
  • The Benefits of Green Tea Vocabulary:

    1. 好处(Benefit)

    2. 有益(To Be Good For)

    3. 抗氧化物(antioxidants)

    4. 预防(Prevent)

    5. 老化(aging)

    6. 加速(speed up)

    7. 新陈代谢(metabolism)

    8. 心脏(the heart)

    9.降低(to Lower)

    10. 胆固醇(Cholesterol)


    A: 你知道喝绿茶有好处吗?(Nǐ zhīdào hē lǜchá yǒu hǎochù ma?)

    A:Do you know that drinking green tea has some (health) benefits?

    B: 当然知道!绿茶对健康有益。(Dāngrán zhīdào! Lǜchá duì jiànkāngyǒuyì.)

    B: Of course I do! Green tea is good foryour health.

    A: 能说几个吗?(Néng shuō jǐ gè ma?)

    A:Can you name a few?

    B: 好的,绿茶含有抗氧化物,能预防老化。(Hǎo de, lǜchá hán yǒu kàngyǎnghuà wù,néng yùfáng lǎohuà.)

    B: Yes, green teacontains antioxidants and can prevent aging.

    A: 还有呢?(Hái yǒu ne?)

    A: What else?

    B: 还可以帮助减肥,加速新陈代谢。(Hái kěyǐ bāngzhù jiǎnféi, jiāsùxīnchén dàixiè.)

    B: It can also help you loseweight and speed up your metabolism.

    A: 对心脏好吗?(Duì xīnzàng hǎo ma?)

    A:Is it good for the heart?

    B: 是的,能降低胆固醇。(Shì de, néng jiàngdī dǎngùchún.) B: Yes, it can lower cholesterol.

    A: 每天喝多少?(Měitiān hē duōshǎo? )

    A:How much should you drink every day?

    B: 每天2-3杯就好。(Měitiān 2-3 bēi jiù hǎo.)

    B:2-3 cups a day is fine.

    A: 谢谢,我会多喝绿茶。(Xièxiè,wǒ huì duō hē lǜchá.)

    A: Thank you, I willdrink green tea more often.

    B: 不客气,祝你健康!(Bù kèqì, zhù nǐ jiànkāng!)

    B:You are welcome, I wish you good health!

  • Vicky: 你听说那个新开的餐厅了吗?
    Lindi: 听说了,怎么了?
    Vicky: 听说那家餐厅的装修很高大上!
    Lindi: 真的吗?高大上是什么意思?
    Vicky: 就是很豪华、很有档次的意思。
    Lindi: 哦,明白了。那我一定要去看看!
    Vicky: 对啊,别忘了提前预订哦!
    1. 这家酒店很高大上。我们可以去试一下。
    (This restaurant is pretty fancy. We can go try it sometime.) 
    2. 听说他刚买了一辆很高大上的车。我们去看看。(I heard he just bought a fancy new car. Let’s go check it out.)
    3. 这个运动员的学历也很高大上. (This athlete also has a fancy educational background)
    4. 你今天穿的那么高大上!你去约会了吗?
    You’re really dressed up today! Do you have a date or something?

  • Episodi mancanti?

    Fai clic qui per aggiornare il feed.

  • As a coffee lover and very part-time fitness enthusiast, I found this article on working out and caffeine consumption to be particularly interesting. 希望你们喜欢!

    Thanks to Maayot.com for providing the article for today's episode :)

    For one-to-one and group lessons in Chinese, go to:

    1. 旺盛 – Vigorous, Exuberant
    2. 咖啡因 - Caffeine
    3. 人体 – The Human Body, can also mean “physical”
    4. 无氧 - Anaerobic
    5. 状态 – Condition or state
    6. 对。。。而言。。- a prepositional phrase meaning, “with regard to, concerning”
    7. 健身狂热者 – Fitness Fanatics
    8. 效率 efficiancy
    9. 消耗 – To consume, to expend
    10. 摄入 - ingestion
    11. 概率- probability

    The Benefits of Drinking Coffee

    Dà bùfèn rén hē kāfēi shì wèile ràng zìjǐ bǎochí jīnglì wàngshèng. Dàn qíshí, yǒuxiē rén hē kāfēi shì wèile jiànshēn néng yǒu gèng hǎo de xiàoguǒ. Bù shǎo jiànshēn de rén měitiān huì hē duō bēi kāfēi. Zhè shì yīnwèi kāfēi yīn kěyǐ tígāo réntǐ wú yǎng yùndòng de nénglì, kěyǐ ràng shēntǐ gèng kuàisù jìnrù yùndòng zhuàngtài. Zhè zhǒng gǎibiàn duì pǔtōng rén ér yán kěnéng zuòyòng bù dà, dàn duìyú jiànshēn kuángrè zhě ér yán, hē kāfēi kěyǐ ràng tāmen de jiànshēn xiàolǜ dàdà tígāo. Bùguò, chúle jiànshēn de rén, yīshēng bù jiànyì pǔtōng rén wéi le qítā de mùdì chángshì yītiān nèi hē duō bēi kāfēi. Réntǐ xiāohào kāfēi yīn de sùdù yǒuxiàn. Pǔtōng rén hè yībēi kāfēi shè rù de kāfēi yīn dà gàilǜ dào dì èr tiān zǎoshang hái méiyǒu bèi xiāohào diào.

    Most people drink coffee to keep themselves energetic. But in fact, some people drink coffee to achieve better results in fitness. Many people who work out drink multiple cups of coffee every day. This is because caffeine can improve the body's anaerobic exercise capacity and allow the body to enter an exercise state more quickly. This change may not have much effect on the average person, but for fitness fanatics, drinking coffee can greatly improve their fitness efficiency. However, except for people who work out, doctors do not recommend that ordinary people try to drink multiple cups of coffee a day for other purposes. The human body can only consume caffeine at a limited rate. The caffeine that an average person ingests by drinking a cup of coffee will most likely still be in one’s system the next morning.

  • 1. The Joy of Learning: 学习的乐趣


    Xuéxí shì yī jiàn hěn yǒuqù de shì. Hěnduō rén yī tí dào yòngxīn xuéxí, jiù juédé zhè shì méiyǒu kěnéng de, yīnwèi tāmen rènwéi xuéxí shì yī jiàn bùshì hěn yǒuqù de shìqíng. Qíshí dāng nǐ zhǎodào nǐ xǐhuān de xuékē zhīhòu, nǐ jiù huì kāishǐ rènwéi xuéxí shì yǒuqù dele. Zài xuéxí shàng, yù dào jiǎndān de wèntí huì juédé shì yī zhǒng fùxí, yù dào kùnnán de wèntí shí, huì juédé shì yī zhǒng tiǎozhàn。

    Learning is a very interesting thing. Many people think that it is impossible to focus on studying because they think that it's not very interesting. In fact, when you find a subject you like, you will start to think that learning is interesting. While studying, when you encounter simple problems, you will feel that it is review, and when you encounter difficult ones, you will feel that it is a challenge.

    Pronunciation Training:

    1. 男性: 很多人。。。一提到。。。用心。。。学习。。。用心学习。。。一提到用心学习。。。 就觉得。。。这是。。。没有可能的。。。 就觉得这是没有可能的。。。很多人一提到用心学习,就觉得这是没有可能的
    女性: 大家对于“用心学习”这件事怎么看?

    2. 女性:其实。。。当你。。。找到。。。你喜欢的。。。学科。。。之后。。。找到你喜欢的学科之后。。。其实当你找到你喜欢的学科之后。。。你就会。。。开始。。。认为。。。学习。。。是有趣的了。。。认为学习是有趣的了。。。你就会开始认为学习是有趣的了 。。。其实当你找到你喜欢的学科之后,你就会开始认为学习是有趣的了。
    男性: 我们怎样才会觉得学习是一件有趣的事?
    女性: 其实当你找到你喜欢的学科之后,你就会开始认为学习是有趣的了.

    3. 男性:在学习上。。。遇到。。。简单的。。。问题。。。遇到简单的问题。。。在学习上,遇到简单的问题。。。会觉得。。。是一种。。。复习。。。会觉得是一种复习。。。在学习上,遇到简单的问题会觉得是一种复习。
    男性: 在学习上,遇到简单的问题会觉得是一种复习。

    2. If There’s Anything I Can Do, Let Me Know: 有什么我能做的就叫我。

    高进: 我决定把我的房子租出去。这样的话,我每个月能多几块钱的收入。
    (Gāo jìn: Wǒ juédìng bǎ wǒ de fángzi zū chūqù. Zhèyàng dehuà, wǒ měi gè yuè néng duō jǐ kuài qián de shōurù.)
    I've decided to rent out my place. That way I'll have a little extra income.

    (Lǐ yáng: Bǎ fángzi zū chūqù dehuà, nǐ zhù nǎ'er?)
    If you rent out your place, where will you live?

    (Gāo jìn: Wǒ zhù wǒ bà mā jiā. Wǒ mā shēngbìngle, wǒ yào zhù tā jiā zhàogù tā.) I'll stay with my parents. My mother is sick. I want to live with them and take care of her.

    ( Lǐ yáng: Yuánlái shì zhèyàng a, yǒu shén me wǒ néng zuò de jiù jiào wǒ. Nǐ bié tài xīnkǔ.)
    Oh that's the reason. If there's anything I can do, please let me know. Don't push yourself too hard.


    1. 男性: 我决定把我的房子租出去...决定。。。我决定。。。房子。。。我的房子。。。。把。。把我的房子。。。。。我决定把我的房子。。。。。。租。。出去。。。租出去。。。。把我的房子住出去。。。。。。。我决定把我的房子租出去。。。。。。。。
    男性: 我决定把我的房子租出去

    2. 女性: 这样的话,我每个月能多几块钱的收入。。。这样。。这样的话。。。我。。能。。我能。。。几块钱。。。多。。多几块钱。。。。收入。。。的收入。。。多几块钱的收入。。。。。每个月。。。我每个月。。。。能多几块钱的收入。。。。。我每个月能多几块钱的收入。。。。。。。。。
    女性: 这样的话,我每个月能多几块钱的收入。

    3. 男性:原来是这样啊,有什么我能做的就叫我。。原来。。是这样。。。原来是这样啊。。。。做。。我做。。。我能做。。。我能做的。。。。有什么。。。有什么我能做的。。。。。就。。叫我。。就叫我。。。。有什么我能做的就叫我。。。。。。。 原来是这样啊,有什么我能做的就叫我。。。。。。。。。。。。
    女性: 我妈生病了,我要住她家照顾她。。。。。。。。。
    男性: 原来是这样啊,有什么我能做的就叫我

  • This week we discuss offering to help out. I liked this dialogue from Maayot.com because of the useful phrase at the end which is a great one to know in any language: "If there's anything I can do, please let me know". Join us as we discuss this and other useful Chinese words and expressions.

    Vicky and I also have a website! For one-on-one Chinese lessons, small group classes and more, come check out Apextutoring.org

    1. 房子 – a house, flat, or apartment
    2. 租出去 – to rent out
    3. 几块钱 – some money, a little bit of money
    4. 收入 – income, earnings, revenue
    5. 住 – to live, reside, stay
    6. 家 – (in this context) home, or household
    7. 照顾 – to look after, care for, attend to
    8. 原来 – as a matter of fact, as it turns out, so that’s the reason, actually
    9. 做 – to do
    10. 别 – short for 不要, meaning “don’t”
    11. 辛苦 – to work hard, go to great trouble, go through hardships

    高进: 我决定把我的房子租出去。这样的话,我每个月能多几块钱的收入。
    (Gāo jìn: Wǒ juédìng bǎ wǒ de fángzi zū chūqù. Zhèyàng dehuà, wǒ měi gè yuè néng duō jǐ kuài qián de shōurù.)
    I've decided to rent out my place. That way I'll have a little extra income.

    (Lǐ yáng: Bǎ fángzi zū chūqù dehuà, nǐ zhù nǎ'er?)
    If you rent out your place, where will you live?

    (Gāo jìn: Wǒ zhù wǒ bà mā jiā. Wǒ mā shēngbìngle, wǒ yào zhù tā jiā zhàogù tā.) I'll stay with my parents. My mother is sick. I want to live with them and take care of her.

    ( Lǐ yáng: Yuánlái shì zhèyàng a, yǒu shén me wǒ néng zuò de jiù jiào wǒ. Nǐ bié tài xīnkǔ.)
    Oh that's the reason. If there's anything I can do, please let me know. Don't push yourself too hard.

    1. 住城外 – to live in the suburbs
    2. 住旅馆 – to stay at a hotel
    3. 对面没人住 – Nobody lives opposite me. (or across the way)
    4.他住在北京 – He lives in BeiJing
    5.我住这间屋 – I live in this room. Or this is my room
    6. 我们住上了新房。- We’ve moved into a new house.

  • 我很好奇他怎么没来。。I wonder why he didn’t come..

    好奇 - Curious

    奇怪,他怎么没来?。。Strange, why didn’t he come?

    我很好奇答案是什么。。I wonder what the answer is..

    我很好奇发生了什么。。。I wonder what happened

    我好奇你用中文怎么说?.. I wonder how you say that in Chinese.

    我还以为是谁带来这些饼干,原来是你啊! I was wondering who brought those cookies, so it was you!

    我以为今天要下雨,原来是一个大晴天。 I thought it was going to rain today, but it turned out to be a bright, sunny day.

    我还在想他为什么会迟到,原来是他的车坏了。I was wondering why he was late. It turns out he had car trouble.

    你有没有想过为什么天空是蓝的? Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue?

    你有没有好奇。。? Do you wonder why…?

    你有没有好奇过。。? Have you ever wondered..?

  • Join us this week for a beginner Chinese lesson about The Joy of Learning, something as language learners, I believe we can all relate to.
    Thanks again to Maayot for being our sponsor for this episode as well as providing the article for today's lesson. For daily, bite-sized stories sent to your inbox, follow the link right here: www.maayot.com

    1. 学习 (xuéxí) To Study, To Learn
    2.有趣 (yǒuqù) Interesting
    3. 提到 (tí dào) To Mention
    4.用心 (yòngxīn) Diligently
    5.一件事情 (yī jiàn shìqíng) Something
    6.学科 (xuékē) Subject
    7. 遇到 (yù dào) Encounter, To Come Across
    8.复习 (fùxí) Review, To Review
    9.困难 (kùnnán)
    10. 挑战 (tiǎozhàn) A Challenge


    Xuéxí shì yī jiàn hěn yǒuqù de shì. Hěnduō rén yī tí dào yòngxīn xuéxí, jiù juédé zhè shì méiyǒu kěnéng de, yīnwèi tāmen rènwéi xuéxí shì yī jiàn bùshì hěn yǒuqù de shìqíng. Qíshí dāng nǐ zhǎodào nǐ xǐhuān de xuékē zhīhòu, nǐ jiù huì kāishǐ rènwéi xuéxí shì yǒuqù dele. Zài xuéxí shàng, yù dào jiǎndān de wèntí huì juédé shì yī zhǒng fùxí, yù dào kùnnán de wèntí shí, huì juédé shì yī zhǒng tiǎozhàn。

    Learning is a very interesting thing. Many people think that it is impossible to focus on studying because it's not very interesting. In fact, when you find a subject you like, you will start to think that learning is interesting. While studying, when you encounter simple problems, you will feel that it is review, and when you encounter difficult ones, you will feel that it is a challenge.

  • Lindi: 听说你刚刚去了华盛顿。玩儿得怎么样?(Tīng shuō nǐ gānggāng qùle HuáShèngDùn. Wán er dé zěnme yàng?)
    I heard you just went to Washington D.C. How was your trip?

    Vicky: 啊,是的,是的,我们这个周末去了一趟华盛顿。。很不错。以前去华盛顿都是去白宫这些旅游景点打卡,可是这一次我们去的是一些居民区,感觉特别不一样啊。(A, shì de, shì de, wǒmen zhège zhōumò qùle yī tàng huáshèngdùn.. Hěn bùcuò. Yǐqián qù huáshèngdùn dōu shì qù báigōng zhèxiē lǚyóu jǐngdiǎn dǎkǎ, kěshì zhè yīcì wǒmen qù de shì yīxiē jūmín qū, gǎnjué tèbié bù yīyàng a.)Ah yes, we went to D.C. this weekend. Whenever we went in the past it was always to the tourist attractions, but this time we went to go see some of the residential areas. The feeling is quite a bit different.

    Lindi: 那,是不是这一次有机会看到真正的华盛顿?(Nà, shì bùshì zhè yīcì yǒu jīhuì kàn dào zhēnzhèng de huáshèngdùn?)
    So this was a chance to see the "real" Washington D.C.?

    Vicky: 对对对是的,的确如此。(Duì duì duì shì de, díquè rúcǐ)
    Yes exactly!

    Supplementary words/phrases:

    国会山 - Capitol Hill

    I can’t remember the name very well but once place that left an impression was the neighborhood where my friend told me Obama lives.

    Did you pass by his house?


    1. 我昨天打卡了一家网红餐厅。(Wǒ zuótiān dǎkǎle yījiā wǎng hóng cāntīng.)Yesterday I checked going to that restaurant that’s so trendy online, off of my list.

    2. 在西班牙旅游的时候你打卡了哪些景点.(Zài xībānyá lǚyóu de shíhòu nǐ dǎkǎle nǎxiē jǐngdiǎn?) While you were in Spain, what were all the places you managed to check off your list?

    3. 这家公司上下班都得打卡—不太自由.(Zhè jiā gōngsī shàng xiàbān dōu déi dǎkǎ—bù tài zìyóu) At this company you have to punch in and out of work — it feels very rigid.

    4. 你有没有过需要上下班打卡的工作?(Nǐ yǒu méiyǒuguò xūyào shàng xiàbān dǎkǎ de gōngzuò?)Have you ever had the kind of job where you had to punch in and punch out?

    ~(Vicky's response)是的。就是在中国和在美国都有过上下班都需要打卡的工作。我觉得很不自由。(Shì de. Jiùshì zài ZhōngGuó hé zài MěiGuó dōu yǒuguò shàng xiàbān dōu xūyào dǎkǎ de gōngzuò. Wǒ juédé hěn bù zìyóu.)
    Yes. Both in China and the U.S. I’ve had jobs where I needed to punch in. I felt that it was very restrictive.

  • Fitness Newbie
    1. 女性:锻炼。。。锻炼腿部。。。。腹部。。。腿部和腹部。。。。锻炼腿部和腹部。。。。。主要。。主要是锻炼腿部和腹部。。。。。 小白。。。健身小白。。。。 但我是健身小白。。。。。 主要是锻炼腿部和腹部,但我是健身小白。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

    男性: 你想锻炼哪个部位?。。。。。。。。。。

    女性: 主要是锻炼腿部和腹部,但我是健身小白。

    2. 男性: 我们这里。。。有很多。。。有很多器械。。。。我们这里有很多器械。。。。。可以。。。可以帮你。。。。。达到目标。。。可以帮你达到目标。。。。。。我们这里有很多器械可以帮你达到目标。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。



    3. 男性:这是。。。有氧运动区。。。。这是有氧运动区。。。。。有跑步机。。。椭圆机等。。。。这是有氧运动区,有跑步机、椭圆机等。。。。。。。。。。。。



    4. 男性:首先。。。我们。。。热身一下。。。首先,我们热身一下。。。。。。。做些。。。拉伸运动。。。。做些拉伸运动。。。。。然后。。。慢慢开始。。。跑步。。。然后,慢慢开始跑步。。。。。。首先,我们热身一下,做些拉伸运动,然后慢慢开始跑步。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。



    5. 女性:跑步时。。。要保持。。。正常呼吸。。。跑步时,要保持正常呼吸。。。。。。。不要太用力。。。。。。。跑步时要保持正常呼吸,不要太用力。。。。。。。。。。。。。



    Dieting Misconceptions:
    1. 男性:误区。。。减肥误区。。。。。常见的减肥误区。。。。。。一些常见的减肥误区。。。。。。。。介绍。。。介绍了一些。。。。它介绍了一些。。。。。。它介绍了一些常见的减肥误区。。。。。。


    男性: 没有。不过,它介绍了一些常见的减肥误区。

    2. 女性:饮食。。习惯。。饮食习惯。。。。突然出现。。。。大的改变。。。。突然出现大的改变。。。。。。。饮食习惯突然出现大的改变。。。。。。。。如果饮食习惯突然出现大的改变的话。。。。。。影响。。被影响。。可能会被影响。。。。情绪。。人的情绪。。。。

    男性: 为什么人们不应该通过少吃饭来减肥?。。。。。。。。。。。


    3. 男性:负面。。负面影响。。。带来的负面影响。。。。。食带来的负面影响。。。。。。忽略。。我们不能忽略。。。。。我们不能忽略节食带来的负面影响。。。。。。。。。。。。



    4. 女性:不利于。。。不利于减肥。。。。常见行为。。。。不利于减肥的常见行为。。。。。。。。它写了一些不利于减肥的常见行为。。。。。。。。。节食。。除了节食。。。除了节食,它还写了一些不利于减肥的常见行为。。。。。。。。。。熬夜。。喝酒。。比如熬夜、喝酒等。。。。。 比如熬夜、喝酒等行为。。。。除了节食,它还写了一些不利于减肥的常见行为,比如熬夜、喝酒等行为。。。。



  • Weight Loss Misconceptions, and Unhelpful Habits

    Thanks to Maayot for sponsoring today's episode! Please visit Maayot.com to improve Chinese reading comprehension and more.
    Website: https://www.maayot.com

    减肥 – to lose weight
    误区 – a misconception, a persistent mistaken idea
    饮食 – food and drink, diet – as in what one normally eats
    情绪 – morale, feeling, mood, state of mind
    影响 – influence, effect (noun) affect, interfere, impact (verb)
    节食 – to go on a diet, to be moderate in food and drink
    暴躁 – irritable, short-tempered
    稳定 – steady, calm
    忽略 – to neglect, overlook
    负面 - negative
    利于 – beneficial, to be good for
    熬夜 – to stay up late or all night
    热量 - calories

    (Lín mèng: Wǒ zuìjìn dúle yī běn jiǎng jiǎnféi de shū.)

    (Zhāng nán: Tā yǒu jièshào shénme hǎo de jiǎnféi fāngfǎ ma?)

    (Lín mèng: Méiyǒu. Bùguò, tā jièshàole yīxiē chángjiàn de jiǎnféi wùqū. Tā shuō rénmen bù yīng gāi tōngguò shǎo chīfàn lái jiǎnféi. Yīnwèi rúguǒ yǐnshí xíguàn tūrán chūxiàn dà de gǎibiàn dehuà, rén de qíngxù kěnéng huì bèi yǐngxiǎng. Yǒu de rén jiéshí de shíhòu huì biàn dé hěn bàozào.)

    (Zhāng nán: Wǒ tóngyì zhège shuōfǎ. Qíngxù wěndìng duì wǒmen de jiànkāng hé shēnghuó hěn zhòngyào. Wǒmen bùnéng hūlüè jiéshí dài lái de fùmiàn yǐngxiǎng.)

    (Lín mèng: Chúle jiéshí, tā hái xiěle yīxiē bù lìyú jiǎnféi de chángjiàn xíngwéi, bǐrú áoyè, hējiǔ děng xíngwéi.)

    (Zhāng nán: Wǒ zhīdào áoyè bù lìyú jiǎnféi, dànshì hējiǔ yě huì yǐngxiǎng jiǎnféi ma?)

    (Lín mèng: Shì de. Píjiǔ shì dàmǐ niàng zhì de, suǒyǐ píjiǔ de rèliàng yě gāo.)

    Lin Meng: I recently read a book about weight loss.
    Zhang Nan: Does it introduce any good weight loss methods?
    Lin Meng: No. However, it introduces some common weight loss myths. It says people should not lose weight by eating less. Because if there is a sudden big change in eating habits, people's mood may be affected. Some people become very cranky when dieting.
    Zhang Nan: I agree with that. Emotional stability is important for our health and life. We cannot ignore the negative effects of dieting.
    Lin Meng: In addition to dieting, it also writes about some common behaviors that are not conducive to weight loss, such as staying up late and drinking alcohol.
    Zhang Nan: I know that staying up late doesn't help with weight loss, but does drinking alcohol also affect weight loss?
    Lin Meng: Yes. Beer is brewed from rice, so it also has a lot of calories.

  • Lindi: 诶? 听说昨天我们这儿有一个名人演讲。你去听了吗?(Éi? Tīng shuō zuótiān wǒmen zhè'er yǒu yīgè míngrén yǎnjiǎng. Nǐ qù tīngle ma?)
    Hey I heard a well-known speaker came here to give a speech yesterday. Did you go?

    Vicky: 哎。。。我去了。别提了。你什么也没错过。都是一些陈词滥调。没什么意思. (Āi... Wǒ qùle. Biétíle. Nǐ shénme yě méi cuòguò. Dōu shì yīxiē chéncílàndiào. Méishénme yìsi.)
    Ah...I went. Don't ask. You didn't miss anything. It was just the usual cliche BS. Totally meaningless.

    Lindi: 啊啊OK。跟我猜的一样,所以我才没去。(A a OK. Gēn wǒ cāi de yīyàng, suǒyǐ wǒ cái méi qù. )
    Oh OK, that's what I thought so I didn't go.

    Vicky: 啊。。你很聪明!(A.. Nǐ hěn cōngmíng!)
    Ah..that was smart!

    Supplementary Phrases:
    不要以貌取人(Bùyào yǐmàoqǔrén) -
    Don’t judge someone by their appearance (a.k.a. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover)

    车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直(Chē dào shān qián bì yǒu lù, chuán dào qiáotóu zìrán zhí) - Let’s cross that bridge when we come to it. Everything will turn out all right.

  • Are you into fitness, or do you aspire to do it more often and fall short? Either way, you're not alone. Join us as we talk about exercise basics, being a novice, and more.

    A big thank you to today's sponsor, Maayot.com.
    I often use Maayot as a way of staying up to date on current stories in China, while getting in some daily Mandarin practice.
    Please follow the link to learn more: https://www.maayot.com

    健身教练 – Fitness Instructor
    陌生面孔 – Unfamiliar Face(s)
    部位 – area, place (in this context, referring to the human body)
    腹部 – the abdomen
    小白 – someone who is a novice, or a newbie
    器械 – apparatus, appliance, instrument
    达到目标 – to achieve one’s goals
    有氧运动区 – aerobic exercise area
    跑步机 - treadmill
    椭圆机 - elliptical
    热身 – to warm up
    拉伸运动 – stretching exercises
    坚持下去 – to stick with something

    赵杰:你好!我是赵杰。你是新来的吗?(Nǐ hǎo! Wǒ shì zhào jié. Nǐ shì xīn lái de ma?) Hello! I'm Zhao Jie. Are you new here?

    王雨:是的,我是新来的。我叫王雨。你怎么知道的?(Shì de, wǒ shì xīn lái de. Wǒ jiào wáng yǔ. Nǐ zěnme zhīdào de?) Yes, I'm new. I'm Wang Yu. How did you know?

    赵杰:我是这里的健身教练,看到陌生面孔就会注意一下。欢迎! 你想锻炼哪个部位?(Wǒ shì zhèlǐ de jiànshēn jiàoliàn, kàn dào mòshēng miànkǒng jiù huì zhùyì yīxià. Huānyíng! Nǐ xiǎng duànliàn nǎge bùwèi?) I am a fitness instructor here so when I see unfamiliar faces I usually take notice. Welcome! Which area do you want to exercise?

    王雨:主要是锻炼腿部和腹部,但我是健身小白。可以给一些建议吗?(Zhǔyào shi duànliàn tuǐ bù hé fùbù, dàn wǒ shì jiànshēn xiǎo bái. Kěyǐ gěi yīxiē jiànyì ma?) Mainly I want to do legs and abdomen, but I am a fitness novice. Can you give me some suggestions?

    赵杰:当然!我们这里有很多器械可以帮你达到目标。你想尝试一下吗?(Dāngrán! Wǒmen zhè li yǒu hěnduō qìxiè kěyǐ bāng nǐ dádào mùbiāo. Nǐ xiǎng chángshì yīxià ma?) Of course! We have a lot of equipment here to help you reach your goals. Would you like to give them a try?

    王雨:好的,但我对器械不太熟悉。(Hǎo de, dàn wǒ duì qìxiè bù tài shúxī) Okay, but I'm not very familiar with exercise equipment.

    (Méi wèntí, wǒ kěyǐ jiào nǐ. Zhè shì yǒu yǎng yùndòng qū, yǒu pǎobù jī, tuǒyuán jī děng. Wǒmen kěyǐ cóng jiǎndān de kāishǐ. Shǒuxiān, wǒmen rèshēn yīxià, zuò xiē lā shēn yùndòng, ránhòu màn man kāishǐ pǎobù. Pǎobù shí yào bǎochí zhèngcháng hūxī, bùyào tài yònglì.)
    No problem, I can teach you. This is the aerobic exercise area with treadmills, elliptical machines, etc. We can start simple. First, we warm up, do some stretching, and then slowly start running. Breathe normally while running and don't push too hard.

    王雨:好的,我会注意的。其实,我也想变得更健康。希望能坚持下去。(Hǎo de, wǒ huì zhùyì de. Qíshí, wǒ yě xiǎng biàn dé gèng jiànkāng. Xīwàng néng jiānchí xiàqù.)
    Okay, I will keep that in mind. Actually, I also want to become healthier. Hope I can stick with it.

    赵杰:没问题,有任何问题都可以问我。 (Méi wèntí, yǒu rènhé wèntí dōu kěyǐ wèn wǒ.) No worries, if you have any questions, just ask me.

    王雨:好的,这里的氛围很好。谢谢你的帮助!(Hǎo de, Xièxiè nǐ de bāngzhù!)
    Okay, Thank you for your help!

    赵杰:不客气,欢迎随时来找我。一起加油!(Bù kèqì, huānyíng suíshí lái zhǎo wǒ. Yīqǐ jiāyóu!) No problem,you're welcome to come find me anytime. We've got this!)

  • Setting Up A Smart Phone:
    老奶奶: 我刚买了一部新手机,但有一些功能不太懂。你能帮我设置一下吗?(Wǒ gāng mǎile yī bù xīn shǒujī, dàn, yǒu yīxiē gōngnéng bù tài dǒng. Nǐ néng bāng wǒ shèzhì yīxià ma)

    小洋: 当然可以!你先开机,然后选择语言和地区,接下来选择手动设置。下一步,加入你的Wi-Fi。之后,你就可以根据它的提示一步一步进行操作。比如说,设置面部识别、密码解锁等等,最后选择想下载的App。这样就设置完了。(Dāngrán kěyǐ! Nǐ xiān kāijī, ránhòu xuǎnzé yǔyán hé dìqū, jiē xiàlái xuǎnzé shǒudòng shèzhì. Xià yībù, jiārù nǐ de Wi-Fi. Zhīhòu, nǐ jiù kěyǐ gēnjù tā de tíshì yībù yībù jìnxíng cāozuò. Bǐrú shuō, shèzhì miànbù shíbié, mìmǎ jiěsuǒ děng děng, zuìhòu xuǎnzé xiǎng xiàzài de App. Zhèyàng jiù shèzhì wán le.)

    老奶奶: 好的,好的,明白了!还有什么其他常用操作吗?比如怎么开免提,怎么开静音或者调音量?(Hǎo de, míngbáile! Hái yǒu qítā chángyòng de cāozuò ma? Bǐrú zěnme kāi miǎn tí, zěnme kāi jìngyīn huòzhě tiáo yīnliàng?)

    小洋: 当你接电话的时候,可以滑动屏幕选择“免提”或者“静音”模式。也可以按手机侧面的音量键调整音量大小。(Dāng nǐ jiē diànhuà de shíhòu, kěyǐ huádòng píngmù xuǎnzé “miǎn tí” huòzhě “jìngyīn” móshì. Yě kěyǐ àn shǒujī cèmiàn de yīnliàng jiàn tiáozhěng yīnliàng dàxiǎo.)

    老奶奶: 学会了!如果我还有其他问题的话,再来找你吧!(Xuéhuìle! Rúguǒ wǒ hái yǒu qítā wèntí dehuà, zàilái zhǎo nǐ ba)

    小洋:好的。随时!(Hǎo de. Suíshí!)

    Pronunciation Training:
    1. 女性: 你先开机,然后选择语言和地区,接下来选择手动设置。。。开机。。你先开机。。。然后选择。。。。地区。。。语言和地区。。。。。 然后选择语言和地区。。。。。 设置。。 手动设置。。。。接下来选择手动设置。。。。。。。 你先开机,然后选择语言和地区。。。。。。。。 你先开机,然后选择语言和地区,接下来选择手动设置。。。。。。。。。。
    男性: 你能帮我设置一下手机吗?。。。。。。。。。。。。
    女性: 你先开机,然后选择语言和地区,接下来选择手动设置。

    2. 男性: 下一步,加入你的Wi-Fi。之后,你就可以根据它的提示一步一步进行操作 。。。 加入。。
    加入你的Wi-Fi。。。。。下一步,加入你的Wi-Fi。。。。。。。 提示。。。。。根据它的提示。。。。。。一步一步。。进行操作。。。一步一步进行操作 。。。。。根据它的提示一步一步进行操作。。。。。。。你就可以根据它的提示一步一步进行操作。。。。。。。。。 之后,你就可以根据它的提示一步一步进行操作。。。。。。。。 下一步,加入你的Wi-Fi。之后,你就可以根据它的提示一步一步进行操作。。。。。。。。。。。。。
    男性: 下一步,加入你的Wi-Fi。之后,你就可以根据它的提示一步一步进行操作。

    3. 女性: 当你接电话的时候,可以滑动屏幕选择“免提”或者“静音”模式。。滑动屏幕。。。可以滑动屏幕。。。。免提。。 静音模式。。。“免提”或者“静音”模式。。。。。选择“免提”或者“静音”模式。。。。。。。。 可以滑动屏幕选择“免提”或者“静音”模式。。。。。。。。。。 当你接电话的时候。。。。。。 当你接电话的时候,可以滑动屏幕选择“免提”或者“静音”模式。。。。。。。。。。。。
    男性: 在用电话的时候,怎么样开免提或者开静音模式?。。。。。。。。。。。。。
    女性: 当你接电话的时候,可以滑动屏幕选择“免提”或者“静音”模式。

    4. 男性: 也可以按手机侧面的音量键调整音量大小。。。音量键。。。按手机的音量键。。。。。侧面。。
    手机侧面。。。。按手机侧面的音量键。。。。。。也可以按手机侧面的音量键。。。。。。。。。。。。音量大小。。。。调整音量大小。。。。。。 也可以按手机侧面的音量键调整音量大小。。。。。。。。。
    女性: 还有其他常用的操作吗?。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
    男性: 也可以按手机侧面的音量键调整音量大小

    Cell Phone Savvy:
    奶奶: 小洋, 我有一些新的问题。有关于通知的设置,我想知道怎么关闭或者设为静音模式。(XiǎoYáng, wǒ yǒu yīxiē xīn de wèntí. Yǒu guānyú tōngzhī de shèzhì, wǒ xiǎng zhīdào zěnme guānbì huòzhě shè wèi jìngyīn móshi)

    小样: 在设置里找到“通知”选项,你可以选择关闭通知或者设为静音模式,根据你的需要来调整。
    (Zài shèzhì lǐ zhǎodào “tōngzhī” xuǎnxiàng, nǐ kěyǐ xuǎnzé guānbì tōngzhī huòzhě shè wèi jìngyīn tōngzhī, gēnjù nǐ de xūyào tiáozhěng.)
    奶奶: 还有其他需要注意的功能吗?(Hái yǒu qítā xūyào zhùyì de gōngnéng ma?)

    小洋: 如果你要坐飞机或者需要静音,可以在设置里找到“飞行模式”和“静音模式”进行设置。( Rúguǒ nǐ yào zuò fēijī huòzhě xūyào jìngyīn, kěyǐ zài shèzhì lǐ zhǎodào “fēixíng móshì” hé “jìngyīn móshì” jìnxíng shèzhì)

    奶奶: 明白了,你真聪明呀!有问题我还会再问你的。(Míngbáile, nǐ zhēn cōngmíng ya! Yǒu wèntí wǒ hái huì zài wèn nǐ de)

    小样: 当然可以啦!如果还有其他问题,也可以问智能语音助手,它也能帮你解答。(Dāngrán kěyǐ la! Rúguǒ hái yǒu qítā wèntí, yě kěyǐ wèn zhìnéng yǔyīn zhùshǒu, tā yě néng bāng nǐ jiědá)
    奶奶: 好的,我现在就去试试看!(Hǎo de, wǒ xiànzài jiù qù shì shìkàn)
    Pronunciation Training:

    1. 男性: 有关于通知的设置,我想知道怎么关闭或者设为静音模式。。。设置。。通知的设置。。。。
    怎么关闭或者设为静音模式。。。。。。。。。 我想知道怎么关闭或者设为静音模式。。。。。。。。。。 有关于通知的设置。。。。。。 我想知道怎么关闭或者设为静音模式。。。。。。。。。

    2. 女性: 你可以选择关闭通知或者设为静音模式,根据你的需要来调整。。。关闭通知。。。。设为静音模式。。。。。关闭通知或者设为静音模式。。。。。。。你可以选择。。。。 你可以选择关闭通知或者设为静音模式。。。。。。。。。调整。。来调整。。。根据你的需要。。。。 根据你的需要来调整。。。。。。。 你可以选择关闭通知或者设为静音模式,根据你的需要来调整。。。。。。。。。。。。。
    男性: 怎么样来调整通知的设置?。。。。。。。。。。。。
    女性: 你可以选择关闭通知或者设为静音模式,根据你的需要来调整。

    3. 男性:如果还有其他问题,也可以问智能语音助手,它也能帮你解答。。。助手。。语音助手。。。智能语音助手。。。。 也可以问智能语音助手。。。。。。解答。。帮你解答。。。。 它也能帮你解答。。。。。。
    也可以问智能语音助手,它也能帮你解答。。。。。。。。。 如果还有其他问题。。。。。。。 如果还有其他问题,也可以问智能语音助手,它也能帮你解答。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
    男性: 如果还有其他问题,也可以问智能语音助手,它也能帮你解答。

  • In this episode, Vicky and I talk more about cell phone technology and Apps. We narrow in on vocabulary about Notification Settings, silencing or turning them off, and Smart Voice Assistants in China (like Xiao Du).

    A special thanks to Maayot.com for sponsoring today's episode. I use Maayot to improve my Mandarin skills, and have previously created episodes for The Convo Club with some of their short stories. If you would like to find out more, please follow the link: https://www.maayot.com

    1. 通知的设置 (tōngzhī de shèzhì) Notification Settings
    2. 设为(shè wèi) To Set (something) To
    3. 静音模式(jìngyīn móshi)) Silent Mode
    4. 在设置里 (zài shèzhì lǐ ) Under “Settings”, or Within “Settings”
    5. 选项 -
    6. 关闭通知(guānbì tōngzhī) Turn off notifications
    7. 飞行模式(fēixíng móshì) Airplane Mode
    8. 智能语音助手 (zhìnéng yǔyīn zhùshǒu) Smart Voice Assistant
    9. 解答 (jiědá) To Answer, To Explain

    奶奶: 小洋, 我有一些新的问题。有关于通知的设置,我想知道怎么关闭或者设为静音模式。(XiǎoYáng, wǒ yǒu yīxiē xīn de wèntí. Yǒu guānyú tōngzhī de shèzhì, wǒ xiǎng zhīdào zěnme guānbì huòzhě shè wèi jìngyīn móshi) Xiao Yang, I have some new questions. Regarding notification settings, I would like to know how to turn them off or set them to silent mode.

    小洋: 在设置里找到“通知”选项,你可以选择关闭通知或者设为静音模式,根据你的需要来调整。
    (Zài shèzhì lǐ zhǎodào “tōngzhī” xuǎnxiàng, nǐ kěyǐ xuǎnzé guānbì tōngzhī huòzhě shè wèi jìngyīn móshì, gēnjù nǐ de xūyào lai tiáozhěng.) Find the "Notifications" option in settings. You can choose to turn off notifications or set them to mute notifications, adjusting according to your needs.

    奶奶: 还有其他需要注意的功能吗?(Hái yǒu qítā xūyào zhùyì de gōngnéng ma?) Are there any other features I should be aware of?

    小洋: 如果你要坐飞机或者需要静音,可以在设置里找到“飞行模式”和“静音模式”进行设置。(Rúguǒ nǐ yào zuò fēijī huòzhě xūyào jìngyīn, kěyǐ zài shèzhì lǐ zhǎodào “fēixíng móshì” hé “jìngyīn móshì” jìnxíng shèzhì) If you are going to fly or need to mute the sound, you can find "Airplane Mode" and "Silent Mode" in the settings to set it.

    奶奶: 明白了,你真聪明呀!有问题我还会再问你的。(Míngbáile, nǐ zhēn cōngmíng ya! Yǒu wèntí wǒ hái huì zài wèn nǐ de) Got it, You are so smart! I will ask you again if I have any questions.

    小样: 当然可以啦!如果还有其他问题,也可以问智能语音助手,它也能帮你解答。(Dāngrán kěyǐ la! Rúguǒ hái yǒu qítā wèntí, yě kěyǐ wèn zhìnéng yǔyīn zhùshǒu, tā yě néng bāng nǐ jiědá) Of course! If you have other questions, you can also ask the smart voice assistant, which can also help you answer them.

    奶奶: 好的,我现在就去试试看!(Hǎo de, wǒ xiànzài jiù qù shì shìkàn) Okay, I’ll give it a try right now!

  • Dialogue:
    Vicky: 我最近听了一首特别让我上头的歌。叫 My Stupid Heart. 那个小孩特别可爱。不知道你有没有听这首歌?
    (Wǒ zuìjìn tīngle yī shǒu tèbié ràng wǒ shàngtóu de gē. Jiào “My Stupid Heart” Nàgè xiǎohái tèbié kě'ài. Bù zhīdào nǐ yǒu méiyǒu tīng zhè shǒu gē)
    I recently heard a song that’s super catchy. It's called “My Stupid Heart” That kid is so cute. I don’t know if you've heard this song or not?

    Lindi: 没听过。在哪儿可以听?
    (Méi tīngguò. Zài nǎ'er kěyǐ tīng?)
    No I haven’t. Where can I listen to it?

    (Wǎngshàng hǎoxiàng dàochù dōu shì. Nǐ kěyǐ zhǎo yī zhǎo)
    It seems to be everywhere on the Internet. You can look for it.

    Lindi: 啊是吗?好的。那我一会儿在油管上查一下。
    (A shì ma? Hǎo de. Nà wǒ yīhuǐ'er zài yóuguǎn shàng chá yīxià)
    Oh really? Okay. I’ll check it out on YouTube in a little while.

    Lesson Content:
    上头:4 meanings - The 1st one:
    (Jiùshì zhè shǒu gē ya, yī tīng jiù hěn róngyì qù xué, hěn xiǎng gēnzhe yīqǐ chàng, hěn róngyì shàngyǐn jiù shàngtóu)
    It's talking about a particular song, you only have to hear it once and you already know it, you also can’t help singing along. It’s a song that’s very addictive.

    2nd Meaning: (Intoxicating, Goes to One's Head Quickly)
    (Rúguǒ nǐ hēle yī zhǒng jiǔ, ránhòu nǐ yīxià zi jiù juédé yǒudiǎn zuì, nǐ jiù kěyǐ shuō zhège jiǔ zhēn ràng rén shàngtou。)
    If you drink a certain type of alcohol and right away start to feel a bit tipsy , you can say that that alcohol really goes straight to your head.

    3rd Meaning: (The Upper Management)
    上头。。。你在中国的电视里面会经常看到,比如说有两个同事在说话, 假如说,我是同事A,你是同事B。然后我要是问你啊。。说。。你知道这件事情我们该怎么办吗?(Shàngtou... Nǐ zài zhōngguó de diànshì lǐmiàn huì jīngcháng kàn dào, bǐrú shuō yǒu liǎng gè tóngshì zài shuōhuà, jiǎrú shuō, wǒ shì tóngshì A, nǐ shì tóngshì B. Ránhòu wǒ yàoshi wèn nǐ a.. Shuō。。Nǐ zhīdào zhè jiàn shìqíng wǒmen gāi zěnme bàn ma?)
    You often see this on Chinese TV. For example, two colleagues are talking. Let's say I'm colleague A and you're colleague B. If I ask you…Do you know what we should do about this issue?

    (Rúguǒ nǐ zài zhōngguó dāi de shíjiān chǎngle jīngcháng huì yǒu yīxiē shìqíng. Rúguǒ nǐ bù zhīdào gāi zěnme jiějué nǐ yào qù wèn dehuà, dàjiā dūhuì shuō wǒmen tīng shàngtou de。)
    If you stay in China for a long time, there will often be some issues. If you don't know how to solve them and you ask, everyone will say that we listen to the boss.

    4th Meaning: (On Top of something)
    还有最后一个意思就是它可以表示一个。。。说“把这个盒子放在柜子上头”或者是说“在椅子上头坐着一只小猫”。。都可以。。(Hái yǒu zuìhòu yīgè yìsi jiùshì tā kěyǐ biǎoshì yīgè... Shuō “bǎ zhège hézi fàng zài guìzi shàngtou” huòzhě shì shuō “zài yǐzi shàngtou zuòzhe yī zhǐ xiǎo māo”.. Dōu kěyǐ.)
    The last meaning is that it can mean a... You can say "put the box on the top of the cabinet" or "there is a kitten sitting on the chair". It all works.

  • We're learning some cell phone related words today! I was realizing recently that I still struggle to say commonly used words like, "swipe left/swipe right" or "I have you on speaker", etc, and yet with our smart phones literally being next to us everywhere we go, I thought it was time to dig into some related expressions. Come join me as I learn all about smart phones in Chinese.

    emails us at: [email protected]

    1. 设置 (shèzhì) To Set Up, also means “settings”
    2. 手动设置 (shǒudòng shèzhì) Manual Set-Up
    3. 提示(tíshì) Prompt(s)
    4. 面部识别 (miànbù shíbié) Facial Recognition
    5. 解锁 (jiěsuǒ) To Unlock
    6. 下载 (xiàzài) To Download
    7. 免提 (miǎn tí)Hands-Free, Speaker Phone
    8. 静音 (jìngyīn) Mute
    9. 音量键(yīnliàng jiàn) Volume Key
    10. 滑动 (huádòng) To Slide, or Sliding Movement
    11. 模式 (móshì) Mode

    老奶奶: 我刚买了一部新手机,但有一些功能不太懂。你能帮我设置一下吗?(Wǒ gāng mǎile yī bù xīn shǒujī, dàn, yǒu yīxiē gōngnéng bù tài dǒng. Nǐ néng bāng wǒ shèzhì yīxià ma) I just bought a new mobile phone, but I don't understand some of its functions. Can you help me set it up?

    小洋: 当然可以!你先开机,然后选择语言和地区,接下来选择手动设置。下一步,加入你的Wi-Fi。之后,你就可以根据它的提示一步一步进行操作。比如说,设置面部识别、密码解锁等等,最后选择想下载的App。这样就设置完了。(Dāngrán kěyǐ! Nǐ xiān kāijī, ránhòu xuǎnzé yǔyán hé dìqū, jiē xiàlái xuǎnzé shǒudòng shèzhì. Xià yībù, jiārù nǐ de Wi-Fi. Zhīhòu, nǐ jiù kěyǐ gēnjù tā de tíshì yībù yībù jìnxíng cāozuò. Bǐrú shuō, shèzhì miànbù shíbié, mìmǎ jiěsuǒ děng děng, zuìhòu xuǎnzé xiǎng xiàzài de App. Zhèyàng jiù shèzhì wán le.) Of course! You first turn it on, then select language and region, and then select manual settings. Next, join your Wi-Fi. After that, you can follow its prompts step by step. For example, set up facial recognition, password unlocking, etc., and finally select the Apps you want to download. This completes the setup.

    老奶奶: 好的,好的,明白了!还有什么其他常用操作吗?比如怎么开免提,怎么开静音或者调音量?(Hǎo de, míngbáile! Hái yǒu qítā chángyòng de cāozuò ma? Bǐrú zěnme kāi miǎn tí, zěnme kāi jìngyīn huòzhě tiáo yīnliàng?) Okay, I got it! Are there other commonly used features? For example, how to use hands-free, mute, or how to adjust the volume?

    小洋: 当你接电话的时候,可以滑动屏幕选择“免提”或者“静音”模式。也可以按手机侧面的音量键调整音量大小。(Dāng nǐ jiē diànhuà de shíhòu, kěyǐ huádòng píngmù xuǎnzé “miǎn tí” huòzhě “jìngyīn” móshì. Yě kěyǐ àn shǒujī cèmiàn de yīnliàng jiàn tiáozhěng yīnliàng dàxiǎo.) When you answer the phone, you can slide the screen to select "hands-free" or "silent" mode. You can also press the volume keys on the side of the phone to adjust.

    老奶奶: 学会了!如果我还有其他问题的话,再来找你吧!(Xuéhuìle! Rúguǒ wǒ hái yǒu qítā wèntí dehuà, zàilái zhǎo nǐ ba) Got it! If I have any other questions, I’ll come find you!

    小洋:好的。随时!(Hǎo de. Suíshí!) Okay. Anytime!

  • The Straw The Broke the Camel's Back: 压死骆驼的最后一根稻草


    Vicky: 你知道吗?迈克马上要辞职了。
    ( Nǐ zhīdào ma? Màikè'ěr mǎshàng yào cízhíle. )
    Hey did you know that Mike's about to quit?

    Lindi: 我没听说呀,到底是怎么回事啊?我知道他不太喜欢他的工作,因为公司离他住的地方太远,而且他也常常抱怨说工作时间太长了。
    (Wǒ méi tīng shuō ya, dàodǐ shì zěnme huí shì a? Wǒ zhīdào tā bù tài xǐhuān tā de gōngzuò, yīnwèi gōngsī lí tā zhù dì dìfāng tài yuǎn, érqiě tā yě chángcháng bàoyuàn shuō gōngzuò shíjiān tài chǎngle.)
    I haven't heard. What could be the reason? I know he doesn't like his job all that much because it's far from where he lives, and he's often complaining that the work hours are too long)

    Vicky: 是啊,特别是最近他做的一个项目又被他的老板派给了别人,这就成了压死骆驼的最后一根稻草,他就决定辞职了啊.
    ( Shì a, tèbié shì zuìjìn tā zuò de yīgè xiàngmù yòu bèi tā de lǎobǎn pài gěile biérén, zhè jiù chéngle yā sǐ luòtuó de zuìhòu yī gēn dàocǎo, tā jiù juédìng cízhíle a)
    Right, and just recently yet another project that he was working on, the boss assigned to someone else. That was the last straw. He decided to resign.

    Lindi: 太可惜了,希望他能尽快找到自己喜欢的工作
    (Tài kěxíle, xīwàng tā néng jǐnkuài zhǎodào zìjǐ xǐhuān de gōngzuò.)
    Oh that's too bad. Hope he finds another job that he likes soon.

    Vicky: 嗯,是的.
    ( Ń, shì de)
    Mm, yeah...

  • Wrong Number Speech Training:
    1. 男性: 我是前两天预约在周二早上去检查的小李。。。预约。。前两天。。。前两天预约。。。。在周二早上。。。。去检查。。去检查的小李。。。。。在周二早上去检查的小李。。。。。。前两天预约在周二早上去检查的小李。。。。。。。我是前两天预约在周二早上去检查的小李。。。。。。。。。。。
    男性: 我是前两天预约在周二早上去检查的小李。

    2. 女性:因为工作原因,想协调一下,把时间定到下午三点,您看可以嗎?。。协调。。想协调一下。。。。下午三点。。。。把时间定到下午三点。。。。。。 想协调一下,把时间订到下午三点。。。。。。。因为工作原因。。。。。。 因为工作原因,想协调一下,把时间定到下午三点。。。。。。。。。。。 您看可以嗎。。。。
    女性: 因为工作原因,想协调一下,把时间定到下午三点,您看可以嗎?

    3.男性: 我是土生土长的美国人,但是在中国学习过一段时间。。。土生土长。。。美国人。。。土生土长的美国人。。。。。。。 我是土生土长的美国人。。。。。。。一段时间。。。学习过一段时间。。。。。。
    但是在中国学习过一段时间。。。。。。。。 我是土生土长的美国人,但是在中国学习过一段时间。。。。。。。。。。
    男性: 我是土生土长的美国人,但是在中国学习过一段时间。

    4.女性: 不好意思,的确是我输入错了号码,误打误撞发错信息给你了。。误打误撞。。。发错信息。。。
    误打误撞发错信息。。。。。。 误打误撞发错信息给你了。。。。。。。输入错了号码。。。。。 的确是我输入错了号码。。。。。。。 的确是我输入错了号码,误打误撞发错信息给你了。。。。。。。。。。
    男性: 你好像发错了电话。 我不是林医生。。。。。。。。。。。。。
    女性: 不好意思,的确是我输入错了号码,误打误撞发错信息给你了。

    5.男性: 昨天的冒失打扰到您了,不好意思。。冒失。。昨天的冒失。。。打扰到您了。。。。昨天的冒失打扰到您了。。。。。。 昨天的冒失打扰到您了,不好意思。。。。。。。。。。
    男性: 昨天的冒失打扰到您了,不好意思

    Who Are You Kidding Speech Training:
    1. 男性: 没怎么, 我就是昨天从电影院离开的时候撞到门上了 。。没怎么。。。 。。我就是。。。。昨天。。。。从电影院。。。。。。离开的时候。。。 。。。昨天从电影院离开的时候。。。。。。。。撞到门上了。。。。。没怎么, 我就是昨天从电影院离开的时候。。。。。。。。。。撞到门上了。。。 没怎么, 我就是昨天从电影院离开的时候撞到门上了。。。。。。。。。。。。
    男性:没怎么, 我就是昨天从电影院离开的时候撞到门上了。

    2. 女性: 你骗谁呢? 撞门能撞到下巴?。。。骗。。谁。。骗谁呢。。。。 你骗谁呢。。。。。撞。。撞门。。。能撞到。。。。撞门能撞到。。。。。下巴。。。 撞门能撞到下巴。。。。。。。你骗谁呢?撞门能撞到下巴?。。。。。。。。。。
    男性: 我就是昨天从电影院离开的时候撞到门上了。。。。。。。。。
    女性:你骗谁呢? 撞门能撞到下巴?

    3. 男性:我昨天回家的时候被车撞了。。我昨天。。。。回家。。。回家的时候。。。。。我昨天回家的时候。。。。。。被车撞了。。。。 我昨天回家的时候被车撞了。。。。。。。。

    4. 女性: 没去, 我只是被撞了一下, 没怎么样。。只是。。。我只是。。。。被撞了。。。。。被撞了一下。。。。。。 我只是被撞了一下。。。。。。。。怎么样。。。。 没怎么样。。。。。 我只是被撞了一下, 没怎么样。。。。。。。。。。 没去。。
    没去, 我只是被撞了一下, 没怎么样。。。。。。。。。。。。
    男性:你昨天发生了车祸? 那你去医院了吗? 。。。。。。。。。。
    女性: 没去, 我只是被撞了一下, 没怎么样。

  • Is today's protagonist Xiao Yang, a bit accident prone? Or did he get into a fight? In today's beginner level episode, we learn to ask certain questions such as "What happened (to your face)"? "What's the matter"? and responses that down-play it, like "Nothing" or "Nothing much". Today's key sentence structure is "Can you really (do this)..by (doing that)?"

    Thanks to Maayot.com for providing the script for today's lesson. Follow the link below to sign up for daily stories suited to your Chinese level right in your inbox:

    脸 (liǎn) - face
    昨天 (zuótiān) - yesterday
    电影院 (diànyǐngyuàn) - cinema
    离开 (líkāi) - leave
    撞 (zhuàng) - bump into
    骗 (piàn) - deceive, cheat
    下巴 (xiàba) - chin
    车祸 (chēhuò) - car accident
    医院 (yīyuàn) - hospital


    小样:没怎么, 我就是昨天从电影院离开的时候撞到门上了。
    高月:你骗谁呢? 撞门能撞到下巴?
    小样:(叹气。。。)好吧, 我昨天回家的时候被车撞了。
    高月:你昨天发生了车祸? 那你去医院了吗?
    小样:没去, 我只是被撞了一下, 没怎么样。

    Gāo Yuè: Nǐ de liǎn zěnme le?
    Xiǎo Yáng: Méi zěnme, wǒ jiùshì zuótiān cóng diànyǐngyuàn líkāi de shíhou zhuàng dào ménshàngle.
    Gāo Yuè: Nǐ piàn shuí ne? Zhuàng mén néng zhuàng dào xiàba?
    Xiǎo Yáng: Hǎo ba, wǒ zuótiān huí jiā de shíhou bèi chē zhuàngle.
    Gāo Yuè: Nǐ zuótiān fāshēngle chēhuò? Nà nǐ qù yīyuànle ma?
    Xiǎo Yáng: Méi qù, wǒ zhǐshì bèi zhuàngle yīxià, méi zěnme yàng.

    Gao Yue: What happened to your face?
    Xiǎo Yáng: Nothing, I just ran into the door when I was leaving the movies yesterday.
    Gao Yue: Who are you kidding? Can you hit your chin by running into the door?
    Xiǎo Yáng: Okay.. When I was going home yesterday, a car bumped into me.
    Gao Yue: You were in a car accident yesterday? Did you go to the hospital?
    Xiǎo Yáng: I didn’t go. It just bumped into me, nothing serious.

  • A former friend of the show, Kapa Zhao is back for a special episode about nearly being scammed. This one will be a great test for your listening comprehension, as we mostly speak Chinese throughout (stopping in just a few places for translation)