
  • Start your academic career in China. Learn from a real expert of both international and Chinese academic ecosystems.

    1. Study/get your PhD in China

    2. Find academic jobs

    3. Compare international vs. Chinese university system

    4. Start and scale your own company

    5. Work in Chinese vs. English

    6. Find your own flexpat career path

    Pippa fell in love with China on her first visit in her early twenties, and decided to build her career in academia here. Over the past 10 years in China, she has gotten a PhD from Fudan University, one of China's top schools, taught Chinese and international students in Sino-US joint venture universities, and most recently started Discovery Hub, a higher education consultancy with a mission to bridge between the Chinese and Western academic worlds.

    Connect with Pippa:

    WeChat: Pippa9

    Discovery Hub WeChat Official Account: 探索枢纽 Discovery Hub

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pippa-morgan-9630/

    Discovery Hub's LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/discovery-hub-education/

  • Learn about a complete engineering and commercial flexpat career. What is important to plan your flexpat retirement in China?

    1. Challenges of the Chinese healthcare system
    2. Pick the right industry to work in
    3. Qualify for your job, develop your skillset
    4. Integrate in China
    5. Prepare for Retirement
    6. Enjoy Retirement, keep learning

    In 1986, Volker Müller travelled seven weeks from Hongkong all the way to Wulumuqi in Xinjiang, after that journey he decided that he wanted to support the country in its quest for development. One year later, he got a job as a research assistant at Chongqing University in the field of artificial vision.

    In the 1990s he convinced the CEO of a German start-up company to establish a representative office in Shanghai, with himself as Chief Representative. In 2000, he finally settled down in Beijing, and since then he is working in the medical devices industry. During these two and a half decades, he has worked a Chief Representative for a multinational company, built-up a manufacture for a German SME, worked as international Sales Director for a Chinese manufacturer and finally joint the EU Chamber of Commerce in China as industry desk manager.

    Last year, he retired from his job, but he is still willing to make contributions to China-European cooperation. In his spare time, he is translating Chinese literature into German and has now started to write his own books to share his experience with German-speaking readers.

    LinkedIn: 米福 Volker Müller
    Find Volker on Wechat: mifu_beijing
    Email: mi_fu@163.com
    Find Francis on Wechat: Flexpat2020

    Please also tune in to episode
    112 Plan your flexpat career
    12 Personal Finance Advice
    13 Personal Insurance Advice

  • Episodi mancanti?

    Fai clic qui per aggiornare il feed.

  • Build your own corporate startup in an international company in China. Lessons Learned.

    1. When/Why a Corporate Startup makes sense
    2. How can corporate and startup work together
    3. What is the role of the Startup Founder?
    4. How to be successful with a Corporate Startup in China
    5. Value of flexpats for international companies

    Florian is a German mechanical engineer who has been building factory automation teams and businesses in China for more than a decade. He is pursuing alternative paths, for example, by co-founding a software company as a corporate startup. In addition, as an investor, advisor, and mentor, he is helping startups, companies, and students leverage his experience to succeed in China.

    Email: Florian.weihard@ruhlamat.com.cn
    LinkedIn: Florian Wei hard
    Wechat: FLORIAN-80
    Find Francis on Wechat: Flexpat2020

    Please also tune in to episode
    143 Flexpat Entrepreneur Coach
    133 Start your own flexpat business
    132 Jump into Entrepreneurship
    139 Coach your team
    138 European values
    85 Start your own service business

  • Learn about climate change and China's effort to stop it.

    1. What is ESG and why is it important
    2. How has China developed since the last 20 years and where does it stand now in terms of environmental protection
    3. Which challenges do companies face to understand and act upon environmental regulations
    4. What does the 5 years plan indicate to do in order for China to thrive
    5. What can flexpats do who are deeper involved into that topic in order to be best prepared
    6. How to setup good relations with government officials and get the right support
    7. Would a good environmental protection also help a company's marketing
    8. What about water pollution and waste management
    9. Where will China stand in 10 years with environmental protection
    10. Johnny also published a White Paper on the Internet of Sustainability Data that explores ESG and carbon standards: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7155491808465059840

    Johnny, an environmental expert and consultant, was 20 years in China seeing the country going through all phases from an environmental protection newbie to a real decarbonization pioneer. Until now he is consulting Chinese and international firms in China and the western world to understand respective policies and react accordingly. There is something for everyone to learn in this episode, knowing that Johnny only shared like 5% of what he is capable of. Reach out if you want to learn more.

    Email: johnny.browaeys@csimodel.eu
    LinkedIn: Johnny Browaeys
    Find Verena on LinkedIn: Verena Lupprian

    Please also tune in to episode
    64 Solar energy entrepreneur
    133 EV entrepreneur

  • Build a successful horse riding business in Shanghai. Learn what it takes to transform your passion into a profitable business.

    1. Sigrid provides her highlights of choosing and maintaining a business partner
        * Find someone you can trust
        * Both your skills and knowledge need to be complementary
        * Assign tasks to each others respective abilities
    2. Top three advices to have a successful business
        * Plan thoroughly before starting a business
        * Build up a good network
        * Invest in good marketing
    3. Her key messages for success
        * Have a flexible mindset
        * Act fast and agile
        * Do not lose your focus
        * Find the courage to do it

    Follow and connect with Sigrid on Social Media:
    XiaoHongShu ID:9452320746
    Wechat: sigridwinkler
    Find Verena on LinkedIn: Verena Lupprian

    Please also tune in to episodes for entrepreneurs

    133 Start your own flexpat business
    132 Jump into Entrepreneurship
    85 Start your own service business
    64 Build a global business in China

  • Summary of the added value flexpats can bring into Chinese teams, and how Chinese professionals can be international.

    • Enter the flexpat job market after graduation
    • Importance of learning Chinese
    • Key added value of flexpats
    • Soft skills are very important
    • Fit into a Chinese team
    • Start your own business
    • Apply for your own visa
    • Help Chinese professionals to go international
    • How can Chinese professionals adapt an open mindset?
    • Future opportunities for flexpats

    Dasol Kim started her own coaching and consulting firm in China helping Chinese professionals and flexpats to find clarity and courage to navigate their international career.

    Find Dasol Kim on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/dasol-lily-kim/
    and Wechat: lilykim626

    Please also tune in to episodes

    142 Build your own Flexpat business in China
    139 Coach your team
    133 Start your own flexpat business
    132 Jump into Entrepreneurship
    120 Cross Border Interpretation
    33 Prepare for job interviews

  • How can you return to China after 9 years abroad and then fit into the Chinese economy? What are the key international values you can bring, and what are key Chinese skills you need to master?

    • Reasons to go abroad for Chinese professionals
    • Reasons to return to China
    • Challenges for Chinese returnees "Haigui"
    • Main differences between German and Chinese values
    • Key skills required for both flexpats and returnees
    • Start your own business
    • Learn to be an entrepreneur

    Boyang lived in the US and Europe for over 12 years. Working at the German insurance company Allianz Group in a very international environment, he had the opportunity to return to Shanghai. In 2023 he founded Glopen, with the vision to discover the real China, connecting the world.

    Find Glopen on LinkedIn, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and share it with your friends who want to explore China.

    Find Boyang Shen on Linkedin and Wechat: bojan101323

    Please also tune in to episodes

    39 eCommerce for international brands in China
    120 Cross Border Interpretation
    115 Cross-Border Thought leader
    135 China Marketing for Brand success in China
    138 European values
    126 Create an international company culture in China

  • You can also start your own business in China. Learn from Deano who has worked with many Flexpat entrepreneurs to achieve their dream.

    • Bring additional value to China

    • Master special challenges

    • Differentiate from Chinese entrepreneurs

    • Insprire Chinese professionals

    • Integrate in China

    • Deal with uncertainty

    • Build a sustainable lifestyle that fits your income

    • Influence Chinese entrepreneurs

    Deano Delpleash is a High-Performance leadership and business Coach, helping Flexpat entrepreneurs scale their businesses without sacrificing their work-life balance. He has been in China for over a decade honing his skillsets in innovation, leadership, and entrepreneurship.

    Find his podcast "NextGen Tech CEO Journey" on any podcast app.

    Find Deano on Wechat: Deanodelpleash

    Linkedin: Deano Delpleash

    Please also tune in to episodes

    133 Start your own flexpat business

    132 Jump into Entrepreneurship

    139 Coach your team

    138 European values

    85 Start your own service business

    64 Build a global business in China

  • Chinese are also flexpats. So why would they work in Luxembourg? For its vibrant Chinese community? Or maybe its mix of flexpats from 140 nations?

    What's Luxembourg like? How can Chinese professionals integrate this culturally complex country?

    What is Luxembourg doing to attract and retain flexpats?

    Denis knows a lot on the topic. He's a board member of ChinaLux, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg and has been running his own company, Weilan Coaching and Training in Luxembourg for 5 years. Denis speaks multiple languages and moves between cultures like a DJ!

    He regularly publishes articles on Intercultural Agility on LinkedIn.

    Find him here:


    Find him on Wechat here: pariscoach75

    Find Francis on Wechat: Flexpat2020

  • How can Chinese kids develop themselves as global citizens? Learn from Luc who has been thinking about this challenge for the past 24 years.

    How did bilingual education start in China? What is the role of flexpats? Parent`s evolving expectations How to work with Chinese school principals? How to enjoy your own international career?

    Find Luc on Wechat: lucpauwels

    Find Francis on Wechat: Flexpat2020


    Please also tune in to episodes:

    134 education ecosystem in China

    57 Teacher job market

    106 Teach your team English

    116, 123, 131 Professor in China

  • Learn to be a coach to your international and Chinese team. Coach Terry shares the shortcut to years of learning and practice in situational leadership.

    What are current challenges for flexpats and Chinese professionals? What exactly is coaching and training? How does it add value to individuals, teams, leaders and companies? How to define a scope for a coaching project How to provide coaching and training to your team How to differentiate as a Flexpat coach How to always keep learning and growing How to start your personal development journey

    Follow Terry's content on Wechat:

    Wechat Official Account: growthhublife

    Wechat Channel: UPSKILL提升重塑

    Terry is an accomplished Executive Coach, Trainer, and Facilitator with over 20 years of experience in Greater China.

    Passionate about education and storytelling, Terry is the founder of Upskill Consulting and the content director for the motivational WeChat community GrowthHubLife. He shares insightful content on mindset, coaching, motivation, leadership, and soft skills, reaching a wide audience.

    Find Terry on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/coachterryc/

    Founder and Executive Coach at Terence H Clarke Coaching: https://www.terencehclarke.com

    Co-founder, Head Coach and Facilitator at UpSkill Consulting: https://www.upskill.consulting


    Please also tune in to episodes:

    126 Create an international company culture in China

    46 Lead Chinese teams

    136 China-focused future

    113 Young China - Chinese companies going global

    129 Expats leave China

  • Learn cross-culture communication in order to attract and retain Chinese young professionals with European values.

    What is the value of an open mindset and independence? How can Chinese young professionals learn European values if they did not grow up using them? How can Chinese professionals learn to make decisions by themselves? How can flat hirachies be applied in China? How do you deal with compliance issues and still trust your Chinese team? How can European companies offer sufficient career growth potential to their Chinese leaders and staff?

    Kate moved to China in 2018. and became interested in Cross-Cultural Communication. This led her to open a business in Shanghai in 2020. Previously a University Teacher, she is now a Certified Professional Coach, Trainer & Facilitator, with an ACC credential from ICF.

    Contact Information:

    WeChat ID: kalemil

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katarinaelm

    e-mail: katarina.milanovicc@gmail.com


    Please also tune in to episodes:

    126 Create an international company culture in China

    46 Lead Chinese teams

    136 China-focused future

    113 Young China - Chinese companies going global

    129 Expats leave China

  • Learn about Chinese digital ecosystems and brands from Ashley Dudarenok, a “guru on digital marketing and fast-evolving trends in China” as hailed by Thinkers50. We dive into topics such as China’s digitalisation, naturalising as a Chinese national, domestic and global brand competition in the country, working for Chinese brands abroad, and more.

    · About the Chinese digital ecosystem
    · How to apply such a digital ecosystem in other markets
    · How to enter and compete in China as international brands
    · How Flexpats can add value for international brands
    · How Chinese professionals can learn to have a broader strategic horizon beyond just China
    · How Chinese brands are going global
    · How Flexpats can work with Chinese brands abroad

    Ashley and her team are hosting a China DIGITAL+ SUMMIT in Shanghai on 18th October 2023. The summit is centered around these 3 themes: customer centricity, emerging technologies, and the future of retail.

    It’s a must-attend event for all marketing, retail, and tech leaders focused on China. The summit will feature 20+ speakers delivering actionable insights on digital China and accommodate 300+ industry professionals from KOLs, prominent brands, tech companies, agencies and more.

    Join Ashley and LOTS of China Flexpats on18th October in Shanghai. Grab your tickets here https://chinadigitalsummit.com.

    Ashley Dudarenok is a serial entrepreneur, award-winning digital marketing professional and author. She is the founder China digital consultancy ChoZan 超赞 and a digital marketing agency Alarice. She is also an author of 10 bestselling books on Digital China. She has both a deep theoretical knowledge of China’s digital landscape development and is immersed daily in the market, observing and applying what works for business.

    More about Ashley and here work at www.ashleydudarenok.com
    Follow Ashley on LinkedIn for a daily dose of China digital insights https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashleydudarenok/
    Check out her videos on YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/ashleydudarenok


    Related episodes:

    135 China Marketing for Brand success in China
    122 Social Media Branding
    113 Young China - Chinese companies going global
    103 German Beer Branding

    Contact Francis (Wechat: Flexpat2020) if you want to join our Flexpat wechat community

  • "Dragon Suit" is the best book for flexpats in 2023. Learn all you need to know about flexpat careers in one single episode.

    · How China became a key market for global firms

    · Current challenges for China expats and flexpats in 2023

    · How new expats can prepare for their China challenge

    · Reasons why many expats leave China and new expats are not coming

    · How Chinese professionals can take expat roles

    · Which risks evolve when European companies have no expats or flexpats in China

    · How flexpats can show their value and justify their salary

    · How European companies accept flexpats in 2023

    · How European companies and professionals can prepare for an increasingly China-facing future in business

    Find Dragon Suit, the best books for flexpats in 2023, on Amazon:


    Gábor Holch spent twenty years advising, coaching and training multinational executives in China, Asia and Europe. Trained in languages, philosophy and diplomacy, he briefly worked for intergovernmental development organisations before moving to China in 2002. Since then, he became a Mandarin-language Certified Management Consultant, founded his Shanghai-based consultancy and helped thousands of managers at firms including ASML, Bayer, BMW, Nissan, Nokia, Patek Philippe, PepsiCo, Peugeot-Citroën, Porsche, Roland Berger and Walt Disney. He has authored four books and delivers keynote speeches on the challenges and successes of expatriate executives, culture in the future of work and global leadership.

    Find Gabor Holch on Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/gaborholch/

    Founder and Director of Campanile Management Consulting


    Join his next webinar or speech at https://www.holch.biz/events


    Please also tune in to episodes

    20 Leadership advice (Gabor)

    113 Young China - Chinese companies going global

    129 Expats leave China

    111 Prepare expat assignment

    112 Plan your entire flexpat career

    107 Transition from Expat to Flexpat

    119 Returning home after 10 years

    126 Create an international company culture in China

    131 Sustainable Lifestyle in China

    128 Happy Expat Spouse

    21 From Entry Level to Top Management

    100 Get your first Management Job in China

    Contact Francis (Wechat: Flexpat2020) if you want to join our Flexpat wechat community

  • Learn from a real Marketing expert with 25 years experience in and with Japan and China.

    • Current B2C marketing environment in China

    • Market entry for international brands

    • Market barriers for international brands

    • About Chinese upcoming brands

    • Chinese brands going international

    • Job opportunities for flexpats both in China and in other countries

    • Lifestyle advice for flexpats

    Mike Golden is the founder and CEO of a marketing communications agency in Shanghai, with over 20 years of experience in China. He has also spent time in Japan and Thailand. He works with multinational brands to succeed in China through the methodology of “radically relevant China marketing.” He graduated from Cornell University and holds an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley. In his spare time, he plays a variety of musical instruments, and hangs out with his family, pet corgi, and cat.

    Mike Golden / mgolden@brandigo.com



    Please also tune in to episodes

    122 Social Media Branding

    123 Branding professor at a university

    103 German Beer Branding

    98 Coffee Branding

    39, 84 Market entry, branding for international brands

    Contact Francis (Wechat: Flexpat2020) if you want to join our Flexpat Wechat community.

  • Understand the education ecosystem in China. Learn from a real China education expert with 30 years of experience in various career positions in and with China.

    • What are the key differences between the Chinese and the US education system, and what can they learn from each other?

    • How do Chinese students profit / suffer from the high-performance pressure in the education system?

    • How can Chinese students prepare for an international lifestyle, study abroad, and learn an open mindset?

    • What can parents do to support their children?

    • Which opportunities do flexpats have to create value in the Chinese education system?

    • How will the recent government restrictions in China concerning private education affect international influence?

    • Can teachers still build a great career in China?

    • How should international schools hire flexpats and locals and create a good team?

    Brantley Turner, the East Asia Education Director for Dwight Schools, brings 25 years of experience in China, including a decade as the founding principal of a unique Sino-U.S. high school approved by China’s Ministry of Education. Her recent ventures include educational start-ups in Vietnam.

    Renowned for her groundbreaking East-West school leadership and exceptional Chinese communication skills, Brantley is a fervent believer in the power of disruption in education. She views school leadership as a dynamic space for exploring individual assumptions and perspectives, and how these can either hinder or propel progress.

    Her commitment to constant innovation in leadership, school enhancement, arts programs, and educational technology underpins her drive for top student outcomes in Asia. Brantley is a forward-thinking leader in global 21st-century education discussions.

    Find Brantley Turner on LinkedIn



    Please also tune in to episodes

    116, 123, 131 Professor in China

    57 Teacher job market

    106 Teach your team English

    Contact Francis (Wechat: Flexpat2020) if you want to join our Flexpat Wechat community

  • Kai held several top management positions in China for many years before he decided to start his own business.

    In this episode, you will learn what it is like living in the same neighborhood as Tesla in Shanghai and what that means for daily life.

    You`ll understand several reasons why it is essential to start your business while still being employed elsewhere. (Guanxi, Visa, Language, etc.)

    You`ll get insights on how to find the right business partner and how to navigate the Chinese business landscape as a foreigner, especially being a first-time entrepreneur.

    Connect with Kai on LinkedIn:


  • Quit your nine-to-five job and start your own company in China. Aladin shares his journey from a typical 9-5 job into his own business within the Film and TV industry in China.


    * What motivated him to come to China in the first place

    * Why does it matter in which city you set up your company

    * When is the right time to quit and switch

    * How to attract new clients

    Feel invited to tune also into Aladin's podcast:

    Middle Earth - China's cultural industry podcast


    Aladin can also share with anyone a document where he explained the WOFE's creation process as well as some tips such as which bank to choose for your company or the way to create your company for free.

    Follow and connect with Aladin on Social Media:

    Wechat: Aladin_F

    Linkedin : Aladin Farré

    Twitter : Aladin_F

    Find Verena on LinkedIn: Verena Lupprian

    Find more episodes on entrepreneurship in China

    48 Build Tech Company

    52 Build Tech services company

    64 Build international company

    70 Build international company

    84 European F&B Marketing

    85 Service business for Chinese customers

    97 Engineering Entrepreneur

    103 Localize your business (German Beer)

    108 Start an Online Business

  • Reduce your cost of living to the bare minimum in order to build a sustainable Flexpat lifestyle.

    - What are the easiest ways to reduce the cost of living?

    - How can international children attend public school?

    - Why should children attend Chinese kindergarten and school?

    - How do you deal with performance pressure?

    - How can you build a sustainable Flexpat profile and perform?

    - Why should international companies hire Flexpats?

    Currently, Dr. Lockstrom is a Senior Associate Professor of Operations Management at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in Suzhou, China, where he is teaching and doing research in the areas of purchasing, logistics, and supply chain/operations management. He is also currently serving as Director of the Centre for Case Development (CCD). Dr. Lockstrom received his BSc/MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management at Chalmers University of Technology and his Ph.D. in Operations Management from European Business School, Germany. He has previously taught graduate courses at European Business School, Moscow State University, Tongji University, and MBA courses at CEIBS. He has published more than 50 academic and practice-oriented papers and book chapters, and made more than 60 conference appearances. Prof. Lockstrom has more than two decades of consulting experience working with multinational corporations such as BMW, Atlas Copco, DuPont, and EY, among others, and has also founded and operated multiple business ventures in the past.

    WeChat: loco_barocco


    Please also tune in to episode

    123 on working in China as an academic professional (professor)

    129 why Flexpats are leaving

    111 Prepare Expat assignment

    107 Transition from Expat to Flexpat

    90 Flexpat Lifestyle

    25 Transition from Expat to Flexpat - Kids in Homeschooling

    Contact Francis (Wechat: Flexpat2020) if you want to join our Flexpat wechat community

  • Prepare for a smooth return to China. Tobias lived in China for a while before the pandemic ended his challenge sooner than he actually wanted. He will guide us through the learnings of his first China stay, the motivation to come back and all the preparational tasks he is undertaking right now.

    What motivated his company to offer a return to China
    Why this job is a typical flexpat job
    Why going local can be a big benefit for flexpats
    What do you need to prepare for a return

    In addition, Tobias recommended the following sources for a cultural preparation:
    Book from Ning Huang "Wie Chinesen denken: Denk Philosophie, Welt- und Menschenbilder in China"
    Books from Frank Sieren.
    LinkedIn channel: Frank Sieren, Jörg Wuttke and Arnold Ma.

    Follow and connect with Tobias on Social Media:
    WeChat: T08IKR4
    LinkedIn: Tobias Krabler
    Find Verena on LinkedIn: Verena Lupprian