
  • DEFINITION: Partners with the client to transform learning and insight into action. Promotes client autonomy in the coaching process.

    Works with the client to integrate new awareness, insight or learning into their worldview and behaviorsPartners with the client to design goals, actions and accountability measures that integrate and expand new learningAcknowledges and supports client autonomy in the design of goals, actions and methods of accountabilitySupports the client in identifying potential results or learning from identified action steps Invites the client to consider how to move forward, including resources, support and potential barriersPartners with the client to summarize learning and insight within or between sessionsCelebrates the client's progress and successesPartners with the client to close the session

    WATCH: Janet M.Harvey, MCC & Mentor Coach discusses ICF Competency 8. Facilitates Client Growth

    READ: 8 ICF Core Competencies (Updated) + PDF

    Need to make this an everyday behavior – beyond coachingClients can be a partners & should be partners in this practiceInsight can be the compass for the agreed upon outcome“Be useful, not helpful”Be a catilizer and not a solutionistMove outside the single situation

    Questions for Coaches:

    What ways do you check your own coaching assumptions?What outcomes have your clients had from coaching?What are the metrics that matter? How do you get clients to define their own?How do you define success with coaching?What ways do you engage your clients to define their own growth?What do you hope your client walks away from coaching with? (cope without you)What skills or strategies do you think of for autonomy?How are you getting comfortable testing assumptions?How do you celebrate and close out coaching with your clients?ASK A CLIENT:What changes are you going to make?What did you learn from today’s session?What are your next steps?


    Partners podcastMentor CoachingFind a Coach - ICF Credential Coach Finder DirectoryHiring Tips when looking for a coachWant to be a coach? ICF's Resource: https://becomea.coach/


    What ways do you facilitate growth with your coaching clients? Share how you help others learn and grow beyond "the checklist" for development:

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruItEmail us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

  • DEFINITION: Facilitates client insight and learning by using tools and techniques such as powerful questioning, silence, metaphor or analogy.

    Considers client experience when deciding what might be most useful Challenges the client as a way to evoke awareness or insight Asks questions about the client, such as their way of thinking, values, needs, wants and beliefs Asks questions that help the client explore beyond current thinkingInvites the client to share more about their experience in the momentNotices what is working to enhance client progressAdjusts the coaching approach in response to the client's needsHelps the client identify factors that influence current and future patterns of behavior, thinking or emotionInvites the client to generate ideas about how they can move forward and what they are willing or able to doSupports the client in reframing perspectivesShares observations, insights and feelings, without attachment, that have the potential to create new learning for the client

    WATCH: ICF Core Competency 7: Evokes Awareness with Giuseppe Totino, MCC
    READ: 8 ICF Core Competencies (Updated) + PDF

    Asking the question: this would be to go deeper for the client to process Shares Observations & Noticing: without any attachmentSilence: hold the space to allow their thoughts, feelings, and emotions to get to completion


    What sort of questions do you ask without any attachment?What ways do you encourage the client to make their own choices?What stories are you telling yourself?What’s one way you could move this forward?What words or patterns are you noticing about your clients?How do you "sit back" as a coach to notice?What ways do you present thoughts without attachment?What way do you let go of your own ego, as a coach?What does “good” coaching look like for you?What possibilities do you offer your clientsASK A CLIENT: What if… ?What are you taking away from this session?What actions do you want to take from this?What’s one way to move this forward?

    RESOURCE: ICF Converge Conference

    TOOLS: Limiting Beliefs (Coaching Exercises)


    How are you evoking a response, dear coach? Tell us about it:

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruItEmail us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

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  • DEFINITION: Focuses on what the client is and is not saying to fully understand what is being communicated in the context of the client systems and to support client self-expression.

    Considers the client’s context, identity, environment, experiences, values and beliefs to enhance understanding of what the client is communicatingReflects or summarizes what the client communicated to ensure clarity and understandingRecognizes and inquires when there is more to what the client is communicatingNotices, acknowledges and explores the client's emotions, energy shifts, non-verbal cues or other behaviorsIntegrates the client's words, tone of voice and body language to determine the full meaning of what is being communicatedNotices trends in the client's behaviors and emotions across sessions to discern themes and patterns

    WATCH: Sackeena Gordon-Jones, MCC
    READ: ICF Core Competency 6: Listens Actively

    Hear clients and having clients feel heardIf we don’t hear them it’s impossible to help them gain clarityNot hear for our sake as a coach, but to help the client hear themselvesDifference between old competency “active listening” and newNew focuses on the verbSpeaks to the “being and the doing” of the coachPart of what we give is listening – with all sensesListening "to the whole person" -- what the client is saying, not saying, etc. What is the coach noticing and observing, and how are they reflecting it back to the client?When the words of a client may not align with their tone, body language, expressions, etc. Crafting questions based on the observations of your listening e.g. “I’m noticing…"


    How do you help your client hear themselves?What ways do you make your clients feel heard?How do you exist or “be” a coach?What does active listening mean to you now?How do your clients respond to what you share?Can you think of a time when you were not actively listening?What ways do you listen to the whole client? E.g. body, non-verbals, contextHow do you listen from the client’s perspective? (empathetic listening)What do you notice or observe with clients? (to disrupt a client’s thinking)What ways do you take pause to listen better?

    Book: The Listening Path by Julie Cameron
    Review: Emotional Intelligence


    What ways are you listening actively? Say more... without a checklist at:

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruItEmail us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

  • DEFINITION: Is fully conscious and present with the client, employing a style that is open, flexible, grounded and confident.

    Remains focused, observant, empathetic and responsive to the clientDemonstrates curiosity during the coaching processManages one’s emotions to stay present with the clientDemonstrates confidence in working with strong client emotions during the coaching processIs comfortable working in a space of not knowingCreates or allows space for silence, pause or reflection

    WATCH: Pamela Richarde, MCC
    READ: ICF Core Competency 5: Maintains Presence

    Season 1 Episode #4: All the Feels in Coaching + StorytellingMakes coaching unique, key to the professionMore action-oriented -- all new core comps start with verbs: “Invites another human being to emerge”Ability to notice what is going on with the client – when they have an “aha” or a realizationBig thing: allowing it to be okay to not know as a coachBe curiousNot giving suggestions, holding space for for the client to discover a way forwardPoor presence: too fast to reaching a solutionGive enough space between and get comfortable with silenceAvoiding the co-gestions -- not telling what to do in the form of a question


    What ways do you bring care into your coaching?How do you invite your clients to emerge?What ways do you show confidence in your questions?How do you step into the “not knowing” space?What ways do you flex your curiosity muscle? (avoid the checklist or framework)What does silence look like in your coaching sessions?


    Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why it Matters by Priya ParkerOwn the Room: Discover Your Signature Voice to Master Your Leadership Presence by Amy Jen Su & Muriel WilkinsHBR Article: The Leader You Want to Be by Amy Jen Su


    How are you thinking about your coaching presence? Tell us about it!

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruItEmail us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

  • DEFINITION: Partners with the client to create a safe, supportive environment that allows the

    client to share freely. Maintains a relationship of mutual respect and trust.

    Seeks to understand the client within their context which may include their identity, environment, experiences, values and beliefs Demonstrates respect for the client’s identity, perceptions, style and language and adapts one's coaching to the client Acknowledges and respects the client's unique talents, insights and work in the coaching process Shows support, empathy and concern for the client Acknowledges and supports the client’s expression of feelings, perceptions, concerns, beliefs and suggestions Demonstrates openness and transparency as a way to display vulnerability and build trust with the client

    WATCH: Osama Al-Mosa, MCC
    READ: ICF Core Competency 4: Cultivates Trust and Safety

    The focus is more on safety -- psychological safetyThe relationship doesn’t have a negative impact on self-image, no judgment, risk free. Psychological safety.Trust: the coach is going to do things in my best interest. Ultimate atmosphere for the client, allows going inward. Coach becomes a partner - What is a partner?Coach “doesn’t have a stake in the game” – is this true? Demonstrated well, you can understand the client in their own context


    What ways do you earn trust with your clients?How do you build psychological safety? What tips do you have for doing this? Have you ever had to re-establish safety and trust? If so, how?How is this a core piece of coaching? The tension between curiosity vs. questioning to make a pointWhat ways do you stay curious? (unbiased)How do you avoid consulting and advising with clients?How do you move clients away from “ticking the box”?


    Psychological Safety - Amy EdmondsonRachel Botsman - Trust & Rethink Moments PodcastDo your own work! Learn & get perspective on your own identity and others


    Do you have a 90s 1-hit-wonder playlist we should listen to? Share that and how you are earning trust with your coaching clients.

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruItEmail us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

  • DEFINITION: Partners with the client and relevant stakeholders to create clear agreements about the coaching relationship, process, plans and goals. Establishes agreements for the overall coaching engagement as well as those for each coaching session.

    Explains what coaching is and is not and describes the process to the client and relevant stakeholdersReaches agreement about what is and is not appropriate in the relationship, what is and is not being offered, and the responsibilities of the client and relevant stakeholdersReaches agreement about the guidelines and specific parameters of the coaching relationship such as logistics, fees, scheduling, duration, termination, confidentiality and inclusion of othersPartners with the client and relevant stakeholders to establish an overall coaching plan and goalsPartners with the client to determine client-coach compatibilityPartners with the client to identify or reconfirm what they want to accomplish in the sessionPartners with the client to define what the client believes they need to address or resolve to achieve what they want to accomplish in the sessionPartners with the client to define or reconfirm measures of success for what the client wants to accomplish in the coaching engagement or individual sessionPartners with the client to manage the time and focus of the sessionContinues coaching in the direction of the client’s desired outcome unless the client indicates otherwisePartners with the client to end the coaching relationship in a way that honors the experience

    WATCH: Julius Ordonez, MCC (Founder of ICF Philippines Chapter)
    READ: ICF Core Competency 3: Establishes and Maintains Agreements

    Divided between setting up the coaching relationship, and during the coaching session.Differences: New competency mentions the stakeholders with respect to sponsored coaching relationshipAbout setting up the engagementMentions compatibility – are you the best person for the job? What are the measures of success? Agreed upon at the start of the relationshipReally about ability to facilitate a process – can you keep the process going so that client and stakeholder get the results they are looking forASK your clients: What brings you into coaching? What do you know about coaching? What do you want to know about my coaching practice & background? Ability to break down coaching in everyday terms – not technical or a checklistCoaching contract and definition of coaching in their own ways -- this should before you sign an agreement with the client (no jargon, explain fully)


    What ways do you set up your coaching relationship?How do you explain coaching to clients? (before, during, and after)What are your best practices for contracting with clients?What experiences have you had with sponsored coaching?What is critical to “educate” the coachee on?How do you provide awareness of the coaching practice or process? (e.g. introduce a tool, offer observations, etc.)What ways do you probe further to the PCC and MCC level?What have you learned about alignment with clients?What do you want to be referred to (as a coach)?


    How are you setting up your clients for success? What ways do you maintain the coaching agreement? Let us know!

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruItEmail us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

  • DEFINITION: Develops and maintains a mindset that is open, curious, flexible and client-centered.

    Acknowledges that clients are responsible for their own choices Engages in ongoing learning and development as a coach Develops an ongoing reflective practice to enhance one's coaching Remains aware of and open to the influence of context and culture on self and others Uses awareness of self and one's intuition to benefit clients Develops and maintains the ability to regulate one's emotions Mentally and emotionally prepares for sessions Seeks help from outside sources when necessary About maintaining a professional practice, recognizing the culture of self and others, and understanding that we (coach and client) are members of systems.

    WATCH: Colin Brett, PCC with ICF Core Competency 2: Embodies a Coaching Mindset [VIDEO]
    READ: Link to the Updated Core Competencies

    Managing emotions, using intuition for benefit of clientTo evaluate, I will look at the “phrasing of intuition”: is there room for the client to say I’m wrong?, am I being sure it doesn’t sound like fact when I deliver it?Be physically and mentally prepared for a sessionAsking for clarity when something a client says “stands out”. Example: a coach is nodding, but has a confused look on their face. Don’t just brush over something.


    How are you building a reflective practice grounded in continued learning? What is your “wind up/down” process? How are you listening for permission (by the client)?What ways do you check your emotional “level” with clients? (balance)How does your context/culture influence your coaching practice? (on the exam)How do you seek help/support for difficult clients? (coaching mindset)How do you let your intuition go? How do you physically and mentally prepare as a coach? How do you set the tone at the beginning of your coaching session?What is your closing ritual for coaching?

    Recommended reads:

    2 pages with MBS podcastHow to Begin: Start Doing Something That Matters by Michael Bungay StainerJust Work: Get Sh*t Done, Fast & Fair by Kim ScottICF Learning Portal


    What are you doing to think more about you coaching mindset, dear coaches? What's 25 seconds before you start a coaching session look like? Share with us!

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruItEmail us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

  • DEFINITION: Understands and consistently applies coaching ethics and standards of coaching.

    Demonstrates personal integrity and honesty in interactions with clients, sponsors and relevant stakeholdersIs sensitive to clients' identity, environment, experiences, values and beliefsUses language appropriate and respectful to clients, sponsors and relevant stakeholdersAbides by the ICF Code of Ethics and upholds the Core Values Maintains confidentiality with client information per stakeholder agreements and pertinent lawsMaintains the distinctions between coaching, consulting, psychotherapy and other support professionsRefers clients to other support professionals, as appropriate

    WATCH: Dr. Frances Penafort, MCC for ICF Core Competency 1: Demonstrates Ethical Practice [VIDEO]
    READ: Link to the ICF Core Competencies (Updated)

    Three ways to demonstrate an ethical practice:

    Focus on self: how much of yourself do you want to bring into the coach/client relationship? What is your level of honesty, professionalism, and integrity? How are you showing up as a coach? How are you honoring others' identities as a coach?Focus on the relationship: how are you showing empathy, care, and nurturing the coach/client relationship? How can you be sure you are honoring the identities of the client? How are you nurturing the relationship?Follow the system: believe in the structure, policies, and competencies of ICF. Coach the person; not the problem. T to the P (Trust the Process)


    ICF Code of EthicsEthics CCE Course (3 CCE units) 42:19 min 3 Approaches to Being an Ethical Coach by Tatiana Krawczyńska-Zaucha, PhD, PCCICF Code of Ethics Videos Series [YouTube]Ethics Resources - hotline, liability insurance, FAQs, interpretive statements & CoP

    Questions to reflect on as a coach:

    How might your identities impact your coach/client relationship? What will you do if your identities/experiences are blocking you from being your best coach self? How do you create a space for a client to share their identities? What curious questions have you used when building the client relationship?How do you seek help as a coach? How are you better understanding/growing within the ICF system? How are you setting up your coaching practice in an ethical way? (e.g. parent/sponsor for coaching) How are you keeping things confidential?

    Plus encourage your clients to ask you questions during the exploration session:

    What curious questions do you have for me?What can I share about my experience?What would you like to know about my coaching practice?


    What ways are you thinking about ethics as a coach? Tell us about it!

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruItEmail us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

  • For Season 3 of Coaching Through It, Julie & Laura dive into the eight (8) core competencies that guide their coaching practice as outlined by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Use this as a study guide if you're a coach working towards your credentials or learn more about the practice if you're "coach curious" -- these episodes will get into coaching applied from this framework.

    Interested in studying along? Here are the ICF Core Competencies resources we'll be using for this season:

    8 ICF Core Competencies (Updated) + PDFLonger Version; 8 ICF CompsYouTube Playlist

    What questions do you have about the ICF Core Competencies?
    If you're coaching, how are you putting these into practice?


    Want to learn more about coaching? Have a question or topic we should discuss? Let us know!

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruItEmail us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

  • Amy Corron (she/her) is an innovative and creative higher education professional who is passionate about effective facilitation, curriculum design, intergroup dialogue pedagogy, and coaching. She is currently an Associate Director/Lecturer for the Archer Center for Student Leadership at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and an International Coaching Federation trained coach specializing in values-based coaching for academics and higher education professionals. She believes in the transformative power of coaching, and utilizes a coaching mindset in all areas of her work to help those around her find greater alignment and joy in their work and lives. Learn more about Amy’s coaching at:

    Website: https://www.amycorron.com/LinkedIn: /in/amy-corron/Twitter: @amersyIG: @amersy

    “In coaching, you’re the one holding the space and helping your client work through whatever they’re bringing to you. It’s not about what you’re bringing to them.” ~Amy Corron, on letting go of “the plan” as a coach.

    Coaching Questions:What do you need to let go of?What do you need permission for?What do you need to grab onto next?Coaching ToolsFinding Your MantraFuture SelfNaming Your Inner CriticThe Wheel of LifeReflective WritingVisualizationOne-Way vs. Two-Way Door DecisionsWorking Backwards


    Want to learn more about coaching? Have a question or topic we should discuss? Let us know!

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruItEmail us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

  • On this episode of @CoachingThruIt, coaches Laura and Julie talk about empowering their clients to design and develop individual systems of accountability. We talk about coaching questions to hold clients accountable and practices that enable clients to check-in with themselves for their own action steps beyond a coaching session.

    Question for coaching accountability:

    By the end of our time today, what would you like to have us achieve?What would you want to discover in this session that would be useful for you?How could we quantify this or make this measurable?What can I help you with between now and the next time we talk?What are you going to do next?What changes are you making from what you’ve learned today?What would have allowed you to take action?What can help you move forward?What was holding you back?What prevented you from taking the next step?What did you learn from not doing?What are the small steps to get there?

    Lessons Learned:

    Accountability is unique to each client -- let them decide next stepsGive your clients the questions you asked where they said “I don’t know.”Offer the recordings for clients to listen backYour success as a coach does not depend on your client’s accountability or follow-throughBottom line: Encourage your clients to show up to do the work with you, the coach. That is what it is all about!


    Want to learn more about coaching? Have a question or topic we should discuss? Let us know!

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruItEmail us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

  • Jennifer Askey, Ph.D. works with academic leaders and leaders-to-be in a down-to-earth and engaging approach that utilizes emotional intelligence, positive psychology, and mindfulness to help her clients navigate the internal and external obstacles of their professional worlds. She focuses on career planning and transition, as well as team effectiveness. Jennifer utilizes assessments, such as DISC, EQi-2.0, Belbin Team Roles, and 360s to help her clients and their organizations gain new insights and develop forward-looking plans for change. She is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach with CTI, and a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) through ICF. Jennifer is pursuing certification with Positive Intelligence and the International Mindfulness Teachers Association.

    "“If we have a precious hour together...what are you doing that we can advance? Or what’s in your way that we can get around or over in this time? How can I help you move from point A to point B?” ~ Jennifer Askey

    Learn more about Jennifer Askey + in/jenniferaskeycoach + NewsletterContinuing Coach Education (CCE) to Renew Your CredentialMentor CoachingGroup and Team Coaching (programs)Positive Intelligence (PQ) Program with Shirzad ChamineAssessment: Find your PQ ScoreACC Portfolio Path via ICFWorld Business & Executive Coach Summit (WBECS) - master classes & coach CCEsNeuroLeadership InstituteYour Brain at Work podcastThe Great ResignationCoaching Questions:What stories are you telling yourself about that?How can we best use our time?How can I help you with that next step?The Life Coach SchoolCoaches Rising PodcastThe Philosopher’s Diet by Richard WatsonBooks by Michael Bungay StanierThe Coaching Habit Do More Great WorkThe Gifts of Imperfection By Brené Brown How’s Work with Esther Perel


    Want to learn more about coaching? Have a question or topic we should discuss? Let us know!

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruItEmail us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

  • As career and executive coaches, we’re always learning. For this episode of @CoachingThruIt Laura and Julie share what’s in their coaching library -- books, podcasts, and conferences… oh my! Here are a few things we’re tuning into to support our clients and craft of coaching:

    Dare to Lead Ep. Brené with Amy Cuddy on Pandemic Flux Syndrome“Why This Stage of the Pandemic Makes Us So Anxious” from the Washington Post by Amy Cuddy and Jill Ellyn RileyBurnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily Nagoski & Amelia NagoskiHello Monday with Jessi Hempel; Ep. Jonathan Fields on finding your purpose Sparked: Discover Your Unique Imprint for Work that Makes You Come AliveTake the free assessment: Find Your SparketypeWorkLife podcast with Adam GrantTaken for Granted Ep. Merve Emre on Emotional Intelligence as Corporate ControlScience Diction - 3 Part Series The Rise of the Myers-BriggsChapter 1: KatharineChapter 2: IsabelChapter 3: What Is It Good For?How’s Work with Esther Perell The Long Game by Dorie ClarkePeople We Meet on Vacation by Emily HenryYour First 100 Days in a New Executive Job by Robert HargroveBeautiful World Where Are You by Sally RooneyNo One Succeeds Alone by Robert ReffkinSystemic Coaching: Delivering Value Beyond the Individual by Peter Hawkings & Eve TurnerWomen of Discriminating Taste: White Sororities and the Making of American Ladyhood by Margaret FreemanMachiavelli For Women: Defend Your Worth, Grow Your Ambition, and Win the Workplace by Stacey Vanek SmithThe Leader You Want to Be by Amy Jen SuCoaching Real Leaders with Muriel WilkinsICF Converge 2021 Conference - October 26-28, 2021

    What’s in your own library to learn? How are you exploring and developing lately?


    Want to learn more about coaching? Have a question or topic we should discuss? Let us know!

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruItEmail us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

  • We’re joined by Coach Laurie Maynell for this episode of @CoachingThruIt. Laurie has been an educational developer in higher education for 15 years, providing consultation on teaching, course design, and assessment to individual instructors and academic units. She took her first coach training course to enhance her consultation practice at her day job and loved it so much that she decided to continue coach training and pursue coaching credentials through the International Coach Federation. Laurie is slowly growing her coaching business and working toward the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential from the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Connect and find Laurie at LinkedIn *+(in/lauriemaynell/), on Twitter (@m_lauriem) and by email.

    "Coaching is just this gift you give yourself. To just allow yourself the time to process something that is important to you, with assistance.” ~Laurie Maynell

    “Paid Coaching” ICF Credentialing -- barter, swapping services, purchase of coffee, etc.Listening back to coach recordings to learn & also used to assess for ICFCoach Observations in Coaching Training Programs Powerful Questions: Listen to S1E9: Asking Powerful QuestionsCoaching Tool: “Future Self” -- imagine yourself in the future… via Tara MohrCoaching Questions: What would your future self like to look back and see? What would you like your future self to tell you?Backwards Design: Where do you want to end upThe Slow Hustle Mastermind with Dr. Katie LinderThe Coaching Habit Michael Bungay StainerCharles Duhigg - The Power of HabitSystemic Coaching: Delivering Value Beyond the Individual by Peter Hawkings & Eve TurnerIsabeau Iqbal -- listen to S2E6: Finding Your Coaching Voice with @IsabeauIqbalKatie LinderICF Credential Updates for 2022ICF Core CompetenciesLaura is an ACC-ICF Certified coach now - W00t!

    Questions for Coaches:

    How do you want to advertise your coaching practice?What is the barrier to getting started in your business?What does it mean to build a meaningful coaching practice for you?


    Want to learn more about coaching? Have a question or topic we should discuss? Let us know!

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruItEmail us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

  • On this episode of @CoachingThruIt Julie & Laura talk about peer and group coaching models. Both have taken their coaching skills to work in the learning & development space to help leaders, groups, and teams grow. Listen to how they are thinking about peer and group coaching at the office and maybe for a future group coaching program they might design:

    Caucus & Affinity Groups (tools)What is Psychological Safety at Work?Liberating Structures - Triad ConsultingICF Coaching - 2020 Executive ReportModeling Coaching: Using “What” and “How” QuestionsWhat is Group Coaching?Coach: How does it feel to hold space for multiple people?Client: How does it feel to share space related to the coach & clients around you?What protocols and/or expectations have you set up for your group coaching programs?Positive Intelligence (PQ) Pod How do you norm-set and/or create a shared interest for group coaching?Systemic CoachingCommunity of Practice

    What group coaching resources do y’all know of? Are there any recommendations for books or resources around group coaching?


    Want to learn more about coaching? Have a question or topic we should discuss? Let us know!

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruItEmail us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

  • On this episode of @CoachingThruIt we are joined by queer leadership coach, Liz Cruz (she/they). Liz works with folks who want to grow their emotional intelligence skills and hone their authentic leadership style, fully integrating identities, values, and experiences. Liz’s coaching approach is informed by her deeply-held belief that each of us is inherently brilliant, and that we’re already holding the solutions we’re looking for. Her process begins with exploring the client’s emotional intelligence strengths, and how to best bring them to bear in the challenges at hand. Liz helps their clients to learn about themselves, to investigate their feelings and beliefs, and to build a practice of taking small but powerful actions to create radical change in their leadership. Connect to Liz on LinkedIn & learn more about their coaching & consulting at: https://www.lizcruzconsulting.com/

    We talk about going from a side project to a full-time business, charging what you’re worth in coaching, piloting coaching programs & being in community with these groups, and signaling to the clients to include equity and access within a coaching practice.

    How to Grow Dahlias“Name Your Price” coachingQueer Leadership Group CoachingSlack Channel: conversations space for group coaching; to encourage participants to lead and post between coaching sessionsEmotional IntelligenceEQ-i 2.0 Emotional Intelligence assessmentCommunity and/or membership models post-group coaching BurnoutAdvice from Liz: Charge more money! And then double it.Be more brave & bold.Liz’s Coaching Questions:What are you feeling right now?Where else are you feeling this?Where else is this showing up in your life?What is it that you’re not willing to say out loud right now?The Feelings Wheel


    Want to learn more about coaching? Have a question or topic we should discuss? Let us know!

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruItEmail us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

  • In this episode of @CoachingThruIt, Laura & Julie talk about getting certified as a coach through the International Coaching Federation (ICF). We talk about the value for joining a professional coaching community and earning a credential that is grounded in ethics and principles that value the coaching practice.

    Associate Certified Coach (ACC) Congrats to Higher Ed Coach Training -- it’s ACTP Accredited!ICF Converge 2021 - October 26-28Become an ICF MemberOther Coach Programs Laura’s check out:New Ventures WestCo-Active Training InstituteiPEC Program Find Coach TrainingDirectory to Find a Coach and verify an ICF certified coachICF’s Hiring Tips [When meeting/interviewing a potential coach]ICF Communities of PracticeICF Continuing Professional DevelopmentICF Washington State

    What we’re reading and learning these days around coaching:

    Mutual MentoringCommunities of PracticeCultivating Communities of Practice by Wenger, McDermott, & SnyderHow to Have a Good Day by Caroline Webb


    Want to learn more about coaching? Have a question or topic we should discuss? Let us know!

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruIt

    Email us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com

    Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

  • In this episode of @CoachingThruIt podcast Laura and Julie welcome guest Molly Mandelberg, to talk about marketing, building your business, finding your niche clientele, and more! Molly is the Founder of Wild Hearts Rise Up, Creator of “Magnetic Influencer Collective” and also hosts two podcasts: Tactical Magic” (p.s. Laura is on Ep. 127 Transition) and Reveal the Game of Life.

    After spending years mastering content creation and online marketing, Molly finds her bliss in bridging the worlds of heart-centered healing and transformation, with the practical business strategies of leveraging a message into a global movement. She is a certified NLP Coach, an Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator, a Transformational Leadership Coach and a full time nomad. Connect and find Molly at:

    Website: https://www.wildheartsriseup.com/Twitter: @WildOneRisingMolly’s YouTube Channel

    We learned so much about how we are marketing our coaching business and how to align our values with our messages and content copy -- here are a few things we talked about:

    HypnosisWild Hearts Rise Up Oracle Deck & GuidebookWhat level of Thought Leader are you? (quiz)Question: What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to your life/business/services?Free Stuff: Attracting Clients, Money Machine Blueprint, Website Building, etc.Tell your clients WHY this free stuff is valuable and importantMolly’s Offerings: Find out how you can work with her to support & grow your businessHow clear are you with your niche? How do you work with your clients now? What do you want next?ToastmastersTips for Ending a Client:It’s your client’s responsibility to find what they needBuild a referral network to support your coaching clients!Share what you could offer with more coaching sessions or programsAdvice: Don’t give up, trust yourself, and ruthlessly invest in yourself when something feels right for your own coaching practice.

    If you’re thinking about your own coach business marketing & communication:

    What is your coaching niche? How do you create a business you actually want to own?How are you targeting your coach marketing? What is the language of your people?How are you resonating with your clients?How do you know when to end the client relationship or have them move on?


    Want to learn more about coaching? Have a question or topic we should discuss? Let us know!

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruItEmail us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

  • In this episode of @CoachingThruIt, Julie & Laura talk about executive coaching: what it is, what they are learning about it, and how it is going with their executive clients. We hope that this episode unpacks more around coaching leaders and how we’re taking what we know into supporting the specific needs and making space for these clients who are interested in developing how they work and support others.

    What is Executive Coaching?Understanding Leadership & Executive PresenceOwn the Room Amy Jen Su & Muriel Maignan Wilkins Coaching Real Leaders HBR Podcast hosted by Muriel WilkinsHow Women Rise by Sally Helgesen & Marshall Goldsmith360 Degree Feedback Self-Assessments + Career & Professional Development AssessmentThe Art of Executive Coaching by Nadine GreinerProfessional Certified Coach(PCC) ICF Rubric


    Want to learn more about coaching? Have a question or topic we should discuss? Let us know!

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruItEmail us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.

  • In this episode of @CoachingThruIt, Julie & Laura were thrilled to have a coaching conversation with Isabeau Iqbal. She is a career and life coach who helps ambitious perfectionists move forward in their higher education career, without throwing their quality of life out the window. Isabeau takes a positive approach to perfectionism in her coaching -- this, she believes, is a much more kind (and realistic) strategy than wishing one’s perfectionism away! We talk about the hurdles for starting a coaching practice and how to remove business barriers like scheduling, sales, and matching these to our values. This was a helpful conversation to understand that coaching as a business is an evolution and process -- so it’s okay if we’re still figuring it out and finding our voice in our practice. Connect and learn more about Isabeau’s coaching:


    Here are a few things we talked about during the episode:

    Coach to Coach Podcast: S2E1: Introducing Isabeau IqbalOrganizational Coaching Certificate at UBCClifton Strengths FinderAssociate Certified Coach (ACC) International Coaching Federation (ICF)What is Coaching Supervision?Coaching Supervision Resources from ICFMentor CoachingCoach Coffee Talk - 1st Saturday each monthICF Vancouver ChapterCoach Training EDU ProgramWhat is Business Coaching?A Beginner’s Guide to SEOAcquity Online Appointment SchedulingCoaching Questions: What’s important about that to you? How is that serving you? Where’s the question at?Who does Isabeau coach?


    Want to learn more about coaching? Have a question or topic we should discuss? Let us know!

    Follow the pod on Twitter: @CoachingThruIt & Instagram: @CoachingThruIt

    Email us at: coachingthroughit@gmail.com

    Connect to the hosts: @laurapasquini & @julieclarsen

    Music credit: The song reCreation by airtone has been remixed under a CC-BY license.