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Hier kommt mein DJ-Leben in vielen kleinen Episoden. Ich möchte Euch auf eine Zeitreise der letzten 28 Jahren nehmen. Viel Spaß damit.
Klaus Hummel aka DJ Wawanix -
Three generations of ARMY come together to review All the Albums BTS. This includes Natasha, 20, an elder army having been a stan for 7 years. Kristine, 30, who has been army for coming up to 2 year and Leanne, 35, our baby army of just 18 months.
They come together to review All the Albums BTS. They are 100% not experts in music, K-Pop or BTS, so they’re just sharing their opinions and love for the seven wonders and their music. The reviews aren’t chronological; they are decided by a randomised wheel. So follow us as we move from era to era, Album to Album, performance to performance.
For each Album, we’ll discuss the tracks, lyrics, performances and background. Then share our individual favourite song, lyric, vocal, rap, dance break, live performance & look. We’ll also try and face the agonising task of what song we’d skip (if forced to do so!) and give the Album a grade.
So join us as we step into the Magic shop every 2 weeks. Borahae!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Grammy award winning musician, and actor Kyle Gass (Tenacious D, Elf, Cable Guy) and professional actor and sometimes musician, Kevin Weisman (ALIAS, Marvel's Runaways, The Blacklist, Goliath, Scorpion, Broadway, etc...) tell some tales, talk some shop, and bend a note or two. Ya never know who may pop by the studio to say hello. Did we do it?
Raised By Whoops is a weekly fake radio show (or podcast, if you insist). Think of our show like a real radio show, but with more swearing, fewer commercials, zero traffic reports, and lots of stories. We think of it as a comb-over for the bald spots in our artistic expression, but you shouldn’t be burdened with that. Enjoy narrated short stories from your hosts and listeners like you!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Mein Name ist JANDA. Ich bin Künstlerin. Musikerin. Singer/Songwriterin.
Als Tochter einer Sängerin fasziniert mich das Singen schon seit meiner Kindheit. Aber erst als ich mich dazu entschloss, selbst Musikerin zu werden, begriff ich die Komplexität dieses Instrumentes. Wir hören nicht »einfach nur« eine Stimme. Wir hören eine Persönlichkeit, eine ganz eigene Geschichte, die sich im Klang manifestiert. Es ist das sogenannte »Alleinstellungsmerkmal«, das eine:n Künstler:in von der Masse an Veröffentlichungen abhebt und sie unverwechselbar macht.
So divers wie der Klang einer Stimme im Pop sind auch die Biografien der Sänger:innen des Genres. In meinem Podcast möchte ich mit professionellen Künstler:innen über ihre Geschichte sprechen: Wer oder was hat sie dazu gebracht, zu singen? Wie findet man seinen eigenen Sound? Was für Hürden begegnen einem auf dem Weg zur professionellen Sänger:in? Wie geht man mit Schreibblockaden, Bühnenangst, Erfolgsdruck und Stress um?
In meinem Podcast treffe ich spannende Persönlichkeiten der Popkultur und spreche mit ihnen über alles, was mit dem Thema Stimme zutun hat. -
Join Country Cowgirl, Dr. D, and Nashville recording artist Blu Waters for a very special 15-week series from the soon-to-be-published book I’m Just a Country Song: Three Chords and Only My Truth.
She's a country cowgirl first, but Dr. D is also double PhD, an educator, a positive psychologist, healer, certified business coach, yogini, former AM radio talk jock, and a sharer of inspiration in the form of red dirt wisdom.
Her dear friend, Kat, better known as Nashville recording artist Blu Waters, is also a cattle farmer, certified Life Coach, singer, songwriter, and the voice you’ll hear behind each song that inspired the chapter each episode will be dedicated to.
Take in the music, take in the stories, and take in the knowledge that you can have the life you choose no matter how many times you’ve been told you can’t. -
Suara yang merekam cerita hidup manusia untuk menemanimu kala rehat dari bisingnya dunia.
Concerts and Songs in Live, Unofficial of BLACKPINK
Support this projetc in KoFi: -
We all want love, that happily-ever-after feeling of finding your soulmate. What if someone not only claimed they could help you find that perfect partner, they guaranteed it? Jeff and Shaleia, a young couple famous on YouTube, teach about ‘Twin Flames' — a deep, romantic connection with your perfect partner in their videos. It’s divine love, you’re designed for no one else, and they’re designed for no one else. But the path to finding your Twin Flame isn’t so simple. Some followers claim they were encouraged to cut ties with friends and family that are holding them back, and to claim their Twin Flame by any means necessary. From Wondery, Twin Flames is a podcast about what happens when the quest for love turns into a dangerous obsession. Hosted by Stephanie Beatriz.
Listen to Twin Flames ad-free on Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting now.
Podcast dari Pandji Pragiwaksono, membahas segala keramaian yang terjadi di dunia maya Indonesia
Podcasts that tell true stories from the lives of spoiled & troubled children.Become someone who grows up with the reality of living in a world without clarity of direction & purpose.Dan tentang bagaimana ber-imajinasi melalu cerita nyata dalam bentuk podcast.------------------------------------------------------------------ Email : [email protected] : :
Di Podcast ini Helmy Yahya akan bicara berbagai hal bersama tamu" yang bisa memberikan inspirasi bagi kita.
Semoga channel ini mengispirasi. -
@podcast.temantidur dengan segudang cerita yang mengantarkan kamu ke dunia mimpi. Oleh @derafirmansyah |
Menyajikan lakon-lakon wayang golek yang dibawakan oleh dalang-dalang fenomenal dari Tatar Pasundan. credit photo by kompas
Audio journal about stories, opinions and ideas.
The Gift of Forgiveness explores what forgiveness means, how it affects us mentally and physically, and what it takes to truly move on. Hosted by Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt and inspired by her book, The Gift of Forgiveness, these are the true stories of forgiveness from the people who’ve lived them. You’ll hear exclusive interviews from some of the people featured in Katherine’s book, and in-depth conversations with some of your favorite celebrities who share their own stories of forgiveness like you’ve never heard them before.
Bangga jadi diri sendiri #LoBerharga