
  • 30 days ago, I signed up for Dickie Bush & Nicolas Cole's cohort-based course, Ship 30 for 30.

    In that time, I wrote & published 30 Atomic Essays, learned the fundamentals of Digital Writing, made friends, and continued gaining clarity around my niche. It's been a very rewarding (and challenging) journey, and I am more excited than ever to keep writing online.

    Here are the 3 biggest things writing & publishing consistently every day for 30 days taught me:

    1. Take Imperfect Action

    As you might imagine, coming up with a topic every day is no easy feat. And while the templates provided some helpful starting points, it did require focused effort. I had to be comfortable knowing that not every one was going to be a mind-blowing revelation, but the important thing was (and is) forward momentum.

    2. Build a Support Group

    The program gave us many opportunities to connect with our fellow shippers, many of whom I've remained connected with. When tackling a challenge such as this one, it's extremely helpful to have a sounding board of peers going through the same ups and downs.

    3. Push Out of Your Comfort Zone

    While I could have kept the topics superficial and safe, I would always look for an opportunity to share a personal story. Not surprisingly, those are the ones that received the best feedback.

    At the end of the day, our stories and experiences are valuable and should be shared. But I guarantee you that your voice will be heard at the right time by the right person.

    It's not up to us to decide their value.

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • I used to be bad with goal setting. It's a challenge I've had for years and, if I'm being totally honest, probably decades. Whenever I would be asked what my 10-year plan was, or vision, or goals or BHAG (big hairy audacious goal), I would inevitably make up something that 'sounded' lofty and ambitious.

    But without an actionable plan on how to get there, I would inevitably fall short and get discouraged. So what changed?

    What Gets Measured Gets Managed

    Everything changed as soon as I began to put my focus on my why. I became more consistent with my meditation and journaling, which always help to clear my mind. Additionally, this recent uptick in my writing has provided additional clarity.

    My intention is now on continuous daily improvement with an eye towards my long-term goals. I'm really fascinated by this idea of tiny, daily, 1% improvements. Am I perfectly diligent and track every metric down on a daily level? No, not by any means. But that is the intention.

    Wherever you are in your life journey, it's never too late to sit down and take a close look at your life now and where you want it to be. Ask yourself those tough questions and take charge of your life today!

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
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  • In December 2004 I took a trip to Thailand to visit a friend whose parents owned a house on Koh Samui.

    It ended up being the longest trip I had ever taken at that point in my life.

    Little did I know what was going to happen within 24 hours of arriving.

    On Saturday morning I share that story with 1,593 subscribers of my newsletter, A Life Worth Living.

    I'm thinking you should join us: harryduran.com

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • As I make into the home stretch of this 30-day writing challenge you've all been experiencing first-hand, I've been spending a lot of my time thinking about the importance of consistency.

    Lately, one question I've been asking myself is this:

    How Important Is Consistency Without Quality?

    Imagine you go to your favorite Italian restaurant and order a pasta dish that you love. Every time you come back, you expect it to taste the same. But one day, you get your Noodles Alfredo Supreme and it just doesn't taste right. The ingredients are still there, but it's just not as delicious as it used to be.

    That's what it's like when you focus on consistency without quality - it's predictable, but it's missing something. It doesn't have the flavor and impact that you were expecting.

    For these 30 days, in order to stick to the challenge, I've made sure that one piece of writing makes it out the door. But I'm always wondering, are the noodles up to par?

    There's something to be said for taking consistent imperfect action, but I don't want that to be an excuse for shipping crap. Especially with this new wave of AI-driven content.

    Will I be looking for a breather on Day 31? That's still up in the air. If you've been struggling with similar thoughts, I'd love to hear your feedback!

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • In an earlier essay I mentioned the importance of planning your show prior to thinking about any of your gear needs. Once you've put the time into the preparation and have your Name, Description, Cover Art, and draft of your first 12 episodes, you can then start focusing on your tech needs. Lucky for you, I just happen to have that list handy!

    Start with Professional Microphone

    Beginner: Samson Q2U ($80)

    Pro: Shure SM7B ($400)

    Boom Arm: Samson MBA38 ($70)

    Headphones: Sony ZX - light & affordable ($19)

    High Quality Input

    Remote Recording: SquadCast.fm (starts at $20/mo)

    Edit Your Media

    Audio: Hindenburg Pro - Noise reduction plugin included ($10/mo)

    Video: Descript ($12/mo)


    Cover Art / Episode Graphics: Canva (Free to start)

    Audiograms: Headliner Pro (Free to start)

    This is a starting list but it will definitely set you off on the right path. As your needs grow you can look into signing up for a social media scheduling tool for help scheduling your episode promotion.

    When considering an additional expense, take the time to determine whether the investment will truly help in the growth of your show.

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • I don't know where you were in your late 20's, but if I told you (at that age) that the only opportunity to better your life was to leave the country you were born in and travel to another country where you didn't speak the language, I'm wondering how many of you would honestly (in this day and age) make that trip.

    You see, it's exactly what my father did. He traveled from El Salvador in the late 70's in search of a better life for his family. Not to put too fine a point on it, but had he not taken that leap, I wouldn't be here writing this to you.

    Not only that, at some point during the 2nd or 3rd work shift of his day, he somehow managed to find an advertisement in the back of a magazine, promoting a program in computer repair.

    I can't for the life of me put myself in his shoes, but something clicked. He recognized, as many did then, that computers were the future. And so he found a way to get the money to attend, and my family's life was changed forever.

    It was he that brought home the first electric typewriter I had ever seen. Granted, the thing weighed a ton, but it was cool as shit. That piqued my curiosity and eventually led to my first Texas Instruments PC with a cassette recorder as the 'hard drive'. It's been a love for tech ever since.

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • If I could go back in time, these are the 5 things I wish I understood better about podcast interviews. Over the years I’ve put in the reps and learned how to be a better host.

    1. Prepare the Stage

    From the moment they book time on your calendar, every interaction they have with you should be world-class.

    2. It's Not About You

    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen hosts that speak more than their guests, not cool.

    3. Be Naturally Curious

    Throughout the conversation focus intently on what they’re sharing with you and pull the strings of interesting topics

    4. Enjoy The Silence

    One of the main reasons I love video, is being able to ask a question that requires some thought and giving them the space to give the real answer.

    5. Sharing is Caring

    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been a guest on a show and when the episode is live, all I get is an email asking me to share. No links, no graphics. Don’t be that host.

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • Since starting 2023 I've been pretty ambitious about the things I want to improve in my business and personal life. It's this weird feeling of making up for lost time, that I have trouble articulating.

    A few things that I am proud of include, maintaining my streak of publishing my weekly newsletter, A Life Worth Living. I invite you to check out the past letters and sign up at harryduran.com.

    If you're reading this, you're also likely aware of the Ship30for30 writing challenge I signed up for this month, where I committed to posting one Atomic Essay per day.

    I missed yesterday's post, which was a bummer. But it's been helpful to reflect on it this morning. Yesterday (Sunday) was a day of doing my best to disconnect from screens. I read a physical book and even got a solid workout in. As the day progressed, I kept thinking about my daily essay, but by the time evening had rolled around, it was clear that was not going to happen. And I had to be OK with that.

    If you've been pushing hard to keep your 2023 goals humming along, please give yourself some grace when you miss a day. It will happen, and it's OK. Don't let be an excuse to relax too much, LOL. Get back on that horse and use the time off as a reset of your commitment. And yes, that's means you can expect another essay later today :)

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • It's not easy staying motivated or inspired, especially if you don't take the time to learn from wisdom of those you have traveled the path ahead of you.

    But anytime you feel like giving up, just turn back to these 5 simple quotes (to remind you why you're doing what you're doing):

    “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” -Jim Rohn

    Your network is your net worth.

    “Every problem in the world derives from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” -Blaise Pascal

    Calm the mind. Often. Build a meditation practice

    “If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional, try hiring an amateur.” -Red Adair

    Understand what your time is worth. Find and reward the right people.

    “Systemize the predictable, so you can humanize the exceptional.” -Four Seasons Hotel

    Automate the repeatable. Focus your energy on your unique gifts.

    “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” -T.S. Eliot

    Take brave chances.

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • Since launching my podcast agency FullCast in 2015, I've heard just about every excuse there is for why people are afraid to start a podcast. They also have wildly varying definitions of what 'success' looks like (Hint: that's up to you to decide).

    What's more important when starting is being realistic about where you are and how much time you have to invest into improving. Consistency is just as important as content.

    For any business owner considering a show, these are 5 small (but easily fixable) mistakes most people make—and why, if you can avoid these, your show will do better than most.

    Mistake #1: Thinking “It's All Been Said Before"

    Doesn't matter. You could take 5 people and give them all identically titled shows. At the end of 1 year, you'll have 5 wildly different shows for different audiences.

    Mistake #2: Assuming You're Voice Sounds Bad

    Almost every person I meet that has considered starting a show hates the sound of their voice when they hear it recorded for the first time. You'll get over it.

    Mistake #3: Not Planning Your Content

    Don't just turn on the mic and expect inspiration to magically appear. Plan out your next 12 episodes by coming up with engaging titles, that will help you prepare for how to deliver that content.

    Mistake #4: Using Crappy Gear

    Yeah, I said it. Nothing makes me bail faster on a new show than sub-par audio. The Samson Q2U is a great starter mic.

    Mistake #5: Not Sticking With It

    Podcasting is not easy and it's not for everyone. If you're the type of person who gives up at the slightest challenge, this is definitely not for you. But if you are consistent & committed to constant improvement, you will see progress.

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • Early on in my entrepreneurial journey, I would listen to a lot of podcasts about digital marketing. I was always drawn to Founder stories. It was inspiring to hear all the different paths these business owners followed on their way to success. What was comforting was hearing about the many failures they experienced and how they were able to push through those early disappointments. Many of them talked about this concept of 'resistance' and how their success was dependent on overcoming it.

    I eventually came to find out that for many of these successful entrepreneurs, one book that was essential in changing their mindset was Steven Pressfield's, "The War of Art". To this day, I still remember the multiple 'a-ha' moments I experienced when I first read that book. It was (and is) a powerfully motivating read and helped me understand and deal with my own inner resistance. This can take on many forms, including fear, self-doubt, and procrastination.

    Three Key Things To Remember About ResistanceResistance is the enemy: It is the force that holds us back from achieving our goals, and it is always present in our lives. The only way to overcome resistance is to recognize it, acknowledge it, and push through it.Professionalism is key: Treat your work like a professional, regardless of whether you're working on a passion project or a full-time job. This means setting boundaries, staying focused, and committing to the craft.The work is the reward: The reward for any entrepreneur is the work itself. The satisfaction and sense of accomplishment that comes from creating something meaningful is the ultimate goal. External validation and financial success are just a bonus.

    Wherever you are in your life journey, I guarantee there will be a nugget or two of wisdom to be found in this book. It's one that benefits from multiple readings and a reminder that addressing and facing resistance is not a one-time event. It's something we deal with our entire lives. This book provides the tools necessary to ensure it doesn't define your life.

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • In 1986, I was sitting in my desk at Archbishop Stepinac High School in White Plains, NY. I was having a chat with my classmate Frank, an avid Aerosmith fan, about the fresh-ness that was Run-DMC.

    You see, the remix of Walk This Way was all over MTV and it was safe to say, breaking new ground. For me, a DJ-in-the-making, growing up in New York was all about early hip hop and breakdancing (more watching and appreciating than actual windmills). Those were my earliest musical influences. What little exposure I had to rock and roll was courtesy of my brother's record collection.

    So it was amazingly cool to see these hip hop pioneers blow up on the world stage. It's such and unlikely pairing and was such a huge cultural moment at the time that Geoff Edgers wrote a book about it, Walk This Way: Run-DMC, Aerosmith, and the Song That Changed American Music Forever.

    Producer Rick Rubin, an Aerosmith fan, approached Run-DMC with an idea. He wanted to take Aerosmith's classic hit "Walk This Way" and give it a fresh twist by incorporating elements of hip-hop. At first, Run-DMC was skeptical. They had never tried anything like this before and weren't sure if it would work. But the more they thought about it, the more excited they became about the possibilities.

    The new version was unlike anything anyone had ever heard before. The hit became one of the most played videos on MTV. The collaboration also led to a historic performance on the stage of the Live Aid concert, where the two bands performed together, an unlikely combination that was a huge success.

    It's a great reminder that music knows no boundaries and that every once in a while, it's the most unlikely combinations that can lead to something truly iconic.

    Walk This Way Video

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • In June 2005, released iTunes 4.9, which added support for podcasts. It was a major milestone & podcasters owe a debt of gratitude to Apple for giving podcasts a big boost in visibility. Fast forward to April of 2014, and the launch of Podcast Junkies. At that time getting your show to appear in Apple Podcasts New and Noteworthy list was the goal of every host.

    A lot has changed since then, and you can now find podcasts on a wide variety of directories, including Spotify, Amazon Music, YouTube, Podcast Index and dozens of other destinations. Nowadays we advise clients to include a call to action that reminds listeners to "subscribe and follow wherever you listen to podcasts".

    That said, the first place we still submit new shows to is the Apple Podcasts directory. When explaining to new podcasters what to consider when starting a new show, I like to remind them of the 4 things Apple needs at a minimum:

    Your Show Needs These 4 Things Prior To LaunchName - Make this as descriptive as possible and avoid the need to be witty if you can help it. It's one of the first things people will see in the directory. Can you guess what the Vertical Farming Podcast is about?Description - Be clear and concise. Explain your show’s value. Avoid repetitionCover Art - New to design? Start with a Canva template. Easy to read fonts and high-contrast colors work best.First Audio - This is your episode trailer (Episode Zero). Introduce yourself. Provide background. Show why you're qualified to host this show.

    Once Apple has approved your show, it's official, you're a podcaster! Naturally, there's lots more that goes into getting these right, but if you put the time & effort into these 4 steps, you've started on the right foot. Don't give up!

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • As a function of being naturally curious I used to get sucked down all the curiosity rabbit holes. I would see a link mentioned in a newsletter or on social and immediately lose 30 minutes of my life, never to be regained again.

    On any given day on ProductHunt, there is a tool being launched offering up a better calendar, to-do list or app claiming to help you with your productivity. Take it from me, it's very easy to lose a day's worth of productivity experimenting with the next 'productivity' app; believe me, I've done it!

    Over the years, there is definitely one that has stood the test of time and that's Readwise. Built by Tristan Homsi & Daniel Doyon it's an app that has improved my life for the better. With the recent introduction of Readwise Reader, it's become a part of my daily reading & retention flow.

    If You Read Anything, You Should Readwise

    Why I love it so much:

    As I'm highlighting quotes in Kindle from my favorite books, they're being imported to Readwise.Every morning, as part of my daily routine I review previously saved highlights. After several starts and stops over the years, I'm now on a 164-day streak!Over time, I'm recalling more and growing my knowledgeThe new Readwise Reader app now allows me to pull in feeds of my favorite newsletters. Anything I highlight there gets sync'd to Readwise.

    This process moves you off of the cycle of reading articles just because they look interesting in the moment (just-in-case learning) to a model of queue'ing up article to read a time that makes sense for your workflow and immediate need (just-in-time learning).

    If one of your goals in 2023 is to not only read more, but retain more to the knowledge you're acquiring, you owe to yourself to read smarter. I can't recommend Readwise enough. It's definitely 10x'd my retention.

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • There were 343,826 podcast episodes published in the past 30 days, according to the wonderful folks at PodcastIndex.org. Another number commonly referenced is 4.1 million, which is the total number of shows in the index, but the 30-day number is a more active representation of active shows.

    Either way, that’s a heck of a lot of shows to wade through. Thankfully there’s help. Since 2017 Arielle Nissenblatt’s Ear Buds Collective newsletter has been curating 5 new shows every week. Recent themes range from Asian Experiences and Black History to Figure Skating, AI and Banned Books. It’s a varied list to be sure.

    Whether you’re an experienced podcast listener looking for some new shows, or someone brand new to podcasting, there’s sure to be something here for everyone.

    And yes, as you might imagine, there’s an accompanying podcast as well!

    What will you discover this week?

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • In the middle of 2020, it’s safe to say that a large percentage of the world was going through an existential crisis. I’ll speak for myself when I say it was a time of much introspection, as well as a broadened search for a better resources to help me find meaning in life. I was fortunate to find this article by Jordan Hall, On Sovereignty.

    Take Responsibility For Your Life

    Jordan defines sovereignty as consisting of 3 distinguishable capacities:

    The ability to relate to the worldThe ability to make sense of the worldThe ability make and effect choices in the world

    This message (as most do in my world) showed up at just the right time. In the post he makes the case for why achieving sovereignty is empowering and important, as imbalances in these capacities can lead to feeling powerless and non-responsive.

    Sovereignty is a also a virtuous cycle, where making good choices leads to being better positioned to make good choices in the future. On the other hand, getting off track can lead to being overwhelmed and not able to skillfully respond to the world, which can lead to making bad choices and getting into trouble.

    After several reads I’ve come away with an appreciation for how sovereignty allows one to reclaim control over their life and to fully respond to the world and make better choices every single day.

    Are you ready to become a sovereign individual?

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • Note: For this episode I'm testing out Descript's OverDub feature, which uses a recording of me to train a model that can read any text in a facsimile of my voice.

    Imposter syndrome is a psychological experience first identified by Pauline Clance & Suzanne Imes in 1978. It is the feeling of being a fake or a fraud, even though you are competent in what you do. You may have difficulty believing in yourself and your abilities, even though others do, which can make it hard to do your best work.

    You Are Not Alone

    It's important to know that everyone struggles with imposter syndrome, and it's not a clinical diagnosis of a mental health condition. The ancient sages of India had a term for it, "chala", which refers to the sensation of being a fraud during spiritual evolution or the threshold of greatness.

    When I first started down the entrepreneurial path, I struggled with imposter syndrome for 90% of my days. I remember attending a 2-day training with a group of successful entrepreneurs and feeling like I didn't belong. It took all of my willpower to not turn around and leave that same day.

    8+ years later, I wish I could tell your that I've completely eliminated it, but the truth is, it's always there. And that's okay. As my skills and success with clients grew, I became more confident in my abilities.

    5 Actionable Steps to Cure Imposter Syndrome

    If you're struggling with imposter syndrome, here are 5 things you can do today to shift your mindset:

    Recognize and challenge negative thoughts dailyLearn from your mistakes & continue leveling-upPractice self-compassion & self-careShare your feelings with a trusted peer or mentorAcknowledge your accomplishments & celebrate your wins

    Remember that imposter syndrome is normal and common, but it's not something that you have to live with forever. With some self-reflection, self-compassion, and a positive mindset, you can overcome it.

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • I have been practicing meditation, in varying forms, for over 25 years. Along the way, I have traveled many paths and learned from many teachers.

    I've studied and practiced Diamondway Buddhism which belongs to the thousand-year Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. "Diamond Way" is a translation of the Sanskrit word Vajrayana, which is considered to the the most direct of the 3 levels of Buddha's teachings.

    I was a member of the EnlightenNext community for many years and participated in a 10-day silent retreat

    I've read countless books on meditation and spirituality, included Eckhart Tolle's, The Power of Now, Joe Dispenza's Becoming Supernatural, Deepak Chopra's The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success and Thich Nhat Hanh's Living Buddha, Living Christ.

    All of these things (and more) have helped me tremendously. But if I had to start all over again (as a beginner), this is the simple framework I wish I had for learning how to mediate

    Step 1: Start Slow

    When newcomers to meditation get started they usually over-commit. No need to force yourself into a 15-minute session if you've never done it before. One minute a day is all you need to start.

    Step 2: You Can't Get It Wrong

    One of the first observations people have when they first close their eyes is the amount of thoughts that run through their mind at any given time. It's normal. A simple exercise to try on your next sit is, when the thought come in, imagine it as if it's written on whiteboard, and simply dry erase it away, no judgements.

    Step 3: Don't Give Up

    There have been so many starts and stops in my mediation journey, but each I time I renew my practice, I'm reminded of it's benefits. There's no passing grade. You just make a commitment to yourself to make time (morning, afternoon or evening) to gift yourself a moment of silence.

    When you're first starting out, this is all that matters. You're building a practice that will last a lifetime.

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
  • There are a lot of things most people don't know about the wonderful world of podcasting and my fellow creative, witty and inspiring podcasters, who I've come to know and love since 2014.

    3 Things I'll Bet You Didn't KnowThe range of topics varies widely. There are shows about knitting (Shiny Bees with Jo Milmine), dinosaurs (I Know Dino with Garret & Sabrina) and all things paranormal (Big Seance with Patrick Keller).Some of the most famous podcasters whose names you've definitely heard of, record their episodes in closets, sometimes with a blanket over their head to muffle the echo and improve the sound quality.Given how much time most podcasters spend talking on their show and interviewing guests, most are actually introverted in real life.

    For anyone in the industry, this stuff is common knowledge. But to those who haven't lived "a day in the life" of podcasting, some of these might come as a shock.

    This Podcast Will Put You To Sleep

    One of my favorite examples of a niche shows is Sleep With Me, hosted by Drew Ackerman, who I had the pleasure of interviewing on Podcast Junkies. Drew's objective each episode is to lull you to sleep with his soothing voice.

    Drew has even hosted live events where attendees were encouraged to show up in their sleep attire. As you might imagine, by the end of the night several attendees were snoring the night away. Crazy, right?

    I encourage all of my fellow podcasting peeps to share any other interesting stories about your podcast journey for those that may not quite understand how much fun we've all been having. And if you've come across an obscure podcast, I'd love to hear all about it!

    286 Garret & Sabrina - A Passion for Dinosaurs & Building a Niche Podcast Community

    205 Patrick Keller - Para-Nerds Rock

    090 Jo Milmine | It's Time We Knit Your Socks Off

    072 Patrick Keller | A Fascination With the Paranormal is Now Normal

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

  • As I enter my 8th year as a full-time entrepreneur one of the most important things I've learned is the importance of building a solid network, it's been essential to my success.

    A deep network is not just about having a lot of connections, but about having a diverse group of people who can offer different skills and perspectives.

    When I first started, I felt alone and overwhelmed, but building my network provided me with a team of peers, advisors, and most importantly, a support system.

    But it's not enough to just make connections and forget about them, they need to be nurtured regularly.

    The more diverse your connections, the stronger the quality of your network will be.

    Starting down the path of entrepreneurship is like embarking on an adventure, it can be exciting and thrilling, but also scary and uncertain.

    Putting in the time to grow & cultivate a deep network is like having a group of trusted companions to share the journey with, who will be there to celebrate your successes and pick you up when you fail.

    A deep network is the key to enjoying the ride and discovering the true potential of entrepreneurship.

    3 Things You Can Do Today to Grow Your NetworkMake a list of people you admire and want to connect with.Reach out and offer value to those in your circle.Regularly check-in and maintain relationships.

    Learn more about the Ship30for30 Program: https://fullcast.co/ship30for30/

    Follow my journey on your preferred social platform!







    Listen to my other shows:

    Podcast Junkies

    Conversations with my fellow podcasting community since 2014

    Vertical Farming Podcast

    Interviews with fascinating CEOs & Founders of the leading vertical farming companies from around the world.

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy