
  • Ever wondered how someone can transform their lives, turning personal trials into a story of triumph and authenticity? That's exactly what media personality and author Cyrus Webb and I discuss in a truly illuminating episode of the Authentic Life Connection Podcast. Cyrus takes us through his fascinating evolution from his Mississippi roots to becoming a prominent voice in media, underscoring the power of self-expression he found in writing and the surprising detours that led him to host his own radio show.

    Our conversation doesn't shy away from the tough decisions and the necessity of setting boundaries. Cyrus opens up about the challenges he faced, including the loss of a parent and inheriting complex character traits from his father. He shares his deliberate choice to remain single, fostering sharp focus on his work and life's ambitions—a decision that resonates with anybody who's ever wrestled with the balance of personal goals against societal expectations. As a life coach, I reinforce the concept that saying no can be just as important as the pursuits you say yes to, and Cyrus's narrative serves as a powerful illustration of this principle.

    The episode wraps up with a deep reflection on the responsibility that comes with self-awareness and the pursuit of purpose. We discuss the transformative wisdom passed down from loved ones, the bravery needed to step away from the corporate world, and the impact of living in tune with one's true calling. Plus, Cyrus gives us a glimpse into his current projects and how his journey of self-acceptance has led to professional fulfillment and the ability to inspire others. Join us for a conversation filled with heartfelt stories and invaluable insights on living a life authentically yours.

    To get in touch with Cyrus Webb

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  • Ever found yourself locked in a relentless debate with your own mind, circling around decisions that leave you stranded in place? That's the conundrum we're dissecting on today's Authentic Life Connection Podcast. I’m Seth Lusk, here to guide you through transforming those self-sabotaging mental showdowns into empowering dialogues. We'll break away from the trap of right and wrong and wade into the nuanced waters where authentic change takes root. Get ready to reframe your inner narratives and embrace the complex choreography of personal growth.

    Did you know that your brain's incessant storytelling could be the stealthy culprit sabotaging your success? This episode peels back the layers on the internal narratives that shape our reality, and I'll show you how to wield the potent "yes, and" philosophy to reshape them. By acknowledging the grains of truth within these stories, we can evolve our self-talk from a place of resistance to one of collaborative growth. Journey with me as I share anecdotal wisdom and practical strategies to transform these stories, nudging you closer to the life you envision.

    Finally, we'll reveal how a curious and accepting mindset can be your secret weapon in personal development. I’ll share insights from my own experiences as a master certified life coach, demonstrating how pivoting our approach from confrontation to collaboration unlocks a world of possibilities. By affirming our past while building new narratives, we create an unshakable foundation for action, aligning our goals and dreams with the unstoppable momentum of authenticity. Don't miss this transformative conversation that could very well be the catalyst you need to step into a life of unstoppable action toward your dreams.

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  • Have you ever caught yourself branding someone as 'toxic' and severing ties without a second thought? Our latest episode challenges this reflex and encourages a deeper look into the motives and stories behind the behaviors that trouble us. Join me as we dissect the narratives that shape our perceptions of others and discover how to foster growth by engaging with the complexities of human interactions. Through candid conversation and personal reflection, we learn that the real growth occurs not in distancing ourselves, but in how we navigate and evolve these challenging relationships.

    Confronting difficult behavior can sometimes feel like an impossible task, especially when it comes to authority figures in the workplace. My own experiences taught me that while walking away seems simpler, the true power lies in advocating for respect through open communication and assertive dialogue. This episode shares the transformative journey of standing up to a boss with less-than-ideal behavior, and how such encounters can eventually lead to improved dynamics and personal fulfillment. We're not just talking about surviving the corporate world; we're redefining how to thrive in it by championing our worth and fostering authentic connections.

    Let's shift the conversation from cutting out the so-called toxic individuals to one of empowerment and self-advocacy. This isn't about giving a pass to unacceptable behavior, but about building the skills to set boundaries and communicate effectively, even with those we find challenging. I invite you to join me in exploring how to break free from a 'cutout culture' and instead cultivate resilience and deeper understanding in our personal and professional relationships. It's an episode packed with actionable advice and heartening stories that will leave you inspired to transform the way you relate to the world around you.

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  • Are your emotional responses holding you back from living a life true to your values and aspirations? This week on the Authentic Life Connection Podcast, I, Seth Lusk, take you on a journey through the nuanced landscape of emotional indulgence. Together, we'll unearth the subtle traps of comfort and doubt that often go unnoticed, impeding our ability to take risks and embrace the growth necessary for a fulfilling life. We'll dissect the common emotional responses that lure us into stagnation and offer actionable insights on how to experience our emotions authentically, steering clear of victimhood and the futile pursuit of unending happiness.

    As we explore the intricate relationship between our emotions and personal growth, I'll guide you through recognizing when "I don't know" is a mask for fear, how claiming to be "tired" or "busy" might be dodging the discomfort of growth, and the importance of leaning into the answers within. From examining the comfort found in busyness and self-pity to confronting the illusion of hopelessness, this episode is a deep dive into understanding and managing the emotional indulgences that can ensnare us. Listen closely as we unravel these emotional webs and illuminate the path toward taking authentic steps toward our dreams.

    Concluding with a powerful call to action, this podcast episode is not just a passive listening experience but an invitation to challenge the status quo of your emotional health. By recognizing patterns of procrastination and emotional avoidance, you're equipped to feel your emotions fully and responsibly, without them dictating your life's direction. If you're ready to transform your emotional landscape and harness the power of emotional sovereignty, join me on this transformative journey. Your unstoppable and fulfilling life awaits on the other side of emotional empowerment.

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  • Navigating the terrain of trauma isn't a journey I ever planned to map out, yet here we are, compass in hand, with my personal history as the guide. Boundaries became my North Star, a pivotal discovery that reshaped my path to well-being. Join me, Seth Wusk, as we traverse the delicate balance between healing from past hurts and embracing the growth that can be fostered by life's unavoidable challenges. This episode isn't just about recounting tales of hardship; it's a deeper conversation on finding empowerment in our ability to rise, to heal, and to ultimately thrive amid the complexities of our experiences.

    As we chart the course, we'll examine the parallels between emotional resilience and the discipline of physical muscle training—acknowledging the necessity of both the exertion of facing our traumas and the rest that allows us to recover and grow stronger. It's a dialogue about intentionality, sovereign consent, and the transformative power that comes from consciously engaging with the challenges life throws our way. I encourage listeners to take a moment to reflect on their own journeys, to consider their relationships with trauma and challenges, and to listen in for insights on fostering a life marked by strength, fulfillment, and an authentic pursuit of dreams that honor the full spectrum of human experience.

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    (American Market)


  • Have you ever found yourself reaching for your phone just to avoid a moment of awkward silence or inner turmoil? You're not alone, but what if these moments of emotional discomfort are actually gateways to a more authentic and fulfilling life? Join me, Seth Lusk, your compass in the quest for well-being, as we journey through the murky waters of our own emotions. We'll confront the societal trend of numbing pain with quick technological fixes and reveal the detrimental effects this has on our collective psyche—from escalating aggression to a pervasive inability to cope with adversity.

    This exploration isn't just about societal woes; it's an intimate invitation to become architects of our own lives. By stepping into the arena of discomfort with deliberate intent, we can dismantle the foundations of racism, homophobia, and sexism, crafting a legacy of courage and connection. We'll dissect the true meaning of resilience, and how by willingly facing rejection and learning from it, we lay the groundwork for a life that truly resonates with our deepest values and aspirations. Ready to swap the fleeting comfort of avoidance for the robust joy of engagement? Let's embark on this transformative odyssey together.

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  • Discover your innate power to navigate life's unexpected turns with confidence and purpose. I'm Seth Lusk, your guide on this journey of self-discovery, here to share the art of pivoting not out of desperation, but driven by the force of your true calling. This episode peels back the layers of adaptability and flexibility, revealing how they can become your greatest allies in the face of change.

    Let's unravel the complexities of life's challenges together, as we confront the fears that hold us back from embracing the unknown. I'll share personal stories and insights that illuminate the path to redefining our identities beyond societal labels and professional containers. Learn how to align your actions with your core purpose, transforming every pivot into an opportunity for growth, and let go of the misconceptions that change equals failure or weakness. This is a call to shift your perspective, to see adaptability as a testament to your resilience, and to welcome the transformative power of purposeful pivoting.

    Join me in a conversation that transcends the confines of rigid roles and embraces the fluidity of our evolving selves. As we journey through each chapter, we'll understand the importance of grounding ourselves in unwavering purpose and how it forms the unshakeable pivot point around which our lives can dynamically revolve. By the end of this exploration, you'll be equipped to reject limiting definitions, expand beyond outdated containers, and step into a life defined by internal values and authentic intentionality.

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    (American Market)


  • Ever found yourself agreeing to plans you'd rather skip, just to keep the peace? Or maybe you've laughed off a joke that rubbed you the wrong way because you didn't want to rock the boat. Welcome to my latest exploration, where Seth Wusk digs into the tangled web of people-pleasing and narcissism. This isn't your run-of-the-mill pep talk. We're taking a hard look at how seeking others' approval can erode our genuine self-expression and joy. It's about recognizing the difference between being a good friend or colleague and losing yourself in the mirage of external validation.

    Join us as we challenge the notion that people-pleasing is a benign habit. The truth is, it may be laced with narcissistic threads, subtly woven into our interactions. We discuss the irony of how trying to be at the center of everyone's positive regard can actually push us to the sidelines of our own lives. I'll guide you through the maze of people-pleasing behaviors, illuminating how they stem from a desire to control perceptions rather than fostering authentic connections. With candid insights, this conversation is an invitation to step into a life where your choices echo your true self, unfettered by the need for applause.

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    (American Market)


  • Ever felt haunted by the "what ifs" and "if onlys" in your life? You're not alone. Join me, as we unravel the complex emotions tied to regret, examining its dual nature and the fictions our brains create. This episode promises to empower you with the tools to challenge your brain's overconfidence in predicting alternate realities, turning the pain of regret into choices that empower. Regret doesn't have to be a source of endless suffering; it can be a story you have the power to rewrite.

    We'll explore the transformative power of journaling and reality checks, providing a practical guide to documenting daily predictions and their outcomes. This method not only lessens the sting of regret but also opens up a world of possibilities and action. By reframing regret from an inevitable pain into a conscious choice, we move past the cycle of suffering it causes, paving the way to a life ripe for action towards fulfilling your dreams and goals. You'll learn to see regret as a story we tell ourselves, a story that can be changed.

    Lastly, we'll discuss how to harness regret as a superpower, leveraging it for personal growth and future success. I'll share four pivotal questions that can transform regret from a paralyzing force into a motivator for resilience. By embracing regret as part of our authentic journey, we'll discover how it can lead us to a more unstoppable life. So, ready your compass for love and authenticity, and let's embark on this adventure together. Join me next week for more empowering discussions on self-discovery, but in the meantime, my book awaits with deeper insights into living authentically.


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    (American Market)


  • Preventative health care has definitely been a huge step forward for humanity, but have we stopped to question what this might be doing to the subconscious ways we approach our individual health decisions? Do we spend way too much time protecting our health, without thinking enough about what we want to USE our health for? In this episode I want to break down for you all, a way to approach making decisions for your health in a way that is authentic, and empowered.


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    (American Market)


  • We all want to build the life we dream of. To do it, we will need access to resources that we do not yet have. The question is, do you know who to ask for access? Are you asking? Do you even know how to ask, if the opportunity presented itself? In this episode, I want to talk with you all about 2 big areas where I see people falling behind, in creating the life they want to life. Hint: it has to do with asking for access to those resources. So, listen up, and find out what you need to be doing, to be ready to ask for those resources, when the time comes.


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    (American Market)


  • "Flexing" our lives on social media is a growing trend. But have you ever wondered if what people are "flexing" online as "success" or "growth" is even really that? Or is it us showing a hidden weakness?

    In this episode I am going to clear up the REAL "flex" of personal development, if you really want to experience, and show off some growth.


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    (American Market)


  • There is so much social programming around the idea of free time and what to do with it. I want to highlight an area of confusion that I see many people facing when choosing how to view their free time and what we can do with it. So tune into this episode to learn how to TRULY FREE your self with your "free time"


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    (American Market)


  • Speaking up can feel scary, when we know ahead of time that our beliefs and views vary from the majority opinion. So often we DON'T speak up, because we do not see a point in it. We believe that if we speak up, and it does not create change in the people who hear us, that we have somehow wasted our time. But, what if I told you that speaking up has a much more powerful reason behind it? What if I told you that speaking up this year, with a new objective, could just change the way you use your voice forever? Would you want to hear about it?

    Listen in, because I have a message for you.


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  • Every year, we talk about doing things differently. But, we rinse and repeat the same cycles. This year, I want to offer the opportunity to REALLY do things differently this time. I want to call forward the BIGGEST struggle that humanity is facing right now, and offer a solution. This solution is something that we can all implement individually, to FINALLY create that "REAL CHANGE" we all keep talking about. Get comfy, and listen up.... This is an episode you DO NOT want to miss...

    I come to you all straight from the heart in this episode. This time, without filtering my convictions to stand up for what I TRULY want to fight for in this life. The question is... Are you ready to do the same in 2024?

    Enjoy the episode!!!

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    (American Market)


  • Did you know that strengthening the mind is VERY similar to strengthening other muscles in your body? Did you know that the popular strategies offered by "personal development" gurus today are teaching us to use strategies that cause our minds to atrophy in strength? I want to offer a new approach in 2024, to your personal development. I want to offer a strategy that will have you flexing some POWERFUL mental muscle, and creating a life you TRULY desire. So, listen up. You DO NOT want to miss this.


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    (American Market)


  • When we think of belief, we THINK of the THINKING that we have been taught is BELIEVING... But believing is actually a very active process. Believing requires action, otherwise it is simply a thought, or a consideration, or a desire to believe... Until there is ACTION, there is no belief. I want to clear up with you all what it truly means to believe something with ACTION. In this episode, I do just that. As I am traveling for the holidays at this time, I thought now would be a good time to re-air this episode as you all consider what you want to take action on in the new year (2024). So listen up!


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    (American Market)


  • Desire.... It polarizes people. Either you believe you give in to desire, because that is what it is there for; or you believe desire is to be resisted.

    What if I told you there is another way. What if I told you that there is a secret power behind every desire that people are missing? Seeing this is THE KEY to unlocking our power as humans. It is also the key to freeing ourselves from the disempowering effects of dependency, while at the same time, enjoying life!!!

    This episode is going to clear up a lot of mystery for you, so LISTEN UP!!!


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    (American Market)


  • Emotional suppression does not serve anyone. I think that most of the world is clear on that by now (although some still might hang on to it being a good idea.) Emotional suppression leads to SOOOO many issues in life in our physical and mental health. But, there is a SNEAKY way that emotional suppression is showing up, even in personal development. The reason this is happening, is because I think we are not clear on what emotional suppression actually is. So, in this episode, I am going to clear this all up, and give you a heads up on where emotional suppression might be rearing its ugly head in your own personal development (right under your nose).

    Listen up... You DO NOT want to miss this... Enjoy!!!

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    (American Market)


  • Dopamine is a POWERFUL force within the brain. Do You want to learn how to use it to your advantage? Then Listen up! You DO NOT want to miss this episode (again).


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    (American Market)
