A Nemzetbiztonsági Szakszolgálat Nemzeti Kibervédelmi Intézet kiberbiztonsági podcastje
It's all about IT Security! IT biztonságról fogtok hallani olyan módon, mely azok számára is érthető, akik nem ülnek nyakig a bitekben.
Helping You Navigate the waves of Cord Cutting TV with tech, reviews, information, and news.
DevTales Podcast
SP Rupert and Stephen Jondrew host a weekly podcast dedicated for the Hobby Podcaster with tips and tricks on how to get started, sound great, have fun and not break the bank. Each week they talk about a podcasting topic in depth within an arc (like how to start a podcast, podcast gear for the hobby podcaster, and tips on different types of presenting-announcing-hosting) and then run down a current news item of importance to podcasting. They also run down any feedback and offer advice on how to make your hobby podcasting time better, easier and more fun. You can check them out at for more information.
Trace Labs is a Canadian based non profit specializing in the crowd sourcing of open source intelligence collection.
In this series, we explore the topics, techniques and tools that relate to OSINT collection. -
Behind the Influencer is an innovative podcast that explores the people behind the profile and how to understand more about social media. Hosted by Katie Da Silva, digital marketing expert and founder of influencer agency Initial Influencers.
Each week we will be discussing our expert top tips and tricks on social media, how the influencers have got to where they are, businesses who work within the industry and best practices to help you take your strategy to the next level!
Major retailers today face a major challenge to manage and distribute goods from suppliers around the world. What systems enable big business to keep in touch with latest sales information from their stores? How are Internet and Web technologies and their associated applications used in practice? This album explores how these technologies are changing the way businesses operate internally and externally. The seven video tracks examine a Tesco supply chain and present an insider's view of web services in a variety of environments - including IVIS (creators of Tesco direct), Deutsche bank and IBM. This material forms part of the course T320, Ebusiness technologies: foundations and practice.
Welcome aboard the Rocket Ship, the ultimate podcast voyage into the heart of React Native development with Simon Grimm! Whether you're a seasoned mobile app developer or just starting your journey, this is your go-to destination for all things React Native and Expo.
In this podcast, we'll explore groundbreaking research, innovative applications, and emerging technologies that are pushing the boundaries of AI. From ChatGPT and the recent merger of Google Brain and DeepMind to the latest developments in generative AI, we'll provide you with a comprehensive update on the AI landscape.
🚀 Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a professional in the field, or simply curious about artificial intelligence, this podcast is your go-to source for all things AI. Subscribe for weekly updates and deep dives into artificial intelligence innovations.
We empower organizations to leverage the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence. Our AI consultancy services are designed to meet the unique needs of industries such as oil and gas, healthcare, education, and finance. We provide customized AI Podcasts, custom AI training Mobile Apps and sessions, ongoing advisory services, and tailored AI solutions that drive innovation, efficiency, and growth.
Whether you're seeking an initial introduction to AI, continuous learning tools like tailored mobile apps or podcasts, or specialized project-based consulting, We can help bridge the gap between technology and real-world business outcomes. Let us help you unlock the potential of AI for your organization.
Contact us here to receive a personalized value proposition.
AI and Machine Learning For Dummies: Mobile App that can help anyone Master AI & Machine Learning on the go!
Download it and conquer any skill level with interactive quizzes, certification exams, flashcards, & animated concept maps in:
Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningDeep LearningGenerative AILLMsNLPxAIAI and ML OptimizationAI Ethics & Bias ⚖️& more! ➡️ App Store Link
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Learn the latest programming updates in the tech world.
Join Max & Manuel - two seasoned software engineers and two of the world's largest & bestselling online course instructors - as they delve into the dynamic worlds of tech, education, and entrepreneurship.Each episode offers insightful discussions, expert analysis, and thought-provoking debates on the latest trends and challenges shaping the tech industry, economy, and beyond.Max is one of the world's largest online course instructors and a successful book author. Together with Manuel he founded Academind; they taught more than 2,5 million people how to code, run a YouTube channel with 900.000 subscribers and reach more than 100.000 people on their other social media platforms.In this podcast Max & Manuel share their thoughts on a broad variety of topics - no matter if it's about coding, the economy, running a successful business or simply off topic.
Welcome to Taylor's Tech Talks. This is a channel focusing on tech topics from an accessibility perspective. We will also have frequent livestreams featuring special guests.
Sustainability is a complex issue that touches every aspect of a business, from operations to procurement to marketing. But sustainability is not just about the environment, it is also about social responsibility and diversity. That's why it's so important for companies to take a holistic approach to sustainability.
“Sustainability unravelled”, a podcast presented by TÜV SÜD, takes a deep dive into sustainability and how it relates to business. Join industry experts and thought leaders as they explore the business challenges of sustainability and the solutions that can help us create a more sustainable future. In this podcast, we discuss a wide range of sustainability topics including sustainable energy, new mobility, carbon management, as well as responsible business practices and how sustainability can improve a company's bottom line.
The moderators Laura Oberhausen and Cornelius Dalm bring in guests from a variety of backgrounds to give you a holistic understanding of the challenges and opportunities of implementing sustainable practices in the business world. Our guests share their insights on the common misconceptions that businesses may have about sustainability and how to overcome them.
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Produced by Sekura & Roessner Media GbR -
Podcast érdekes és hihetetlen történelmi eseményekről
بودكاست بيركز على اختبار الايلتس بحلقات يومية لتطوير الاستماع بمواضيع شبيهة بالاختبار🎙
A portréinterjú podcast. Beszélgetések egy kicsit lassabban. Kicsit mélyebben. A mindennapi káoszon túl. Műsorvezető: Tóth Szabolcs Töhötöm
Képek, filmek, reklámok, viccek… A szexualitás egyrészt folyamatosan jelen van életünkben, másrészt viszont az egyik leginkább tabusított téma a hétköznapi beszélgetésekben. Zavarban vagyunk, ha szóba kerül; ha beszélni kell róla, nem találjuk a szavakat; rengeteg az ezt övező szorongás és szégyen. Pedig a jó szex hatalmas örömforrás lehet az életünkben, amelynek pozitív hatásai kihatnak egészségünkre, szociális kapcsolatainkra és az egész életminőségünkre.
Beszéljünk hát a szexről! Adásainkban egy-egy szexualitással kapcsolatos témát járunk körül nyíltan, szókimondóan, tabuk nélkül. A beszélgető partnerek: Szilágyi Szilárd, párkapcsolati tanácsadó, szexológus és Dr. Lassányi Gábor, régész, meseterapeuta. -
Le meilleur de PsychoShot est maintenant disponible en librairie sous le titre "Pourquoi les potins nous font-ils du bien et 30 autres capsules d'hygiène psychique".
Le but de PsychoShot est d'explorer la psychologie humaine afin de vous donner les meilleures méthodes pour comprendre votre entourage et atteindre vos objectifs.
Chaque semaine, découvrez un enseignement qui pourra peut-être changer votre vie.
Les contenus de PsychoShot sont issus de la littérature scientifique ou de magazines de vulgarisation que je vous recommande vivement.
Générique : Lotus (feat Deech) - The Other side -
Az Üzleti angol egy csésze kávé mellett podcast azoknak szól, akik fejleszteni szeretnék üzleti angoltudásukat, de nincs idejük naponta órákat foglalkozni az angollal. A rövid epizódokban üzleti angol témákról hallhatsz, gyakorlatias megközelítésben, és ötleteket kapsz, hogyan fejezd ki magad választékosan üzleti helyzetekben: prezentáción, megbeszélésen, állásinterjún vagy telefonálás közben.