
  • If you say tattooed LinkedIn queen, most people will know you’re talking about Lea Turner who made her mark on the platform by doing everything she “wasn’t supposed” to do. Defying LinkedIn’s “professional standards” afforded Lea a new house, high income, and the freedom to be with her son while doing work she loves. In this episode, she shares parts of her journey all the way from how spending time in chat rooms as a teenager refined her content skills to why one of her posts blew up to 2 million views.

    “There was no ulterior motive and I think people realised that - people don't go on LinkedIn to buy, they're there to market themselves and their own business. Most of the time, they're not thinking I want to buy from this person. So I was just building relationships” (08:08)

    What we discussed

    (00:00) How did Lea Turner become so successful?

    (03:02) Lea before LinkedIn

    (04:25) Why LinkedIn?

    (05:39) Content litmus test

    (06:57) How chat rooms improved her content

    (07:53) Socialising vs. selling on LinkedIn

    (09:49) Lea’s different social media channels

    (12:17) Unexpectedly controversial posts

    (19:33) Lea the brand vs. other Leas

    (22:13) Being an introvert vs. throwing epic parties

    (25:49) Managing her schedule

    (27:52) Private community and online courses

    (30:03) Getting a celebrity client

    (30:59) Generating content ideas

    (32:44) WORST LinkedIn mistake

    (34:46) Time spent on marketing weekly

    3 tips to make networking fun:

    1. Listen to your instincts when creating content: are you creating something you would have fun consuming?

    2. As you are consuming content, find inspiration: have a curation system where you store content that inspires you or provokes you to come up with innovative thoughts and ideas.

    3. “if you are only ever going to consume you might be learning stuff, but the minute you start engaging with people - that's when the opportunities start to happen.” (33:41)


    Connect with Lea Turner: LinkedIn | Website | Business Community (The HoLT)

    Connect with Rosie on socials!

    And if you're a woman in business who loves colour find out more about personal branding shoots on Rosie's photography website! 💕

  • Summary

    The biggest mistake new podcasters make is thinking the first step is buying a mic. Before you hit that "buy" button for a shiny new mic, you need to know the crucial steps that come before hitting record.

    Recording your podcast only comes after you figure out your podcasting purpose, content strategy, and systems. In this episode, podcast launch strategist Rosemarie Callender walks you through 4 steps to launching a podcast that will grow your business.

    Get ready to uncover how podcasting can transform your content creation process, improve your speaking skills, and unlock a whole new audience.

    What we discussed

    (00:00) Is starting a podcast hard?

    (01:20) How to start a podcast OR What matters more than your mic OR What matters more than podcast tech

    (03:17) 3 steps to get leads by podcasting

    (07:24) Why most podcasts fail

    (11:17) Automating your podcast

    (13:12) Is starting a podcast expensive?

    (17:28) Getting your show on Apple & Spotify

    (19:01) Equipment you need to record your podcast

    (21:10) Do you need a jingle?

    (24:11) Mistakes new podcasters make

    (27:51) Best way to market your podcast

    (32:37) How to align your podcast with your business

    (36:42) How many listeners will you get?

    (42:12) 4 steps to start a podcast

    3 podcasting tips:

    Before figuring out podcast tech, you must figure out your podcast purpose. Do you want to podcast to grow your leads? Make content creation easier? Become a more confident speaker? 80% of new podcasts fail because they slowly die out around episode 7. The best way not to fall into that trap is by setting up systems and processes that keep you consistent. If a lead contacts you with a question, you should have a podcast that answers their question. If you don’t it’s your sign to schedule and create that episode.


    Mics: Samson Q2 | Blue Yeti

    Podcast recording software: SquadCast | Riverside | Audacity | GarageBand | Descript

    Where to get music for your podcast: Audio Jungle | Pond Five | Premium Beat

    Connect with Rosemarie Callender: Linkedin | Too Busy To Podcast (podcast)

    Connect with Rosie on socials!

    And if you're a woman in business who loves colour find out more about personal branding shoots on Rosie's photography website! 💕

  • Episodi mancanti?

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  • If you’ve ever watched a TED talk and secretly wished that you could stand on the red dot one day, then this episode is for you. Delivering a TED talk can attract clients to your business and elevate your personal brand. The best part is that you don’t have to have any prior public speaking experience - all you need is an idea worth sharing.

    Erica Farmer, Director of Quantum Rise Talent Group, reveals her experience becoming a TEDx speaker for the first time and shares tips for how to get selected as a speaker, how to structure your talk, and how to make sure you remember what you need to say when you’re in front of an audience.

    “The confidence that you present with, how you articulate, your passion are just as important as the actual message that you are saying
probably more important actually. So you don't have to be a speaker, but you do have to put the hard yards in with the scripting and the practice.”

    What we discussed

    (00:00) What’s a TED talk?

    (01:35) Why do a TED talk? OR Should you do a TED talk?

    (05:29) TEDx vs. traditional public speaking: what’s the difference? OR Do you need speaking experience to do a TED talk?

    (08:18) Memorize THIS before your TED talk

    (10:43) How to pick a TED venue OR Which TEDx should you speak at?

    (13:11) How to apply to speak at TEDx OR How to get selected for a TED talk

    (17:45) Removing your stage fright

    (19:08) Benefits of giving a TED talk

    (20:41) Lessons from being a TED speaker OR What not to do in a TED talk

    (22:18) Erica’s other big goals

    (23:50) Imposter syndrome and TED talks

    3 tips to make online visibility easier (tune in for more tips):

    Structure of a TED talk: (1) problem (2) reasons/evidence why it’s a problem (3) build up to the solution/idea worth sharing It’s not your script that you need to memorize, it’s your outline. This way, if you panic on stage you still remember the key points you need to cover in your delivery. Have 5-6 key points prepared. Remember, only you know whether you’re following your script or not - the audience doesn’t, so go easy on yourself. Get out of your own head. Record your TED talk and listen to it on a loop, that’s how you remember song lyrics from time ago
and that’s how you’ll remember your talk.


    TEDx Scunthorpe

    Apply to be selected as a TEDx speaker: https://www.ted.com/about/programs-initiatives/tedx-program

    Connect with Erica Farmer: LinkedIn | Quantum Rise Training | Quantum Rise Main Website

    Connect with Rosie on socials!

    And if you're a woman in business who loves colour find out more about personal branding shoots on Rosie's photography website! 💕

  • You started your business because you’re fab at what you do, not to post daily content
that just came with the territory. Marketing expert Louise Gregson Williams walks you through how to make content creation more natural and fun to do rather than having it be yet another chore on your endless to-do list. Tune in for 10 tips on how to remove the pressure from consistent content creation.

    (10:59) “The stuff that doesn't go well for you are the things that people really want to know about in your content. They don't always want to know the shiny, glossy story of your amazing business. They want to know how you got there.”

    3 ways to start removing the pressure from consistently creating content (tune in for more tips):

    1. Dictaphone for rapid content creation: by speaking your content into your phone’s recorder, you’re able to create content where you sound more natural
bonus: it’s also much faster!

    2. Reactive and proactive content, merged: set aside an afternoon each month to map our your month’s content. Don’t over plan, just make some notes on what you want to discuss this month. This way, you’ll have a “reactive element as well as that proactive planning” and you’ll be able to “be a little bit more flexible if something happens in the industry”.

    3. Outfit changes and procrastination: “if you can't be bothered to get changed into loads of different outfits, don't put yourself under loads of undue pressure or use it as a reason for why you're not recording.” (08:58)


    Connect with Louise Gregson Williams: LinkedIn | Instagram | Discovery Call

    Content Planning Wizard - beat the blank content planner!

    If your general reaction to posting on social media is 'I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY' then it's time to turn yourself into a content creation wizard in this 2.5 hour masterclass + extras.

    You'll learn what things to talk about so that you don’t run out of ideas and what channels to prioritise for your business.

    This content planning class gives you the kit to plan like a pro and is completely tailored to what is realistic for you and your business...

    You're going to be set-up for success so that you can create stop-the-scroll content to keep you in your customers' minds. YAY!


    2.5 hour action planning session f2f (if in Devon) or onlineA content planning template you can use every monthThe rest of your month planned outMy secrets for where to find ideasAll the tools I use to create contentWhatsApp check-in and support when you need it for 2 weeks afterwards30 min check in online to troubleshoot any questions you havetranscripts and recordings

    **SPECIAL OFFER** For ‘Build a brand with Rosie Parsons’ listeners you can get this for the 2022 price of ÂŁ345+VAT if you book your session before 28 February 2023. Email [email protected] for more info or book a free half hour discovery call about this or any of my other programmes – let’s chat!

    WIN! Leave a podcast review and win a 1:

    Connect with Rosie on socials!

    And if you're a woman in business who loves colour find out more about personal branding shoots on Rosie's photography website! 💕

  • Without a care in the world, Maddy Shine rocks blue hair, a name you can’t forget, and a bubbly personality - how can you show up online as confidently as she does?

    In this episode, she shares lots of tips that will take the stress away from showing your face online, being unapologetically yourself, and showing off your life (even if you think it’s uninteresting). She also shares how making content is easier without a content plan.

    Tune in and start crafting your own online visibility plan.

    (08:45) “I think that we get so caught up in what other people think of us, but actually, do you know what people are thinking about? They're worried about what other people think of them.”

    3 tips to make online visibility easier (tune in for more tips):

    1. Be chatty to make your content: mix in being chatty and with tips relevant to your space. “allowing people a little bit into that self-discovery also helps them relate to you a lot more.” (13:42)

    2. You don’t need a content plan: If creating and following a content plan feels too rigid or boring, you can create a library of content ideas instead that you can draw from whenever you need to create content. This allows you to be more flexible and spontaneous.

    3. Strategically sharing your life: sharing your life isn’t about revealing your every move and meal, it’s about being selective with what you share and relating it back to what you’re selling.


    Connect with Maddy Shine: Instagram | Website | The High Vis Podcast

    Tell Google you exist by taking these simple steps - https://maddyshine.co.uk/does-google-know-i-exist/

    Connect with Rosie on socials!

    And if you're a woman in business who loves colour find out more about personal branding shoots on Rosie's photography website! 💕

  • Whenever you consider running ads, you worry - what if you just lose money? How much should you spend? What should be in your ad? What if no one buys what you’re advertising? In this episode, with ads specialist Aggie Meroni, you’ll learn about how to run profitable ads without spending an arm and a leg.

    Aggie Meroni is a Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest Ads specialist. She is the founder of WhiteBee Digital and the host of the Freelance Ads Podcast.

    “You have to think about the context of people scrolling. The dog’s barking, the kids are fighting, the oven dings. People aren't a hundred percent focused on their phones. So, you need to capture that attention. You need to do something that will stop them in their tracks.” (18:01)

    6 ways to start creating profitable Facebook and Instagram Ads (tune in for more tips):

    People buy from people: if it’s possible, show your face in your ads. Even if you run ads, you still need a strong personal brand: “the market is not saturated yet, so that is good. However, if you don't have a strong personal brand or you don't have an audience to sell to, it's extremely hard to have a profitable course.” (04:20) If people don’t want your product/lead magnet/service without ads then they probably won’t want it when you run ads either. You have to validate what you’re putting out before investing money on it.


    Aggie Meroni WhiteBee Digital

    The Freelance Ads Club

    The Freelance Ads Club Podcast

    Leave a podcast review and WIN 1:1 ads coaching with Aggie Meronie:

    1) Subscribe and rate the Build a Brand with Rosie Parsons podcast on any podcast app

    2) Share the episode/podcast on one of your social media channels

    3) Send a screenshot of your share to [email protected]

    Closing date: 31 January 2023

    Connect with Rosie on socials!

    And if you're a woman in business who loves colour find out more about personal branding shoots on Rosie's photography website! 💕

  • Don’t live 2023 stress-free. You need stress in your life and business. Instead, work on stressing less. Kelly Swingler’s mission is to banish burnout, and in this episode, she explains how you can start making your burnout melt away so you can comfortably show up in your business. You’ll learn about how to reduce burnout from taking over your business and personal brand.

    (06:33) “If it was all completely stress-free, we'd all just be sat doing nothing all day. We would have no motivation, no drive, no passion. So I don't want us to be talking about stress-free, but I do want us to be talking about stress-less.”

    3 ways to start banishing burnout (tune in for more tips):

    3 things you need to stress less: Understand your core, set boundaries, and take time outDon’t be afraid to say no. If you don’t set boundaries for yourself, you will be consumed by everything else. When you’re starting a new project (eg: a podcast, an Instagram account, a course) don’t focus on getting it done with all the bells and whistles. You don’t want to burn out before you gain momentum. Focus on putting out a minimum viable product, and refine things as you go.


    Connect with Kelly Swingler: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram

    Core Led Podcast

    Mind the Gap book by Kelly Swingler

    Leave a podcast review and win one of Kelly’s products (online course, 1:1 coaching, or a copy of her book):

    1) Follow and rate the Build a Brand with Rosie Parsons podcast on any podcast app

    2) Share the show on one of your social media platforms

    2) Send a screenshot of your share to [email protected] with the subject line

    Closing date: 31 January 2023

    Connect with Rosie on socials!

    And if you're a woman in business who loves colour find out more about personal branding shoots on Rosie's photography website! 💕

  • You buy yourself flowers. You look in the mirror and tell yourself you’re beautiful. But, you still don’t really love yourself. It’s all a ruse. You hope these gimmicks will magically make you love yourself, but they don’t. That’s because self-love isn’t about trickery. It’s about not distracting yourself from who you really are and truly owning every part of you. With self-love coach Lisa Kelly, you’ll learn how to practice self-love in a way that works and lasts.

    “It's about showing yourself that love and compassion and giving those parts of you that you normally avoid a voice and then working through what comes up.” - Lisa Kelly (06:05)

    How self-love can change your life and business:

    You’ll be able to take advantage of more opportunities in your business without worrying about other people’s expectations and second-guessing yourself. It’s easier to be the face of your business. You’ll be happier and more comfortable sharing your expertise and helping people with your knowledge.“Since I've accepted me, I don't need anybody else to accept me” (17:17) “My bank balance doesn't affect who I am. My weight doesn't affect who I am. Men's op opinion men. Yeah. Men's opinions don't affect who I am. Because I like me and it's a really nice place to be” (17:45)


    FREE self-love master-class

    Lisa Kelly on Instagram

    28 Days of Gratitude From Rhonda Byrne

    Brad Yates EFT Tapping

    Leave a podcast review and win 1:1 self-love coaching with Lisa Kelly by:

    1) Follow and rate the Build a Brand with Rosie Parsons podcast on any podcast app

    2) Share the podcast on social media

    3) Send a screenshot of your share to [email protected]

    Connect with Rosie on socials!

    And if you're a woman in business who loves colour find out more about personal branding shoots on Rosie's photography website! 💕

  • Turned off and overwhelmed by Instagram after all the updates? Don’t feel like you got what it takes to create reels? Well, reels don’t have to be fancy to grow your business. Learn how to easily make reels that increase your sales in this episode from social media coaches Marielle Baylis and Claire from Studio 5 Social.

    “I think is good to remember, as business owners, that people are naturally quite nosy and we like to see what's going on behind the scenes. We like to know what's going on in other people's lives. And we will dedicate time to watch that and it connects us too.” (20:25)

    3 ways to start creating effective Instagram Reels (tune in for more tips):

    1. Yes, reels can give you more reach. No, that’s not always a good thing.

    “you'll reach all these great people and they might love it and they might start following you, but they also might not be your target customer or your target audience, and that can get a bit risky”.

    2. Make connection content that shows your audience who you are as a business owner. It’s the personality side of your business. This can be bloopers, questions, and behind-the-scenes content.

    3. Repurpose your best image/carousel posts into reels. If something works well for you as a grid post, it will likely work well for you as a reel as well.

    4. Make your reels consumable within 20 seconds, yes - even if you’re teaching something. Reels that perform best are ones where people can implement something quickly.


    FREE Download - 30 days of content ideas

    Join the next Instagram Growth Club

    Connect with Marielle Baylis: Website | Instagram

    Connect with Claire from Studio 5 Social: Website | Instagram

    Leave a podcast review and win a spot in the Instagram Growth Club:

    1) Subscribe and rate the Build a Brand with Rosie Parsons podcast on any podcast app

    2) Share the episode on any social media

    3) Send a screenshot of your share to [email protected]

    Closing date: 31 January 2023

    Connect with Rosie on socials!

    And if you're a woman in business who loves colour find out more about personal branding shoots on Rosie's photography website! 💕

  • You’re always told you have to “stand out online”, “make unique content”, and “add value”, but how can you do that practically
especially when there are 10s or even 100s of people doing what you do? In 22 minutes, Anna Rumpold from Apricot Social shares more than 10 things you can start doing today to begin standing out online tomorrow.

    Anna Rumpold is a marketing and messaging coach.

    (06:29) “In your niche, there might be 20, 30, 50 people talking about the exact same topics as you, but what is going to stand you out is your approach, your values, and how all of these things come together.” - Anna Rumpold

    How to make your content and offer stand out (tune in for the rest of the tips):

    You can never do too much research on your clients. Here are some topics to consider asking them: Where they are now vs. where they want to be What they feel is missing in their lives What’s important to them in their lives “When you are really clear on who it is that you want to attract, there's going to be a lot for them to be attracted to you as well.” (00:56) Use hooks to grab people’s initial attention toward your content. A hook is anything that makes people stop their scrolling and start looking at you. You can use provocative questions and unusual statements as hooks. Anything polarizing is a hook too. Get uber-specific about your message. Everyone is saying generic things, be the person with the sharp perspective.



    Anna Rumpold on Instagram (Apricot Social)

    Leave a podcast review and win 1:1 marketing and messaging coaching with Anna Rumpold!

    1) Follow and rate the Build a Brand with Rosie Parsons podcast on any podcast app

    2) Share the podcast on your social media profile

    3) Send a screenshot of your share to [email protected]

    Closing date: 31 January 2023

    Connect with Rosie on socials!

    And if you're a woman in business who loves colour find out more about personal branding shoots on Rosie's photography website! 💕

  • One Halloween, Jen decided she was going to call out all the BS on LinkedIn like sleazy DMs and robotic posts - just as a joke. She called it “LinkedIn Horror Stories”. The next day, 10 different people scheduled sales calls with her. How come?

    She replaced professionalism with personality, and it worked - in this episode, she explains why it worked and how you can follow in her footsteps of finding clients on LinkedIn.

    Jen Corcoran is an award-winning LinkedIn consultant for female coaches, consultants, and trainers.

    “ I think so many people, they don't show up as human. They're like “Ooh, I've heard LinkedIn's great for sales. I'm gonna go on it like Amazon and just ping it out.” And it doesn't work like that.”

    - Jen Corcoran

    From the show:

    3 things to start doing on LinkedIn today:

    1. Go rogue and bring your real self to LinkedIn. If you’re generic, no one can connect with you on a deeper level. Find out who you are and what comes naturally to you, then go all in on being yourself - that’s how you make LinkedIn content creation easier and funner. You’ll repel the wrong people, and attract the ones that want more of you being you.

    2. Who are your people? Figure out who your core audience really is so that you can bring them the content they’re looking for. You want to discover what your audience wants in their own words. Use surveys or interviews to understand your people deeply.

    3. Don’t fixate on what type of content you should create on LinkedIn. Instead, fixate on what type of content you can’t wait to create. The format doesn’t matter, the substance does.

    Memorable moments:

    (03:26) “I'm always myself and not afraid to bring myself to comments, but for some reason I was in my head about my actual content. I was in that professional mode. And don't get me wrong, it is good, like it does resonate with some people, but I just decided I had to bring all of myself to the table.” (21:08) When leaving people DMs and comments: “it should never be about you. It always should be about how you are interrupting their day in a positive way” (24:12) “You could have 200 connections - and if they are quality and the right people, you will generate leads as a business owner because it will be about referrals, getting introductions, and tapping into their network.”


    Connect with Jen

    Read LinkedIn Horror Stories

    Win a 1 of 3 FREE seats to the Maximize Your LinkedIn Profile Workshop

    To enter:

    1) Subscribe and rate the Build a Brand with Rosie Parsons podcast on the podcast app of your choice

    2) Send a screenshot of your review to [email protected] with the subject line LinkedIn Competition.

    Closing date: 5 January 2023

    Maximize Your LinkedIn Profile Workshop:


    Connect with Rosie on socials!

    And if you're a woman in business who loves colour find out more about personal branding shoots on Rosie's photography website! 💕

  • You might be too shy to connect with people online or too frightened to raise your prices because your personal brand isn’t doing you justice. A weak personal brand undercuts your income. Leveling up your personal brand makes you look professional, feel trustworthy, and become memorable.

    Brand designer Kayleigh Lloyd explains how you can start creating a personal brand that you can proudly flaunt!

    (12:29) “ If you are feeling a little anxious about showing up, then maybe you just need to dig a bit deeper into understanding who you are, how you want to show up, and how you want to be perceived by people. Once you really understand who you are, and how you want to do things, then things become a lot easier.”

    - Kayleigh Lloyd

    3 ways to start creating a powerful personal brand (tune in for more tips):

    1. Understanding who you are: identify what makes you special, your values, and what makes you who you are.

    2. Take your time in finding out what your values are: If you come up with your values too quickly, you risk coming up with values that are too generic like “authentic” and “honest”. You want to find values that other people won’t typically use to describe themselves.

    3. Let go of trying to show up online the way other people do: You don’t have to be like others in your field. When you relax and own who you are, you find clients who connect with you on a human level. Your ideal clients will have similar traits to you - be yourself to find out who is like you.


    Kayleigh Lloyd’s website

    Kayleigh Lloyd on Instagram

    Leave a podcast review and win a brand audit by Kayleigh Lloyd!

    1) Subscribe and rate the Build a Brand with Rosie Parsons podcast on any podcast app

    2) Share the podcast on your social media

    3) Send a screenshot of your share to [email protected]

    Closing date: 31 January 2023

    Connect with Rosie on socials!

    And if you're a woman in business who loves colour find out more about personal branding shoots on Rosie's photography website! 💕