「Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord and depart from evil.」 Amen.
What happens then? They say that the bones become healthy. For Jews, bones equal heart. Someone once said, "If you have energy, you can do anything." If your heart is energetic and vigorous, you can lead a healthy life. If you live a healthy life, bad environments will not come near you. In order for this to happen, we must always put the Lord in front of us.
Today, may we live a life that looks up to the Lord....
God bless you. See you tomorrow.
Episodi mancanti?
「In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.」 Amen.
The road of life can be winding, dusty, and bumpy, but here is the secret to being made straight. The secret is to recognize the Lord at all times and in all places. The Lord loved me in my sinfulness, forgave my sins through the blood of the cross, and gave me eternal life. He fills my life with good things. The secret is to look to God in every moment.
May we see Him today....
God bless you. See you tomorrow.
「Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;」 Amen.
"lean not on your own understanding" This seems to be a quick and easy thing to do. After all, I know how immature my own understanding is. The question is what comes after. Who or what do we rely on? Here we are told to "Trust in the Lord" We are to accept the reality that we cannot change, and we are to be courageous in what we can change, and we are to pray that He will give us the strength to discern between the two. Then peace and strength will come to us.
May you spend today in the peace of the Lord....
God bless you. See you tomorrow.
「Let not mercy and truth forsake you;
Bind them around your neck,
Write them on the tablet of your heart,」 Amen.
When the Word of God is engraved in our hearts, it comes out of our mouths, becomes an action, a habit, and a personality. As we live our lives, we are subject to anxiety. Anxiety about death, illness, life, relationships, etc., but the Word of God dispels all of them. (Psalm 103:3) "The Lord forgives all your iniquities,Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction,"
May we praise God today....
God bless you. See you tomorrow.
神の言葉が心に刻まれていると、それが口から出て、行動となり、習慣となり、人格となっていくのです。生きていくと不安はつきまといます。死への不安、病の不安、生活の不安、人間関係の不安、しかし、それらを一切合切振り払うのが神の言葉なのです。「詩103:3 主はあなたのすべての咎を赦し、あなたのすべての病を癒やし、あなたのいのちを穴から贖われる。」
「For length of days and long life
And peace they will add to you.」 Amen.
It is said that we live in the age of 100 years, and the number of people over 100 years old has increased considerably. However, if you are in sickness, if your mind is not satisfied, or if you do not have better relationships with others, you will not be happy. To live a long and happy life, it would be great if we are healthy, full, and compatible with others. Jesus is the fulfillment of all of these things.
May we spend today with Jesus....
God bless you. See you tomorrow.
『34:1 私はあらゆるときに【主】をほめたたえる。私の口にはいつも主への賛美がある。34:2 私のたましいは【主】を誇る。貧しい者はそれを聞いて喜ぶ。34:3 私とともに【主】をほめよ。一つになって御名をあがめよう。34:4 私が【主】を求めると主は答えすべての恐怖から私を救い出してくださった。34:5 主を仰ぎ見ると彼らは輝いた。彼らの顔は辱められることがない。34:6 この苦しむ者が呼ぶと【主】は聞かれすべての苦難から救ってくださった。34:7 【主】の使いは主を恐れる者の周りに陣を張り彼らを助け出される。34:8 味わい見つめよ。【主】がいつくしみ深い方であることを。幸いなことよ主に身を避ける人は。34:9 【主】を恐れよ。主の聖徒たちよ。主を恐れる者には乏しいことがないからだ。34:10 若い獅子も乏しくなり飢える。しかし【主】を求める者は良いものに何一つ欠けることがない。』
「My son, do not forget my law,
But let your heart keep my commands;」 Amen.
What would happen if we spent our time keeping God's commands in mind? (Exodus. 20:12) "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.." It is written, That your days may be long. It is not just a promise to live longer, but to live in happiness and peace.
May you live in the peace of the Lord today....
God bless you. See you next week.
「To deliver you from the way of evil,
From the man who speaks perverse things,」 Amen.
"those" are thought and wisdom. And "those" are things that come down from God.
I, who had been living selfishly, met God, came to know God, was saved by God, and began to take God's Word to heart. By establishing a vertical relationship with God, my horizontal relationships with people gradually improved. It cannot be done overnight, but we are progressing to a higher level before we know it, as if we were climbing a spiral staircase.
May the Lord continue to protect us today.
God bless you. See you tomorrow.
「Discretion will preserve you;
Understanding will keep you,」 Amen.
The patterns of behavior of those who are "thoughtful" and those who are not are quite different. A man named Toy,Thoughtfulness is the mind that plans things. It is the mind that discerns the ultimate goal and takes steps toward it. When the mind is directed toward God, the Word is stored in the mind, it comes out of the mouth, it becomes a habit, and it builds character. It also protects us.
May we pray before God today....
God bless you. See you tomorrow.
「When wisdom enters your heart,
And knowledge is pleasant to your soul,」 Amen.
He says that when the wisdom of God enters the heart, the soul rejoices. God's wisdom is to invite those who believe in the fact that He sent Jesus as Savior, crucified Him, died, was buried in the tomb, and rose again on the third day to heaven. He wants all of humanity to be transferred from the reign of sin to the reign of God. I, too, was saved, and I am simply grateful.
May I thank God for His wisdom today....
God bless you. See you tomorrow.
「He guards the paths of justice,
And preserves the way of His saints.」 Amen.
God's protection is everywhere. It may be God's Word. It may be an unexpected event. It could be information from God. Indeed, it comes at the best time, in the best way, and by the best person. When I quietly look back on my life now, I am reminded of many things that come to mind.
May we count the Lord's blessings today....
God bless you. See you tomorrow.
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