Reading of Psalm 1 & 2 Corinthian 4 with breathing exercises and moments to pause for relaxation and sleep.
Be encouraged in pursuing holiness as you fall asleep.
Tonight we will be listening to the passages of the Holy Bible found in Revelation 4 and Psalms 119 as requested by two of our listeners. Thank you Ruth Cynthia and Nicole Eva for your suggestions and support!
For all of my supporters, may you find comfort, peace, and rest as you find stillness in the presence of God. Sleep well.
A reading of Joshua 4-6, and Psalm 24 in passion translation to help you fall asleep, or rest in the word.
Proverbs 1 in The Passion Translation to start your day.
Listen to Joshua 1-3 + Psalm 1 in The Passion Translation as your prepare for bed, and prepare to conquer.
Tonight's Psalm carries personal meaning for my week. As the Lord met me in a time of distress, by comforting me with this passage. I also took the suggestion of one of you, my listeners, and began the story of David.
In times of difficulty it is important to remember that we are sheltered and protected by the Most High. Settle in, under his shadow, as you listen to Psalm 91 and drift to sleep.
Thank you to all of my supporters who have messaged me, encouraged me, and enjoy listening. You help make the world feel smaller, demonstrating how more alike we really are.
Season 2 will be coming soon!
I lost my microphone, moved, went back to school, and changed careers. So many of you wrote and messaged me about continuing. I couldn't leave. Instead I purchased a new mic, and am working out a schedule.
For now, leave me a message and let me know what your favorite passage is. I'll be sure to record them in the upcoming season.
I read the passages from the second portion of Romans 8, Psalm 40 & 44. As you listen allow yourself to settle into a comfortable position and relax as you listen to the word of God.
Let’s draw closer to the heart of God as we rest. Listen to tonight’s reading of John chapters 1-3
Tonight’s reading is Psalm 91 & 92. You may use this for sleep aid or bible meditation. Allow the peace of God to consume you as you focus on Him and His word. Know that you are protected and loved.
Tonight’s reading focuses on Daniel chapters 6-8. Listen as Daniel is saved from the lion’s den and has visions.
Reading of Daniel chapters 3-5. Listen as Daniel and his friends stand for God that he receive glory.
Tonight I read chapters 1 and 2 from the book of Daniel to help you fall asleep. Daniel is a great example of integrity, as he upheld standards for his life from the very beginning. He is a person of faith, and an interpreter of dreams.
Tonight I read from Romans, a great section for focus. As you hear the passages, listen for words that guide you into Christian living as you fall asleep.
Continuing with our reading of the book of Matthew & Joshua, tonight’s reading uncovers miracles. Listen to Matthew 7-9 & Joshua 6
We will continue our reading of the books of Matthew & Joshua. Tonight find complete rest and peace as you listen.
Tonight’s reading is Matthew 4 and Joshua 1-3. These passages speak of two who step out of the wilderness moving toward purpose. As we move into 2020 from 2019 what could these steps mean for you? May you have sweet sleep and dreams of fulfillment tonight.
Tonight’s episode we will be reading Luke 2 & Matthew 1-2 to help you fall asleep.
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