
  • Bad news is all around us. But that doesn't necessarily mean that it's an accurate reflection of the current state of our society and world, which is why in today's episode, I cover the importance of maintaining perspective and arming yourself with fact—not fear—based information.

    This is Part 5 of a 5-part series about how to effectively cope when you're inundated with bad news stories and negativity.

    And while the world may seem all doom and gloom, research and evidence show that we actually live in an increasingly peaceful time. That's not to say there isn't still tons of room for improvement, however. But we should also focus on the positives and factor in the progress we've made as well.

    Notes from the show:

    - We actually live in a more peaceful time now than we ever have before

    - Advancements in communication technology put information at our fingertips so we are just hearing about the bad news in the world more now

    - Every generation seems to have a problem with the subsequent one; it's easy to let emotions take over and see things from a negative point of view without examining the facts

    - Pretty much everyone thinks they are doing the right thing

    - We are all one community, one big ecosystem

    - Looking at situations from other people's perspectives help to bridge the hate

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    Study from Tel Aviv University - "Peace is more profitable than war"

    Article from Slate.com - Measurable progress has been made to lessen the amount of violence towards women

    Another article from Slate.com - There's a downward trend for genocide

    And one more - "The world is not falling apart"

    Article from Salon.com - Education and empathy have played significant roles in decreasing the amount of violence in the world

  • It's no secret that the news has been inundated with negative stories and happenings lately. But the reality is that if we have time to worry and complain, then we have time to take positive action, too. And that's exactly what I talk about in today's episode.

    This is Part 4 in a 5-part series about practical tips, staying open and resourced, and shifting our mindsets so we don't become weighed down by all of the bad news stories.

    We should be aware of what's going on in the world but we should digest that information when we're in the best frame of mind to do so. That way, we can spend our time doing something useful about it—something that can make the world a better place.

    Notes from the show:

    - Share what you believe but do so in a way that comes from a place of clean energy

    - Post supportive, love-based thoughts and stories on social media

    - Attend peaceful protests or use artistic expression to convey your message

    - Take Mr. Rogers' advice and "Look for the helpers"

    - Volunteer, make donations, send energy - do whatever you feel most comfortable with

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    Change.org - Website where you can sign petitions, or create one of your own, about causes that you care about

    #LoveForLeslieJ - Love-based hashtag started in response to the incredibly racist commentary aimed at the actress Leslie Jones

    Everything She Says She Means - An art project started by Spencer Tunick in which women reflect heir anger over oppressive attitudes and policies through art

    Police and Black Lives Matter Hold a Cookout - A positive story about the Wichita, Kansas police department spending time with members of the community at an event planned by Black Lives Matter activists

    BBBS - Volunteer with the Big Brother Big Sister of American organization

    RachelRofe.com/questions - If there's anything you'd like to ask me or have me podcast about, please go here and let me know

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  • If you don't stay open and learn how to manage your intake of current events in a way that empowers and enables you to cope with love rather than fear-based thinking, it's easy to become weighed down by bad news stories.

    This is Part 3 in a 5-part series about the tools you can use and the actions you can take when you start to feel overwhelmed by too much negative news.

    So much of the way we navigate the world around us has to do with our mindset. And luckily, that's something we're in charge of (to a large degree) and can tweak to create an overall more positive and joyful life for ourselves.

    I really hope you find this series helpful!

    Notes from the show:

    - The value of appreciating each day and treating it as a gift

    - How to reframe your mindset to be one filled with gratitude, not worry or fear

    - A challenge to commit to doing something that brings you joy every single day

    - You have the power to re-examine your expectations and treat negative feelings as opportunities for fulfillment

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    #100HappyDays - A challenge started by Dmitry Golubnichy "to inspire more people to choose happier living."

    Chad Hadsell interview - In this episode, Chad talks about the four things you need in order to stay as happy as possible.

    Hal Elrod interview - Hal discusses how to go from deeply depressed to living a thriving life.

    RachelRofe.com/questions - If there's anything you'd like me to podcast about, please go here and let me know.

  • Bad news deeply affects many of us. And there certainly is no shortage of it these days, so it can be difficult not to become totally consumed by it.

    This is Part 2 in a 5-part series filled with tips and resources that will help you better cope with all the negative news.

    Turning a blind eye to what's going on in the world is not what I'm proposing. Rather, I'm suggesting ways that you can take charge of your mindset and make sure that you stay open and continue operating from a place of love in spite of the negative things happening around you.

    I really hope you find this series helpful!

    Notes from the show:

    - Empowering yourself to be in charge of your experiences versus allowing your experiences to be in charge of you

    - How negative news infiltrates your subconscious with worry and fear-based thinking, blocking effective communication and trust

    - A Chrome extension that lets you block news from yourself until you're better equipped to handle it

    - Doing something that's worthwhile and productive with the information you take in as opposed to letting it drag you down

    - Putting more love into the world is the only thing that's going to truly help

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    News Feed Eradicator - Use this extension to block news from your Facebook news feed until you're in the right state of mind to see it.

  • It seems like there's been a lot of bad news out there lately, and even the most evolved people have a hard time getting sucked into it.

    This is Part 1 in a 5 part series filled with tips that will help you feel better about all of the negative news.

    I'm certainly not advocating ignoring it - but we can also approach things like this from a place of empowerment and genuine desire to help versus getting sucked into fear-based thinking that only makes the world worse.

    I hope this helps - it's really needed right now!

    Notes From The Show:

    – Fear limits us - love expands us.

    - Breathe deep in order to connect back to yourself

    - Bringing attention to the present moment helps you reduce anxiety

    - "It’s often the attempt to make anxiety go away, not the anxiety itself that traps us in anxiety disorders.” – Ruth M. Buczynski, PhD

    - Go out in nature or do something to connect you to yourself

    - Write a letter to yourself

    - Remember your true essence

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    RachelRofe.com/questions – If you’d like me to answer a question, post right there.

  • I know it's been a long time since I've made a podcast, and I apologize! Life has been very busy.

    This episode explains what's been going on and my intentions going forward with this show.

    Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.

    I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes.

    Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.

    That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

  • Today's show is Part 2 of our series with Danetha Doe. In this show, we talk about how financial freedom is a journey of self love.

    Some of the things we cover are:

    - Why a strong sense of self worth leads to earning more income

    - A morning ritual you can do to feel better about your money and yourself

    - People who feel like having money is a bad thing (usually because of spiritual beliefs)

    - How to get over the "Fraud Factor" that so many people struggle with

    You can find Part 1 with Danetha Doe - Track your money and transform your life - right here.

    As always, please me know how you enjoyed this episode by pinging me on Twitter.com/RachelRofe or Facebook.com/RachelRofe. :)

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    Track your money and transform your life - Part 1 of our chat with Danetha

    Change your money mindset and earn more, with Denise Duffield-Thomas – This is the interview with Denise Duffield-Thomas (another money mindset expert that’s been on A Better Life) that Danetha mentioned

    Bookkeeping 101 - Danetha's course

    Did you like this?

    Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.

    I'd also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes. Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here. That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

  • In today's show, we talk with Danetha Doe about the importance of tracking your money and how you can get started in a simple, quick way.

    Some of the things we cover are:

    - How to eliminate overwhelm around your finances (including super-simple notifications you can set up)

    - Easy ways to get started tracking your income - including what to track and when to track it

    - How to create financial goals + realistic plans to make them happen

    - ...and a bit more, including why you should treat yourself even if you're on a budget.

    This episode is Part 1 with Danetha. In Part 2, we talk all about how financial freedom is a journey of self love. Stay tuned!

    As always, please me know how you enjoyed this episode by pinging me on Twitter.com/RachelRofe or Facebook.com/RachelRofe. :)

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    Change your money mindset and earn more, with Denise Duffield-Thomas - This is the interview with Denise Duffield-Thomas (another money mindset expert that's been on A Better Life) that Danetha mentioned

    Bookkeeping 101 - Danetha's course

    Did you like this?

    Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.

    I'd also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes. Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here. That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

  • You may have heard of Ryan Moran before: he has a very popular podcast, has a huge fan base, and is very well known for creating a million dollar Amazon-based business in a year.

    There are lots of interviews about how Ryan created his successful business, so in today's show we talked about his path to creating his successful business and how he invests his money now that he has it.

    Some of the things we cover are:

    - Why Ryan was making money but still miserable

    - The #1 shift that helped Ryan feel a lot better about his business

    - How Ryan spends his money now (including how he gets a 25% return on some of his investments)

    - ...and a bit more, including points where we both get butterflies in our stomachs (mostly because we're geeks!)

    As always, please me know how you enjoyed this episode by pinging me on Twitter.com/RachelRofe or Facebook.com/RachelRofe. :)

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    Building a Million Dollar Business in 12 Months – with Ryan Moran - This is an interview where Ryan talked about how he earned 1 million dollars in a year.

    How Ryan Moran Created A 7 Figure Ecommerce Business On Amazon In Just 1 Year - This is an example of a podcast where Ryan talked about how he went from 0 to 1 million in a year. I haven't listened to it yet.

    IncomeStore - Ryan's client created this company to raise investor money.

    FreedomFastLane.com/betterlife - This is where you can get a discounted ticket to Ryan's event.

    Wes Chapman on owning your power no matter what life throws at you - This is the podcast with the guy who put Ryan and I back in touch
    My episode with Ryan Moran? - Forever ago (maybe not)

    Did you like this?

    Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.

    I'd also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes. Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here. That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

  • Sometimes seemingly "small" gestures can mean the world to people. Today's episode is all about how you can dramatically impact somebody's day - or week- in 20 minutes or less.

    Notes From The Show:

    - Randomly buy something on Amazon Wishlist

    - Use your intuition to give someone a gift card

    - Mail someone a card with reasons you admire or love them

    - Pay tolls behind you

    - Offer to help a busy parent

    - Offer food to your neighbors

    - Be a rock

    - Send PayPal appreciation

    - Create a scavenger hunt

    - Bring healthy snacks to work

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    Amazon Wishlist - This is where you can type in random names to find people to gift things to.

    11 5-minute activities you can do to make the world a better place - This is a very similar podcast episode to today's.

    RachelRofe.com/questions - If you'd like me to answer a question, post right there.

    Did you like this?

    Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.

    I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes.

    Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.

    That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

  • Today's episode was sent in by Kimberly on rachelrofe.com/questions.

    She asks,

    "Hello Rachel, I love all the cool things you do. I bought something from you and it came through JV Zoo. Afterwards, I was bombarded by JV Zoo emails. I have a product that I need help promoting but I hate the idea of putting my clients through that. What are your thoughts on JV Zoo did it work well for you and can the email onslaught be avoided with Clickbank? Thanks for Being You!"

    Notes From The Show:

    - It depends on what you're selling

    - JVZoo is great for IM products and for finding affiliates.

    - Clickbank doesn't send out emails but not as easy to find affiliates.

    - JVZoo and Clickbank are best for non-recurring fee options

    - Shopify can also be used to sell digital products and there are affiliate apps. They don't send emails.

    - I personally use Shopify for physical products, Nanacast, JVZoo, and Clickbank.

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    JVZoo - No upfront fee, sends out emails if people don't un-check the button

    Clickbank - $50 fee to list a product, no emails sent out

    Shopify - No emails sent out, recurring fee (use that link for 20% off though)

    Nanacast - Complex to use, offers lifetime commissions, recurring fee

    RachelRofe.com/questions - If you'd like me to answer a question, post right there.

    Did you like this?

    Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.

    I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes.

    Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.

    That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

  • Today’s show is for you if you feel like you don’t know your “purpose” yet and that makes you feel bad.

    Notes From The Show:

    – Being stuck on finding a “purpose” can make us feel horrible.

    – Not everyone necessarily has a specific purpose that has to be monetized and made into a business or has to help a zillion people.

    – Do what feels good as often as you can

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    Anthony Lemme – This is the person whose post I found.

    Facebook post – This is what I read aloud.

    Danielle LaPorte – I am pretty sure Desire Map is where I read about Danielle’s example with using core desired feelings at work.

    Get a 9-5 that lights you up – This podcast is another resource to help you love the job you’re working in.

    RachelRofe.com/questions – If you’d like me to answer a question, post right there.

    Did you like this?

    Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.

    I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes.

    Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.

    That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

  • Today's episode was sent in by Ruchi on rachelrofe.com/questions and is all about legacy. The question was about the legacy *I* want to leave behind, but I invite you to answer this for yourself, too.

    Ruchi asks, "Hi Rachel! Hopefully this doesn't come across as morbid, but here's my question to you, you do a lot of great things for the world, from everyday angel bombs where you unexpectedly brighten up someone's day, to huge things like helping raise 50k in less than a day for a school in Brazil. My question for you is what legacy do you hope to leave after you're gone, and what would you like to be remembered for?”

    Notes From The Show:

    - I usually think in terms of "will I be happy on my death bed?" and/or what values can I instill in future kids?

    - Made a difference (without parameters).

    - Pleasure

    - Use gifts

    What about you? I'd love to hear!

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    Top 5 regrets of the dying - This is so helpful to know.

    RachelRofe.com/questions - If you'd like me to answer a question, post right there.

    Did you like this?

    Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.

    I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes.

    Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.

    That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

  • Would you like to have your content featured on major sites like MindBodyGreen, Huffington Post, and other major websites?

    If so, you can - it's TOTALLY do-able - and you don't even need to have some major following or credentials first.
    In today's episode I'm going to go over exactly how you can get featured on MindBodyGreen and other sites, even if you're starting with zero online presence.

    This show was created thanks to Stephanie submitting a question on rachelrofe.com/questions. She asks, "Hi Rachel! My potential podcast question is ...How can one get published on a site like MindBodyGreen? THANKS!"

    Please feel free to submit your questions, too!

    Notes From The Show:

    Step 1: Make sure your niche makes sense with whatever site you'd like to submit to.

    Here were the articles I submitted to MindBodyGreen even though I am known for personal development *and* biz advice.

    10 Tips To Improve Your Morning In 5 Minutes Or Less (1.6k shares)
    10 Ways To Fit Fun Into A Busy Day (676 shares)
    7 Reasons You're Not Living The Life Of Your Dreams (3.5k shares)
    7 Ways To Get Anything You Want (13.1k shares)

    Step 2: Look at what’s already doing well on sites.

    Most places will tell you exactly what their most popular articles are. See if your content can mold to it a little bit. Look for key words in titles, headline formats, certain lengths of words in headlines, etc.

    You can also search for something like "mindbodygreen.com productivity" or "forbes.com beauty" and manually open up a bunch of articles to see what has done well.

    If nothing in your niche is doing well, it may mean you don't have the sexiest topic.

    Step 3: Write your article (if a site requires it upfront).

    Make sure to adhere to the submission requirements of a site. Different sites like different word counts, topics, etc.

    Make it easy to read with short sentences and deliver exactly what the title offers. Don't be too verbose or self promotional.

    If the site allows, have a resource box that tells people where they can sign up to get more from you, preferably with a gift that has to do with whatever your article's about.

    Optional: You may want to have friends or a coach proofread your article before you submit.

    Step 4: Submit your content following submission guidelines.

    Most people who are on sites like MindBodyGreen or HuffingtonPost are there simply because they asked to be.

    Just do a search for ‘site name + submission’ or ‘site name + submit article’.

    Step 5: Put it in your calendar to see if you get accepted.

    Most sites will tell you when they’ll let you know if you’ll get accepted or not by. Put the date in your calendar and take appropriate action. You may want to clean up your article and re-submit, or maybe use your article as content for your own blog, other sites, or for guest blogging.

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    - RachelRofe.com/questions - If you'd like me to answer a question, post right there.

    - MindBodyGreen - This is the link to my author page.

    - iReport.cnn.com - This is where you can publish anything on CNN.com.

    Did you like this?

    Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.

    I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes.

    Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.

    That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated.

  • Today's show goes over how you can use GetResponse's new web forms and apps to increase the subscribers on your mailing list. I go over which apps I've been using and how I use them to build my mailing list.

    If you have a topic request or a question you'd like me to answer, please head over to http://rachelrofe.com/questions and ask!

    Notes From The Show:

    - GetResponse.com is an autoresponder service you can use to grow and communicate with your mailing list. I've tested out 10 or so comparable systems and this has been my favorite.

    - This is a sponsored show. I seeked GetResponse out as a sponsor because they're a company I know, love, and have been using for nearly a decade.

    - To access forms, go to Forms, then Create Forms, then the List Builder Wizard.

    - There are 11 different form options including a blank one + one where you can search for size dimensions. Everything is customizable, no cheesy stock photos.

    - Split testing is now an option. Make sure to use it. Unless you get a TON of traffic, I'd test 2 forms at a time and keep cutting the weaker ones and replacing them with new variations. Test out colors you use, headlines, and the amount of things you collect (for example, try just collecting email versus name and email addresses).

    - Web apps are my favorite. To access these, log into GetResponse, go to Forms, then Create Forms, then click on List Builder Apps.

    - The scroll box app is one I've posted on RachelRofe.com. It's a form you put on your website that collects names and email addresses. It stays on the page the whole time as people are reading and is particularly beneficial for places where you have valuable content. It reminds people that they can get even more from you.

    - The exit pop up app has been the best-performing app that I've implemented. It's a form that pops up when people are trying to leave your website and isn't annoying or invasive. I've put this on 2 places:

    - KinstantFormatter.com - This is a software I have that converts documents to Kindle-ready books. If potential customers try to leave the website without buying it, they're offered information for free on how to market their books.

    - A blog post in one of my niches about a particular type of tutorial. When people go to leave the blog post, I offer them a signup to get more of those types of tutorials.

    The reason why this particular app is so beneficial is because people are already showing interest in a particular type of content. By offering them similar content, you're giving them what they've expressly shown interest in.

    This is a win/win because people get more of what they want, plus you get extra opportunity to get in front of people. People often need multiple exposures before buying something.

    - Out of all the apps this one is doing the best conversion-wise so far. It's also the best one in terms of converting signups into sales.

    - The Shake box is a great one to capture peoples' attention. A signup form comes on top of the text and it jiggles back and forth to capture peoples’ attention.

    - The Fixed app will post a horizontal form on the bottom or top of your page. I have something like this on rachelrofe.com/products and have gotten several hundred sign ups from it.

    - GetResponse has integrations with Facebook, Wordpress, PrestaShop, Joomla, or WooCommerce, you can do that very easily under the same section in Create Forms.

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    GetResponse - The email autoresponder system I've used for about a decade. This is the site you can sign up with to try out the new forms and apps.

    RachelRofe.com - My main site and where I have been testing some apps.

    KinstantFormatter.com - One of the sites I have that I am testing the "exit pop up" app on.

    rachelrofe.com/products - I've gotten hundreds of email signups on this page using something like the Fixed app.

    Did you like this?

    Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.

    I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes.

    Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.

    That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

  • The holidays are coming up and it’s an great time to be able to sell items online. If you’d like to know how you can sell without spending any money upfront, this show is for you.

    This show was created thanks to this question from Matt:

    “How can I sell products online without having to spend big money on minimum order quantities? I’ve read about people trying to hire from China and it costs a ton of money. I'm about to be a new dad and would love to jump in to shopify but am still stuck with finding and sourcing a product that sells without losing my shirt.”

    If you have a question you'd like me to answer, please head over to http://rachelrofe.com/questions and ask!

    Notes From The Show:

    Why I don't like to buy inventory upfront:

    - You don't know if inventory will sell - it's a big risk.

    - May have to spend thousands of dollars.

    - Dealing with wholesalers can be frustrating.


    - 740 of 822 items from UseGearBubble

    - Upload design - can design yourself, pay someone on Fiverr, work with designer, split royalties, pick a price, instantly get a site to sell on.

    - UGB handles fulfillment + customer service.

    - Built for direct marketing.

    - Upsell like items, like a mug to a necklace with the same design

    - Can sell directly on site or using dropship program. Get ROI on free campaign first.

    - Sign up no matter what, you'll get free training from 7-figure marketer. Will help with anything you sell, even if not UGB.


    - Re-sell items for a profit (i.e. sell a watch for $13 that you find on eBay for $10)

    - Go to rachelrofe.com/shopify for 20% off.

    - You can contact sellers and ask to ship without their packaging or for permission to use their pictures. Most sellers are fine since they're getting exactly what they asked for.

    - You can use multiple addresses.

    - Customers don't always know items are available on eBay - many people don't comparison shop, different titles, plus you're giving convenience of curating for them.

    - Can buy your own inventory after proven concept.

    - Can do this on Amazon too.

    - Make sure to check your emails every day to fulfill orders. People won't want to wait.

    - I've sold 26 items of last 822 sales from here.


    - Had my sister print out, cut, and send stickers. She fulfilled as orders came in.

    - Gave her a design, posted on my store. I made stickers one color + easily cut out, though she has now upgraded her printer so it's not an issue.

    - Offered free stickers + $2.95 shipping and handling. $.95 profit + got people on mailing list to re-market to, was very easy.

    - Sold 56 stickers on this store, 60+ on another.

    - Stickers are excellent impulse buy.

    - Hands off if you auto-forward sticker orders to her.

    - Can find Jackie right here: https://www.facebook.com/ImaginationsPlus

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    UseGearBubble - I used this to sell 740 of my last 822 items.

    Fiverr - You can use this site to get $5 designs.

    eBay.com - You can re-sell items from here.

    https://www.facebook.com/ImaginationsPlus - Contact my sister to fulfill sticker orders for you.

    RachelRofe.com/questions - Post here if you have any questions you think I can help with

    RachelRofe.com/shopify - Get 20% off with this link.

    Did you like this?

    Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.

    I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes.

    Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.

    That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

  • Today's show goes over a problem that many of us face: being afraid to be seen.

    It covers why so many of us are afraid to let people see the real us, then what we can do about it.

    If you have a question you'd like me to answer, please head over to http://rachelrofe.com/questions and ask!

    Sponsored by: http://www.YourGetResponse.com

    Notes From The Show:

    Part 1: Validation

    - Can be very energetically taxing

    - Can be inconvenient, uncomfortable, unsafe

    - Can be hard in business too: new promotions, programs, etc invites criticism

    - It's vulnerable

    - Innate fear to go against the tribe

    Part 2: What we can do about it

    - Talk to your support network first

    - Set boundaries around unwanted attention

    - Ask yourself, "What's the worst that can happen?"

    - Meditate or do EFT

    - Start small

    - Keep doing it

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    How to handle being “energy sensitive” — with Hadley Gustin - This show goes over what you can do if you're very energy-sensitive.

    How to build a strong support network around yourself - This show goes over how you can build a strong support network to be vulnerable with.

    Change your money mindset and earn more – with Denise Duffield-Thomas - We talk about EFT (tapping) in this show.

    RachelRofe.com/questions - Post here if you have any questions you think I can help with

    YourGetResponse.com - My favorite email autoresponder.

    Did you like this?

    Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.

    I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes.

    Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.

    That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

  • Getting feedback from other people can (sometimes!) be a fast path to growth.

    The problem is, sometimes it can be very hard to get constructive, honest feedback from people we trust.

    Today's episode shows you how.

    This episode was created by special request. If you have a question you'd like me to answer, please head over to http://rachelrofe.com/questions and ask!

    Sponsored by: http://www.YourGetResponse.com

    Notes From The Show:

    - Find people you trust to be honest

    - Be 100% forthright with what you want (be very specific)

    - Tell people that you really want their honesty

    - Ask individual people directly

    - Offer feedback to other people

    - Listen and don't get defensive

    - Dig deeper and ask clarifying questions

    - Thank people when done
    - Take action

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    RachelRofe.com/questions - Post here if you have any questions you think I can help with

    YourGetResponse.com - My favorite email autoresponder.

    Did you like this?

    Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.

    I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes.

    Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.

    That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

  • People always say you're the average of the 5 people closest to you. If you'd like to learn how to surround yourself with amazing people and create a strong support network for yourself, check out this episode.

    It was sent in by special request. If you have a question you'd like me to answer, please head over to http://rachelrofe.com/questions and ask!

    Sponsored by: http://www.YourGetResponse.com

    Notes From The Show:

    - Be intentional with who you want in your life.

    - Look for those people

    - Don't be overly judge-y

    - Create reasons to connect

    - Make it easy for people to connect with you

    - Create consistent connection

    - Treat people like they're special

    - Do things that are uncomfortable sometimes

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    Inspired Hustle - My Facebook group.

    Start a great conversation and become good at small talk – with Paul Sanders (part 1) - This is a related podcast that you may enjoy.

    Make awesome friends – with Paul Sanders (part 2) - This is Part 2 of the related podcast that you may enjoy.

    Make powerful business connections – with HonorĂ©e Corder - This is a related podcast that you may enjoy.

    Did you like this?

    Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it via social media.

    I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes.

    Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.

    That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

  • Today's show is short and sweet. I wanted to get an important message out there. :)

    Sponsored by: http://www.YourGetResponse.com


    Let your faith be bigger than your fear." - the quote I love (and the podcast title)

    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    Twitter - My Twitter page.

    YourGetResponse.com - My favorite email provider.

    Take Control of Your Life - I didn't mention this on the show but if you'd like to learn how to create an actionable plan out of making your goals happen, this $.99 book will help.

    Did you like this?

    Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.

    I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes.

    Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.

    That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!