques, discuss the latest research, yoga philosophies, and share expert insights to help you seamlessly blend yoga with traditional therapy methods. Discover how yoga can support trauma recovery, reduce anxiety and depression, and foster a deeper connection with your clients, enhancing therapeutic rapport. Additionally, learn how these practices can serve as a powerful form of self-care for therapists, enhancing your own well-being and resilience. Deepen your knowledge of different yoga traditions and practices, and learn how to keep these practices accessible for all clients, regardless of their physical abilities, diverse backgrounds, or experience with yoga. Experience the added benefit of personal and professional transformation, enriching both your therapy practice and your own life.
Tune in to "Yoga in the Therapy Room" and start your journey towards a more holistic and effective therapy practice today. -
静岡市駿河区にある青葉社会保険労務士事務所 所長の北澤 哲也が、
番組へのメッセージはHPお問い合わせからお気軽にお寄せください。 -
Do you believe in the power of collaboration over competition? We are two successful women who know that we are an unstoppable force when we align and focus on what matters most in life. We live this way every day of our lives. We believe that women can win together. Collective growth and success are the goals. We live boldly. We live authentically. We live unapologetically.
We encourage you to do the same. We embrace our strength, while respecting our vulnerabilities. We understand the need for REAL conversations with diverse perspectives because we are more alike than we are different. We know that inclusion and honesty are our superpowers. We don’t build walls. We tear them down. The only requirement to join us? Just Be Real Sis.
Email us: [email protected] -
セルフマネジメントプロデューサー斉藤恵一 週刊ラジオ
Are you obsessed with self growth? In this no-frills show, our host -Almog. talks with people who've gone through radical self growth, experts who facilitate such growth in others and shares lessons from his life.
Even if you're all about personal development, stagnation happens. You find yourself stuck in a plateau, not growing, not living up to your own potential. It happens. Listening to people who've achieved what you want can go a long way to help in your journey. In Unstagnate, we focus on inspiring personal zero-to-hero stories and unconventional self growth ideas, strategies and tactics. -
Welcome to Self-Love.
We cover topics surrounding self-love including body-image, confidence, self-worth, body positivity, mindset, mental health, feminism, relationships, and so much more. Along the way, your host Mary lets you in on her personal life, never shying away from the messy, raw, and real conversations that we all crave. So grab a cup of tea, slide in your headphones, and get ready for some self-lovin! -
Building Innovative Leaders
●プロデュース:CKプロダクション株式会社 -
暗記や記憶、理論や知識、一般常識による教育 ▷ 第1の答え 感覚を頼りに内面からの答えを得ようとする自己啓発など ▷ 第2の答え だからそれらの盲点、他者理解と質問力から生まれる第3の答え ▷それがサードアンサーコーチング
Just another WordPress site
この番組は、聞き上手である「あげまんコンサルタントの宮 弘智」が本音トークで、リスナーからのメッセージにお答えして、”男女関係のコミュニケーションの違い” ”恋愛” ”結婚” そして、”あげまんになりたい女性” ”あげまんの女性に関わりたい男性”になるためのヒントをお伝えする番組です。
「聞き上手」「質問上手」「気づかせ上手」の宮 弘智だからこそ語れる言葉をお伝えしてまいります。
【宮 弘智Facebookページ】
【あげまんコンサルタントの宮 弘智 公式ブログ】
《2016年 ワークショップ・セミナー・講演情報》
【女性だけの不動産屋nicochaホームページ】 -
SaaSスタートアップに特化して投資と支援をする「ALL STAR SAAS FUND」のマネージングパートナー