想要交流或学习更多投资知识的朋友,可加微信 yanjiang201838 主讲人:爱码妹,您身边的投资专家,雪球大V,具备国际视野,深谙投资机会,相信会让您的财富保值增值。听完本系列课程想了解更多的也可关注作者公众号:爱码妹的投资笔记。 一、为什么要学投资 很多人,看到“投资”这两个字,只是习惯性的瞄一下,而后该干嘛,还是干嘛。没有太多的思考,也没有太多的停顿。 因为大家内心深处,就是觉得:投资,离我们很遥远。它属于有钱人的专利。天生就与我们工薪阶层,八字不合。 我们吃了上顿,还想着下顿。不是处于饥荒状态,就是处于半温饱状态!哪还有什么心情,研究投资这种高大上的东东呢? 好点的,也就是小有余钱,但也是处于战备状态。时刻防备着,如果哪天家里人不小心出点情况,那么这点小钱可以续命,作为应急之用。 很多人说,像我们这种情况,哪有资格谈投资啊!更不要说,主动去投资了。自己想都不敢想。 但事实真是如此么?没钱就不需要学习投资么? 二、为什么要学基金投资 首先要了解什么是基金投资 简单的说,基金投资就是管理很多基金的一个公司,将大家的钱进行收集汇总,然后公司选择专业的人员对我们的钱,进行股票或债券的投资,简单地说就是专家帮助你来投资。由于花的时间少,基金投资也称为懒人投资法。 然后,选择基金投资的理由? 理由一:基金投资不需要花费太多的时间,不像股票投资哪样天天盯盘。 理由二:基金投资选择专业的基金管理人员帮助我们进行投资,风险相对自己投资股票来说,就降低了很多。 三、从入门到纵横 投资基金—从入门到纵横》课程不仅仅是教你投资的技巧,更重要的是教你学会用投资的思维思考问题。 中国的经济进入中年,未来的社会已经逐步是从工资收入转为投资收入,从消费支出转为投资支出的时代,千万不要让自己的财富在社会进步中迷失。
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Willkommen bei The Elephant Room - der Podcast.
Wir sprechen mit Euch über den sogenannten Elefanten im Raum im Leben der Frauen, vor allem der Mütter.
Die brutalen Wahrheiten, die Geheimnisse, die nicht besprochenen Fakten, die jede Frau in ihrem Leben hat, über die jedoch keiner offen spricht. Wir möchten Euch inspirieren, informieren und mit Denkansätzen vorsorgen, auf dass sich jede Lady in Richtung einer besseren Zukunft entwickeln kann.
Sollte dein Leben schon perfekt sein, lass dich einfach von uns unterhalten und enjoy the show. -
This is Kalilah Wright and you are listening to WHAT A MESS! Finding your own message through your mess. A podcast about love, life, motherhood, entrepreneurship, with all the MESS in between!
We are busy mamas who love our kids and would do anything for them. We are the home-based businesses that make this country move. We support our clients, our families, and our communities while working hard every day to remember to also care for ourselves.
We crave knowledge to create a better business. We may have support or we may not, but we always get the work done. Our businesses may technically be small but our ambitions, actions, and attitude are huge. We never show fear, even if it sits on our shoulders all day.
We are hopeful for the future.
We are strong.
We are smart.
We are resourceful.
We are Small Biz Mamas. -
The Fortune's Path Podcast explores the role of virtue in business to help you get more of what you want by helping others get what they want. See more at
VX公众号:wopenizhangda “我陪你长大你陪我变老” 感谢您的喜欢和关注
👶🌟📈 Herzlich willkommen bei Business Brei. Unser Podcast bietet dir Inspiration, Motivation und eine große Portion Unterhaltung.
🌈 Jede zweite Woche teilen wir Geschichten und Tipps, wie man als Mutter den Alltag meistert. Wir sprechen über die kleinen Siege, die uns groß fühlen lassen, und die Stolpersteine, die uns noch stärker machen.
💪 Wir glauben an die Kraft des gemeinsamen Lernens und des Erfahrungsaustauschs, um jede von uns stärker zu machen. Business Brei ist der Podcast für alle, die den Balanceakt zwischen Familie und Beruf meistern wollen.
👉 Drücke jetzt auf ‘Abonnieren’, lehn dich zurück und lass uns gemeinsam lachen, lernen und wachsen. Business Brei ist dein Podcast für mehr Selbstbewusstsein, Erfolg und Spaß im Mama-Sein und im Berufsleben. -
Overwhelmed by a barrage of different marketing tactics? Wondering which ones will actually work for your pet business? Wish someone would just tell you what's already working so you don't have to figure it all out yourself?
Skarlet Rockwood, Content Marketer and Instagram Strategist for Pet Brands, does exactly that one podcast episode at a time.
Working with pets is a passion we're all totally hyped we can actually turn into a business…and it’s also a massive industry worth almost $100 billion a year!
On the Pet Marketing Podcast, you’ll get barketing tips (ok fine, I mean marketing tips), Instagram growth hacks, and inspirational stories to grow your pet biz into a droolworthy empire. You’ll also hear stories about how pet business owners rocked their own marketing and made a difference in the lives of pets and their people.
Guests and listeners include pet marketing professionals, pet store owners, dog walkers, pet sitters and trainers, online retailers, pet influencers and bloggers, pet industry brands and product creators, and more! -
Patty combines educational resources and feel-good stories each week with the main focus on lost pet recovery and pet retention, pet safety, pet health, training and more.
Patty is the Founder & President of Lost Pet Services, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to reuniting lost pets. Her organization has helped reunite over 15,000 pets in the Sarasota/Manatee counties FL area since 2013.
As of 2021, the Lost Pet Services Facebook group has grown to over 35,000 fans and continues to grow by 100s every month. It is her mission to educate others on systemic lost pet recovery methods and ways to keep our pets safe. Remember, a lost pet can’t tell anyone where it lives, so it’s up to us to help them.
Pet Safety, Pet Health, Helping Lost Pets
Microchips & Pet ID, Loss Prevention & Recovery, Pet Rescue
This podcast is for the millions of women who have taken a career break and are ready to find their wings and soar like a butterfly. We provide weekly insights and interviews with women who have successfully returned to work, as well as experts working to make it easier to hit pause and unpause on your career.
At Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee, we create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.
We match children in Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties who are facing adversity… with a caring adult mentor. All of BBBS mentors are volunteers. Big Brothers Big Sisters focuses on 3 areas:
Educational success
Avoidance of risky behavior
Strengthening personal relationships
And on the Little Big Chats Podcast, we highlight a new match every month so you can learn from their inspiring stories of friendship and growth.
Visit to learn more. -
An audio community where we own and share our stories as trailblazer moms each month, leading with purpose, breaking barriers, and chasing bold dreams on our own terms. Celebrating our Latina motherhood voices to bring you genuine insights of the highs, lows, and in between of working moms from a First Gen Latina lens and wellness in mind.
欢迎在微信群中和我们讨论,添加微信号 shengfm1 入群。
罗振宇,又称「罗胖」,得到App和罗辑思维创始人。他的《罗辑思维》节目全新改版,只在得到App 播出,每期10分钟,不定期有彩蛋;从视频改成音频,使用场景更丰富,随时随意听。