Hosted by Hallie Bulkin, a Certified Myofunctional Therapist™ (CMT®), Feeding Specialist and Speech Therapist, The Untethered Podcast focuses on the latest research and clinical evidence in Myofunctional Therapy, Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs, AKA Tongue Tie, etc), Airway and Pediatric Feeding. Produced with both providers and parents in mind, episodes include interviews with experts, personal stories from parents, and Q&A from our listeners.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
You can download the entire audio course on our website:
Boost your fluency in Syrian Arabic with LinguaBoost!
Each lesson contains useful everyday phrases related to a specific topic. You’ll learn the language in context, not just isolated words. All material is translated and spoken by native speakers. -
Hlaðvarp / Podcast þar sem farið er yfir allt sem tengist því að kaupa, selja og eiga fasteign og hvernig fasteigna- og leiguverð er að þróast.
Baldur Jezorski, löggiltur fasteignasali
Sími 450 0000 / [email protected]
Næstu þættir:
- Nýjustu upplýsingar um markaðinn
- Fyrstu kaup
- Lánamál
- Viðhald fasteigna
- Kaup- og söluferli frá A til Ö
- Að kaupa nýtt eða gamalt
- Fjölbýli og nágrannar
- Mygla og snýkjudýr
- Endufjármögnun og greiðslumat
Íslenskt hlaðvarp / Íslensk hlaðvörp -
Þingmennirnir Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir og Óli Björn Kárason ræða málefni út frá stefnu Sjálfstæðisflokksins fyrir opnara, frjálsara og skemmtilegra samfélagi.
The BETTER LEADERS BETTER SCHOOLS podcast is in the TOP 0.5% most downloaded shows of over 2 million podcasts across the world. The BLBS show was created for RUCKUS MAKERS in education -- those out-of-the-box school leaders making change happen.
Launched in 2015, this category-defining podcast in educational leadership has helped over 1 MILLION leaders LEVEL UP. Each week host DANIEL BAUER has a conversation with a leadership expert and invites you to listen in. Turn your commute, chores, or workout into professional development and then GO MAKE A RUCKUS!
BLBS is the #1 downloaded podcast for school leaders. -
Think Inclusive brings you conversations about inclusive education and what inclusion looks like in the real world.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Wyjaśniam nowoczesne technologie bez zbędnego "tech bełkotu". Gadam dużo o Internecie Rzeczy, Smart rozwiązaniach, chmurach i blockchainie. Czasem też o Chinach.
Coworking Insights dissects data from the coworking industry in a fun and interactive way, while comparing global data to local markets. We strive to understand how coworking in developing worldwide and how space managers and developers can use this data to optimize their product-market fit. Sam Marks, Alex Nicorici, and Madison Maidment are part of's management team and alternate hosting the show.
Ask Prof Wolff video series is a collection of responses to questions from supporters. Submit your own question for Prof. Wolff on Patreon: or visit our website:
Í hlaðvarpinu kynnumst við sögu menningar og vísinda frá öndverðu fram á okkar dag. Hlaðvarp gert út af unglingastigi Norðlingaskóla.
Fünf Fragen zu aktuellen und relevanten Themen, einfach erklärt. Interviews mit Experten liefern Hintergrundinfos, Impulse und Diskussionsideen für den Alltag und für den Unterricht. Dieser Podcast ist ein Angebot der Bayerischen Landeszentrale für politische Bildungsarbeit und richtet sich an Lehrkräfte, Pädagogen und alle, die sich grundlegend über Themen informieren wollen.
Gender Equality
Teacher training
Drama and Theater Project
This is only about me. Half critic and half poet.
The Acropolis is one of the most famous ancient sites in the world. Rising over the city of Athens 150 metres above sea level, it consists of several significant archaeological remains of temples dedicated to various deities, and civic buildings. This album offers a chance to tour the Acropolis and examine its many buildings, including its best preserved temple, the Parthenon, along with its friezes, known as the Elgin Marbles. Also, the album follows the route of the procession that took place during the Panathenaea festival which rivalled the Olympic Games in popularity, and contains a track to help the student understand the conventions used to draw up plans of ancient buildings and to visualise 3-dimensional structures. This material forms part of The Open University course A219 Exploring the Classical World.