This week the Barefoot Warriors talks about the personal Bill of rights.
What is self worth? Why give a shit?
Episodi mancanti?
The Barefoot Warrior talks about therapy.
This week The Barefoot Warrior talks about journaling and how it can help you on your healing journey
Part 2 of self care. Showing up for yourself, doin it cheap. Is self care selfish?
All the area you can show up for yourself.
Today we talk to the CEO of Lukahi Foundation Rachael. Rachael tells her story and talks about self care and the after affects of DV.
Survivor or lesbian domestic violence Em Marks talks about what she went through and how she turned her life around.
This week the Barefoot Warrior talks to the CEO of DV Phones on how he got started and what he does to help victims and survivors of Domestic Violence.
This weeks episode is an interview with Melissa Griffths
This week The Barefoot Warrior talks about forgiveness.
In this first episode of season 2 the Barefoot Warrior talks about what nurturing yourself looks like.
This week the Barefoot Warrior talks about reclaiming your rights after toxic/abusive relationships
This quick episode talks about a couple of signs of the finish of a relationship
This week my Warrior, Barefoot Warrior talks about when the time comes and you feel ready to Dip your feet in the dating world again.
we always talk about Red flags , well this week, lets talk about Green Flags,
Welcome my warriors !! to this weeks episode of Breakfast with Izzy. This week the Barefoot Warrior is talking about red flags! They are so important to see, recognise and heed.!!
This we the Barefoot Warrior talks about what 4 of some of the most famous lgbt people can show us
Today the Barefoot Warrior talks about how to let go of the things that hold us back.