
  • In this episode of "It's Marketing's Fault," host Eric Rutherford sits down with Anwin Mbah, a business wealth strategist and founder of WealthFluency.

    Anwin shares her insights on transforming business financials by integrating comprehensive dashboards that connect various data points, from marketing campaigns to sales conversions.

    She emphasizes the importance of understanding financial metrics beyond just revenue, highlighting the need for profitability and sustainability.

    Anwin also delves into the concept of leveraging one's money mindset, advocating for a focus on strengths rather than attempting to overhaul weaknesses.

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  • In this episode of "It's Marketing's Fault," host Eric Rutherford sits down with Doug Bradley, President and Founder of Everest Legal Marketing.

    Specializing in attorney website design, SEO, and content marketing, Doug shares his journey from selling yellow page ads to becoming a legal marketing expert.

    The conversation delves into the common misconceptions new law firms have about website marketing, the importance of a multi-faceted marketing approach, and the evolving nature of SEO, especially with Google's recent algorithm updates.

    Doug emphasizes the need for helpful, authoritative content and the benefits of timely, relevant articles. He also discusses the growing importance of other search engines like Bing and the impact of AI tools on SEO.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to understand the intricacies of legal marketing and the importance of a well-rounded SEO strategy.

    Key Takeaways

    - Vet your SEO vendor carefully and ensure they have proven experience and capabilities.
    - Focus on creating helpful, authoritative content to build trust and improve search rankings.
    - Diversify your marketing efforts beyond just website SEO to include other channels like social media and paid advertising.


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    In this episode, Eric talks with Nelson de Miranda, Senior Director of Customer Success at Method. They discuss strategies for small businesses to improve their lead generation, sales, and customer success processes. Nelson shares examples from Method customers and provides actionable tips listeners can implement.

    Key Topics:

    1. Lead Generation Techniques:
    - Nelson discusses the importance of overcoming the fear associated with traditional sales and utilizing social media platforms effectively.

    2. Understanding the Lead to Cash Process:
    - Explanation of the disconnect between sales and marketing in small businesses and strategies to synchronize these efforts.

    3. Efficiency with Method:
    - Discussion on how Method integrates with QuickBooks to centralize business operations and data for better efficiency.

    4. Importance of Customer Success:
    - Insights on how customer success impacts business growth and the importance of managing customer relationships effectively.

    5. Content Creation and Engagement:
    - Encouragement for small business owners to engage in content creation and overcome the fear of imperfection.

    6. Overcoming Resistance to Change:
    - Nelson talks about the resistance to adopting new technologies and how small steps can lead to significant improvements.

    Key Quote:
    - Nelson de Miranda: "Efficiency and resistance to change is really what hurts most SMBs... identifying ways to automate those processes so that your whole business feels less scary when things start to go wrong."

    Call to Action:
    - Listeners are encouraged to visit the Method website to access a workflow checklist that helps identify gaps in business operations.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Method (method.me) - Automation tool for QuickBooks users

    method.me/podcast - Download our lead management checklist

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    In this episode of "It's Marketing's Fault," I had the pleasure of speaking with Mike Newton, a seasoned marketer specializing in helping brands build and scale in-house influencer marketing programs. Mike shared valuable insights and experiences from his time studying and working in China, highlighting the importance of influence in business development.

    We delved into the misconception that influencer marketing is solely a consumer marketing channel, when in reality, it is a powerful tool for business development. Mike emphasized the need for B2B marketers to explore influencer marketing, as it offers endless possibilities limited only by imagination.

    Throughout the conversation, Mike stressed the importance of strategy, metrics, and pricing in influencer marketing. He shared his three-step approach to determining pricing, emphasizing the need for a win-win situation for both brands and influencers. Mike also discussed the laborious nature of influencer marketing, likening it to an investment portfolio where diversification is key.

    Moreover, Mike highlighted the infinite game aspect of influencer marketing, encouraging listeners to have fun and enjoy the process. He shared his website, buildinginfluence.org, where listeners can access his playbook and influencer marketing toolkit for free. Mike's passion for influencer marketing and his practical advice left me inspired and eager to explore the world of influencer marketing further.


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    In this episode, we delved into the crucial aspects of SEO and backlinks with Max Gomez Montejo, the dynamic Chief Marketing Officer at NextNet Media. Max emphasized the significance of having a comprehensive SEO strategy that goes beyond just focusing on branded keywords. He highlighted the importance of patience in SEO efforts, likening it to a marathon rather than a sprint.

    Max stressed the need for a holistic approach to marketing, emphasizing the correlation between different channels and the importance of an omnichannel strategy. He discussed the role of backlinks in building authority and driving organic traffic, explaining how quality backlinks from relevant sources can significantly impact a website's rankings.

    The conversation also touched on the role of technical audits in identifying and addressing website issues, such as page speed, duplicated content, and backlink quality. Max provided insights into the technical SEO audit process and how it helps clients understand and rectify critical website issues.

    Max highlighted the importance of having a plan and executing it diligently in SEO efforts. He emphasized the need for a purposeful approach to SEO, backed by expertise and a clear strategy. Max's key takeaway for listeners was the essential role of SEO in driving website success and the need for a well-thought-out plan for long-term SEO success.


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  • In this episode of "It's Marketing's Fault," I had the pleasure of speaking with Stephanie Schwab, the CEO and founder of Crackerjack Marketing. Stephanie shared her expertise in helping executives and founders shine on LinkedIn, emphasizing the importance of personal branding and engagement on the platform.

    Stephanie highlighted the significance of treating individuals within organizations as brands in their own right and utilizing strategic techniques to manage their personal brands effectively. She discussed the common challenges faced by executives and founders, such as time constraints and imposter syndrome, and how her agency helps them overcome these obstacles.

    The conversation delved into the role of LinkedIn in corporate branding and lead generation, emphasizing the need for consistency and authenticity in content creation. Stephanie shared insights on the impact of personal photos and videos on engagement, encouraging listeners to prioritize profile optimization for a strong first impression.

    Throughout the episode, Stephanie emphasized the value of taking small steps towards building a strong presence on LinkedIn, reassuring listeners that it's okay to start small and gradually expand their engagement. She invited listeners to connect with her on LinkedIn and explore the services offered by Crackerjack Marketing for personalized support in enhancing their LinkedIn presence.

    Overall, the episode provided practical tips and insights for individuals looking to leverage LinkedIn for personal branding and professional growth, highlighting the importance of authenticity, consistency, and strategic content creation in building a strong online presence. Stephanie's expertise and approachable demeanor made the conversation informative and engaging, offering valuable guidance for listeners seeking to make an impact on LinkedIn.


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  • In this episode of "It's Marketing's Fall," I had the pleasure of speaking with Kylie Kullack, the head of client engagement at Struck, a creative agency based in Salt Lake City. Kylie shared her extensive experience in brand transformation across various industries, including destination marketing, outdoor recreation, and biotechnology.

    Kylie explained that Struck specializes in brand transformation for companies at various stages of growth, particularly in travel and tourism, outdoor recreation, and biotechnology. She highlighted the importance of understanding a client's vision, business goals, and trajectory to provide tailored solutions that position them for success.

    The conversation then shifted to destination marketing, where Kylie shared insights into the evolving landscape of tourism marketing. She discussed the shift towards destination management, where marketers must balance promoting tourism with addressing infrastructure and community concerns. Kylie emphasized the importance of strategic partnerships and clear communication with government entities and local communities to ensure sustainable growth.

    Kylie also touched on the concept of experience transformation, highlighting the significance of delivering consistent brand experiences across all touchpoints. She emphasized the need for proactive marketing strategies and the importance of measuring success beyond traditional ROI metrics to include community impact and stakeholder engagement.

    In conclusion, Kylie stressed the value of proactive thinking in marketing and the benefits of anticipating challenges before they arise. The episode provided valuable insights into destination marketing, brand transformation, and the power of strategic partnerships in driving success in the ever-evolving marketing landscape.


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  • In this episode of "It's Marketing's Fault," I had the pleasure of speaking with Cody Schneider, the founder of SwellAI, an innovative platform that leverages AI for content repurposing. Cody shared valuable insights on how AI can revolutionize marketing strategies and streamline content creation processes.

    Cody emphasized the importance of viewing AI as a tool to enhance existing workflows rather than a complete overhaul. By automating repetitive tasks and freeing up time for team members to focus on high-value activities, businesses can achieve significant cost savings and increased productivity.

    One key takeaway from the conversation was the concept of using AI to transform long-form content, such as podcasts or webinars, into a variety of platform-specific pieces. By utilizing AI to generate blog posts, social media content, and more from a single source, marketing teams can efficiently reach their target audience across multiple channels.

    Cody discussed the transformative impact of AI on workforce dynamics, citing examples of companies automating customer service tasks and augmenting offshore talent with AI tools. By empowering employees with AI-driven knowledge bases and chatbots, businesses can enhance customer service efficiency and focus on addressing unique queries.

    Overall, this episode shed light on the immense potential of AI in marketing and content creation, emphasizing the need for businesses to embrace AI as a valuable asset in their marketing toolkit. With the right approach and strategic implementation, AI can revolutionize marketing strategies and drive business growth in the digital age.


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  • In this episode of "It's Marketing's Fault," we dive deep into the world of press releases and the power of earned media. Mickey Kennedy, the founder and president of eReleases, joins me to share his expertise on how small businesses can leverage press releases to increase visibility and credibility.

    Mickie emphasizes the importance of storytelling in press releases, highlighting the need for elements that journalists can work with to craft engaging articles. He shares insights on the impact of earned media, where journalists write about a business based on a press release, creating a powerful credibility boost.

    The conversation delves into the significance of building relationships with journalists. Mickie stresses the value of assisting journalists in their work, especially in today's media landscape where journalists are doing more with less. By providing valuable insights, ideas, and quotes, businesses can establish rapport with journalists and increase their chances of getting media attention.

    Mickie also discusses the types of media outlets businesses should focus on, from local newspapers to trade publications and even radio and TV programs. By identifying key journalists and producers in these outlets, businesses can tailor their pitches and build lasting relationships that lead to earned media coverage.

    Throughout the episode, Kennedy shares practical tips and strategies for businesses looking to secure earned media. From crafting compelling press releases to pitching ideas to journalists, the episode provides a comprehensive guide on how businesses can effectively engage with the media to boost their credibility and visibility.


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  • In this episode of "It's Marketing's Fault," I had the pleasure of speaking with Kevin Biebelhausen, an investor and business owner with a diverse background in music, healthcare, and technology. Kevin shared his journey from studying and performing opera to acquiring and running a textile business, and being a partner at Fruition Capital.

    Kevin emphasized the importance of understanding the motivations behind acquiring a business beyond financial gain. He highlighted the significance of community involvement and long-term perspective in business ownership, especially in the context of Main Street businesses.

    We delved into the world of small business acquisitions, discussing the opportunities and challenges in the market. Kevin shed light on the inefficiencies in finding and validating deals, the need for operational efficiency, and the role of marketing in different types of businesses.

    Kevin's personal health scare served as a catalyst for pursuing his dream of business ownership, emphasizing the value of seizing life-changing opportunities. He encouraged listeners to explore entrepreneurship and investing in small businesses, emphasizing the potential for personal and professional growth.


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  • Guest: Georgia Gibson, Co-Founder of Youni

    About the Guest:

    Co-founder of Youni, a platform providing a hub for university extracurricular life including societies, events, careers opportunities, and moreGraduated from Oxford University and saw the need for a centralized platform while organizing events through her various societies and groupsLaunched Youni in Oxford and is expanding to additional universities, taking a bottom-up approach working directly with student groups rather than through university administration

    Key Points:

    Youni sees the problem of disconnected and scattered extracurricular opportunities at universities with no centralized place for students to discover and engageTakes a social networking approach focused on real-life connections rather than screen time, revenue comes from event tickets rather than adsBuilt it originally as students to solve their own problem, validated through beta launch and continues iterating based on feedbackApproaches student groups directly rather than top-down through universities, building trusted relationships with organizersProvides data and analytics to sponsors looking to support specific societies and niches rather than broad brandingEncourages students to try new things, see failures as learning experiences, and get out of their heads through involvementGeorgia's recent student experience give her unique credibility and understanding of the demographic she serves

    Calls to Action:

    https://www.thisisyouni.co.uk/https://www.instagram.com/youni.ox/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/youni-tbc/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/georgia-gibson-a89b57163/

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  • David Wachs, founder and CEO of Handwrytten, joins me for this episode of It's Marketing's Fault.

    Key takeaways:

    Handwritten notes have a 3x higher open rate and 27x higher response rate than printed mailingsPeople perceive handwritten notes as one of the most personal forms of communicationAutomating handwritten notes helps brands stand out in a crowded inboxNonprofits see significantly higher re-donation rates when sending personalized thank you notesIntegrating handwritten notes into existing tech platforms makes the process scalable

    Consumer Outreach Survey: https://www.handwrytten.com/consumer-survey/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidwachs/

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  • Guest: Lewis Rothkopf, Chief Revenue Officer at Pairzon

    Summary: Lewis discusses how Pairzon uses AI and first-party customer data to help retailers predict offline sales and optimize omni-channel marketing.

    Key topics covered include:

    What Pairzon is and how it works to connect online and offline customer dataThe importance of understanding the impact of marketing on real-world offline salesWhy metrics like click-through rate are not very helpful for measuring successHow Pairzon uses AI to segment customers, create target audiences, and recommend productsLookalike audiences and balancing accuracy vs scaleChallenges of bringing an AI/martech startup to the US from abroadImportance of optimizing campaigns to sales-related metrics


    Twitter: https://twitter.com/lewisnyc

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  • Mike Phillips, Founder of THE GYM, joins me for this week's episode of It's Marketing's Fault.

    Mike talks about building community to support creators. Mike shares insights from founding THE GYM and how it is helping solopreneurs overcome self-doubt through accountability and encouragement from peers facing similar challenges.

    Key Points:

    Entrepreneurship is a long journey that will make you question yourself, but having the right support makes persevering possible.

    Communities like THE GYM provide a safe place to share wins and struggles without judgment from those who understand the creator experience.Getting that first sale or client validates the unique value you created, but it's one of the hardest parts of the entrepreneur journey.While days of work feel long, the years in this career path fly by, so showing up daily is important despite setbacks.


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  • CX and marketing have a lot of overlap in today's business world, especially when it comes to educating and positioning internally to different groups.

    Nate Brown and Sally Mildren are two phenomenal CX executives and they join me to discuss this and much more on It's Marketing's Fault.

    They discuss the CX Accelerator and how it provides a community for customer experience professionals who often don't have a way to learn from peers. They discuss what keeps executives from investing in customer experience and how to talk with executives in ways they understand. They also share about the "Bring Your Own Chair" podcast and how it is helping CX professionals and those who want to learn more about the CX space.


    Sally Mildren
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sally-mildren/

    Nate Brown
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/cxaccelerator/

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  • What is the difference between influencer and affiliate marketing and can they help my business?

    Enelin Toneva, founder and CEO of the Vivian Agency, joins me on this week's episode of It's Marketing's Fault to discuss this and more.

    Enelin discusses how influencer and affiliate strategies can compliment one another and work together. She shares common pitfalls and challenges businesses face with affiliates and how to navigate them. This just scratches the surface of what she shares.

    If you would like to learn more, go to


    If you would like to schedule a call with Enelin and her team, you can go to

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  • Why are memes so powerful?

    Jonah Blackburn and Jacob Nomafo, co-founders of Lucid Meme, join me on this week's It's Marketing's Fault.

    They share how memes move people from followers to buyers. They talk about the types of businesses using memes today. They also discuss who memes connect with most.


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  • What is creative problem solving?

    Business coach Marcus Schaller discusses this and much more in this episode of It's Marketing's Fault.

    He describes creative problem solving as understanding problems on a deeper level and creating space for insights, rather than rigidly following best practices or rushing to conclusions. He discusses the need for setting boundaries on our time and environment in order to innovate better. Marcus also talks about his podcast, Your Morning Spark, and the process of figuring out what it should be.

    Podcast - Your Morning Spark
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcusschaller/

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  • Nadine Hanafi, CEO & Founder of Digital Brand Kit & We Are Visual, joins us on this episode of It's Marketing's Fault.

    From the podcast:

    Branding can be both an asset and liability for a business. A well-designed brand using the strategies discussed builds trust, professionalism, and the social proof needed for conversions. It also simplifies the entrepreneur's job and allows them to focus on their expertise.

    Key Points:

    Identity-based branding weaves together the identity of the business owner/face of the brand with the identity of the target audience. It captures the personal energy of the business owner and meshes it with the needs and attributes of the ideal customer to create a cohesive brand identity.Nadine's brand quiz helps narrow down a brand identity from millions of possibilities to a few informed options based on insights about the business owner, customers, and goals. It categorizes people into personality types and brand seasons to match them with visual design recommendations.Digital Brand Kit provides all the necessary branding and marketing assets a business needs in one cohesive visual identity and ecosystem of "kits", removing the piecemeal nature of DIY branding. This speeds up execution and allows entrepreneurs to capitalize on opportunities instantly.

    Brand Personality Quiz


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  • ADHD is a superpower, not a weakness.

    Marketer and host of The Newly Podcast, Britta Newly, joins me on It's Marketing's Fault.

    She talks about creating the podcast she wished she could have had earlier to help build her career. She discusses how she discovered difficulties and perceived weaknesses can point you towards strengths. Britta also shares how embracing and openly sharing her ADHD experiences has helped her build relationships and move her forward in her career.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bnewly/
    The Newly Podcast

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