Bobby Hedglin-Taylor has had a remarkable life. After suffering injuries as a trapeze artist at the circus and losing his mother to COVID, he went back to the drawing board of life. We discuss what he changed and how that has shifted his perspective on life.
#freshstart #trapezeartist #underdog #learningtoforgive #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
Paul Rakowski comes on the show to discuss his life of marriage to a woman while being gay.
#gayandmarried #learningtoforgive #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
Matthew Bruce comes on the show to discuss the trap of convincing people to do personal development. How do you balance the desire to improve the world, with the reality that it may not be the right time for the other yet?
#ItsNotTime #learningtoforgive #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
Ruurd Priester comes on the show to discuss the Doughnut Economy. The Doughnut, or Doughnut economics, is a visual framework for sustainable development combining the concept of planetary boundaries with the complementary concept of social boundaries.
#DoughnutEconomy #learningtoforgive #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
Andy and Bambos share clips from their favourite shows and discuss them for the hour.
Anne Feustel is the author of “Our Favorite Movies: How Films Affect Our Mental Health.” In the book, she talks about her mental health journey and how she discovered that watching movies was a key part of her self-care and a form of therapy. She will also talk about the research behind how watching movies can have a big impact on our mental health.
#moviesandmentalhealth #impactofmoviesonmentalhealth #learningtoforgive #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
Shaena Jasmat is the black sheep in the family. We discuss how that has shaped her life and what challenges she had to overcome along the way.
#blacksheep #onmyownterms #learningtoforgive #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
Lia Zorzou was in the middle of life when she realized that she was not taking care of herself. She quit her job to take care of her family and forgot about herself. We discuss her decision to take care of herself and what she learned.
#takingcareofmyself #selfsacrafice #learningtoforgive #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
Dana Humphrey discusses her life as a death doula and how it is to hold one's hand as they pass away.
#fallingforward #nosuchthingasamistake #learningtoforgive #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
Today we discuss the joy of failing and falling forward. How do we twist the perspective of life so that we are energised by our apparent mistakes.
#fallingforward #nothingasamistake #learningtoforgive #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
Today we discuss Rachel Roberts journey from growing up in a Christian cult to establishing the first organization designed for 100 million Americans who are religiously unaffiliated, the 'Nones.'
#ChristianCult #losingmyfaith #thenones #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
Lisa Latimer comes on the show to discuss a life of strip clubs, toxic relationships and depression, and what she did to find joy.
#happiness #toxicrelationships #learningtoforgive #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
Kerry Magnus comes on the show to discuss the moment she realised that happiness was an inward journey. She discusses how her battle with Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome led her to discover how to make herself feel safe, loved and worthy.
#happiness #inwardjourney #learningtoforgive #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
Ed Balta comes on the show to discuss his struggles with anxiety. He is a doctor, entrepreneur, business man, two time kidney transplant recipient and coach to help people overcome anxiety. He shares his journey and what he had to overcome.
#overcominganxiety #anxiety #learningtoforgive #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
Sometimes we feel loss that is hard to give words to. It's not a death or an obvious loss, which makes it hard to share how much it hurts. We discuss this for the hour.
#ambiguousloss #learningtoforgive #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
Stefano Da Frè comes on the show to discuss his documentary "The Day I Had To Grow Up," which profiles six youth activists and the events that shaped their political lives.
#thedayihadtogrowup #learningtoforgive #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
Brad Cracchiola comes on the show to discuss the philosophy behind giving students an experience, as opposed to, teaching. This was highlighted in the film "Lives Not Grades."
#livesnotgrades #learningtoforgive #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
Joe Cyr joins us to discuss his journey to love himself. What has he discovered throughout the years and where has it lead him.
#selflove #learningtoforgive #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
Juliet Reynolds is going to educate us on all of the things men do that drive woman crazy in the workplace and beyond.
#doublestandards #learningtoforgive #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
There are some topics that are off limits for people. Where are the boundaries of what we can talk about and how do we deal with it when others are not comfortable? How do we increase the "talkaboutable?"
#expandingwhatwecantalkabout #learningtoforgive #breakthrough #emotionalintelligence #fulfilment #empowerment #authenticity #freedom #lifelessons #courage #consciousness #wisdom #selfawareness #trustyourself #growthmindset #habits #transformation #personaldevelopment #talkshow
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