As parents we are to lead our families. But if we don't take the roles and responsibilities of leaders, our children will try to fill the leadership role (even though they can't even cook mac n cheese yet), and chaos in ensues. The solution is to be leaders. Leaders led by truth not by our fickle emotions.
We we lead, we then are able to teach our children how to lead themselves not by their roller coaster of emotions--but by truth.
Find Rachael and Lucas Skrobot on Instagram at:
https://www.Instagram.com/LucasSkrobot -
Episodi mancanti?
Time Stamps:
A divided marriage undermines the family 00:43
It doesn't "just come naturally" 02:53
Build a strong house. 07:35
Conflict ought to lead to intimacy 08:40
Broken cycles and power imbalances 09:45
Family Therapy and Breaking co-dependent relationships 13:36
Feelings yes, but what is Truth 18:54
Jordan Peterson and what will destroy your marriage 20:22
Triangulation 22:39
The Four Horsemen: Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling 24:27
Contempt 24:48
Criticism 27:01
Defense 30:34
Stonewalling 33:29
The Antidotes 38:13
Marriage culture becomes family culture 50:31
Get more out of the show 56:05Resource links:
https://www.gottman.com/blog/the-four-horsemen-the-antidotes/Find Rachael and Lucas Skrobot on Instagram at:
https://www.Instagram.com/LucasSkrobot -
Time stamps:
Role playing? 00:00
Intro 00:12
How to have boundaries without stifling my kids? 01:41
You are always building culture in our family 04:55
Casting future vision 06:49
What happens when we don't and do set boundaries for our kids 09:06
Boundaries empower 11:39
Training and Role playing 12:44
If we need expectations as adults, how much more our kids? 19:28
Repetition, Repetition, Repetition 23:21
Future present pain or future destruction 35:31
Ask a question 42:56
What to expect going forward 43:37
How to get more our of the show. 49:19Find Rachael and Lucas Skrobot on Instagram at: