In the final episode of Apex, two stories about monkeys. One: why do humans empathise with each other? Two: what makes a painting a piece of art? And finally: what really makes us human?
Every year artificial intelligence gets closer to becoming a reality. What makes us human when a robot can do everything we can? In this episode, two bots: an algorithm that writes news stories; and the world's most realistic chatbot.
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What if humans aren't the only ones who fight and kill? What if other animals can be just as ruthless? In this episode - the weird world of ant warfare.
Who were the Angels of Bataan? And what can their story tell us about war crimes - what they are, why they happen, and who decides when they do?
There's a lot of different languages in the world - including some that haven't ever been spoken before. In this episode, meet the people who create new languages from scratch as a hobby, and dive into the story of Parseltongue from Harry Potter.
In the first episode of Apex, Phil and Bruce delve into the journey of how we first started speaking to each other - and listen to a lot of whistling.