Even leaders lose jobs! What to do after you get laid off? Jennifer Sherman, Leadership Expert , CEO at Envision Leadership Consultancy shares timely tips and advice. She believes Leaders are Shaped not Born. https://envisionleaders.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/envisionconsulting
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Saphna Pieroux shares tips for women restarting business after a cancer break. Founder of InnnerVisions ID Brand Consultancy, Amazon Author of "Let´s Get Visible", Breast Cancer Awareness Advocate. https://innervisions-id.com
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Why should solopreneurs use LinkedIn as their Storefront Window? Liz Steblay shares key advice. Founder and Chief Advocate of the Professional Independent Consultants of America (PICA) and the Amazon Author of "Succeeding as a Solopreneur" . https://www.sixkeys.info https://www.lizsteblay.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/independentconsulting
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Why should companies encourage employees to bulid theitr personal brands? Rana Albasri Mouawad shares her advice. A Brand & Communication Consultant, Specializng in Public Relations, Content Marketing and a Personal Branding Expert. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ranamouawad
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Why is it so difficult to talk about grief? Lynn Banis, Expert Transformational Coach, Grief Mentor, Founder of Widows Rising Together and bestselling author, shares her views and insight. https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynn-banis-36987b2aa https://web.actionera.com/widowsrisingtogether
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Why do startups succeed? Gregory Shepard, CEO at StartUp.Science.io, nurturing Technology Startups from seed to Series A and Author of "The Startup Lifecycle" shares his view. Find the book on Amazon or https://gregoryshepard.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregshepard
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What is so difficult about letting go, moving on? Larry Easto New Business facilitator and author of over 30 books shares why in his recently launched new book "New Beginnings & New Opportunities" you can download a free copy at https://larryeasto.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/larryeasto
Unique strenghts women bring to tech leadership! Brittany Hansen shares her view. Chief Marketing Officer at Viiision, Inc. Viiision transforms how businesses connect with their audiences through patented, language-detecting technology. Brittany Hansen is a global marketing strategist and advocate for equity in tech and marketing. https://www.linkedin.com/in/brittany-a-hansen
"Take a moment to Breathe", Lorrie Thomas Ross shares why we should! The Marketing Therapist, Speaker and CEO of the Web Marketing Therapy, https://lorriethomas.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorriethomasross
What´s the first step to reclaim the authorship of your life? Anna Rosa Parker, Executive Coach, Lifestyle Mentor and Creator of the EVOKE Method, shares her insight. Originally from Iceland she blends a multicultural global perspective. https://annarosaparker.com
https://www.linkedin.com/in/anna-rosa-parker -
Will DEI survive 2025? Mathias Castillo, Founder of MLC Consulting, DEI Advocate and Civic Engagement Specialist with extensive experience in Diversity, Inclusion and Equity initiatives, shares his insight not only to continuity but also growth in DEI initiatives. https://www.linkedin.com/in/mlemoscastillo
Solve Turnover with Coaching, Francie Jain, Founder of Terawatt.co connects talented coaches with employers commited to the professional growth of their employees. https://terawatt.co
https://www.linkedin.com/in/franciejain -
Why do some folks not like the term Personal Branding? Alan Mclaren, Personal Branding Expert shares his insight. Alan is Co-Founder at STRATA Originals, and Speaker, works with CEOs, Executives and Entrepreneurs to build Authentic Personal Brands. https://strataoriginals.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/alanmclaren
Best way to bridge gaps between Tecnical Teams and Executive Leadership. Tom Altman shares his insight as a Fractional CTO at Altus CXO, AI & Cybersecurity Advocate, excels in aligning technology with business strategy to drive growth, innovation, and strong system foundations. https://altuscxo.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomaltman
Walker Ferguson shares important lessons learned through the startup journey. Walker is President of Ascend, a Meditation and Wellness App using AI, empowers global users with tools for personal growth. https://ascendmeditations.app https://www.linkedin.com/in/wferguson17
The two biggest reasons people fail to actualize their potential. Claire Chuang shares her insight. Claire is Founder of Meta NLP Academy and a leading Energy Resilience Strategist, Speaker and Performance Coach. https://metamindset.uk https://www.linkedin.com/in/claire-chuang-5209a8299
What is the secret to consistently producing content? Damien Schreurs shares his tips. Technology Mentor, Macpreneur Podcast Host, Explainer-in-Chief of EastTECH, providing IT Training, Coaching on Apple products, Microsoft Office, Cyber Securuty, and AI. https://macpreneur.com/tips https://www.linkedin.com/in/dschreurs
What is Generativity? Deborah Heiser, Founder of The Mentor Project shares her insight, TEDx Speaker and Author, Specialist in redefining what being old looks and feels like. https://deborahheiser.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/deborah-heiser-phd/
Her book The Mentorship Edge is available on Amazon. https://a.co/d/fX4XInv -
Mithyll Dave advocates for organic growth and shares the benefits it brings. Mithyll Dave, a Digital Coaching and Content Strategy Expert, Founder of VIHTRIBEZ Content Lab, specializing in building thriving online brands. https://mithylldave.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/mithyll
Top Three Tips to start navigating out of the boxes that bind us! Betsy Pepine shares her insight. Founder & CEO Pepine Realty, Best Selling Author of "Breaking Boxes: Dismantling the Boxes that Bind Us" on Amazon. https://betsypepine.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/betsypepine
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