Главный русскоязычный подкаст про крипту, деньги и арбитраж
✅ Как заработать life change money капитал?
✅ Тренды в мире крипты и арбитража
✅ Правдивые истории успешных предпринимателей
✅ Как создать пассивный доход и добежать до цели в 20 млн $ личного капитала
Как зарабатывают на крипте, арбитраже, мобильных приложениях, и инвестициях.
Идея канала - рассказывать истории нового поколения предпринимателей (до 30 лет)
Новое поколение = новая энергия / новые ниши / новые герои.
ХЕДЛАЙНЕРЫ - про ЛЮДЕЙ, про ЖИЗНЬ. Без пафоса.
Jack Butcher, Bilal Zaidi & Trung Phan discuss what they're finding on the edges of the internet + the latest in business, technology and memes.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This is Minimally Viable - the podcast for founders by founders. We interview other early-stage entrepreneurs, mentors, advisors, and investors on all topics relevant to early-stage startups from PMF to growth, fundraising, hiring, and all things related to early-stage startups
Stock market commentary from Wall St thought leaders in strategy, economics, technical analysis and policy. Disclaimer ..........
This Podcast Audio Show has been prepared by Renaissance Macro Research, LLC (“RenMac”), an affiliate of Renaissance Macro Securities, LLC.
This Podcast Audio Show is for distribution only as may be permitted by law. It is published solely for information purposes; it is not an advertisement nor is it a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any financial instruments or to participate in any particular trading strategy. No representation or warranty, either express or implied, is provided in relation to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information contained in this document. The information is not intended to be a complete statement or summary of the markets, economy or other developments referred to in the Podcast Audio Show. Any opinions expressed in this Podcast Audio Show may change without notice. Any statements contained in this Podcast Audio Show attributed to a third party represent RenMac's interpretation of the data, information and/or opinions provided by that third party either publicly or through a subscription service, and such use and interpretation have not been reviewed by the third party.
Nothing in this Podcast Audio Show constitutes a representation that any investment strategy or recommendation is suitable or appropriate to an investor’s individual circumstances or otherwise constitutes a personal recommendation. Investments involve risks, and investors should exercise prudence and their own judgment in making their investment decisions. The value of any investment may decline due to factors affecting the securities markets generally or particular industries. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Neither RenMac nor any of its directors, employees or agents accepts any liability for any loss (including investment loss) or damage arising out of the use of all or any of the information.
Any information stated in this Podcast Audio Show is for information purposes only and does not represent valuations for individual securities or other financial instruments. Different assumptions by RenMac or any other source may yield substantially different results. The analysis contained in this document is based on numerous assumptions and are not all inclusive.
Copyright © Renaissance Macro Research, LLC. 2019. All rights reserved. All material presented in this Podcast Audio Show, unless specifically indicated otherwise, is under copyright to Renaissance Macro Research, LLC. None of the material, nor its content, nor any copy of it, may be altered in any way, or transmitted to or distributed to any other party, without the prior express written permission of Renaissance Marco Research, LLC. -
Серия подкастов для широкой аудитории, где мы говорим о различных стратегиях инвестирования и пристально смотрим на рынки IT и кибербезопасности
I Love Prosperity is dedicated to helping you achieve financial independence no matter where you are in life or what the markets do. We bring in the best minds in economics, investing, entrepreneurship, precious metals, currencies, stocks and much, much more. Each week industry leading CEO's and experts share their experience and insider information so that you can see the upcoming trends and make wise decisions with your investments. We want to help you build that extra stream of income and invest it wisely for a prosperous future.
Welcome to the Collective Shift podcast, where we aim to help you save time and get ahead in the world of cryptocurrency. In each episode, we cover the latest crypto developments and trends, discussing important headlines and introducing exciting new projects. We understand that crypto can be overwhelming, which is why we strive to provide clear and concise information to help you make informed decisions. So join us as we delve into the intersection of finance and tech, and learn how you can use crypto to stay ahead of the curve.
Raidījumā ''Jauni un bagāti” runājam par naudu, biznesu, pašizaugsmi un visu pārējo, kas varētu tev palīdzēt kļūt par finansiāli neatkarīgu cilvēku! Gaidi jaunu epizodi katru otro ceturtdienu.
Iknedēļu privātais investors Konstantīns Kuzikovs un “Delfi Bizness” žurnālists Raivis Vilūns tiekas ar finanšu ekspertiem, analizē investīciju pasauli, apskata jaunākos datus un spriež gan par klasiskajiem, gan modernajiem investīciju rīkiem. Raidījuma vadītāji ne tikai runā, bet arī investē, lai noskaidrotu, kas ir ienesīgāks – klasiskie, globālie tirgi vai straujāk augošie, riskantie finanšu instrumenti.
Bitcoin...Ether...Ripple...Lightcoin and more. Crypto currencies and other digital assets are taking the financial world by STORM. This exploding market provides everything a savvy trader needs - volatility, volume and liquidity - provided you know how to find it. That’s where we come in. Welcome to the Crypto Rundown. Each week we’ll break down the latest trading activity, trends and developments on everything from coins to tokens, futures and even OTC crypto options. If it’s moving the crypto markets then you’ll find it on The Crypto Rundown...
Tava pensija – par būtiskāko kopā ar Finanšu nozares asociāciju. Par Tavu un valsts atbildību un rīcību, gādājot par cienīgām vecumdienām.
Are you tired of feeling lost in the world of personal finance? Want to learn proven techniques for growing your wealth and securing your financial future? Join us as we explore the latest strategies and insights from industry experts and successful investors. Each episode, we'll dive into topics such as investing, real estate, tax planning, and more. Whether you're just starting out on your financial journey or you're a seasoned pro looking to take your wealth to the next level, this is the podcast for you. So come along for the ride and let's start building wealth together! The Wealth Strategies Podcast. Listen, learn, and grow your wealth.
Disclaimer: Please note that the information presented in this podcast is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information discussed in this podcast. Any action you take based on the information presented in this podcast is at your own risk. We strongly recommend that you consult a qualified financial advisor or professional before making any financial decisions. -
Marvin L Thomson, CFP® is the President/CEO of Great River Investments, LLC.
Marvin has over 26 years of experience and his career has showcased a wide variety of responsibilities and knowledge. After graduating from Western Illinois University in 1994, he went to work for Horace Mann Insurance company as a multi-line insurance agent and registered representative in the Chicago western suburbs. After five years of working as an agent, he was promoted to Manager of the Northern Illinois Agency and was responsible for the sales goals, development and mentoring of agents in the designated territory.
This Podcast is used to inform and motivate people about saving, earning, and learning about what to properly do with their MONEY! -
Swedbank Private Banking ir vairāk nekā 20 gadu pieredze Latvijas finanšu sektorā. Klientu apkalpošanu un konsultācijas nodrošina pieredzējusi profesionāļu komanda - privātbaņķieri, klientu apkalpošanas speciālisti, finanšu, ekonomikas un citu jomu eksperti, kuri savās zināšanas dalās arī Swedbank Private Banking podkāstā.
Money Loves Women is determined to put more money, power, and influence into the hands of women across the globe. This podcast was created to bring education and resources to women professionals, entrepreneurs, business leaders, and thought leaders who want to grow their wealth but don’t have the support they need. Through my own accounts and our guest interviews, you will be armed with the tools and the knowledge to build your own pathways to financial freedom. Learn how to design your life with wealth in mind to build a cash flow that supports your goals and dreams!
Hosted by Climate Focused Bond Fund Portfolio Manager @Annika Lombardi, Green Shoots delivers short, accessible discussions of how Lord Abbett’s investment teams collaborate to make key Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) decisions
High China Conviction makes the case for China's growing economic importance and opportunity set. Based in Beijing, host Ernie Diaz talks to experts in various facets of finance as they pertain to China: equities, VC, PE, digital tokens, and more.
Simplify and Enjoy is a podcast and community focused on helping families have less stress and more options by finding the right path and pace to financial freedom that fits them!
The InvestHER Podcast is where women gain the knowledge, skills, and support to make confident investment decisions. Join our community of empowered investors!
Tune in each week with our co-hosts Liz Faircloth and Andresa Guidelli as they deliver actionable insights into diverse investment strategies, essential skills for sustainable business growth, and the art of building impactful relationships. Each episode features leading women who share powerful wealth and health strategies to help you navigate both the challenges and triumphs of investing while maintaining a fulfilling personal life.
Follow us on your favorite podcast platform so you never miss a new episode.
Welcome to ”Beyond the Game: Wealth Mastery for Athletes,” your ultimate playbook for financial growth, both on and off the field. Whether you’re in the locker room or enjoying retirement, our podcast equips professional athletes, both active and retired, with the strategies, insights, and inspirations to create and maintain long-term wealth.
We’re forging a community where athletes can connect, engage, and learn from each other’s experiences. Every week, we bring you in-depth conversations with top athletes who have mastered the art of wealth creation during and after their illustrious careers. They share their triumphs, setbacks, lessons learned, and the best moves to make on the wealth-building front.
From investment strategies to financial planning, real estate, entrepreneurship, and beyond, we cover the whole field to help you build a prosperous future, long after the final whistle. Our mission is to empower you to elevate your financial game and secure a winning financial legacy.
Join us in ”Beyond the Game: Wealth Mastery for Athletes,” where wealth is not a game of chance, but a pursuit of skill, strategy, and camaraderie. You’ve trained to be your best in sport; now, let’s master the game of wealth together.