IstenEst: A Podcast Az IstenEst a televízió és a YouTube határán elhelyezkedő formátum, amelyben tabuk nélkül beszélünk a legtrendibb közéleti- és internet népét aktuálisan lázban tartó témákról, szórakoztató és hiteles formában. Szókimondó, humoros, provokatív olykor megbotránkoztató tartalmat tervezünk, sztárvendégekkel, szakemberekkel, hétköznapi hősökkel, érdekes bejátszókkal, játékokkal, rovatokkal és különleges zenei prodokkal.
Dark Discussions, your place for the discussion of horror film, fiction, and all that's fantastic.
Hosted by Erik Thureson and Sydney Thureson, the two discuss new releases, streaming shows, different generational hits and misses, interview industry professionals, and argue about what is good and what isn't. Zak will be appearing occasionally as a guest host going forward and is always credited as co-founder of this show formally known as The EZ Podcast. Support this podcast:
Sziasztok! Orosz Tamás vagyok és ez itt az Újhullám Podcast, ahol a barátaimmal beszélgetünk filmekről, videojátékokról, popkultúráról és mindenről ami minket érdekel és foglalkoztat.
Oláh Róbert és Bäck Konstantin beszélget filmekről, sorozatokról, közéleti kérdésekről és bármi másról, attól függően, hogy mihez van éppen kedvünk.
Join Dave Lee as he discusses all things pop culture, movies & animation with a rotating cast of regular co-hosts and special guests.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Four friends break down and talk all about their favorite horror movies as well as interview legends of the business.
Nicoh Chen-(Twitter: @DGOT_Nicoh)
Michael Settle-(Twitter: @settlemlcfb)
Bryan Hathaway-(Twitter: @bhath4)
Dustin Franklin-(Twitter: @dmfrank_)
Twitter: @dontgooutthere
Facebook: @dontgooutthere
Instagram: @dontgooutthere_ -
We're just two friends, talking movies and TV on a podcast, having a good time. RIP Corey.
This is the podcast where we watch a movie from our past that had a lasting impression on our little gay lives. If we had no business watching it - we stole our parents VHS copy and watched under the cover of night. If a diva gave a rousing speech - we memorized it and lip-synced it at a talent show. Join Scott and Pete each week for a look back at the Movies That Made Us Gay!
Have you ever sat through a movie and thought to yourself "Well that was a waste of time"? So have we! Whether you were alone in this thought or shared this opinion with millions of others, we are here to talk about those movies that left us wanting more. Join us as we help you decide whats worth the price of admission on "I'd Like A Refund".
Welcome to If I'm Being Honest The Movie Edition podcast. We didn't come to agree, we came to be honest! We will give you honest reviews on movies, tv, comics, and anime. The show is hosted by our three-headed monster McKinley, Chris, and the Reel Will. We are excited to bring you our 4th season! If you like what we do and you want to see more make sure you drop a donation! Check out our website for all things IIBH, including great merch and links to all our social media pages. Support this podcast:
Raised By Wolves on HBO Max fan podcast.
Tell us what you think!
[email protected]
Raised By Wolves Fan Podcast - Your go to fan podcast for all things related to HBO Max’s television show Raised By Wolves hosted by Peter from and Brandon from
Follow Peter on Twitter ( Instagram (
Follow Brandon on Twitter ( Instagram ( -
I have a passion for all movies but I especially like to watch small budget movies. Join me as I watch, discuss, review and suggest movies with a special focus on the low budget ones. I'll watch them so you don't have to lol...
A TV rewatch podcast for single-season shows - featuring Browncoats, Bounty Hunters, first-timers and seasoned space jerks! If you love introducing your friends to your favorite shows, we are your people.
Előző hétvégi Box office elemzés magyar és ameikai mozik kapcsán, valmint az aktuális bemutatók, és a lehetséges jövőheti eredmények vizsgálata.
The channel to kill your horror needs
Йоу! Это подкаст «Досмотрелись». Мы – три хороших друга, которые решили записывать подкаст о самом любимом – о кино. Каждый из нас по очереди выбирает фильм и извлекает из него волнующую тему, о которой хочет поговорить, а иногда мы ещё и зовём друзей. Мы объединяем приятное с полезным – говорим о кино и проговариваем вслух вещи, приносящие нам боль для того, чтобы как-то справиться со сложностью бытия. Надеемся, в нашем подкасте вы тоже сможете найти зерно для рассуждений и наконец-то переборите свои травмы, потому что что? Правильно. Все мы несомненно справимся. Приятного прослушивания!
Egy podcast filmekről, filmfesztiválokról, a szcénát övező díjakról és alkalmasint sorozatokról. Nem maradhatunk le sem a premierekről, sem a klasszikusokról!
Quad Pro Quo is a weekly film podcast inspired by the Quid Pro Quo scene in Silence of the Lambs. Hosted by two couples who also happen to be friends AND live next door to each other. New episodes are available every Thursday wherever you podcast.