Dive into a world where a life of amazing sex is just around the corner and happiness is available to everyone! Join Laurie Handlers and her partner Michael Gibson as they explore life from every angle — rediscovering hot sex with your spouse, deepening intimacy after having children, talking to your kids about sex and to your partner about extraordinary love – and learning, asking, chatting about, and most of all, having great sex. You deserve to share real intimacy and to experience real happiness. That’s why you absolutely must listen to Laurie and Michael every week! Check out Laurie’s book, Sex And Happiness: The Tantric Laws of Intimacy!
Anna Sale explores the big questions and hard choices that are often left out of polite conversation.
Welcome to the Venus Cuckoldress Podcast - a place to learn all things cuckolding for the curious, the passionate, and the sexually empowered woman who wants it all. Venus explores the โrealโ meaning of this beautiful relationship dynamic and shares her personal stories, sexy ideas, and helpful tips for singles and couples who want to navigate the cuckolding lifestyle. It’s seductive, provocative, and โalwaysโ informative! Visit her matchmaking service for either loving cuckolding or FLR relationships: Also to check out the new Queen's Quarters fan hub.
Featured in Buzzfeed, Oprah Magazine, Esquire, and Queerty, Gayish is an award-winning podcast that breaks down one gay stereotype each week. Mike and Kyle bring humor, honesty, and irreverence to topics like the hanky code, depression, and open relationships.
Past guests have included Jinkx Monsoon, YouTuber Davey Wavey, gay porn star Calvin Banks, disability activist Andrew Gurza, a gay priest, a trans atheist, and Mike’s wildly supportive mom. -
The purpose and goal of this podcast is to analyze, discuss and explore the role and behavior of single males in the adult, sexualy-lifestyle. While this is by and about single men, this podcast is for everyone. It is absolutely necessary to have an all inclusive discussion and forum as well as input from the full complement and diversity of genders and relationships to make this a worthwhile venture, that will inspire personal growth, understanding of different points of views, a little laughter as well as some critique and constructive criticisms.I hope everyone will tune in, listen, have fun, learn and contribute to the wide range of topics I plan to broach.* None of the advice given is based on my medical training or professional advice; this is solely based on life experience.
Come here and listen to what Reddit has to offer. Make your ears tingle with the sexy stories written for us by our friends from Reddit.
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Welcome to Coffee and Cleavage! A podcast about sex, dating and everything in between hosted by Lynnie Marie, Shantal Monique and their witty studio producer Gary. Together, they'll shatter taboos, tackle the most risquรฉ topics, and leave you craving for more.
So bring your drink of choice and join Coffee and Cleavage every Wednesday, Cheers!
ASK QUESTIONS & SUBMIT STORIES: Coffee and Cleavage Club:
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Follow a married couple who have dove deep into the world of Onlyfans. They explore their personal boundaries, the sex industry, and ENM.
Have you ever found yourself in hot water ‘playing it straight’? Ever fallen in love with a gay person without realising it? Hear the other side of the story on The One That A Got A Gay as we explore the lives of gay, lesbian and other LGBTQ+ people who spent years ‘playing straight’ only to turn their lives upside down by coming out later in life. Statistics show the average age at which people come out is now 17. TOTGAG explores why there are so many people of that generation still coming out well in to their 20s, 30s and sometimes even later and how having to play straight has influenced them and the people around them.Each week, Emily and Alex delve in to a different person’s coming out story to understand the impact of being LGBTQ+ in a straight world and what they’ve learnt from years of being in the closet. Expect laughs, sobs and some great/terrible advice from our co-hosts and some compelling stories from our brave and wonderful guests.
Join hosts, parents, professionals, husband and wife, and all around regular people that could be your neighbors Sexxxy Soccer Mom and Hot Soccer Daddy as they share their spicy, funny, and mildly entertaining experiences as a hotwife couple.
See more of Sexxxy Soccer Mom here:
Welcome to In Bed with Bed Bible — a safe, informative, and inclusive space to talk all things sexual pleasure. Hosted by Edwina, who is a wealth of knowledge on sex and sex toys, you will laugh, learn and laugh some more. No stigmas, no judgment, just good honest information and advice on how to enjoy your sex life to full. In Bed with Bedbible - the podcast. The pajama optional podcast. Produced by
Millennial swinging couple, sharing their stories, opinions, and cringiest moments navigating life in the lifestyle.
A normal, suburban married couple talking about their path to ethical nonmonogomy.
Let me walk you through the swinger and sex positive lifestyle from my single woman unique perspective. I am as real as they come and enjoy showcasing my "charmingly vulgar" style of speaking. Catch my YouTube channel for a LOT more helpful sex club and swinger lifestyle vlogs, advice, stories, and interviews.
Want to see even more? I have a ton of social media and a fan page where I love sharing my most intimate content and connecting with subscribers.
All my links are on or you can *jump right to my fan page to level up your access* ๐
Advertising inquiries: [email protected] ...
SEO: also known as Toronto Unicorn. Sex and Swinging with Toronto Unicorn -
Asexual married couple Courtney and Royce talk about all things Asexuality. By discussing queer culture and history, we’ll explore the topics of life, love, and sex through an Ace lens. Full transcripts and show notes on
Welcome to Rewire Your Attachment Style with Maya Diamond, where youโll deepen your self-love, uncover how to be in a healthy relationship, & empower yourself to attract emotionally available partners. With interviews from thriving couples, insights & strategies from Maya, and guest appearances from relationship professionals, Rewire Your Attachment Style is your go-to resource for online dating, relationship advice, & magnetizing your dream partner.
We are new swingers merely documenting and discussing our swinger journey and talking about the experiences we're having and the lessons we're learning. Though we address most of the issues new swingers may encounter in the swinger lifestyle, we are not swinger lifestyle experts and are not responsible if what works for us may or may not work for you.
We offer practical, relevant tips from our own experiences for curious (but perhaps nervous) beginner swingers so you can more comfortably explore the swinger lifestyle at your own pace, get your questions answered as best as possible, and discover new ways to make your sex life sizzle!
*Disclaimer: John talks a lot and June is sexy as hell. We aren't for everybody. If you don't like our podcast, simply go find another one. We genuinely wish you the very best. -
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