Learn research-tested strategies for a happier, more meaningful life, drawing on the science of compassion, gratitude, mindfulness, and awe. Hosted by award-winning psychologist Dacher Keltner. Co-produced by PRX and UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center. Follow us on Instagram @HappinessPod.
Somewhere in the Skies is a weekly podcast covering UFOs and the unexplained. New episodes every Monday. Learn more at:
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Alustojen valta -podcast syväluotaa Googlen, Facebookin ja Amazonin kaltaisten digijättien valtaa ja kysyy, mitä sille pitäisi tehdä. Kriittinen keskustelu digijättien vallasta on äärimmäisen ajankohtaista tilanteessa, jossa digitaalisen alustatalouden pelisäännöt ovat nousseet 2020-luvun eurooppalaisen politiikan avainkysymykseksi. Suomessa aiheesta keskustellaan liian vähän, ja tätä aukkoa Alustojen valta syntyi paikkaamaan. Podcast kytkeytyy tutkimushankkeeseen, jota on rahoittanut Helsingin Sanomain säätiö ja Suomen akatemia.
NASW Social Work Talks informs, educates and inspires through conversations with experts and exploring issues that social work professionals care about. Brought to you by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW).
The show’s mission is simple: To help you become the best version of yourself possible and in doing so make the world a better place. Whoever you are, wherever you’re from, and whatever you do, this is the show that is going to help you become the best version of yourself. Each episode you will hear from some of the most amazing, talented, and successful people on the planet who followed their passions and strive to help others. Join our movement to get a million people each and every day to commit acts of kindness for others. Together, we're going to make the world a better place. Are you ready? Because it’s time for your daily helping.
Learn about groundbreaking new research, commentary and policy ideas from the world's leading economists. Presented by Tim Phillips.
The study of populations and demographics is explained in detail in this introductory series by Professor David Coleman, Professor of Demography. Using statistics gathered from censuses, parish records and other sources, Professor Coleman looks at the ways in which populations rise and fall through history. This series is at an introductory level and individuals need no prior knowledge of analyzing statistics or mathematics.
In-depth conversations on Chinese politics, economics, law, and society with faculty, visitors, and guest speakers at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for the Study of Contemporary China. Hosted by CSCC Research Scholar Neysun Mahboubi. For more information on the Center, visit
A show about law, economics, and crime.
Consumers are weird. They don't do what they say they will do and don't act how we think they "should." Enter Melina Palmer, a sales conversion expert with a personal mission to make your business more effective and brain friendly. In this podcast, Melina will take the complex concepts of behavioral economics (the study and science of why people buy - or not) and provide simple, actionable tips you can apply right away in your business. Whether you're a small business or thriving corporation, Melina's tips can help your business increase sales and get more customers.
Suoraan sosiaaliturvasta -podcastissa käsitellään sosiaaliturvan kiperiä kysymyksiä. Nämä kysymykset tulevat usein esille sosiaaliturvasta käytävässä keskustelussa ja ovat haastavampia ratkaistavia kuin aluksi saattaa vaikuttaa. Keskustelijoina on sosiaaliturvan asiantuntijoita ja vaikuttajia. Podcastia julkaisee Kela, ja podcast ilmestyy osana Kelan
Tässä podcast-sarjassa käsitellään tutkimuspohjaista tietoa puhuttuun kieleen liittyvistä ilmiöistä ja asenteista. Nostamme esiin erityisesti sellaisia aiheita, joissa tutkimustieto on vastoin yleisiä käsityksiä tai tuo esiin jotain yllättävää. Murreasioiden ohella käsittelemme muitakin puhutun suomen ilmiöitä ja toisinaan myös muita Suomessa puhuttavia kieliä. Etsimme vastauksia siihen, miten Suomi puhuu ja miten se ajattelee puhuvansa.
The Ride Inside with Mark Barnes takes an in-depth look into the mental, emotional and social aspects of motorcycling with licensed clinical psychologist Mark Barnes. Mark takes your questions in every episode. Support your mental motorcycling with The Ride Inside!
Recordings of live Resolution Foundation events discussing our latest research and hosting policy debates on improving the living standards of low-to-middle income families.
Each episode Hannah highlights some controversial but mostly important issues in our society, with some analysis on the law thrown in. Guests will be included to talk from their professional and personal stand point on these issues.
Looking at the good, the bad and the needs for reforms in the English legal system and society. -
Come along with archaeologist Fredrik as he leads a critical exploration into alternative historical theories and the portrayal of Ancient Aliens in mainstream media on our podcast, Digging Up Ancient Aliens. With his guidance, you'll be able to distinguish fact from fiction and expand your knowledge alongside him. Whether you're a seasoned skeptic, a history enthusiast, or simply intrigued by extraterrestrial life, this podcast is a must-listen.
For more info or to contact Fredrik, please visit or search for "Digging up ancient aliens" on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, or that TikTok thing. -
From Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic, to the Windrush deportation scandal citizenship and the responsibilities of the UK government to the people of Hong Kong, it seems that citizenship and migration in Britain are never far from the headlines. Who do we think we are? explores all of this and more. Join Professor Michaela Benson and her guests as they debunk taken-for-granted understandings of who is a citizen and who is a migrant in Britain today.
Jeg taler med en række kloge hoveder inden for humaniora, samfundsvidenskab og hvem ved hvad ellers, og nogle gange tillader jeg mig også at reflektere lidt over den specialviden der kommer på bordet. Programmet er lidt af et eksperiment, og jeg glæder mig selv til at se hvordan det udvikler sig.
Circular Design podcast-sarjassa kiertotalouden ja muotoilun asiantuntijat keskustelevat aikamme suurimmasta markkinamurroksesta ja siitä mitä se tarkoittaa yrityksille. Podcastit ovat osa Circular Design – kehityspolku kohti kiertotaloutta valmennusohjelmaa, joka on ympäristöministeriön strategisen Kiertotalousohjelman toimenpide. Ohjelman toteutuksesta vastaavat Design Forum Finland ja Ethica Oy kumppaneinaan VTT, SYKE, Sitra, Frankly Partners, Miltton ja Alice Labs.
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