
  • Shifting Gears: Christina Kim Shares How Her Design Firm is Making an Intentional Brand Shift

    Christina Kim, founder of Christina Kim Interior Design. Once an aspiring actress, her obsession with design and her innate curiosity led her to the world of interiors. Based in Manasquan, New Jersey, Christina has interior design projects across the U.S.. Christina's work is influenced by scenes from LA, NYC, and Paris (all places she has lived), bringing both a West Coast sensibility and the East Coast into her designs. Christina is known for her warm yet modern interiors with a distinctive edge and specializes in the ground-up construction of modern homes.

     Noteworthy achievements include serving as an ambassador for the New York Design Center and her participation in the Kips Bay Decorator's Showhouse Dallas, where her captivating ombre pink stairway design made a memorable entrance moment.

    Get inspired as Tori shares her innovative approach to storytelling through photography, unveiling the power of capturing emotion, authenticity, and the essence of design in every frame.


    Design today is an exciting challenge as we navigate the ever-growing influence of AI and new tools that are reshaping our creative landscape. We're in a race to keep up with the pace of innovation, all while global uncertainties touch our economy and client behavior. Budget-consciousness is becoming a trend, and large projects can sometimes feel daunting. You've got this! In our post-pandemic world, clients are eager for quick results. This may seem at odds with the thoughtful and deliberate process of interior design, but it's an opportunity for us to flex our creative muscles without compromising quality.

    Christina believes in a touch of authenticity and a nod to the roots of design. She underscores the need to take a breather in the creative journey to allow innovative and personal ideas to bloom. Striking this harmony between tech-brawn and human creativity could be our secret sauce in standing out in a bustling market.


    The post-COVID-19 era has brought about a paradigm shift where clients are increasingly prioritizing:


    Christina realized that this change was more than a trend; it was a signal that her brand needed to evolve. Her clients were not just looking for design services; they were seeking solutions aligned with their new priorities. This realization sparked Christina's journey towards transforming her brand.

    Christina's "Andre pink moment" project at the Dallas Kips Bay Show House is a key part of her brand. This work showed off her skill with bright colors and big patterns. She felt these elements were missing in her other work because of current trends towards white and minimalism.

    So, stay true to your core while being open to change. It's about saying "loudly and proudly" who you are as a designer, not conforming to trends or client demands that don't align with your vision.

    "I wanted to figure out how I could create that for myself and let my clients and potential clients know I am interested in this. I do want to explore color, pattern, and other things." - Christina Kim


    At the heart of any successful branding or rebranding endeavor lies the designer's ability to introspect and...

  • Meaghan Shanley, Design Publicist and PR Consultant

    Meaghan Shanley is the founder of Evergreen PR, a boutique agency driven by her desire for a more personalized approach to client relationships. Her goal is to ensure clients feel seen, heard, and celebrated while providing invaluable support in achieving their business goals. With over a decade of public relations expertise, Meaghan is a highly experienced PR consultant specializing in interior design. Her impressive track record demonstrates her ability to connect designers with the right audiences and showcase their work in the best possible light.

    Throughout her extensive PR career, Meaghan has collaborated with iconic design luminaries, including Sasha Bikoff, Plain English, de Gournay, and Hollywood's go-to interior designer, Brigette Romanek, for her vintage-inspired furniture line with Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams. Founding Evergreen PR in 2022, Meaghan drew from her experience in both boutique and large-scale PR agencies, recognizing the importance of a genuine connection with clients. Working one-on-one with interior designers, her approach is collaborative, educational, and sustainable for long-term success.

    Get inspired as Meaghan shares her expertise in interior design PR, her strategies for connecting designers with high-net-worth clients, and her passion for elevating brands through creative storytelling and strategic public relations.


    When it comes to PR, it's not just about the numbers or the media coverage; it's about the people behind the brand. Meaghan points out that your ideal client should be someone with whom you share a connection, mutual trust, and respect. These qualities form the foundation of a successful partnership.

    A virtual connection can be as impactful as an in-person meeting. Being responsive and proactive is essential. The client should feel confident that their PR representative will assist them.

    One of the key insights Meaghan shares is the power of authentic storytelling. Your experiences can become valuable content for media pitches. Sharing these unique experiences can humanize your brand or persona, making it more relatable to your target audience.While PR professionals are experts in navigating the changing media landscape, clients should always feel comfortable expressing their preferences. Meaghan believes in the importance of having conversations about what the client wants, more or less specific publications they're keen on, and their overall goals.

    PR is not a guaranteed outcome; it involves organically pitching stories to editors and hoping they'll be shared with readers. Unlike marketing, which focuses on promoting your service directly, PR relies on earned media – the result of successful storytelling. Meaghan acknowledges that while it may not always yield immediate returns, successful PR has numerous benefits:

    Word of Mouth: Over time, it increases positive word-of-mouth referrals.Targeted Clientele: It helps attract the right clients for your business.Trade Relationships: PR can lead to new trade partnerships.Online Presence: It drives traffic to your website and boosts social media engagement.Increased Fees: Successful PR allows you to charge higher fees due to your credibility.Marketing Material: PR results can be used in newsletters, blogs, and social media.Long-Term Value: It enhances your brand's reputation, aiding future business endeavors.

    PR is all about how people perceive, experience, and interact with your brand. It's that elusive "buzz" that captures the...

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  • Franziska Neumann, Brand Designer & Strategist

    Franziska Neumann is a seasoned professional and the visionary founder behind FZK, a creative agency specializing in the enhancement and stewardship of online presence for professional service providers. She brings together a unique blend of aesthetics and technology, showcasing a career path that has evolved from interior design and architecture to the craft of building distinctive brands. With a notable portfolio that includes features in prominent magazines, appearances on HGTV, and recognition on the Oprah Show, Franziska's journey into online presence began when she realized the need to anchor her growing exposure. 

    Get inspired as Franziska shares her guide to helping her clients gain visibility, allowing them to shine, describe their passion, and see how that could be translated into a visual story.

    [3:44] OPRAH MOMENT.

    Franziska's story begins with a "magical moment" many of us can only dream of – the Oprah moment. While she wasn't the one gracing Oprah's stage, her connection to this iconic show began her extraordinary career shift.

    Franziska and her partner then lived in a cozy 350-square-foot apartment in Chelsea. They transformed their space into a functional and aesthetically pleasing abode through creativity and resourcefulness. Their expertise quickly garnered recognition as small space experts.

    Yet, amidst this setback, something remarkable emerged. Franziska discovered a new passion and skill set: web development. Armed with the ability to build websites, she embarked on a new career path. This transition allowed her the flexibility to work from home, a valuable advantage for a new parent. 


    Her early days were filled with hours spent browsing interior design magazines in coffee shops and bookstores—a practice that allowed her to discern emerging trends long before they hit the mainstream. Her passion for trend forecasting led her to a dream gig in the field.

    Franziska shared insightful observations when asked about the key marketing trends for the home industry in 2024.

    "Human interaction and in person connection is still special. And I think we have a new appreciation for being together and respecting each other and just enjoying collaboration in person."

    Franziska Neumann

    Franziska underscored the importance of events as a pivotal element in marketing strategy. Creating meaningful, in-person experiences for clients and collaborators can foster lasting connections and brand loyalty. In a world where kindness and respect are paramount, events can be a powerful platform for showcasing expertise and building valuable relationships.

    AI can't replicate the empathy, authenticity, and relatability that real individuals bring.


    During a significant shift during the pandemic, many designers were inundated with work, leading them to halt their marketing efforts temporarily. While this response might seem intuitive at first glance, it is, in fact, counterintuitive.

    Franziska passionately encourages interior designers and business owners to recognize the importance of maintaining a marketing budget even when times are good.

    Dedicating a portion of your gross revenue to marketing, typically...
  • Ericka Saurit, Brand and Marketing Strategist and Consultant

    Ericka is the founder of Saurit Creative, a boutique brand marketing agency dedicated to supporting and elevating brands within the home industry. With a global perspective and a wealth of experience in both interior design and brand marketing leadership, Ericka has played a pivotal role in digital product development and brand strategy at Airbnb in San Francisco, writing the Design for Hosting guidelines and creating content to educate hosts on exactly how to uplevel their listings using interior design as a sales tool. Ericka's unique blend of skills in interior design and marketing drives her passion for transforming businesses into standout brands. 

    Get inspired as Ericka shares her practical and original approaches to marketing and branding—with frameworks to help you craft unforgettable brand narratives and to learn the fundamentals of marketing so that you can build genuine, unbreakable trust with your audience online.  


    The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a seismic shift in our relationship with our living spaces. Suddenly, our homes transformed into multifunctional hubs where we work, eat, learn, and unwind. This newfound focus on the quality of our living spaces triggered a surge in demand for interior designers across the spectrum, from e-designers to vacation rental specialists and even artisans. The home design industry was booming, and designers were busier than ever.

    Should they continue to say yes to every opportunity, or should they take a step back and reevaluate their approach?


    Ericka understands that in times of potential slowdown or normalization, it's essential for designers to be discerning about the clients and projects they accept. Rather than panicking and slashing marketing budgets, Ericka advocates for a more strategic approach: to view downtime as an opportunity for introspection and improvement.

    Instead of minimizing their marketing efforts, believing they need to save money and protect their businesses, do this instead:

    ·       Use this period of relative calm to rethink their brand and messaging.

    Understanding what your brand truly represents and crafting the right message for your clients is vital. This involves a deep dive into your brand identity, ensuring it aligns with your vision for your business.

    "Rather than fearing the changing tides, successful designers embrace the opportunity to redefine their brand and marketing strategy during slowdowns. In the world of design, adaptation is the key to lasting success."

    Ericka Saurit


    A fundamental principle holds true: before you can effectively create a website, marketing collateral, or dive into the realm of social media, you must have a solid and clear brand message.

    Ericka understands that a strong brand message lays the foundation for a successful marketing strategy. It's not just about how you visually present your brand; it's about the story you want to tell, the values you want to convey, and the ideology you represent.

    Ericka's approach is clear:

    ·       Get your brand message straight. Once that foundation is solid, you can visualize your brand and determine which marketing channels and assets to prioritize.

    "Your marketing budget first must be spent on getting that story straight."

    A muddled or unclear brand message can create challenges when building a website. A website isn't just a place to...

  • The Importance of Strategy in Navigating Marketing Trends with Michelle Peranteau

    Michelle Peranteau, Marketing & Communications Consultant and Brand Strategist

    Michelle Peranteau is a creative and innovative professional with comprehensive consumer brand and omnichannel marketing expertise. Michelle is a partner at Katie Brockman & Co., a full-service business development and marketing agency whose clients are all best in class in their design area—having led marketing and PR for notable global luxury brands such as Baume & Mercier, Matouk, and Harry Winston. With a passion for brand building and a knack for motivating teams, Michelle excels in 360° strategy development, collaborating with internal partners to achieve brand growth. Her mastery extends to various areas, including brand positioning, P&L management, digital marketing, and strategic partnerships, making her a seasoned expert with a demonstrated understanding of the unique needs of High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWI).

    Get inspired as Michelle talks about her experiences, future marketing trends, optimal allocation of marketing budgets, marketing partnerships, and mainstream media leveraging strategies.  


    Michelle’s experience in leading marketing and PR for jewelry and watch brands has shaped her approach to working with interior designers and design professionals. 

    Her key insight is that understanding the creation process—from materials used to craftsmanship—is vital. Going beneath the surface, asking about motivation, inspiration, and the materials used adds depth to her role as a marketing professional for the design community.

    She advises to:

    1. Value the Process: Understand that the creation process is just as necessary as the end result.

    2. Explore Motivation and Inspiration: When working with designers, delve into the motivation and inspiration behind their creations.

    3. Understand Materials: Gain insights into the materials used in the design process and appreciate their significance.

    4. Develop Insights: Use your knowledge of the materials, crafts, and processes to be a valuable marketing professional in the design community.

    5. Highlight Craftsmanship: Emphasize the importance of craftsmanship and the skilled individuals who bring designs to life.


    Despite the multitude of social media platforms, analytics, digital marketing initiatives, and newsletters, Michelle stresses the importance of having a well-defined brand. 

    Without a clear brand identity, all other marketing tactics lose their significance. Embracing and prioritizing brand awareness is the foundational element that makes a business stand out.

    “The relationship between an interior photographer and an interior designer has to be approached like dating. There needs to be connection and chemistry.”

    Michelle Peranteau


    There is significant value in investing in a collaborative agency partner as a strategic use of marketing dollars. The partner should ask challenging questions and push the business beyond its comfort zone, extracting compelling...

  • Jennifer Smiga, Founder of Ultraviolet (UV) and UV's Ultra Collective

    Jennifer Smiga founded Ultraviolet (UV), a digital marketing agency that creates effective strategies and activities for home brands and design professionals to thrive online. She is also the visionary behind UV's Ultra Collective, an innovative AI-powered platform designed to address the challenges interior designers and home brands face in collaborative endeavors.

    Get inspired as Jennifer shares her knowledge and experiences in brand strategy, identity, content and influencer marketing, and social media. 


    The evolution of websites from static brochure-style pages to dynamic, content-rich platforms underscores the importance of adding valuable, locally relevant information to improve search engine rankings.

    For professionals, especially designers in specific regions, sharing insights about regional design, trends, and even local building codes can signal to search engines and potential clients that you are an active expert in your field.

    This transformation in web content strategy is a powerful tool for enhancing visibility and trust in your professional services.

    Jen advises to:

    1. Acknowledge the evolving landscape in your industry.

    2. Regularly update your website with valuable content.

    3. Focus on local expertise and how you approach design in your specific region.

    4. Utilize different content formats like blogs, FAQ pages, or expertise showcases.

    5. Demonstrate your activeness and knowledge in your field through your website.






    Good luck, and let me know how these tips help you to grow your community!Until next time, take one new action that lifts your brand!Tune in for Branding, Marketing, and Business


    Tori Sikkema:

    Website: https://torisikkemaphotos.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/torisikkemaphotography/

    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/torisikkemaphotos/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEpOyhNNzp6yFwzPLYR8xQQ


    Jennifer Smiga:

    Website:  https://ultravioletagency.com/

    Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/ultraviolet_agency/


  • Molly Schoneveld, Brand and Marketing Strategist and Consultant

    Molly is a renowned PR and marketing figure known for her expertise in building visible and personality-driven brands within the lifestyle industry. She founded her PR firm, The Storied Group, and quickly established herself as a niche expert at the crossroads of entertainment and lifestyle. Throughout her career, Molly has partnered with design and lifestyle clients across the United States, aiding them in publishing projects and launching stores, books, and product collaborations.

    Get inspired as Molly shares her wealth of knowledge and experiences in PR and marketing, offering valuable insights into her journey from Hollywood to becoming a sought-after expert in branding, celebrity representation, and lifestyle marketing.



    The home industry has witnessed a remarkable transformation, and one of the key drivers of this change is the rising prominence of design influencers. These individuals have carved out a niche in interior design and home decor, and their impact is only expected to grow in the coming year. Magazines like House Beautiful have taken note of this trend and are actively leveraging the power of these influencers to shape their editorial content and forge partnerships.

    Now, how does Molly Schoneveld fit into this narrative? Molly's expertise in PR and marketing intersects perfectly with the evolving dynamics of the home industry. She understands the importance of building visible and personality-driven brands, a concept that aligns seamlessly with the influencer-driven world of interior design. Her background in the Seth Godin marketing philosophy, which emphasizes that "people like us do things like this," underscores the need for businesses to understand their core audience and values before jumping on the latest trends.


    Interior designers must firmly establish the basics before hiring a publicist or delving into complex marketing strategies. These basics include:

    1.      Exceptional photography;

    2. A beautifully designed and thoughtful website that aligns with your branding objectives.

    Many firms, even those achieving significant success in projects and square footage, must project an image that matches their aspirations. SEO, while essential, cannot compensate for the lack of compelling visual content.

    Photography is the linchpin for selling projects to the media and capturing the attention of potential clients. Molly's experience hiring a designer for her home in Raleigh underscores this point—she connected with the designer's style and was initially drawn in by their photography and editorial features.

    Photography might still be better than Video Content, and Molly explains why. It can be the following:

    ·      A strategy based solely on fleeting trends will unlikely yield long-term success.

    ·      Beautiful photos are an enduring source of inspiration and engagement.

    As the industry continues to evolve, the timelessness of photography remains a steadfast ally in capturing the hearts and minds of clients and audiences alike.

    "I'm never gonna get tired of seeing beautiful photos."

    Molly Schoneveld



  • In this week’s episode, Tori, celebrity and interior photographer, shares her experience as a professional interior design photographer and shares 4 tips on landing high-profile clients and submitting your design projects for publication.

    ●  How can you improve your design portfolio and social media presence?

    ●  What’s a workflow that can help you grow your business?

    ●  How do you enhance the profile of a design project if you want to submit it for publication?


    Tori was published nationally with a web-exclusive home tour for Architectural Digest. She was given the opportunity to work with celebrity clients and for a magazine that has completely changed her perception of what interior design photography and styling should be. Architectural Digest Magazine establishes the tone and trends for the entire industry.


    Having stunning professional interior design photography is an essential part of doing business for the sophisticated and savvy design business owner in today's visual world of Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, YouTube, and Tiktok. Working with a published interior design photographer can help you improve your design portfolio and your professional and personal brand and presence.

    In addition, having professionally curated galleries on your website, social media grids, and marketing attracts your ideal clients. It is just as important to get in front of the camera as it is to capture your design projects.

    Your dream clients want to get to know, like, and trust you before they want to do business with you. And indeed, getting yourself in front of the camera will help.ToriTHE BRAND CIRCLE OF LIFE: A consistent, repeatable workflow to help you grow your business

    It is essential to tell a visual story about your design projects.

    If you're interested in publishing your work down the road, having professional interior design photographs is a prerequisite.

    It's important to remember that it's not about you or your design project but who the editors and the publications serve. They serve their audience and their readership. So before you write or submit anything to an editor, ensure you have your client’s full permission.

    Here are four tips on enhancing the profile of a design project if you want to submit it for publication:

    Submit professional interior design images. Editors will only publish professional images of your design project.

    Keeping all photos off social media, websites, and blogs is essential. Editors want exclusivity on what they publish. If you're not prepared to wait for the editor's feedback, you may not want to submit that project.

    Carefully select your publications. Find the most likely to feature your project.

    Tell your story. Ask yourself, how does my story benefit? And how will it resonate with the readers? Try to keep your pitch to 300 words or less. And be sure to include the location, the designer, the architect, and any information about the space.

    Until next time, take one new action that lifts up your brand!

    Tune in for Branding, Marketing, and Business


    Architectural Digest Feature: John Leguizamo


    Website: https://torisikkemaphotos.com/


  • Barbara Gobbi is a marketing and branding strategist with extensive sales, marketing, and advertising experience. She founded BG Marketing (Barbara Gobbi Marketing) in 2011, intending to focus on strategic planning and social media marketing for small to medium-sized businesses. Since then, she has assisted hundreds of organizations in launching and growing their brands.

    Get inspired as Barbara talks about the first step to starting your business and how you can find our ideal clients and connect with them. She also talks about the things you should focus on and the relevance of consistency and focusing on the target audience.



    The first step in launching a business is figuring out who you are. As you learn more about yourself, you may attract more people similar to you. Some entrepreneurs desire to be trendy, which is a mistake because trends come and go. Learning about yourself is important since it will make you more comfortable and authentic, attracting more customers.



    Finding your ideal clients begins with the science of the Reticular Activating System. This means that when you have your radar up of what you’re looking for, you will see it everywhere.

    To further understand, Barbara gives the following example:

    “If you bought a new black Cadillac SUV, you might think, “I’m the only one who has this,” and then you drive it off the lot. And you see it everywhere. And you think, “When did everybody else go get my car? They all have my car now.” Those cars have always been there, but you weren’t aware of it until you started to focus on that.”

    Simply put, it’s all about knowing what you’re looking for and where to find them. To know your customer more deeply, you can ask these questions.

    ●     Where do they like to shop?

    ●     What did they like to do?

    ●     What are their hobbies and interest?

    After answering these questions, go out and speak to just that person instead of trying to reach everybody.


    “You don’t have to be on every social media platform out there,you only have to be on the ones where your customer is.” - Barbara Gobbi



    Barbara tells the story of the AHA moment when she realized that you don’t have to find your customer, and they’re right in front of you. And sometimes your customer finds you. And so the next thing she does is research her clients to know them better. Ultimately, she was left with a treasure trove of information about her perfect customer.

    If you are still deciding whether to do customer research, Barbara encourages you to do so.

    “So, we all think I don’t want to do research. I’ll tell you, it was the best, and I was addicted to it because I got so much valuable information.”

    Barbara’s research finds that most of her clients have negative thoughts about themselves. And it also reflects upon herself, putting her in the right place to help her clients. Because of this, she is now serving the ideal clients in a way that speaks their language.

    Barbara advises on the following:

    “So if you’ve seen a horse race, you know that they put blinders on the horses so that they could focus and stay in their lane. And they’re not thinking, boy, that horse next to me has a shiny; I wonder what shampoo they use. Or if only I had that saddle, I might run faster. They are not thinking that. They have blinders on to put out the distractions, and they...

  • On this week's episode of Brand Lift, Tori shares visual marketing tips to help you:

    How to refresh your website and show off your expertiseHow to drive traffic to your online shopHow to use Instagram to drive sales to your online shopHow to serve your clients, so they hire YOU for their design project
    You spark all the magic. It's your ideas. It's your vision for your business and how you want to grow it and I'm just here trying to give some marketing ideas on how to leverage your hard work to attract your ideal client(s).

    So you have invested in an interior photoshoot or brand photoshoot and are now wondering how to use the images?

    In addition to submitting them for publication consideration, editorial, social media, website, and marketing collateral, I have some additional inspiration on how to use them to grow your business by leveraging the photos!

    Without you, there would not be that spark of genius, the idea thought of in your dreams, the design challenge to overcome, the cohesive team spirit, the courage to imagine the possibilities, and the thoughtful way you treat your client(s).Create Visual Galleries by Space

    So if you're a designer, I recommend creating galleries on your website to curate content by space. So think about the kitchen. Butler's pantry, primary bath, bedroom, dining room mudroom, living room, etc.; taking images and grouping them by space is a way to let your clients see. The multiple projects you've done and let them also see the magic to help them envision their space designed by you.

    Pinterest is a Powerful Search Engine

    Our online presence and social media are also significant. I encourage you to go on Pinterest strongly if you don't have a Pinterest presence. It is an incredible ah search engine. You can type in keywords that are critical for your business. So maybe it's an online decker decor store or shop, or perhaps it's custom kitchens, butler's pantry, or the latest design trend. See what pops up.

    Instagram Guides

    Guides are an excellent opportunity to explain your unique talent to your audience in another way through social media to attract your ideal customer. Using guides also allows you to share helpful resources.

    Until next time, take one new action that lifts your brand!

    Tune in for Branding, Marketing, and Business


    Blog Post: Instagram Guides

  • Meet Grant Sikkema

    Grant Sikkema is a business student that loves Marketing and Entrepreneurship. He is also a former intern at Tori Sikkema Photography, where he helped and managed social media platforms, took photographs, etc. He shares his experience as an intern and what he learned and discovered during his internship journey.

    Get inspired as Grant shares his social media platform strategies to increase your brand presence and awareness, especially on TikTok and Instagram and the younger generation’s perspective on social media.



    During the summer, Grant helped out his mom and became her intern. One of his duties and responsibilities is managing the business’s social media pages, like TikTok, Instagram, and others. Aside from that, he also helped in the photography side of the business, where he helped set up the gear and gadgets and take pictures.

    His mom didn’t teach him how to take proper shots with the camera, and he picked up his photography skills by watching her work, and he could do it without any problems.

    All in all, he learned many things during his internship, ranging from photography to social media.



    One of the tasks that Grant successfully did as an intern was setting up the business TikTok account and increasing its presence on that platform. Grant mentioned that TikTok and Instagram might seem similar. However, they still operate differently. Instagram, an older platform, offers features like reels, stories, lives, and much more. Meanwhile, TikTok allows you to upload videos.

    There’s a difference in the audience of the two platforms. As Instagram is an older platform, it can have various audiences from different age groups. TikTok, a newer app than Instagram, mainly has the younger generation. Depending on your target audience, you can use either platform to catch their attention.


    “I would say my generation, which I was born in 2003, which makes me 19. I would say the general population around my age uses TikTok more. As the younger kids are starting to get on technology, they’re starting to use TikTok more. So, I would say influencing the younger generation on TikTok is a lot easier and a lot more influential.” - Grant Sikkema.



    One of the strategies you can do on TikTok to increase your presence is to upload videos daily on your account. This should help catch the attention of the people. Aside from that, your videos on TikTok shouldn’t be long, and remember your audience’s attention span.

    Viral sounds and hashtags could also help you increase your presence on TikTok and Instagram.



    Grant mentioned a TikTok account that has influenced not only him but also the younger generation. Bradley Kraut is known for his nickname “Academic Weapon.” His TikTok content revolves around motivation and productivity. He encourages people to go to school, be on time, wake up early, and much more. He approaches it in a comedic way which attracts the people’s attention.


    “So I will say he definitely influenced me a...

  • Joanne is the Founder of The Beach Home and TBH Interiors, based in Lavallette, New Jersey. She grew up visiting the iconic furniture department at Bloomingdale and Ralph Lauren store inside the Rhinelander mansion, envisioning a beautiful and comfortable environment as she appreciates the people who brought life to these designs.

    Get inspired as Joanne shares her insights and experiences working in various trades and why designers are more than people expect them to be.

    Owning a Design Firm

    Joanne’s life inspiration has always been her mother. She inherited her mother’s appreciation and passion for art and design. Her mother believes that home is made up of whatever you can contribute to it, and as a self-proclaimed designer, she put as much as she could into fabrics on their weekend home in Rockland County. In awe of the designs seen in Kips Bay Showhouse every year birthed their overwhelming desire to craft art they can call their own.

    However, Joanne’s journey to owning a design firm was heavily influenced by her time as a real estate manager. Seeing the top brand interior designers in a closer view, how they make an empty white apartment into something spectacular, showed what path she wanted to take.

    After the devastation brought by Hurricane Sandy, Joanne was reluctant to pursue her dream as people had different needs at the time. However, with the support of their community, Joanne and her husband decided to realize their vision and help people who want to take their homes to the next level. Even without certifications, just from pure and raw experience, Joanne was able to build her firm into what it is today.

    “As a homeowner, you want your home to be comfortable, and you want it to represent you. I realized that I was actually able to achieve that with my customers.”JoanneStyling and Photography to the Next Level

    Styling is not as simple as adding flair to things without intent. Every additional detail should result in a better-looking scenario, even if it is as minor as adding a lemon. Joanne shares that styling is necessary, but you will never know if you have missed something until you thoroughly look at the scene through your lens.

    “I don’t know that something is missing until you hone in on it and when you look through your lens.”JoanneThe Lens of Expertise

    Joanne collaborated and experienced working with various trades, architects, builders, and project managers. Due to this wide range of experiences, her lens of expertise allowed her to incorporate new ideas and consider other aspects. Joanne describes the stages:

    The Blueprint Stage – Clients have their own version and view of their homes. Having a blueprint as a designer can help you encapsulate that vision without getting in the way of others.The Costing Stage – At what point do you think the design justifies the cost? Joanne emphasizes that you should always be mindful of the cost of your designs.The Engineering Stage – If you have a working blueprint, then be mindful of how you do the design without getting in the way of lighting and HVAC plans. In fact, you want to collaborate with them to ensure that no hitches go along the way.

    Planning is important in everything that you do. However, not all plans go along the way you wanted them to. Joanne shares a story of this:

    “I sat with my architect, and we envisioned a beautiful open floor plan. When I arrived, I saw a vent and grill. And I thought, “Oh, boy.” What did I learn from it? I learned that you can make changes, and some things can be hidden. But, there is a short window.”Joanne

    Joanne learned that...

  • Neil is the Vice President of Marketing for Universal Furniture in High Point, North Carolina. Neil is responsible for the strategic and creative direction of Universal Furniture brands, which include Universal Furniture and To The Trade. He also manages the company's licensing programs with current partners, Coastal Living Magazine and Miranda Kerr, the supermodel! Neil has over 20 years of marketing experience working with B2B and B2C clients. His specialties include strategy and branding, advertising, planning, website development and analysis, social corporate identity, and media planning.

    Be motivated as Neil will share some knowledge about how their company works that you could also practice being successful.

    Neil is also inviting us to join the upcoming events at Universal's Learning Center, where we can experience designer-focused panels and discussions and meet known personalities.


    The vision of the business has to be connected to your brand ethos. Doing so will make your business more solid. Neil stated they want their customers to have an easy transaction with them.

    Universal is great to do business with, no matter the size of your design firm. They are easy to transact with! Universal is a good resource for all-size designers.

    Examine everything you do, accept every firm that could do business with us, and build a recognizable brand. It eliminates a lot of conversation and guarantees everyone is on the same page. In general, the more you communicate, the better your execution. These methods Neil uses.

    Universal has a broad range of product lines like Coastal Living, Miranda Kerr, and Modern Farmhouse. Customers are getting a lot of value. You receive more looks for less without sacrificing anything.

    “Our vision is just kind of at our ethos, and we want to be easy to do business.”

    Neil MacKenzie


    Their team is always attempting to comprehend and learn from what they see from the analytic perspective regarding how people engage and interact with the website to things they can change to make it simpler to interact and, eventually, transact on.

    In 2020, when Covid was still rampant, they shot everything in advance. They were rolling out their second collection with Coastal Living Magazine called Getaway and had already been on location. They hosted a virtual market and did showrooms virtually.


    Neil invites us to join Universal's Learning Center for market events where they have designer-focused panels & discussions on October 21-25, 2022. They are excited to have folks return, in person, to fall market. The following are the things you may see.

    “The showroom is thanks to Janine, and her team who do an amazing job. It's 115,000 square feet. So it's a massive building. Inside that space, we have some amazing opportunities for designers to connect, learn, and be inspired. ““One of the areas we call the Learning Center is going to be stocked and filled with several events throughout the week, Friday through Tuesday.”“We try to get as many people as possible. It comfortably seats 105 people. We do record all of these. That's a question we get a lot of. We had been broadcasting them live, but we're going to change this year. We're just going to record them and then make the recordings available after the fact. If somebody can't make it or must leave early, we record them.”Neil MacKenzie

    You can visit

  • Brand Lift Podcast w/ Danielle Marchese

    In this episode of Brand Lift, Tori interviews Danielle Marchese. Danielle is a consultant and a brand and marketing strategist who has been helping brands carve out their own unique corner of the internet since 2017. She shares her journey of entrepreneurship as a business owner, assisting clients to rebrand, optimize their businesses through SEO, and build their brand presence on social media platforms. Get inspired as Danielle shares her practical, yet unique and authentic approaches to marketing, as well as strategies on re-branding; from taking quizzes to evaluate your brand and your website, to specific techniques for maximizing Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

    It's such a thrilling conversation as Tori and Danielle shared the same passion for branding, marketing, and business to help you get seen, published, and booked by dream clients. Get access to this expert advice from Danielle Marchese with links to her social media platforms, her website with the quiz to re-evaluate your brand, your business, and recommendations on what to do next. What an exciting opportunity so tune in on another great episode on all things branding, marketing, and design. Listen now! 

    Find Danielle here:

    Instagram: @danielle_marchese


    Good luck, and let me know how these tips help you to grow your community!

    Until next time, take one new action that lifts up your brand!

    Tune in for Branding, Marketing, and Business

  • How to Declutter Your Work Space and Increase Productivity

    Maggie Brittian is the owner of Chesterfield Organizing Co., 

    She is a visual problem solver, and a homebody at heart. ​Professional Organizer and Clutter Guide/Coach and a wife of an outdoor enthusiast, a mother of four active humans, and one lazy pup, creating peaceful and clutter-free spaces is a must to maintain smoother daily routines in her home. Smoother days are exactly what I want for you and your home too! 

    Maggie and her team want to save you time and teach you the steps to maintain your newly organized space. 

    In addition to offering IN-home organizing, Maggie also offers online education: Coco Organized One offering is A self-paced course guiding you online through 4 core steps of organizing (COCO) to create a space that looks and feels like the best version of YOU! 

    @chesterfieldorganizingco @cocoorganized


    [email protected]

    Good luck, and let me know how these tips help you to grow your community!

    Until next time, take one new action that lifts up your brand!

    Tune in for Branding, Marketing, and Business

  • Living a Life of Meaning

    Karen Ann Bulluck is a transcendent leadership specialist and founder of TRANSCENDENCE: Living A Life of Meaning, a boutique executive coaching practice.  Karen partners with leaders to EXPLORE what matters, INTEGRATE the Higher Self, and FLOURISH in new dimensions. She is the creator of the Transcendence proprietary methodology: “Living A Life of Meaning”, which provides transformative and integrative teachings learned from three decades of applied practice.

    She is the author of the Amazon bestselling novel Ascending Ladders, which follows a female executive through a transformation change in corporate leadership. Karen is also a contributing author to the international bestselling books: Significant Women: Leaders Reveal What Matters Most and The X-Factor: The Spiritual Secrets Behind Successful Executives & Entrepreneurs. 

    Karen will share how to be your authentic self, what living a life of meaning is, and what transcendence means.

    Karen shares three pillars of transcendence that are the foundation of creating and flourishing as a leader.


    Life of transcendence for yourself of creating that state of mind.


    The first pillar is a connection to whatever is your faith. Whatever it is your belief in that higher consciousness whether you call it the universe whether you call it universal consciousness.

    It's really important to connect and for leaders especially to have that daily practice of connecting into that higher level of consciousness because that's where you're going to get the wisdom and that's where you're going to.

    Getting this piece to be able to stay focused in the midst of all this uncertainty um, learning to trust that connection and stay connected. All the time is really critical.

    Develop Awareness

    The second thing is to develop awareness. And this is really developing awareness of your internal programming. You know what your limiting beliefs are what your cultural conditioning is and learning to rewire that by being present with the cost understanding what it's costing you to continue believing what you believe now and then changing that. Changing your belief system because we really all the chaos and suffering that we have a lot of that is tied to our belief systems and if we can change our belief systems.


    The clarity to explore what matters what your values are what's really important to you and then creating a vision around that and living true to that vision living true your values and so

    those are the 3 main components of the underline. What leaders and anybody needs to do to really tap in and begin to access that transcendence access that higher level of consciousness and transcend versus just changed.

    To learn more about Karen, she can be reached at: 

    Email: [email protected]

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/karenannbulluck

    Website: www.livingalifeofmeaning.com

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/karenannbulluck


    Good luck, and let me know how these tips help you to grow your community!

    Until next time, take one new action that lifts up your brand!

    Tune in for Branding, Marketing, and Business

  • Networking to grow your business is a conversation away!

    Did you know I've got this networking thing down to a science? I will take you into my networking world, what I do and why I love it! Learn how I interact with people to keep things friendly and get booked so you can do it too!

    In this episode, I distill down 4 tips and actionable steps for you to take to help you grow your community of potential customers through having conversations with people every day.

    I share 4 tips to help you to begin networking to grow your business and connect with like-minded people who may be potential customers.

    Find out more about how Paul guides his clients through the construction process, and more. Listen to the full podcast and subscribe to hear more inspirational stories.

    Tune in for Branding, Marketing, and Business


  • Architecture to Construction

    Tips to help homeowners navigate the building process.

    Have you ever thought about building your dream home or renovating or remodeling your existing home? Well, statistics show that homeowners will continue to build remodel or renovate their homes well into 2022 and beyond. Having the proper tools to navigate the process and the right team of experts working in collaboration for a positive outcome is critical. 

    This week's guest, Paul David Rugarber, grew up around tools and the smell of sawdust from his grandfather's garage and his father's remodeling business, which instilled in Paul the love of construction and inspired him to become an architect. Paul now owns PDR Designs an Architectural Firm. 

    Specializing in guiding homeowners through the process of residential design and construction along the jersey shore since 2008, Paul is a registered architect in New Jersey, New York, and Florida, and a member of the American Institute of Architects. Paul's passion for others inspired him to write his first book, which was published in December 2017, Architecture to Construction and Everything in Between.  The book quickly became an Amazon best seller!  It was designed and written for homeowners to answer questions about what to expect during the design and construction process, whether it's an alteration, addition, or new home build, this book guides clients through the process. 

    From design to completion, Paul's knowledge and understanding of the architectural and construction fields have allowed him to continually grow his firm and influence as a vital leader in the community. Paul Works with habitat for humanity tunnel to towers, and he just finished a project alongside NBC’s George to the Rescue, renovating a wounded warriors veterans basement, which aired in May 2022.

    "I like to be in control of my own destiny. I like to kind of break the rules do things differently and be unique. So that's what I look for now, is the unique projects, the unique clients, something where they appreciate my skill set and what I'm bringing to the table. Then I can do what I want with a project and, you know, how do I satisfy their needs?Maybe a little bit differently than they were thinking, but in a way that when they come home the end of the day, we tell clients, “I want you to drive up to the house and get like- Ah, I love my house!”. That's my goal in everything that I design. Is it going to cost you a little bit more for an architect? Yeah, but is it worth it because every day that's your feeling? Yes."

    Find out more about how Paul guides his clients through the construction process, and more. Listen to the full podcast and subscribe to hear more inspirational stories.

    Tune in for Branding, Marketing, and Business


  • Reaching my goals in my first year wasn’t easy, and yet I did it anyway. Want to know how you can have success in your first year? 


    Here’s a look into my first year of business, how I found success, and how you can do it too.


    My road to success was paved with challenges, lessons, and wins. If you are struggling with where or how to begin your journey as a creative entrepreneur, I am here to share my story of the five steps I took to grow my business in the first year. These steps can work for you too. 


    Do you remember vision boards? I made a vision board for EVERYTHING! We would have stacks of magazines, yes, magazines, sitting on the floor with my girlfriends, listening to Madonna, or Bruce, cutting out pictures of how we envisioned our future. We didn’t put limits on our dreams or see barriers to our success back then. If we put it on the board, it was going to happen!


    I want you to go back to that dreamer, and start keeping your dreams in front of you again. Make a vision board and put it where you will see it every day.


    The formula is simple:


    Define your why & put it in front of you daily + Becoming a student + Action + Marketing = Success



    What you see, speak, and do on a daily basis will determine your future. Let’s dive into your future! Let’s go!  Listen to the podcast for the 5 steps I took and learn how my success can be your success.




  • Work-life balance is a hot topic. As we live our busy lives, how can we keep ourselves in balance and in check? 

    We are talking to Sirena White-Singleton: brand photographer, entrepreneur, and storyteller. She will share all about finding the work-life rhythm… and not balance.

    Sirena knows exactly what it means to be overbooked, overwhelmed, and need to prioritize her time. 

    “In 2015 I shot 24 weddings, but the burnout with weddings was real. I was like, yeah, shooting these weddings every weekend is not gonna work having a child.” - Sirena

    Sirena pivoted her business, doubled her income from 2020, and hit the 6 figure mark in 2021 while finding a rhythm to life. 


    “I do not like to waste 2 things: that's time and money.”

    Sirena shares with us her journey to success and why clients choose her over everyone else: because she doesn’t waste their time or money. Hear how she brings value through her brand photography and how she has built a strong community around her business. 

    She’s a mom, a wife, a business owner, and a full-time entrepreneur now. How does she keep it all in balance?

    You're creating a work-life rhythm. Distinguish the 2: a rhythm versus a balance.

    “So balance, think of a tightrope, someone trying to keep their balance so they don't fall down. Well, that's hard. That's really hard but now think about a rhythm or beat. 

    It's a flow. It's a vibe. 

    It's not like you have to find that balance. I think when you give yourself grace and find a rhythm and flow into something, it just makes it easier. 

    That flow and vibe flow into how she works with her clients too.

    Find out more about how Sirena creates her rhythm, learn how she built her successful business, and more. Listen to the full podcast and subscribe to hear more inspirational stories.

    Tune in for Branding, Marketing, and Business
