Today we speak with Bethany Brookshire, author of the new book Pests: How Humans Create Animal Villains. We discuss why certain animals are labeled as "pests" and how we can learn to live with all animals. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured wildlife, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Access the BIRD HUGGER Newsletter here: www.birdhuggerpodcast.com. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC.
Today we speak with Grant Sizemore from the American Bird Conservancy about the continuing problem of outdoor cats attacking and killing birds. Grant works to educate people about the dangers that outdoor cats pose to birds, mammals and humans. He shares some ways to keep both birds and cats safe from harm. For more information, go to abcbirds.org/cats. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured wildlife, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Access the BIRD HUGGER Newsletter here: www.birdhuggerpodcast.com. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC.
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Today's guest is Paula Whyman, author of the wonderful new book, Bad Naturalist. Paula takes us on an adventure as she describes how she transformed 200 acres of disconnected pastureland in Virginia into a thriving meadow filled with native trees and plants for wildlife. For link to Isabella Tree's book, The Book of Wilding: A Practical Guide to Rewilding, Big and Small, go to isabellatree.com. For link to The Song of the Dodo by David Quammen go to davidquammen.com. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured wildlife, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Access the BIRD HUGGER Newsletter here: www.birdhuggerpodcast.com. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC.
Now is the time to get out your catalogs and order those native plants! In today's episode, we talk with Matthew Shepherd from the Xerces Society about the organization's wonderful book, 100 Plants To Feed The Bees: Provide A Healthy Habitat To Help Bees Thrive. Plants discussed on this show: Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis); False Indigo or Lead Plant (Amorpha); Steeplebush or Meadowsweet (Spirea); and Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium). Go to the Bee Safe Nursery Plants Campaign on the Xerces website: https://xerces.org/pesticides/bee-safe-nursery-plants. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured wildlife, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Access the BIRD HUGGER Newsletter here: www.birdhuggerpodcast.com. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC.
Get ready! It's time to start planting native seeds! In today's episode we learn about the most effective method for propagating native seeds outdoors during winter in an interview with Heather McCargo, founder of Wild Seed Project in Portland, Maine. Take the Rewilding Pledge! Go to Wild Seed Project at www.wildseedproject.net. Join host Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured wildlife, for twice monthly discussions about restoring native habitat to help the birds in your backyard. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC.
Join us for some good cheer on the BIRD HUGGER Holiday Special! Author Marta McDowell is our guest as we discuss her book about The Secret Garden, the delightful children's tale written by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Happy Holidays to all! For more info on Unearthing The Secret Garden: The Plants and Places That Inspired Frances Hodgson Burnett by Marta McDowell, go to workman.com. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured wildlife, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Access the BIRD HUGGER Newsletter here: www.birdhuggerpodcast.com. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC.
Today's guest, aquatic biologist Declan McCabe, is urging us to protect water bodies like ponds and streams and the creatures that live in them. His new book, Turning Stones: Discovering The Life Of Water, is a collection of 54 nature essays that provide a look at the astounding diversity of life that depends on water. He examines a range of life forms and looks at ways to preserve clean water for the next generation and beyond. Check out Declan's podcast, Nature Snippets, wherever you download your podcasts. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured wildlife, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC. Bird calls courtesy of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Can you mimic bird calls? Today our guest is Dan Gardoqui, founder of Lead With Nature, an organization dedicated to teaching people about all things nature. Dan, who was instrumental in creating the best-selling book, What the Robin Knows, is an expert bird mimic and nature educator who is urging all of us to spend time in the wild observing and listening to birds. Join him on a nature or bird walk at leadwithnature.com. Go to youtube.com to watch his many videos at Dan Gardoqui -- Learn A Bird. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured wildlife, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC. Bird calls courtesy of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Today we talk with Uli Lorimer, author of the new book, The Northeast Native Plant Primer: 235 Plants for an Earth-Friendly Garden. Uli is the horticulture director at the Native Plant Trust. We talk about why natives are so important for birds and other wildlife. He will also walk us through the various successions of plants that occur once you turn your lawn into a meadow as well as some recommendations of native annuals to plant, like Partridge Pea. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured birds, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Access the BIRD HUGGER Newsletter here: www.birdhuggerpodcast.com. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC.
Is the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker really extinct? In today's episode, we talk with John Mittermeier, the director of the Lost Birds Program at the American Bird Conservancy. John travels the world seeking to confirm the existence or extinction of rare bird species. For more info go to searchforlostbirds.org or go to abcbirds.org. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured wildlife, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC. Bird calls courtesy of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Today our guest is Sea McKeon, the Marine Program Director with the American Bird Conservancy. Sea is a biodiversity scientist, an evolutionary ecologist, a marine biologist, and a natural historian. In this episode, he tells us about the incredible value of seabird poop! Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured birds, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Access the BIRD HUGGER Newsletter here: www.birdhuggerpodcast.com. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC.
In today's episode, we talk with Nancy Farwell, avid native gardener and marketing and advertising sales coordinator for Northern Woodlands magazine. Nancy approached the director of Northern Woodlands about creating a native garden in the front yard of the magazine's headquarters. We talk about the process of converting a workplace lawn to a native garden; the challenges that came up; as well as what plants were chosen for the project. For photos of the new 3,600 square-foot garden and more information go to the Northern Woodlands blog at https://northernwoodlands.org/blog/c/pollinator-garden. Go to Pollinator Pathways at pollinator-pathway.org. Find out more about Douglas Tallamy at homegrownnationalpark.org. For more info on Alicia Houk and her Wildlife Garden Alliance, go to wildgardenalliance.org. Go to Prairie Moon Nursery at prairiemoon.com. Native plants mentioned in this episode: Allegheny Serviceberry, Mountain Mint, Cardinal Flower, Lowbush Blueberry, New Jersey Tea, Milkweed, Aster, Goldenrod, Wild Strawberry, Bee Balm, Sedges, and Little Bluestem. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured wildlife, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC. Bird calls courtesy of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Today we speak with Basil Camu, author of the wonderful new book, From Wasteland To Wonder: Easy Ways We Can Help Heal Earth In The Sub/Urban Landscape. According to Basil, the way we currently landscape our urban and suburban landscapes is harming natural ecosystems. His book shows us easy techniques for bringing the beauty and functionality of nature back to our yards. For more information on his book, go to leaflimb.com. The ebook version is free. For more information on Project Pando, go to leaflimb.com. Shifting Baseline Syndrome at https://tinyurl.com/yc42b22p. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured birds, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Access the BIRD HUGGER Newsletter here: www.birdhuggerpodcast.com. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC.
In today's episode, we talk with Dr. Laurie Goodrich from Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Pennsylvania about the latest findings of her satellite telemetry research into the Broad-Winged Hawk. Also included: An exciting update on HUGGER, the Broad-Winged Hawk we are sponsoring! Dr. Goodrich launched the collaborative Pennsylvania Farmland Raptor and The Broad-winged Hawk research projects, and globally, she co-founded the now world-famous million-raptor conservation site at the River of Raptors in Veracruz, Mexico. Working with colleagues at the Hawk Migration Association of North America, HawkWatch International, and Bird Studies Canada, she helped develop the award-winning Raptor Population Index Project, and contributed heavily to The State of North America’s Birds of Prey, the first comprehensive analysis of raptor populations across the continent. To track Dr. Goodrich's Broad-Wingeds, go to: https://tinyurl.com/2s372bn5. For more info, go to www.hawkmountain.org. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured wildlife, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC. Bird calls courtesy of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Today we speak with evolutionary biologist Joan Strassmann from St. Louis, Missouri about her brand-new book, The Slow Birding Journal. She explains why there's no need to fly to Panama to watch birds. You can enjoy bird watching in your own backyard by following some fun and easy-to-learn techniques. See The Backyard Bird Chronicles by Amy Tan at https://tinyurl.com/cnfnyhyf. See Indigo Bunting at https://tinyurl.com/r9sxfwhr. See Rose-Breasted Grosbeak at https://tinyurl.com/whzstjmk. See White and Black Warbler at https://tinyurl.com/ycy58m9j. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured birds, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Access the BIRD HUGGER Newsletter here: www.birdhuggerpodcast.com. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC.
ENCORE PRESENTATION: In today's episode, we talk with Becky Brewer from Prairie Moon Nursery in Minnesota about the many benefits of bare-root natives and how to plant them. Are you tired of finding Asian Jumping Worms in your soil? Tired of dealing with how to recycle plastic plant pots that can't be recycled? Bare-root plantings is the way to go! For more information go to: prairiemoon.com. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured wildlife, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC. Bird calls courtesy of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to rescue and rehabilitate injured wildlife? Today we have as our guest Kai Williams, executive director of the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council, an organization serving wildlife rehabilitators worldwide with educational training and networking. For more information, go to www.theiwrc.org. Or call 1-866-871-1869. Contact Kai at [email protected]. Kai is interested in human perceptions of and ways of interacting with other species and systems. She has a BA in environmental studies and anthropology from Lawrence University and a Masters in Public Policy and Administration from Northwestern University. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured birds, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Access the BIRD HUGGER Newsletter here: www.birdhuggerpodcast.com. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC.
Today our guest is Hannah Evans from Population Connection, a non-profit organization that promotes awareness about the impact of human population numbers on climate change and the Earth's resources. Hannah works to cultivate partnerships between Population Connection and international NGOs. Before joining Population Connection’s staff, Hannah worked as an adjunct professor of Women’s Studies and taught classes on gender, science, and feminist theory. She has non-profit experience working as a program developer for sustainable agriculture and public health programs in Honduras and Panama and has worked as a researcher studying food security issues throughout Southern California. Hannah holds a BA in Environmental Policy and Natural Resource Conservation and Political Science and a Master’s in Political Ecology from San Diego State University, where her research focused on sustainability labeling and ethical consumption between the United States and Nicaragua. For more information, go to www.populationconnection.org. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured birds, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Access the BIRD HUGGER Newsletter here: www.birdhuggerpodcast.com. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC.
Today our guest is Dr. Arline Bronzaft, an environmental psychologist from Quiet Communities who specializes in the effects of sound on animals like birds and people. She tells us about ways to make your yard a quiet oasis for birds and other critters. For more information, go to www.quietcommunities.org. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured birds, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Access the BIRD HUGGER Newsletter here: www.birdhuggerpodcast.com. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC.
Today we have as our guest Megan Stolen, a forensic wildlife scientist from Blue World Research Institute in Florida. Megan was recently called in to evaluate a rash of unusual and suspicious pelican injuries and deaths in Brevard County. The case led to an investigation by state authorities. To make donations to the Florida Wildlife Hospital of Palm Shores, Florida please go to https://floridawildlifehospital.org. To find out more about Blue World Research Insititute (BWRI) go to: https://bwri.org. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured birds, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Access the BIRD HUGGER Newsletter here: www.birdhuggerpodcast.com. Send your questions about birds and native gardening to [email protected]. (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC.
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