Documentary First is your bi-weekly dose of fascinating stories, real-life adventures, and illuminating explorations. Join us as we delve into captivating and thought-provoking documentaries, and meet the filmmakers, experts, and visionaries behind them. Whether you're a seasoned documentarian, a filmmaker just starting out or simply a curious listener, Documentary First is your destination for in-depth storytelling, thought-provoking insights, and compelling entertainment. So tune in, sit back, and get ready for a journey of discovery, with Documentary First.
這裡是「英雄說書」YT頻道的官方Podcast。我是說書人阿睿,喜歡三國演義、熱愛歷史故事,在空中跟大家分享我以個人觀點,所理解、想像的古今中外各個英雄。 如果你也喜歡聽故事嗎?歡迎到Youtube訂閱我們的頻道,全面打開小鈴鐺吧~ Youtube|||英雄故事官網|https://herostory.tw業務合作信箱|[email protected] provided by SoundOn
A critical retrospective on the Walt Disney Animated Studios films with your hosts Terra and Alex and a multitude of guests.
商業合作請聯絡:[email protected]
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《風向龍鳳配》是由資深媒體人唐湘龍、陳鳳馨針對時事進行分析,兩位重量級時事評論人將會針對國際政治、經濟進行評論,每週五帶您掌握世界脈動!📣 風向龍鳳配:💪 好節目需要你的持續支持: provided by SoundOn
歡迎來到電影趴CAST由Perry以及反腦工作室的Jon主持聊聊關於電影、影視娛樂、動畫等相關領域歡迎搭車、開車、停車時加減聽,充實電影資訊!! 請我們一張電影票,讓我們分享更多電影!(另一張我們自己買)任何問題歡迎聯絡:[email protected]歡迎訂閱Instagram:也歡迎追蹤Facebook: provided by SoundOn
|NOW is 同恩 in da House|
一起窺探這些正經的音樂人平常的生活娛樂與消遣💃 💃
🌞 Chill and Relax 🌞
👉 輕鬆電台 FM 96.9 基隆與部份大台北地區可收聽
👉 Hi Channel 網路收聽搜尋「輕鬆電台」
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Podcast dedicado a recomendaciones personales de programas de origen coreano vistos por mí: Lili.
Podcast dedicated to give personal recommendations about Korean shows watched by me: Lili. -
As brands become publishers in the era of digital saturation, how do you create content that stands out and inspires your audience to act? Credo Nonfiction & Brand Storytelling present Content That Moves for brand marketers and communications professionals to learn from the most innovative minds in branded entertainment how to create content that reveals brand purpose and deepens brand meaning. Hosted by Emmy and James Beard award-winning filmmaker & brand storytelling strategist Jesse Roesler.
大家好,我是李基銘,目前是漢聲廣播電台正職節目主持人,每天星期一到五主持「fb新鮮事」帶狀節目,我的節目全程都是用錄影模式,也是全台唯一用錄影播出,很多同業都是直播方式,兩者的差別就在於後製,現場除了打光是我的強項、後製還會配上廣播級的聲音,音質聽的更清楚、更飽滿,同時每一集節目我也會附上同集youtube的影音連結,如果你聽的有興趣,也可以跳過去看一下講者本尊。另外我的訪問量一個月大約50-100場之間,每一年產生出600集的專訪,不斷的設備投資、影音技術提升、訪問產量第一、無私的工作精神。因為我沒有好的音色、也沒有國語正音,我只能靠另一條路,打造我的職場之路,「廣播是我的工作」「更是我的第二生命」「歡迎大家來認識我和認識我的節目」最後我最大的特點:就是不搶話,讓來賓能盡情發揮。不亂笑,讓你們的耳朵不會聽到爆笑的魔音。不亂問問題,讓你能聽到高品質的對談。如果支持我,不用贊助我,因為漢聲是公營電台,我不收業配、不賣廣告,我只有一顆狂熱的心,想留下美好的影音知識給社會,歡迎到我的六個粉絲頁按讚支持和 youtube關注。六個粉絲頁:漢聲廣播電台「快樂玩童軍」漢聲廣播電台「fb新鮮事」節目頁漢聲廣播電台「生活有意思」節目李基銘新聞報李基銘主持人 李基銘的影音頻道一個頻道:李基銘漢聲廣播電台-節目主持人-廣播頻道--Hosting provided by SoundOn
The Movie News Network is the official podcast of! We give you the biggest film news along with in-depth discussion, plus fun segments you can only find here. For more check out
Past Dark is an exploration into the the uncanny, the unsettling and the bizarre. Host Carmen Park revisits disasters, regimes, true crime, conspiracies and the unexplained for an atmospheric journey into the darkest heart of humanity.
NEW: Full-length ENGLISH episodes every THURSDAY (and other days too) - One short CHINESE episode on TUESDAY.
The history of Taiwan (1600 C.E. - 2000) told through interesting stories in a non-chronological order. John Ross is an author and publisher of works on Taiwan and China, while Eryk Michael Smith has worked as a writer and journalist for several media outlets in Taiwan. Both hosts have lived in Taiwan for well over 20 years and call the island home.
Email: [email protected] -
聽見局勢♟掌握時事華視隆重推出『三國演議』,由國際政經專家「汪浩」主持、來賓日本產經新聞台北支局長「矢板明夫」共同討論,一起跳脫傳統政論談話節目的框架屬性,深度講評最新國際政經重大事件。高品質的對談♟邀您一起入座📺CH12 華視主頻//週一二 早上6點📺CH52 華視新聞資訊台//週六日 晚上9點 週日一 凌晨2點📱Youtube頻道//週六日 下午3點首映粉絲專頁: Podcast: Podcast: provided by SoundOn
EP01-EP02 羅馬與高盧
EP03-EP04 墨洛溫王朝
EP05-EP07 加洛林王朝
EP08-EP13 卡佩王朝
EP14-EP23 瓦盧瓦王朝
EP23-EP31 波旁王朝
EP32-EP36 共和與帝國
EP01-EP03 殖民時代與獨立運動
EP04-EP12 從制憲到大眾民主化
EP13-EP18 西進運動與南北戰爭
EP19-EP22 鍍金年代與進步改革
EP23-EP29 兩次大戰與戰間期
EP30-EP37 冷戰、民權運動
EP01-EP03 考古研究與史前日本
EP04-EP08 建國神話萌芽與奈良
EP09-EP15 平安京的藤原與院政
EP16-EP22 源平合戰到鎌倉幕府
EP23-EP26 室町幕府與南北朝
EP27-EP39 戰國亂世與江戶幕府
EP40-EP45 幕末動盪與攘夷開國
EP46- 明治維新與後續發展
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