Monocle’s unrivalled coverage of news and current affairs kicks off on weekdays with ‘The Globalist’ at 07.00 GMT/08.00 CET. Anchored from London and Zürich, join our editors for insight and opinion on the big current affairs and business stories of the day and a review of the European front pages. Nominated for Best Daily Podcast in the 2020 British Podcast Awards.
Hear our take on the news and enjoy sharp reporting on the big stories every weekday. Tune in as our guest panel reviews the day’s events in Europe, follows developing stories in the Americas and welcomes early risers in Asia and Australasia. Plus: reports and analysis from Monocle’s correspondents and bureaux around the world. Nominated for ‘Best Daily Podcast’ in the 2022 British Podcast Awards.
From under the desk to in your ears, V. Spehar joins Betches Media in a new podcast dedicated to curing the collective malaise brought on by our chaotic political environment. Every week, Spehar and co-host Sami Sage will tenderly guide you through the biggest moments in politics and pop culture with a healing dose of perspective and humor. Rather than spiral over the latest unprecedented event, the hosts dig for the 2024 political tea you *really* want to hear while offering all the information you need to be an empowered citizen, without the side of despair to keep you up at night.
For constant news updates, sign up for the Sup email newsletter at and follow us on Instagram at @betches_news. And follow V on TikTok and Instagram @underthedesknews. -
«Παιδιά και τέρατα». Μια σειρά επεισοδίων για την παιδική κακοποίηση, με τη Μυρτώ Κάζη να φιλοξενεί συζητήσεις για το ζοφερό θέμα που αναδεικνύεται τόσο έντονα στις μέρες μας με αφορμή την υπόθεση του βιασμού της 12χρονης στον Κολωνό και το κύκλωμα παιδεραστίας, που φαίνεται ότι κρύβεται από πίσω.. Μαθαίνουμε να ακούμε τα παιδιά όταν μιλούν για τέρατα, γιατί υπάρχουν και αληθινά που κρύβονται ακόμα και στο ίδιο μας το σπίτι.
Τα νέα της ημέρας
We talk straight out the mud Support this podcast:
We are girls that are named sussy baka girls ( suspicious idiots) 😂😂 we are supper dipper sus and we do and say crazy stuff but not to sus because we are only in the ages of 9-12 we also spill tea about each other but never secrets about each other our group is about loyalty as well l want you guys to enjoy our podcast and crackup love you guys bye.
AI 美股重點新聞
Hosting provided by SoundOn -
Los derechos humanos que han sido vulnerados durante el Paro Nacional Indefinido en Colombia
Kerran viikossa vartin verran yhdestä aiheesta. Toimittajana Kati Lahtinen.
News Headlines in Morse code, updated daily
Päivän polttavat aiheet.
Top stories from Monaco every weekday
Get the latest news from and about the Principality of Monaco first thing in the morning in a short summary format, Monday through Friday. You can read more details about each of the the daily stories on from the links in the show notes.
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Were we talk about daily K-Pop news.
Agencia de Noticias Locales y Ciudadanas de Andalucía
Ukraina-studiossa Helsingin Sanomien toimittajat keskustelevat vieraiden kanssa Ukrainan sodan uusimmista tapahtumista. Mitä rintamalla on tapahtunut ja mihin kannattaa kiinnittää huomio? Vakituisena vieraana on Helsingin Sanomien faktantarkistaja ja sota-asiantuntija John Helin.
【共產主義的終極目的】: 第一章 中心之國 神傳文化(更新完整版)
【共產主義的終極目的】: 第二章 紅魔陰謀 毀滅人類(更新完整版)
【共產主義的終極目的】: 第三章 暴力殺戮 惡貫穹宇(更新完整版)
【共產主義的終極目的】: 第四章 共產邪靈 毀人不倦(更新完整版)
【共產主義的終極目的】: 第五章 邪靈篡位 文化淪喪(更新完整版)
【共產主義的終極目的】: 第六章 以「恨」立國 國已不國(更新完整版) -
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Transitioning from Hey Brytani Got Something To Say! Into It’s Brytani. As I make a slow transition back prepare yourself for It’s Brytani Returning this May 2024… follow on IG, YouTube, TikTok and Facebook for daily interactions, updates and more as we talk about real life issues from a real life perspective.. Follow Now Not Later!!!
Your daily news, summarized by AI.