
  • Listener question: I have been waiting for a promotion. I am ready. What do I do now?

    Let’s discuss how to not just wait for a promotion but to actively communicate and advocate for yourself.

    First, you need to tell our boss directly that you want a promotion, ask them if they support you, and then listen carefully to their response.

    Then, you must create a specific plan based on your goals, your manager’s response, and the form of brave career you are building.

    To submit your question for me to answer on an upcoming episode, send me an email at [email protected]

    You can be a woman in tech and enjoy your career. When you build the skill of bravery, you will stress less, work less, and then earn more. Check out the following resources designed to help you thrive in your career:
    Check out my website

    Join my mailing list for more insights, opportunities, and inspiration

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    This November 2024, we have an important election. I welcome you to join Women in Tech for Harris for help build towards the future. Link here: https://linktr.ee/womenintech4harris

  • Listener Question: Is it ethical for me to accept a job that's one or two layers below the job I had before all of the layoffs when so many other people are also struggling to land a job?

    Let’s tackle a listener's question about the ethics of accepting a job below their previous level during these mass layoffs.

    First, I share why my answer is a strong, unequivocal “YES.” Then I share additional insights from a variety of women across the tech industry.

    Key takeaways:

    It's not your responsibility to fix systemic issues caused by corporate decisions.There's no shame in taking a job to pay your bills while building your brave career.Accepting a role below your previous level can offer benefits like reduced stress and a chance to reset your mindset.We must have the security and maturity to celebrate each other's successes in landing a job during these tough times.Use the reality that every role is temporary and you can embrace the opportunity to rediscover joy at a different level.

    To submit your question for me to answer on an upcoming episode, send me an email at [email protected]

    You can be a woman in tech and enjoy your career. When you build the skill of bravery, you will stress less, work less, and then earn more. Check out the following resources designed to help you thrive in your career:

    Check out my website

    Join my mailing list for more insights, opportunities, and inspiration

    Connection with me on LinkedIn

    This November 2024, we have an important election. I welcome you to join Women in Tech for Harris for help build towards the future. Link here: https://linktr.ee/womenintech4harris

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    Fai clic qui per aggiornare il feed.

  • Listener Question: I'm in a "safe job" but this "safe job" is so boring. What do I do?
    Let’s work through a career dilemma: feeling bored at a "safe" job right in a time of mass lay-offs. In this episode I share actionable strategies to navigate boredom and rediscover engagement in your career.

    First, I urge a reevaluation to ensure your current situation is as secure as you think. Then, we examine the root of your boredom. It might not be what you think it is: it is essential to differentiate between genuine disengagement and your unexpected response to reduced stress.Finally, I explore practical ways to stay stimulated, both in and outside of your job.

    To submit your question for me to answer on an upcoming episode, send me an email at [email protected]

    You can be a woman in tech and enjoy your career. When you build the skill of bravery, you will stress less, work less, and then earn more. Check out the following resources designed to help you thrive in your career:

    Check out my website

    Join my mailing list for more insights, opportunities, and inspiration

    Connection with me on LinkedIn

    This November 2024, we have an important election. I welcome you to join Women in Tech for Harris for help build towards the future. Link here: https://linktr.ee/womenintech4harris

  • We dive into an often-overlooked aspect of building a successful career: embracing positive emotions. Many women in tech find it challenging to celebrate achievements or feel joy without spiraling into anxiety or fear.

    I unravel this misunderstanding of bravery and highlight the importance of experiencing the full range of emotions in your career journey through the Build Your Brave Framework and a specific client example.

    If you often find yourself consumed by doubt or fear after a success, this episode offers the insights and tools you need to practice feeling positive emotions without discomfort.

    To submit your question for me to answer on an upcoming episode, send me an email at [email protected]

    You can be a woman in tech and enjoy your career. When you build the skill of bravery, you will stress less, work less, and then earn more. Check out the following resources designed to help you thrive in your career:

    Check out my website

    Join my mailing list for more insights, opportunities, and inspiration

    Connection with me on LinkedIn

    If you are an established woman in tech who is creating results and making an impact at work so your workload and stress just keep growing but promotions and salary bumps remain a distant dream, it is time for change.

    Listen, we all know the tech industry has dramatically changed. It's time your career approach did too.

    You don't need cookie-cutter programs or dusty advice from outdated playbooks, because what works for tech bros, won't work for you. You need individualized, bespoke support to build your brave career. One that reflects who you are as a woman in tech.

    I invite you to explore career coaching with me. Get all the details, including prices and client results, at TrickSteinbach.com.

    You can stress less, work less, and earn more. You've already earned it. Let's make it happen.

  • This is an important, timely, and short message just for my US audience, particularly if you have the right to vote in the United States
    Call to action: join us at Women in Tech for Harris.

    US Election Day is November 5, 2024. This election is about so much more than politics. It's about our industry’s future as well as our careers and lives as women in tech.

    Many important topics are on our ballots:

    Health careClimate changePolitical system Health of our democracy Paid parental leaveLGBTQI+ plus rightsOverall social justiceMilitary interventions International laws Indigenous rightsGun controland many, many more.

    I urge you to reflect on the policies, the candidates, and your own dreams, goals, experiences, and what you want from your brave career as a woman in tech.

    This is our opportunity and it is our time. Our votes. Our voices.

    I welcome you to join Women in Tech for Harris.

    Join the live, virtual event in September.Tiktok, Women in Tech for Harris Facebook, Women in Tech for Harris Instagram, Women in Tech for Harris Linkedin, Women in Tech for Harris
  • Listener Question: How do I make networking suck less?

    Sometimes networking really does suck and it always sucks where you aren’t networking in a way that suits your goals and personality. In this episode, I share how you can tailor your approach and make networking more enjoyable.

    Listen in for my opinion on why your mindset is crucial, how modern networking isn’t what you think it is, and why you have to choose what to complain about.

    You need to find a unique way of networking that aligns with your personality, interests, and goals. I provide examples of how my clients have successfully built their professional networks in ways that work for them.

    Lastly, I emphasize the importance of being proactive in establishing and maintaining relationships, and how it directly impacts your career growth and opportunities.

    To submit your question for me to answer on an upcoming episode, send me an email at [email protected]

    You can be a woman in tech and enjoy your career. When you build the skill of bravery, you will stress less, work less, and then earn more. Check out the following resources designed to help you thrive in your career:

    Check out my website

    Join my mailing list for more insights, opportunities, and inspiration

    Connection with me on LinkedIn

    If you are an established woman in tech who is creating results and making an impact at work so your workload and stress just keep growing but promotions and salary bumps remain a distant dream, it is time for change.

    Listen, we all know the tech industry has dramatically changed. It's time your career approach did too.

    You don't need cookie-cutter programs or dusty advice from outdated playbooks, because what works for tech bros, won't work for you. You need individualized, bespoke support to build your brave career. One that reflects who you are as a woman in tech.

    I invite you to explore career coaching with me. Get all the details, including prices and client results, at TrickSteinbach.com.

    You can stress less, work less, and earn more. You've already earned it. Let's make it happen.

  • Listener Question: How do I stay motivated when it's been months since I was laid off and I've not gotten a single offer? How do I remember that I'm really good at my job when it's been months and I haven't even gotten a single offer?

    I know it's tough to stay motivated and confident in your skills when facing rejection or a lack of offers. To help you stay strong, I share a simple yet brave technique: define who you are and what makes you great at your job. Write it down and say it to yourself in the mirror every day.

    I also suggest engaging in creative freelance/contract/fractional work, attending networking events, sharing vulnerably with others, and uplifting fellow women in tech. Together, we can support and encourage each other during this challenging time.

    Your call to action: Take a few minutes today to write down your strengths and unique value. Say them out loud to yourself.

    If you know a woman in tech who could use some encouragement, reach out and remind her how amazing she is. Small acts of bravery and kindness can make a big impact right now.

    To submit your question for me to answer on an upcoming episode, send me an email at [email protected]

    You can be a woman in tech and enjoy your career. When you build the skill of bravery, you will stress less, work less, and then earn more. Check out the following resources designed to help you thrive in your career:

    Check out my website

    Join my mailing list for more insights, opportunities, and inspiration

    Connection with me on LinkedIn

    If you are an established woman in tech who is creating results and making an impact at work so your workload and stress just keep growing but promotions and salary bumps remain a distant dream, it is time for change.

    Listen, we all know the tech industry has dramatically changed. It's time your career approach did too.

    You don't need cookie-cutter programs or dusty advice from outdated playbooks, because what works for tech bros, won't work for you. You need individualized, bespoke support to build your brave career. One that reflects who you are as a woman in tech.

    I invite you to explore career coaching with me. Get all the details, including prices and client results, at TrickSteinbach.com.

    You can stress less, work less, and earn more. You've already earned it. Let's make it happen.

  • I returned to Yo Canny’s podcast Girl, Take the Lead to discuss the book Quit, The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away, by Annie Duke.

    Yo and I covered a lot of powerful topics about quitting, so our conversation is available in two parts.

    Feedback was so positive and powerful that we released these two episodes on the Build Your Brave Career podcast feed as well.

    Rethinking Grit: Embracing the Quit with Nicole Trick Steinbach PART 1 of 2

    Yo and I explored these themes:

    The difference (and overlap) of Grit vs QuitHow intersectional identities impact Quit vs GritWhen women stay too long and a simple scale to identify if it is time for you too move onThe metaphor of ‘Whispers, Missals, & Bricks’ of being called to change The transformative power of the mindset “At the Moment Manager”

    Rethinking Grit: Embracing the Quit with Nicole Trick Steinbach PART 2 of 2

    Yo and I explored these themes:

    Goals and outcomes, and how generations do it differentlySunday Scaries and choosing to stress lessHow I am a sorta “Quit Coach”What kill criteria is and a story from my clientYo’s amazing quote of being “In Love with my own Self-Importance”Choosing the battles worth having for the growth you wantThe infamous “Ant Story”

    Yo’s top three takeaways are:

    In our culture we see grit as a virtue and quit as a vice. Per Annie Duke: “Success does not lie in sticking to things. It lies in picking the right thing to stick to and quitting the rest.”Any decision is made under some degree of uncertainty – we don’t have crystal balls and new information will always reveal itself.External validation increases the escalation of commitment. Fear of how others will view us if we quit is usually overblown.

    My key takeaway is how important building the bravery to establish and then craft the habit of quitting -- places, relationships, habits, and jobs -- as a woman in tech is to ensuring that you never, ever quit yourself. Ever.

    Related Episodes:

    The book Quit has been so instrumental to me and my coaching clients, that I also created a related Build Your Brave Career podcast episode: The Brave Act of Quitting: Recognizing the Right Time to Walk Away from GoalsYo Canny was also a guest on my podcast, listen to her episode here: The Power of Personal Brands: Yo Canny’s Insights on Crafting a Compelling, Authentic Brand for Career Satisfaction E146

    For more information on how you can build your brave:

    Check out my website

    Join my mailing list for more insights, opportunities, and inspiration

    Connection with me on LinkedIn

  • Today I am celebrating 5 years of being in business! Listen in for my celebrations, failures, and personal growth since 2019. At the end, I share a very special offer for you!

    If you complete the exercise below and share it with me over email by August 23, 2024, I'll reward you with a 10% coupon on the coaching package of your choice to be used by August 30, 2024. Click here to get the details about my coaching offers.

    1. what do you celebrate from the last five years in your career? (in other words, what went well?)
    2. how did you struggle and fail in the last five years? (in other words, what didn't go well?)
    3. how did you grow as a person in the last five years? (in other words, who did you become?)

    Related Content Links:

    over 100 one-on-one coaching clients who have created over 3 million in new income and benefitsover 125 speaker engagements with more than 100,000 audience membersnearly 200 Build Your Brave Career podcast episodes, becoming one of the top 10% global podcastsover 300 emails to this list with insights, suggestions, and resources

    Related Podcast Episodes:

    Make Marketing Suck Less with Michelle Mazur, How Messaging Wins When Life Sucks with Nicole Trick-SteinbachJess Johnson - EFT for Calming the Central Nervous System Extraordinary Women Radio with Kami Guildner; Nicole Trick Steinbach – Helping Women in Tech Build their BraveJenn Kurtek: Unexpected Global Woman in Tech, Entrepreneurship, Relocations, and Nomad Life

    For more information on how you can build your brave:

    Check out my website

    Join my mailing list for more insights, opportunities, and inspiration

    Connection with me on LinkedIn

  • I returned to Yo Canny’s podcast Girl, Take the Lead to discuss the book Quit, The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away, by Annie Duke.

    Yo and I covered a lot of powerful topics about quitting, so our conversation is available in two parts.

    Feedback was so positive and powerful that we released these two episodes on the Build Your Brave Career podcast feed as well.

    Rethinking Grit: Embracing the Quit with Nicole Trick Steinbach PART 1 of 2

    Yo and I explored these themes:

    The difference (and overlap) of Grit vs QuitHow intersectional identities impact Quit vs GritWhen women stay too long and a simple scale to identify if it is time for you too move onThe metaphor of ‘Whispers, Missals, & Bricks’ of being called to change The transformative power of the mindset “At the Moment Manager”

    Rethinking Grit: Embracing the Quit with Nicole Trick Steinbach PART 2 of 2

    Yo and I explored these themes:

    Goals and outcomes, and how generations do it differentlySunday Scaries and choosing to stress lessHow I am a sorta “Quit Coach”What kill criteria is and a story from my clientYo’s amazing quote of being “In Love with my own Self-Importance”Choosing the battles worth having for the growth you wantThe infamous “Ant Story”

    Yo’s top three takeaways are:

    In our culture we see grit as a virtue and quit as a vice. Per Annie Duke: “Success does not lie in sticking to things. It lies in picking the right thing to stick to and quitting the rest.”Any decision is made under some degree of uncertainty – we don’t have crystal balls and new information will always reveal itself.External validation increases the escalation of commitment. Fear of how others will view us if we quit is usually overblown.

    My key takeaway is how important building the bravery to establish and then craft the habit of quitting -- places, relationships, habits, and jobs -- as a woman in tech is to ensuring that you never, ever quit yourself. Ever.

    Related Episodes:

    The book Quit has been so instrumental to me and my coaching clients, that I also created a related Build Your Brave Career podcast episode: The Brave Act of Quitting: Recognizing the Right Time to Walk Away from GoalsYo Canny was also a guest on my podcast, listen to her episode here: The Power of Personal Brands: Yo Canny’s Insights on Crafting a Compelling, Authentic Brand for Career Satisfaction E146

    For more information on how you can build your brave:

    Check out my website

    Join my mailing list for more insights, opportunities, and inspiration

    Connection with me on LinkedIn

  • During the summer of 2024, I am re-running the most popular client conversations based on downloads, shares, and direct feedback. Make sure to catch a career update at the end of each episode.

    Susanne Mueller, leader, global traveler, and innovative Project Management and Enablement Professional, joins us to share her brave career story of crafting a mindset to accomplish a major life goal: a year-long sabbatical.

    Susanne and I have a decade-plus relationship that has shifted many times from colleagues, to coach-client, to friends.

    She shares how she was able to release the expectations of others in her career so that she could pursue the experiences that set her soul on fire, with the help of mentors, friends, and coaching. Choosing to release society's expectations -- and other people's opinions -- allowed her to craft a career and life phase that you had dreamt about for many years.

    Tune in to hear about her powerful journey and how coaching has helped her decide that she can do whatever she wants.

    Hot topics from this conversation:

    Introducing SusanneSusanne’s brave story towards the decision to take extended time off and travel the world Susanne’s brave role models and the effect they had on her lifeHow coaching supported Susanne in the process of living her life in the way she desired vs. what was expected of her

    Connect with Susanne on LinkedIn

    Original episode: E88: Susanne Mueller - Embracing Freedom & Releasing Career Expectations, Management Sabbatical, Global Travel, and Women in Tech (Client)

    For more information on how you can build your brave:

    Check out my website

    Join my mailing list for more insights, opportunities, and inspiration

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  • During the summer of 2024, I am re-running the most popular client conversations based on downloads, shares, and direct feedback. Make sure to catch a career update at the end of each episode.

    Amanda Burma, a powerful sales engineer within growing start-ups, my client, and my friend, shares her brave story about finding a career she loves while also thriving with a brain that includes ADHD and learning disability.

    Listen in to how Amanda is choosing to shift her assumptions and behavior to support her own growth, hold better boundaries, work less with more impact, and leverage the superpower of neurodiversity for herself and others.

    Amanda shares her process for how she identified where she thrives and how she continues to ensure that she grows. We finish off the episode with Amanda’s perspective on how coaching has changed her daily experience.

    Spoiler Alert: Grateful tears at the end of this episode.

    Connect with Amanda Burma on LinkedIn

    Original episode: E80: Amanda Burma - Why Neurodiversity is a Superpower, Being a Great Sales Engineer, Asking Questions and Taking Action for Career Growth (Client)

    Related Episodes:

    How to Run Your Career Effectively What Can We Learn from Doing Something Scary Build Your Brave Framework 2.0

    For more information on how you can build your brave:

    Check out my website

    Join my mailing list for more insights, opportunities, and inspiration

    Connection with me on LinkedIn

  • During the summer of 2024, I am re-running the most popular client conversations based on downloads, shares, and direct feedback. Make sure to catch a career update at the end of each episode.

    Caroline Santinelli, a former teacher and now woman in tech, shares her brave career story of – as Brene Brown says – choosing to ‘belong to herself first.’

    Caroline’s story includes moving from burnout-driven medical leave as a teacher, to embracing her innate strengths, choosing her health, and allowing her brave career to move through different phases.

    At the start of her career transformation, Caroline lost her voice (for real) due to stress, experienced her first panic attack, developed insomnia, kept getting sick with aches and fevers, and finally began having significant nerve pains.

    Caroline shares how she chose messy, deeply personal work of building her brave, searching out support from professionals. Her first significant step was giving herself permission to take medical leave. Then, over many weeks, she slowly gave herself permission to belong to herself and choose her innate talents. The next big step was allowing others to be disappointed.

    If you’re ready to learn how to belong to yourself, embrace your innate talents, and break free of the rules and judgments holding you back, this is your episode.

    Hot topics from this episode:

    Introducing Caroline Santinelli - educator to business ownerWhat it means to belong to yourself, one step at a time Why it’s important to disappoint others instead of yourselfHow we’ve been indoctrinated to not belong to ourselves“Any woman who chooses to behave like a full human being should be warned that the armies of the status quo will treat her as something of a dirty joke . . . She will need her sisterhood.” ― Gloria Steinem Repeating a lesson until the knowledge breaks through into wisdomRejecting standards that are inhuman and unprofessional, like 24-hour email turn-around time for all emailsCaroline’s brave role models and how women empower women who then empower other womenLearning to lean into your innate talent, listen to the way (not the obstacle), and then allow the open up

    Connect with Caroline Santinelli on LinkedIn

    Original episode: E99: Caroline Santinelli - Embrace Your Innate Talent to Return from Burn-Out & Transform Your Career (Client)

    For more information on how you can build your brave:

    Check out my website

    Join my mailing list for more insights, opportunities, and inspiration

    Connection with me on LinkedIn

  • During the summer of 2024, I am re-running the most popular client conversations based on downloads, shares, and direct feedback. Make sure to catch a career update at the end of each episode.

    Have you ever felt underappreciated and undervalued in your workplace, even after making an effort to ignite change?

    Jackie Podoll, a Data-Obsessed Senior Analyst with a passion for continuous improvement, and also my client joins us to share a brave career story. Her story focuses on her process of giving herself permission to choose herself, to stop allowing herself to be underappreciated, and then grow her career.

    In our conversation, Jackie shares how she identified what she actually wanted, how she made small tweaks to re-design the next phase of her life and career, and how she continued her strong financial habits to build financial freedom.

    Hot topics from this conversation:

    Introducing Jackie PodollJackie’s deep realization and her choice to leaveJackie’s break and her biggest surpriseJackie’s brave role model and the power of ‘slug life’ How coaching supported Jackie live and work more authentically

    Connect with Jackie Podoll on LinkedIn.

    Discover “A Purple Life” here.

    Original episode: E86: Jackie Podoll- Learning to Choose You, Stop Accepting Being Underappreciated and Undervalued, and Grow Your Career (Client)

    For more information on how you can build your brave:

    Check out my website

    Join my mailing list for more insights, opportunities, and inspiration

    Connection with me on LinkedIn

  • During the summer of 2024, I am re-running the most popular client conversations based on downloads, shares, and direct feedback. Make sure to catch a career update at the end of each episode.

    Dora Szasz, a research scientist and my former client, shares how she has chosen to find opportunity in even the most challenging experiences, including sleeping on a mattress in an empty apartment.

    Dora shares her brave career journey that started in a small Romanian village, continued in Germany and France, and is now rooted in the United States. Listen as Dora shares how she crafted a career that built upon her interests, natural curiosity, and taking risks.

    Then Dora shares how she has been building the practices of learning to be more kind to herself, improving her sleep, and embracing her hobbies so that she can enjoy her life and career (and kitties) even more.

    Connect with Dora Szasz on LinkedIn.

    Original episode: Create Opportunities to Build Your Global Career as Woman in Tech with Client Dora Szasz - E67

    For more information on how you can build your brave:

    Check out my website

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  • The habit of people pleasing has a negative impact on your career. If you’ve recently experienced an unexpected or negative performance evaluation – or been put onto a performance improvement plan (PiP) – this episode is for you!

    I teach you how to identify if you're caught in the people-pleasing loop and what steps to take to break free.

    You hear practical tips to recover your performance and return to career growth, using the three parts of the Build Your Brave framework: clarity, momentum, and accountability.

    Prioritizing others' approval over your own role and results will lead to burnout and negative consequences. Breaking the habit of people-pleasing is challenging, but it's possible with the right support and mindset.

    This is a big topic, so send your questions and feedback to [email protected].

    If you're ready to partner with me in overcoming people-pleasing and transforming your career, I'm here to help.

    For more information on how you can build your brave:

    Check out my website

    Join my mailing list for more insights, opportunities, and inspiration

    Connection with me on LinkedIn

    If you are an established woman in tech who is creating results and making an impact at work so your workload and stress just keep growing but promotions and salary bumps remain a distant dream, it is time for change.

    Listen, we all know the tech industry has dramatically changed. It's time your career approach did too.

    You don't need cookie-cutter programs or dusty advice from outdated playbooks, because what works for tech bros, won't work for you. You need individualized, bespoke support to build your brave career. One that reflects who you are as a woman in tech.

    I invite you to explore career coaching with me. Get all the details, including prices and client results, at TrickSteinbach.com.

    You can stress less, work less, and earn more. You've already earned it. Let's make it happen.

  • I consider the Build Your Brave Career podcast our podcast: so send me your questions, guests, and episode suggestions for upcoming episodes!

    This podcast is an act of love and service for our awesome community of women in tech who are choosing to be less stressed and ending overwork by building the skill of bravery.

    We know the tech industry and all of our jobs have changed so much since the first episode on Dec 29, 2020.

    I want to make sure that you are getting what you need and what you want when you spend your precious time with me here at the Build Your Brave Career podcast, so share:

    Your questions about the skill of bravery, your career growth, balancing being a successful woman in tech and a human who is also a caregiver, building a global career, making decisions, finding a new job and landing a promotion, mindset design, and so much more.Your guest suggestions: your brave role models, your colleagues with an inspirational and brave story, and don’t forget to nominate yourself.

    Please don’t be shy: no question or guest suggestion is too big or too small.

    Remember: bravery is a skill, use it to help shape this podcast.

    For more information on how you can build your brave:

    Check out my website

    Join my mailing list for more insights, opportunities, and inspiration

    Connection with me on LinkedIn

    If you are an established woman in tech who is creating results and making an impact at work so your workload and stress just keep growing but promotions and salary bumps remain a distant dream, it is time for change.

    Listen, we all know the tech industry has dramatically changed. It's time your career approach did too.

    You don't need cookie-cutter programs or dusty advice from outdated playbooks, because what works for tech bros, won't work for you. You need individualized, bespoke support to build your brave career. One that reflects who you are as a woman in tech.

    I invite you to explore career coaching with me. Get all the details, including prices and client results, at TrickSteinbach.com.

    You can stress less, work less, and earn more. You've already earned it. Let's make it happen.

  • "The best case scenario of bravely leaning in is when you make empowered, conscious, and unique decisions for your one glorious career and life." - Nicole Trick Steinbach

    Listen in for a nuanced conversation about the combination of the “Lean In” concept and the skill of bravery to how you can make choices to build your brave career.

    First, I discuss what the “Lean In” concept is, exploring both the positive and negative aspects of the approach. Then I dive into three specific, anonymous stories from my clients to personify how the concept can impact your career and life decisions.

    Use these stories to reflect on your personal and professional priorities and how you can consciously and effectively take action toward your goals.

    Spoiler alert: The best-case scenario of bravely leaning in is consciously, intentionally, and consistently making brave choices while also building your confidence, resiliency, skills, relationships, and creativity. Use every phase – even the mucky ones – to grow.

    Hot topics from this episode:

    Introduction to the Concept of Lean In, strengthen and weaknessesBridging Lean In with Career and Life ChoicesThree Client Stories of leaning in and building the skill of bravery

    For more information on how you can build your brave:

    Check out my website

    Join my mailing list for more insights, opportunities, and inspiration

    Connection with me on LinkedIn

    If you are an established woman in tech who is creating results and making an impact at work so your workload and stress just keep growing but promotions and salary bumps remain a distant dream, it is time for change.

    Listen, we all know the tech industry has dramatically changed. It's time your career approach did too.

    You don't need cookie-cutter programs or dusty advice from outdated playbooks, because what works for tech bros, won't work for you. You need individualized, bespoke support to build your brave career. One that reflects who you are as a woman in tech.

    I invite you to explore career coaching with me. Get all the details, including prices and client results, at TrickSteinbach.com.

    You can stress less, work less, and earn more. You've already earned it. Let's make it happen.

  • “Be yourself and own your strength unapologetically.” - Nupur Aggarwal

    Balancing the courage to pursue your ambitious career goals, in balance with your values and relationships, is a powerful but unexpected pathway to your brave career.

    Our guest this week is Nupur Aggarwal, an established and global product strategist, joins me for a candid discussion about self-confidence, authenticity, taking risks, and choosing to be true to your inner voice. Nupur shares her story of building a life in India and the US, as an employee at a massive corporation and a start-up founder, and as an ambitious professional and devoted mother, spouse, child, and friend.

    Together we address the intense complexities of societal pressures and expectations that shape career paths, sharing personal anecdotes and transformative experiences. We explore self-doubt, internalized misogyny, and the generational impact of societal conditioning, stressing the ongoing work necessary to unlearn these narratives.

    This episode is a heartfelt tribute to the value of facing fears, embracing the unknown, and supporting each other through growth. Tune in for an enlightening dialogue on the shared journey of becoming and celebrating brave.

    Hot topics from this episode:

    Emphasizing the importance of being true to oneself, even under societal and personal pressures that affect career decisions.Societal Expectations and Individual Dreams, career paths, family thriving, planning long-term in balance with present-day growth Embracing Risk and New Beginnings, starting a start-up, moving globally, accepting growth jobs, and building confidenceOvercoming Self-Doubt, normalizing feelings, and choosing to build confidence by facing fears and making choices

    Related Resources:

    Connect with Nupur Aggarwal on LinkedInLearn about Indra Nooyi

    For more information on how you can build your brave:

    Check out my website

    Join my mailing list for more insights, opportunities, and inspiration

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    If you are an established woman in tech who is creating results and making an impact at work so your workload and stress just keep growing but promotions and salary bumps remain a distant dream, it is time for change.

    Listen, we all know the tech industry has dramatically changed. It's time your career approach did too.

    You don't need cookie-cutter programs or dusty advice from outdated playbooks, because what works for tech bros, won't work for you. You need individualized, bespoke support to build your brave career. One that reflects who you are as a woman in tech.

    I invite you to explore career coaching with me. Get all the details, including prices and client results, at TrickSteinbach.com.

    You can stress less, work less, and earn more. You've already earned it. Let's make it happen.

  • "Your resistance could be your worst enemy, but it could also be your friend. Where you feel the resistance is where you can answer: what do I really want?" — Nicole Trick Steinbach

    I share my career transformation story, using my Build Your Brave Framework, to answer the question, “What do I really want?”

    I walk you through how I redefined success and the struggle I faced in finding clarity, taking action that was based on my actual desires, and making a brave career decision that balanced what I wanted and what I needed.

    Listen in for the pivotal moments and conversations that helped me get more specific as I dove into the resistance and fear I encountered along the way. I detail the importance of seeking support, clarifying career phases, and defining success unique to you as a human.

    I draw parallels with the experience of my client, Rebecca Walter, and underscore the significance of normalizing the bravery of clarity and accountability in one's career journey.

    Related Episodes:

    Unlocking the Build Your Brave Framework for Career Transformation: An Example and Guide to Stress Less, Work Less, and Earn More - E149

    Hot topics from this episode:

    Answering the question "What do you really want?"Redefining Success and Career Goals to Build Your Brave Career Changing definitions of success and career journeys, including career phasesRecognizing the need for professional support and guidance in the career redefinition process, including mentors, coaches, advisors, and role models in navigating career changesEmbracing resistance as a sign of growth and self-discovery to become a catalyst for personal growth and clarity

    For more information on how you can build your brave career, reach out to me
    Check out my website
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    If you are an established woman in tech who is creating results and making an impact at work so your workload and stress just keep growing but promotions and salary bumps remain a distant dream, it is time for change.

    Listen, we all know the tech industry has dramatically changed. It's time your career approach did too.

    You don't need cookie-cutter programs or dusty advice from outdated playbooks, because what works for tech bros, won't work for you. You need individualized, bespoke support to build your brave career. One that reflects who you are as a woman in tech.

    I invite you to explore career coaching with me. Get all the details, including prices and client results, at TrickSteinbach.com.

    You can stress less, work less, and earn more. You've already earned it. Let's make it happen.