
  • "It's such a fine balance in creating the right technical, physical, and mentally prepared athlete to perform."

    In this episode of Brain in the Game, we explore the fine balance between control and collaboration in coaching, and how integrating mental performance strategies can revolutionise athlete development. We discuss:

    Integration of Mental Performance Professionals: the challenges and benefits of including mental performance in coaching teams.Control vs Collaboration: the balance of control and collaboration coaches manage in athlete development.Education and Understanding in Coaching: the importance of ongoing education for coaches to effectively manage their athletes' mental and physical preparation.Evolving Coaching Practices: how advancements in sports science are changing coaching methodologies.

    If you're a coach, whether new or experienced, this short episode on integrating mental performance into your coaching strategy is a must-listen. And I encourage you to join the conversation by letting me know your comments and insights too.



  • In the latest episode of Brain in the Game we dissect the critical differences between confidence and self-belief. This episode is a little more personal than usual, and my hope is that it will reshape the way you see pressure and building self-belief in your performance.

    Confidence vs Self-Belief: Learn how external factors shape our confidence while self-belief is internally driven, both provide you with a stable foundation to become a holistic performer.Mental Resilience: Discover what you can do to bounce back stronger when faced with pressure, turning challenges into opportunities for growth.Embrace the Pressure: Find out why uncomfortable situations are catalysts for unlocking hidden potential, essential for elite athletes eyeing selection.

    Because the journey to success is not just about talent – it's about pressure-proofing your mindset.

    If you would prefer to watch this on video, go to: https://youtu.be/oDMEbcVQAB4?si=lKf3OYNLJanzWb_F

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  • Navigating High-Pressure Situations

    Competition pressure can have a huge impact on your ability to perform in those big moments. 

    Learning how to perform and what to trust can make all the difference. In episode 95 of Brain in the Game, we look at how to push through the uncomfortable to perform when it counts. We talk about:

    Think of your performance as a railway track. The better you lay your tracks (skills and preparation), the better you can perform when the pressure's on.Emotions can cloud your process, much like snow covering train tracks. The tracks are still there, you just need to push through the discomfort and trust your training.Understand how internal and external pressures can affect your performance, and ensure they don't derail your progress.Survivalist vs. Strategist Mindset: Are you testing before you trust or trusting before you test? A strategist mindset focuses on control, metrics, and assessing rather than testing.Assess and Enjoy: Collect data, recognise, and reward yourself along the way. This helps you maintain momentum and stay in control.

    Remember, don't let panic derail your performance – trust your process and you will learn to stay on track. If you want to perform on the world stage, keep your tracks strong and straight, then you're ready to accelerate!

    If you would prefer to watch this on video, go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyuB4Djopr4

  • In Episode 94 we explore the crucial ingredients that matter the most to every athlete when facing high-pressure situations and performing your best.

    We talk about: 

    ✅ The 3 essential ingredients for success under pressure: Process, Mental Toughness, and Mental Resilience. 

    ✅ How to build a solid blueprint for executing skills flawlessly, even when the stakes are high. 

    ✅ Developing mental toughness to maintain focus and engagement, no matter the distractions. 

    ✅ Riding the ‘urge wave’: mastering the art of pushing through discomfort and anxiety to achieve peak performance.

    Whether you're an athlete, coach, or sports professional, this episode will give you valuable insights to help you excel in the toughest moments when it matters most.


  • The role of mental conditioning in helping athletes develop the tools they need to combat feelings of anxiousness

    In this episode of Brain in the Game, we dive right into the brain of the anxious athlete – a feeling that's all too familiar to anyone chasing success. 

    We explore: 

    🧠 Why those pre-competition nerves are not just normal, but a sign that what you're about to do is important to you – nervousness isn't a sign of incapability; it's a testament to your dedication towards your objectives.

    🧠 What the dance party of dopamine, cortisol, and serotonin is doing in your brain and the part they play in shaping your anxiety and performance.

    🧠 How our brain's incredible power of imagination can conjure up fears, magnify doubts, but also pave the way for innovative solutions and success beyond imagination. 

    🧠 What we can do right now to manage the balance between our body’s natural chemicals and the pragmatic techniques we can adopt to alleviate these stressors.

    So if you’ve ever felt your imagination run wild with worst-case scenarios, or feel anxious before a performance, you're not alone. This episode explores the reasons behind athletes' feelings of anxiousness and gives actionable strategies to manage these emotions, and alleviate the stressors to help rewire your brain for success.



  • In this Episode 92, we dive into the reason why many high performing athletes don't achieve their full potential. 

    High performance can be tough; it demands consistency and dedication. Let's consider an athlete's journey: from amateur to competitive, to elite, and finally, to high performance. It's a rigorous process that requires intense commitment.

    And talent alone doesn't guarantee success. A study in the late 80s examined the top 1% of high performing athletes worldwide, across various sports. While some were indeed gifted, a significant majority achieved success through something else. 

    In this episode, we discuss: 

    Why Even Talented Athletes Struggle to Reach Peak Performance – the other factors that propel high-performing athletesThe High-Performance Athlete's Mindset – what sets them apart from the restThe Key to Consistency – how top 1% athletes sustain their successWhat’s Beyond Physicality – the non-physical factors impacting high performance athletes' successAvoiding the Bunny Hopping Effect – how to optimise training for high performanceBreaking Barriers – how coaches and athletes can collaborate to design their success

    So to understand the journey of high-performing athletes, from amateur to elite and what sets them apart from the rest, this episode is a must-listen.


  • Protecting Your Competitive Edge: The Alarming Impact This One Habit Can Have On Human Performance

    We have done so many wonderful things to promote the development and evolution of our species.

    However, there is one habit we have recently created that is causing a de-evolution of one of our performance strengths: our ability to perform and perform with confidence.

    And as an athlete this could be catastrophic to our competitive future as it has the potential to jeopardise competitive prospects in the long run.

    In this podcast, we unpack the one habit that, if you change it, has the power to significantly enhance not only your performance but also your consistency and your ability to respond under pressure

    And it's not that hard to do!

    So jump on in and learn what could possibly have the biggest impact on your sporting career in decades.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Beating Mental Blocks

    Perform Like a Champion


  • All Relationships Move at the Speed of Trust

    I've witnessed the crucial role trust plays in the coach-athlete relationship. It's more than just a professional bond, it's foundational for performance. But how do we strike the right balance? How do we create a relationship that is both professional and performance-based? In this episode of Brain in the game, we delve into the dynamics at play. We discuss:

    Why the athlete's role goes beyond merely following instructions and performing.What happens when athletes make emotional decisions to defy their coach. How doubts in the coach's guidance can lead to a breakdown in trust.Under pressure, the one thing athletes must rely on, and if not developed, it can undermine performance. As a coach, why effective communication is pivotalWhat it looks like to foster a culture of understanding that doesn't compromise your authority as a coach; it strengthens it.How coaches can establish trust with their athletes - It's not what you might expect! Trust and Collaboration: The Key to Success

    To illustrate the importance of trust and communication, I often use blindfolded rock climbing as an exercise: https://youtu.be/_fLLvOIkNxU. It helps athletes build internal referencing, trust their own process, and develop effective listening skills while asking the right questions. These skills parallel the coach-athlete dynamic, where athletes should trust their coach's information and engage in productive dialogue.

    Liking your coach isn't a prerequisite for success, but trusting their guidance is.





  • The Crucial Role of Coaches in Mental Block Management of Athletes

    Managing athletes with mental blocks requires a coach’s immediate attention. In this episode 89 of Brain in the Game, we delve into what we can do, as coaches, to support them by:

    🧱 Understanding the Causation: We discuss the ways to identify the root cause of the mental block, and how to find out whether it stems from a fear of actual consequences or if it's created through imagination – and the different approaches needed for each scenario.

    🧱 The Importance of Early Intervention: How to address the cause promptly and whether it requires technical adjustments or others to support the athlete's emotional resilience. 

    🧱 Managing the Emotion: The crucial reason to eliminate emotions from the equation and the pragmatic steps to and guide athletes through the process. 

    The longer athletes are left to struggle with mental blocks, the longer the consequences linger, and the greater the impact on not only their own skill development, but their teammates too.

    As coaches, sometimes our role goes beyond the technical aspects so it’s useful to be self-critical in these key areas, as the fix for an athlete’s mental block won't come to them naturally.

    So tune in for an eye-opening discussion on effectively managing athlete mental blocks and discover the actionable strategies to support athletes who are either experiencing a mental block, or those in the early stages of developing one.

    And if you would prefer to watch the video, you will find here: https://www.smartmind.com/blog/managing-mental-blocks

    Grab the Free Mental Blocks Playlist:
    If you'd like to hear more podcasts for coaches specifically around helping athletes with mental blocks, we have put them into a handy playlist for you. Simply go to: https://www.smartmind.com/blocks – your on-the-go playlist will be sent straight to you.

  • Inside the Mind of High Performance Athletes and Coaches: The Science and Strategy of Goal Setting

    In this episode of Brain in the Game, we talk about the power of goal setting and how you can set objectives and goals as an athlete. 🥅

    Goal setting is more than just a trendy buzzword, in this episode we discuss the value of effective goal setting and objectives provide, such as:

    📍 Direction: a clear path to follow, guiding your actions and keeping you focused, giving you a unique roadmap towards success.

    🎯 Motivation: a purpose and a reason to push yourself beyond your comfort zone. 

    👥 Social: allows you to share your journey with others, creating a community of support and connection.

    🔒 Accountability: checkpoints and self-assessment hold you accountable for your progress, which keeps you on track.

    🔁 Replicability: Setting goals isn't a one-time deal. It's about creating a blueprint for success that you can replicate in order to optimise your growth.

    Goal setting is an internal process driven by your own aspirations, so while external goals set by coaches or competition schedules are essential, they don't capture your personal journey. So join me on this episode and discover why integrating goals and objectives into your journey is vital.


  • Are superheroes real?

    We're not talking about the web-flinging, cape-wearing, spandex-clad ones we see in movies. We're referring to our internal superheroes, our performance alter egos.

    In this episode of Brain in the Game, we explore how alter egos impact athletes and coaches. 

    We step through: 

    Why do we feel the need to create alter egos — why do so many performers create an alter ego to overcome nerves and feel more confident in their abilities, such as Beyoncé's Sasha Fierce.The primary role of an alter ego — it’s not what most people think!How they are created — creating an alter ego is not merely about choosing a name and adopting a persona.What we must be cautious of in creating our own — while striving for high performance, we must understand that the alter ego's purpose is not to be flawless.

    Ready to dive deeper into the world of alter egos and their impact on athletes and coaches? Join me on this episode!

  • Is coaching as part of a team or coaching an individual different? And as an athlete, is competing as an individual or in a team different?

    Yes and No.

    The reason I say yes and no is because the ethos I have as a mental performance coach, and has worked really well for athletes and coaches and teams over these years, is:

    The best version of you, everybody benefits from.

    In this podcast episode, we talk about the building blocks of both a team and an individual athlete, including:

    the importance of identifying the ‘how’ – both individual athletes and teams – do they perform their tasks, prepare, and communicate. creating a picture of what ‘theoretical best’ looks like to us, that will then fit into our bigger plan.course correction strategies – what to do if something goes off track and how to recalibrate and bring it back on track.

    And the two critical components that coaches need to understand in how they coach a team and how they coach an individual.

    Performance DNA download

    And if you would like to work through this episode alongside me and discover more about ‘how’ you do what you do, here is the link to download the Performance DNA – for both athletes and coaches.

  • Mastering Your Focal Currency: Controlling Where You Put Your Focus

    On our latest episode of Brain in the Game, we answer the question: How Do I Stay Focused as an Athlete When There are so Many Distractions? 

    We discuss:

    The Battle for Focal Currency – We dive deep into the concept of focal currency and how it impacts our focus and performance. Just like money, our focus is a valuable resource that we need to invest wisely.Instant vs. Delayed Gratification – We often get caught up in instant gratification, focusing on short-term gains or mistakes, but we should aim for long-term focus on what will truly benefit our performance, sustainability, and control.Avoiding the Focus Drain: Letting Go of Things You Can't Control – Don't let emotions drive your focus. Emotional decisions rarely lead to optimal results. Athletes who obsess over past mistakes or consequences are wasting their focal currency. Shift your focus to what will help you succeed and create positive neural pathways.Obsessive Focus: The Pitfall of Emotionally Investing Your Focus – Follow your blueprint, focus on controllable factors, and avoid obsessing over mistakes. Redirect your focus towards what will give you the biggest return on investment.

    Tune in to our podcast to explore more insights on how to leverage your focal currency and maximise your performance.

    BONUS Smarter Time Management

    And click here for your the Time Management BONUS downloads and instructions, which were discussed in this episode.

  • High performance coaching has evolved significantly, driven by advancements in sports science and an understanding of athlete development.

    In this episode, we explore modern-day coaching of the modern-day athlete, and the importance for coaches to adapt.

    Coaches on a Journey

    Coaches, like athletes, are on a journey of growth and development. In the past, the coaching philosophy often centred around the idea that the coach knew best, and athletes were expected to follow instructions without questioning. However, coaches today are more aware of the need for collaboration and a science-driven approach. And it's crucial to recognise that coaches are continuously learning and evolving based on the information they have.

    Shifting Coaching Paradigms

    The coaching landscape has changed significantly over the years. Today's coaching is more science-driven and holistic, focusing on optimising athlete outcomes. Coaches now understand the importance of considering various aspects of an athlete's development, which was not widely known or practiced in the past. Additionally, the high-performance environment places greater demands on coaches to achieve success and manage the implications.

    Understanding the Complexity of Modern Athletes

    As someone who has been involved in sports as an athlete, coach, official, and mental performance specialist, I have witnessed the multifaceted nature of today's athletes. Coaches face the challenge of understanding and addressing the many components that contribute to an athlete's success. This comprehensive approach requires coaches to consider factors beyond just performance and results.

    The Evolution of Coaching

    Like old cars before the computers got involved, the coaching of yesteryear required a tinkerer to fix any mechanical issues, with coaches patching up athletes to get them ready for the next competition without considering the broader aspects of their development. Today's coaches are more like diagnostic engineers working on modern, technologically advanced vehicles. They aim for efficiency, analyse data, and optimise performance outcomes.

    Are Coaches Fit for Today's Purpose?

    Coaching staff today need to adapt and upgrade their knowledge and understanding to meet the demands of modern athletes. Just as we learn to be adults based on our childhood experiences, many coaches adopt coaching styles based on how they were coached themselves. It's always good to reflect on past coaching methods and question if they are still suitable for today's athletes.

    So if you're a coach looking to embrace a more holistic and collaborative approach to optimise athlete outcomes, it's crucial to continuously educate and adapt your coaching methods to best serve their athletes in this ever-changing landscape. And that is exactly what we do inside The Main Arena Coach. If you'd like to know more about this program, go to https://www.smartmind.com/coaching to find out more.

  • This week on Brain in the Game, we look at something that is a bit controversial when you're trying to create an organisation or a club or a group that's efficient, effective, and responsive. That is, how do you build an effective leadership group? And why is it so important for the development of you, your team, and your athletes?

    Firstly, for athletes, leadership groups can be beneficial in both individual and team sports, because they:

    encourage communication and collaboration, which are critical components of effective athlete growthallow athletes to communicate in a safe environment, without being judged or isolated for having an opinionteach athletes to work towards collective goals instead of just focusing on their own resultsraise awareness of how an athlete's behaviour impacts the team dynamic, leading to a more positive and developmental environment

    And for coaches, what are the benefits of leadership groups over other strategies or formats?

    The structure of a leadership group facilitates collaboration in multiple ways. It allows coaches to create multiple layers of communication because their players may communicate differently due to their unique backgrounds and generation gaps. 

    And coaches can utilise these multiple delivery systems to maximise the impact of communication. By encouraging teammates to communicate in a peer-to-peer way that coaches can't, ultimately having a team of athletes communicating efficiently benefits the team on competition day.

  • How to Turn Around Your Performance When You're in a Slump

    In this episode of Brain in the Game, we discuss how both athletes and coaches can turn an athlete’s performance around when they are in a slump. It's a common issue, but one that can be hard to overcome.

    Here are the five key steps that are critical to getting back on track:

    Recognise what the tipping point was that took you into this place of not performing. 
    Understand the tipping point, the poor performance, or the injury, or the non selection that caused this in the first place.Understand what could have been done differently. 
    Make it a learning opportunity. It has to be very pragmatic, emotionless, however there needs to be a value you get from it so that you can move forward.Identify what you were doing when it was working.
    Your 'how'. Your DNA. What was the best thing for you? How do you then re-establish that process?
    Reconstruct the routine. What do you need to do to reinstate that old process?
    What do I need to do to re-instigate the process? What actions do I need to take? What do I need to think about in a slightly different way? Was I cutting too many corners? Was I trying to trim off too much of the fat? Did I cut off a critical component?
    Reward what's working. When we focus on them, our brain will prioritise them.
    Recognition and reward. Make sure that our brain sees value in what we're doing, otherwise it will start to trim it. If we don't recognise and reward it, our brain will see it as luggage and baggage that needs to be got rid of.

    So whether you’re an elite athlete or coach, by following these practical steps you can turn their performance around and get back on track towards your goals.

    And for more podcast episodes and online resources check out www.smartmind.com/podcast
    for everything mental performance.

  • Why do athletes choke under pressure? And why would a coach also choke under pressure? 

    In fact, the reason a coach chokes and the reason an athlete chokes are exactly the same, and a normal part of being human. And that's a disconnect between what we're looking to achieve, and how much we trust it.

    In this episode we explore:

    why some athletes go to compete and get performance amnesia and mental blocks, and strategies to override themwhat overtraining can do to our brains, and the practical steps we can take to counteract the potential consequencesthe role emotion plays in our process, and when it causes doubt on our ability to execute

    Ultimately, we want to be in a place of performing subconsciously, or being in flow or in the zone. And this episode explains how to get there.

    And for more podcast episodes and online resources check out www.smartmind.com/podcast
    for everything mental performance.

  • Building Athlete Confidence: The Role of Coaches

    Coaching is a challenging occupation, and coaches can struggle to understand their role and responsibilities. The reality is that coaches can make or break an athlete's confidence, whether they try to shift the responsibility or not.

    In this podcast episode 80 of Brain in the Game, we highlight the importance of understanding the role of a coach in:

    building an athlete's confidenceshaping an athletes mental performance framework

    And we emphasise the power that coaches have in aligning the trajectory of an athlete's career and personal development.

    Athletes always look up to their coaches, as they hold the key to their career success to some degree. A coach can have a monumental impact on the athlete's career, both positively and negatively, so the relationship between an athlete and a coach is a delicate balance.

    Coaches are always a part of an athlete's personal development, whether they choose to be or not. Coaches have the power to shape an athlete's confidence and mental performance, and they should be aware of the impact their words and actions can have on their athletes.

    And as I share from my own experience, the dynamic between a coach and an athlete can be tumultuous, but over time, by understanding each other better I appreciate the influence my coach had on my life and career.

    So, tune in to this episode to gain valuable insights into the complex and dynamic world of coaching.

    And for more podcast episodes and online resources check out www.smartmind.com/podcast
    for everything mental performance.

  • Athletes, learn how to put into practice a successful framework to maintain momentum, in order to continue making progress, even if you face setbacks?

    In podcast episode 79 we explore momentum, confidence and snowballs. We look at three of the most important strategies of an athlete's sustainability, from their motivation to their momentum, to building their effective and robust confidence framework.

    For athletes to reach the success they are striving for, there is more to it than just physical training. Putting a good framework in place to manage their motivation and momentum is key. It can be a precarious balancing act between ticking all the right boxes to ensure athletes are ready to perform, and effective training loads to ensure they are not overtraining or opening themselves up to injury.

    So let's optimise your momentum, your confidence, and your snowballs.

    For more information on effective mental performance and performing as an elite athlete head on over to www.smartmind.com and explore the resources and join us on the Mental Gladiator training program.


  • Mental Performance can sometimes be mistakenly used as a paracetamol, to be “only used in the case of emergency”.

    However, when built into your daily training it can catapult you into a world of high performance and optimal control in and out of the competitive arena. 

    In this episode, we look at:

    the importance of building effective Mental Performance training in to your preparationhow this is essential for consistency, and ensuring your mental, emotional and cognitive resilience is up to being an elite athlete in today's competitive world

    The breakdown of your emotional resilience is often the first sign that you are losing control of your performance. This can lead to panic and focusing on feeling better rather than being better. We can sometimes get caught in the trap of focusing on doing more, rather than doing what is necessary. 

    So sit back and listen as we unpack the emotional strategies to ensure your best athlete turns up every time. 

    And for more podcasts and online resources check out www.smartmind.com for everything Mental Performance.