
  • Life is 50-50 & negative emotions are a part of the human experience. And yet most of us, don’t know how to ride through these waves of emotion as they come up for us. So today, I’ll teach you how to do just that, using anxiety as an example.

    Key Points in This Episode of A Dose of Perspective :

    Why negative emotions are not a problem, until we make them a problem for ourselvesWhy a high IQ does not necessarily translate to a high EQThe 3 band-aid strategies that we resort to whenever we’re face to face with negative emotions – Resistance, Reacting to and AvoidanceWhy your negative emotions are like little kids who are craving for your attention – they just want to be seen, heard, loved and accepted (by YOU)A step by step approach on how to use the NOW method to process any emotion that doesn’t feel great to you

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please take the time to subscribe, rate & review this podcast so that others who may also benefit from this content, can find it more easily.

    Website: fayhosseini.com

    LinkedIn: Fay Hosseini

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @Fay.Hosseini

  • Today I’ll be discussing what many of us struggle with – setting personal boundaries. You teach others how to treat you, but people aren’t mind readers. Join me to learn the how of where to start when it comes to setting healthy, personal boundaries.

    Key Points in This Episode of A Dose of Perspective :

    Brief review of the definition of a boundaryWhy it’s important to gain more clarity on your own boundaries - FIRSTKey differences between setting healthy & unhealthy boundariesImportant questions to ask yourself to determine if there truly has been a boundary violation, or if you’re looking to create drama unnecessarilyA neutral approach to setting healthy boundaries whenever there clearly has been a boundary violation

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please take the time to subscribe, rate & review this podcast so that others who may also benefit from this content, can find it more easily.

    Website: fayhosseini.com

    LinkedIn: Fay Hosseini

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @Fay.Hosseini

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  • Do you constantly say yes to others when your soul is screaming NO? Do you walk around with a fake smile as you continue to put everyone else’s needs before your own? Are you marinating in resentment? If you answered yes, then press play my friend.

    Key Points in This Episode of A Dose of Perspective :

    The underlying pathology of our Disease to PleaseWhy women are more susceptible to falling into the people pleasing cycle of existenceThe transaction that occurs between a people pleaser and the person they are trying to pleaseKey differences between being a people pleaser and a selfless personQuestions to ask yourself to determine if you’re a people pleaserStrategies to address and treat the pleaser in youAn invitation to join my pod for a 1 hour complimentary session where we dive deeper into more tools and strategies to tackle the root cause of your Disease to Please

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please take the time to subscribe, rate & review this podcast so that others who may also benefit from this content, can find it more easily.

    Website: fayhosseini.com

    LinkedIn: Fay Hosseini

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @Fay.Hosseini

  • In today’s episode, I’ll be discussing 10 simple & practical strategies to tackle the underlying pathology of your Imposter Syndrome. Let’s normalize this phenomenon & encourage one another to remove our armor, & show up in a more authentic way.

    Key Points in This Episode of A Dose of Perspective :

    The Clance Imposter Phenomenon Scale (CIPS)Examples of statements from the CIPS scaleReframing imposter-like thoughts/thought patterns to fuel more positive emotions10 effective strategies to help you loosen your armorWhy it’s important to talk & share our experiences of imposter syndrome so that we can remove our armor, & show up as the best version of ourselves

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please take the time to subscribe, rate & review this podcast so that others who may also benefit from this content, can find it more easily.

    Website: fayhosseini.com

    LinkedIn: Fay Hosseini

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @Fay.Hosseini

  • Imposter syndrome is prevalent in the work force & can have a significant impact on our mental health. I’ll be discussing some key background information, including relevant literature & the underlying thought patterns that fuel this phenomenon.

    Key Points in This Episode of A Dose of Perspective :

    Why certain professions are a breeding ground for imposter syndromeKey features & characteristics of imposter syndromeThe prevalence of imposter syndrome in the work forceLiterature findings pertaining to this phenomenonThe thoughts & thought patterns that fuel imposterismThe impact of imposter syndrome on our mental healthHow imposter syndrome shows up in my own professional lifeWhy administers should be aware of this phenomenon & it’s impact on the mental health of their employees

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please take the time to subscribe, rate & review this podcast so that others who may also benefit from this content, can find it more easily.

    Website: fayhosseini.com

    LinkedIn: Fay Hosseini

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @Fay.Hosseini

  • Today’s episode is about the act of worrying which is nothing more than the misuse of our imagination. But we all do it because it gives us this false sense of control. I’ll discuss strategies to help you tackle your worries in a more productive way.

    Key Points in This Episode of A Dose of Perspective :

    Why worrying is a form of negative visualization that removes us from the present momentWhy it’s a good idea to schedule 30 mins of “worry time” in your calendarHow to uncover some of your deeper, rooted worriesSolvable versus Unsolvable WorriesKey questions to ask yourself when examining whatever it is that’s weighing heavy in your mind, & in your heartWhat I wish someone had told me when my mom was first diagnosed with cholangiocarcinomaWhy TRUST is the antidote to the act of worryingWhy SELF-TRUST is a muscle just like any other that we can grow, if, we’re willing to give it the time & attention it deserves

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please take the time to subscribe, rate & review this podcast so that others who may also benefit from this content, can find it more easily.

    Website: fayhosseini.com

    LinkedIn: Fay Hosseini

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @Fay.Hosseini

  • A hyperactive judge is a strong indicator that we’re at war with ourselves. It’s why we view the world through a negative lens & how we add to our own pain & suffering – unknowingly. Join me & learn how to tame your judge & subsequently feel lighter.

    Key Points in This Episode of A Dose of Perspective :

    Why a hyperactive judge is the most common way we sabotage our livesThe most common emotions that are at the heart of a judgmental outlook – Shame, blame & guiltSome of the work & teachings of Shirzad Chamine - keynote speaker, executive coach & author of NY time best seller “Positive Intelligence”Common lies that your judge feeds into your psycheWhy it’s important to recognize who is in the driver’s seat of your mind – especially when making important decisionsQuestions to ask yourself to determine if you have a hyperactive judgeWhy it’s important to recognize your judge as a separate entity to youWhy it’s important to know the triggers that activate your judge, ahead of timeHow to disarm your judge during moments of judge hyperactivationStrategies to weaken your judge over time, & cultivate more peace & joy

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

    Positive Intelligence : https://amzn.to/3CFDtAl

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please take the time to subscribe, rate & review this podcast so that others who may also benefit from this content, can find it more easily.

    Website: fayhosseini.com

    LinkedIn: Fay Hosseini

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @Fay.Hosseini

  • This episode will change your approach to goal setting. How do we build momentum, create new habits & keep up with the daily grind? How do we assess, pivot & course correct? I want to help you recommit to your New Year’s Resolution. I believe in you!

    Key Points in This Episode of A Dose of Perspective :

    Why 80% of us give up on our New Year’s Resolution by the second week of FebruaryWhy most of us set goals backwardsWhy motivation alone isn’t enough to achieve our goalsSome of the most common reasons we tend to give up on our goals prematurelyWhy it’s important to have a strong enough WHY to support yourself during the moments of weakness when you feel defeatedWhy the beauty of goal setting is within the journey itself, and not the destinationAn effective, how to, step by step process to set goals and achieve themWhat to do when you’re starting to lose momentum, and how to pivot and course correct to rebuild momentum and stay on trackWhy it’s important to reframe failure as learningWhy it’s important to celebrate every single win – big or small

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

    Everything Is Figureoutable

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please take the time to subscribe, rate & review this podcast so that others who may also benefit from this content, can find it more easily.

    Website: fayhosseini.com

    LinkedIn: Fay Hosseini

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @Fay.Hosseini

  • Today I’ll show you how to uncover your stuck stories. I’ll use examples to illustrate how to disempower these beliefs so you can see for yourself, that you’re only as limited as your most limiting belief. Meet the limitless miracle that you are.

    Key Points in This Episode of A Dose of Perspective :

    Strategies to uncover some of your more stubborn limiting beliefsWhy we choose to fail ahead of time by continuing to play smallHow to examine your beliefs to determine their origins, if they even belong to you, and whether or not they’re serving you todayHow to question your limiting beliefs from a place of wonder and curiosityHow to gently punch some holes into the foundation of your limiting beliefs, and create room for more sparkly beliefs that will uncover your limitless potential

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

    The High 5 Habit

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please take the time to subscribe, rate & review this podcast so that others who may also benefit from this content, can find it more easily.

    Website: fayhosseini.com

    LinkedIn: Fay Hosseini

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @Fay.Hosseini

  • Today I’ll discuss why most of us live a life of recurrent patterns & how all patterns are belief driven. I’ll discuss the origins of our core belief system & will focus on our limiting beliefs, & why it’s important to examine these more closely.

    Key Points in This Episode of A Dose of Perspective :

    Why we live a life of recurrent patterns & not the life we’re meant to liveHow the Western culture of scarcity fuels our limiting beliefs which keeps us stuckSome of the most common limiting beliefs that hide in our subconscious mindHow the seeds of our limiting beliefs are first planted in our young mindsHow our limiting beliefs establish the overall trajectory of our adult lives, and why changing this narrative is the key if you’re looking to course correct

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please take the time to subscribe, rate & review this podcast so that others who may also benefit from this content, can find it more easily.

    Website: fayhosseini.com

    LinkedIn: Fay Hosseini

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @Fay.Hosseini

  • In today’s episode, I’ll review The Four Agreements by doctor and spiritual teacher, Don Miguel Ruiz. If you just embrace & practice this daily prescription of ancient Toltec wisdom, your perspective will shift, and you’ll feel so much lighter.

    I’ll review each of the four agreements in more detail - Be impeccable with your word, don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions and always do your best. Though these may seem logical at first, most of us fail to practice these four agreements in our day to day, so we add to our own stress, pain and suffering unnecessarily.

    Key Points in This Episode of A Dose of Perspective :

    How we form our limiting beliefs, our agreements, starting at a very young ageHow we often underestimate the power of our words to ourselves and to othersWhy we tend to personalize things that are not even personalWhy making assumptions only adds more fuel to the dumpster fireWhy these 4 agreements will help you strengthen your relationship not just with others, but more importantly, with yourself

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

    The Four Agreements: English | Spanish

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please take the time to subscribe, rate & review this podcast so that others who may also benefit from this content, can find it more easily.

    Website: fayhosseini.com

    LinkedIn: Fay Hosseini

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @Fay.Hosseini

  • In this episode, I’ll discuss 12 strategies that helped me personally with my own Burn-Out Recovery a few years ago. Learn how to not only climb out of the black hole of burn-out, but how to stay away from that slippery slope in the future.

    Since burn-out is a "chronic" stress phenomenon, remember to be patient with the recovery process because otherwise, you may give up on yourself prematurely. Recognize that a good portion of burn-out recovery is an inside job – so don’t wait for the administrators/others to address every single one of your pain points for you. Because that's just not possible. Be willing to learn how to put on your own oxygen mask first. Your patients will thank you for it. And remember that at the end of the day, we’re all on the same team – we’re all in this earth school together my friend.

    Key Points in This Episode of A Dose of Perspective :

    Why it’s important to design a burn-out recovery treatment plan that feels right to youSome of the common ways we sabotage our own attempts at self-careWhy it’s important to understand the difference between a stressor & the feeling of stressWhy silencing your inner judge is a powerful strategy to address the cynicism of occupational burn-outStrategies to prevent your professional life from bleeding into your personal lifeStrategies to stay away from the slippery slope of burn-out in the future

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please take the time to subscribe, rate & review this podcast so that others who may also benefit from this content, can find it more easily.

    Website: fayhosseini.com

    LinkedIn: Fay Hosseini

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @Fay.Hosseini

  • In this episode I discuss why the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the mass exodus of healthcare workers across the globe. I review the 3 dimensions of occupational burn-out, the WHO’s definition of burn-out, & I discuss why self-care alone is not enough.

    In the healthcare industry, we’re set up quite nicely to experience occupational burn-out – the long hours, the back to back shifts, the high patient volumes, the high level of acuity, the lack of sufficient resources, the congestion in the waiting rooms, and the constant giving, giving, giving can only continue for so long before you hit a wall. Head first. It’s time to slow down and put on your own oxygen mask - FIRST. It’s time to take care of you - FIRST.

    This episode is dedicated to all of my amazing colleagues within the University of Washington Health Care System, who’ve been working tirelessly since the start of the pandemic. We see you. We appreciate you. We love you. You matter.

    Key Points in This Episode of A Dose of Perspective :

    Why self-care alone is not enough to work your way out of the black hole of burn-outDr. Christina Maslach’s research and the Maslach Burn-Out Inventory (MBI)The 3 dimensions of Occupational Burn-Out – Exhaustion, Cynicism & Professional InefficacyThe World Health Organization’s revision of the ICD-11 in 2019, to include Burn-out as an occupational phenomenonPersonality traits (in addition to our circumstances) that predispose us to burn-outQuestions to ask yourself to determine if you’re experiencing burn-out

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please take the time to subscribe, rate & review this podcast so that others who may also benefit from this content, can find it more easily.

    Website: fayhosseini.com

    LinkedIn: Fay Hosseini

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @Fay.Hosseini

  • Welcome to A Dose of Perspective! - A podcast where busy professionals learn how to overcome the stress, anxiety & overwhelm of daily life. In this episode, you’ll learn about my role in the ER, & how personal loss, burn-out & compassion fatigue led me to coaching.

    In May 2018, I watched my mom succumb to cholangiocarcinoma – the life event that forced me to slow down. And broke me open. Returning to work in the ER was challenging, & over time, I started to recognize I had poor coping skills.

    But after stumbling across life coaching, and reaping the benefits of the thought work, the mindset & the shifts in perspective, everything started to slowly shift. If you keep an open mind, you too can learn how to ride the waves of your life with less resistance, and more forward momentum.

    Key Points in This Episode of A Dose of Perspective:

    Why adversity is the perfect opportunity for growthWhy our threat focus, our stress response is permanently dialed up in today’s worldWhy we need to pay attention to what we pay attention to (i.e. mind chatter)Why I consider coaching to be an enema for your brainWhy a daily brain dump on paper (may repeat PRN) is recommended for your mental healthHow we get ourselves into trouble when we can’t tell the difference between a thought & a circumstance

    Please take the time to subscribe, rate & review this podcast so that others who may also benefit from this content, can find it more easily.

    Website: fayhosseini.com

    LinkedIn: Fay Hosseini

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @Fay.Hosseini

  • Are you a busy professional struggling with stress, anxiety and overwhelm more often than you're willing to admit to? Are you experiencing burn-out and compassion fatigue, to the point where you're questioning how much longer you can stay in your current position, or your chosen profession? Has your professional life bled heavily into your personal life? Does fear hold you back? Do you feel stuck more often than not?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you're in the right place my friend! Welcome to a A Dose of Perspective with your host, Dr. Fay Hosseini - certified life coach and ER pharmacist, at a Level I Trauma Center. This is the podcast where busy professionals like you, come to learn how to master emotional resiliency, by harnessing the power of your own mind. Whether it's a solo episode or an interview with a special guest - you will walk away feeling refreshed, motivated and inspired to take action. On a biweekly basis, you can expect to learn various coaching concepts, tools, tips, tricks and mind hacks, that are designed to help you shift perspective, while maintaining forward momentum in your own life. Adversity doesn't have to set you back - it's the perfect classroom for you to grow, and set yourself up for your remarkable come back. E V E R Y T I M E.

    Be sure to subscribe now on Apple, Spotify or Stitcher to make sure you never miss an episode!
