
  • It has been estimated that Covid-19 has left as many as 10% of patients, like Anne Thompson, with debilitating symptoms long after the initial infection has cleared.

    In this episode of Side Effects, I talk to Anne about her journey from initial infection through to the long term impact Covid is having on her health and wellbeing. We chat about the support network and online videos (not NHS) that has / is helping her though her illness, and the impact ‘Long Covid’ could have on our healthcare system and messaging.

    [1 Min] Anne's story of long Covid

    [3 Mins] March 10th and 'feeling like someone standing on my chest'

    [5 Mins] Post diagnosis: How I stayed out of hospital. Relying on the internet nurse videos (not the NHS)

    [8 Mins] Our group of support to help us through

    [9 Mins] Locked out of the Walk-in clinic

    [12 Mins] My life before Covid as a fit 73yr old Labour activist

    [15 Mins] Deterioration in my function and 'brain fog'

    [17 Mins] Feeling the effects of long Covid

    [19 Mins] The ONS study, a positive test [when I was well] and rejection from my GP

    [25 Mins] My friend gets Covid a 2nd time in Bradford

    [27 Mins] Improving health of the nation for all, a public health message

    [29 Mins] Herd immunity vs. proactive health

    [31 Mins] Magic Wand: A government that puts the life of the people first

    JOIN US on Side Effects - email me at [email protected]

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  • During Alice's adventures in Wonderland, she found herself in the presence of the King of Hearts. He wanted her to go, so he cited Rule 42: "All persons more than a mile high to leave the court." Heads turned to Alice. "I'm not a mile high," she objected. "You are," said the King. The queen testified that Alice is nearly two miles tall. "Well, I shan't go, at any rate," Alice said "besides, that's not a regular rule: you invented it just now."

    [0 Min] Alice in Wonderland and Rule 42. A reflection on what rules have been applied to manage Covid 19.

    [2 Mins] From chevrons on the floor to kids not singing in school, where do you stand?

    [3 Mins 30] Prof Christofer Toumazou (Regius Professor of Engineering, Imperial College) and a PCR test that is possibly far too sensitive?

    [5 Mins] We need more granulation on resolution data e.g. discharged through death, with ill health, or effectively well. How do we judge out proportional action?

    [6 Mins 30] The need for a circuit breaker? Let's discuss this. Don't treat us all like Alice.

    [7 Mins 30] Are we trying to catch the wind with a sieve? Competing paradigm's in battle.

    [8 Mins 30] What do you agree with? A CTA to think about all of our filter bubbles.

    JOIN US on Side Effects - email me at [email protected]

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  • The ability to debate, to explore and to challenge has (some would say) been under immense pressure in these times. Today, I explore this with Nico Macdonald and how all of our role of society especially those in the creative industries can be more 't' shaped and diverse in consideration, thinking and action.

    [0 Min] How to access time with Matt on your project / sign up to the Daily Dose of inspiration

    [2 Mins] An introduction to Nico Macdonald, Nico is a pioneer in innovation and entrepreneurship. He is a visiting fellow at the School of Arts and Creative Industries at London South Bank University, and teaches at the University of East London and CIEE (the Council on International Educational Exchange). In the early 90s built a digital media studio in Shoreditch, London; led digital design for The Guardian newspaper, and for the London office of Berlin-based MetaDesign; he co-founded the international consultancy business Ascendant Partners, and worked in Silicon Valley. Since, he has founded a media innovation startup, Media Futures; been Innovation Director of Creative England; and Chief Executive of the R&D Society, a professional membership organisation. For 30 years, he has forged strong links with industry contacts from established organisations as varied the BBC, the Design Council, the British Film Institute, Arup, and DigitasLBi, as well as a wide range of start-ups and SMEs in design, media and tech. He has also written extensively on creativity and digital innovation, including articles, papers and books.

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  • Today I talk about factors that have influenced me this year and what running, listening, design, spiritualism and dying taught me about happiness; and staying sane through 2020

    [0 Min] A reflection on today

    [2 Mins] What I learnt from Steve Jobs, and looking back on his Stanford speech (2005)

    [6 Mins] Rachel Clarke and her book Dear Life: Dying with dignity and focusing in life on what matters most

    [7 Mins] Born to Run by Chris McDougall: How you can learn that your body is the main machine you need

    [9 Mins] There is no Planet B by Mike Berners Lee: Slowing down consumption

    [11 Mins] The age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff: Why all things digital lead to consumption practices that need review

    [13 Mins ] The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle: Spiritual assessment and learning to be happy where you are today

    [15 Mins] Side Effects and how we must make the most of what we have

    [16 Mins] A move to a less egoic world?

    [17 Mins] What might Steve have said?

    [18 Mins] What should we strive for?

    [19 Mins] What have I learnt about 2020 and my career approach?

    [20 Mins] I ask you to: 1. talk to others outside of your bubble, 2. Check in with your fear and control it, 3. Stay human and connect

    [22 Mins] Think Different

    JOIN US on Side Effects - email me at [email protected]

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  • In the time of Face, Place and Space I talk communications and public health messaging with Charlie Druce. There is a much richer and more empowering road ahead. Let's discuss what that is.

    [0 Min] How to access time with Matt on your project / sign up to the Daily Dose of inspiration

    [3 Mins] An introduction to Charlie Druce and Coast. Executive producer used to working with Ray Winstone, Alistair Campbell, Tamsin Outhwaite and Jurgen Klopp

    [5 Mins] Delivering wanted content

    [6 Mins] Depression and Me with Alistair Campbell talking depression and former alcoholism 8-10 Mn views.

    [7 Mins] Prostate Cancer UK and 'Fathers Day' by Martin Sadofski with Jon Simm, Tamsin Outhwaite, Charles Dance and Ray Winstone

    [9 Mins] The Research Files for AXA - using Vlog and pop science communications to reach 4mn+ and hit action rates

    [10 Mins ] Media and communication today: Where are we? From 'Mass Media' to 'My Media'

    [12 Mins] Broadcasters identity crisis. An existential challenge? How and who to pay for content?

    [15 Mins] The Valance and Whitty show. But where and what did public health messaging used to be? A history of the Central Office of Information

    [18 Mins] HIV and AIDS campaign by COI 'Don't die of ignorance'

    [20 Mins] Post 2012 and austerity and budgets slashed. Parked film on Public Health England with small audiences, with the odd spike of expensive activity. Do we spend enough on public health communications?

    [23 Mins] What does 'talk to' not 'sell to' mean? The premise of content marketing

    [24 Mins] Pharmaceutical companies cannot directly sell to [except primarily in the US]

    [26 Mins] Pharma vs. Public health: A long road to trust on both sides. A journey from drugs companies to health companies

    [29 Mins] Trust is the holy grail. We need credible sources. We need challenge and debate.

    [31 Mins] The limitations of just things like 'hands, face and space'. All advertising at present is more of the same. What is better than this?

    [33 Mins] Insurance models vs. Treatment models [and the world of communications]. Reducing risk and prevention vs. treatment.

    [35 Mins] AXA and Reducing risk: health, social and societal thinking. Is this the win-win?

    [37 Mins] In a world of competing interests, what does the road ahead look like? 1. Fragmented, 2. Regulated and data, 3, Confluence not collision. Let's discuss the pro's and the con's

    [43 Mins] The downside of polarized and too shallow a field of view?

    [35 Mins] Magic Wand: A road where film can be an agent of change. Learning from Still Alice with Julie Ann Moore

    [48 Mins] Finding Charlie at Coast and [email protected]

    JOIN US on Side Effects - email me at [email protected]

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  • In these times where the pressure of Track and Trace is ramping up around the world in the wake of expectations of a return to normality, I talk with Professor Effy Vayena from ETH Zurich about her work with the Swiss government in ethics, digital and the risks and rewards viewed under an ethical lens.

    [0 Min] How to access time with Matt on your project / sign up to the Daily Dose of inspiration

    [3 Mins] An introduction to Effy Vayena and a review of Switzerland’s Covid experience [to date]

    [6 Mins] The impact of fear and risk: The reality of the Covid experience.

    [10 Mins] A background to ethics. The ethicist in all of us. How do we make decisions, especially in health.

    [12 Mins] Digital healthcare and ethics: The opportunity, desire and the conversion of the digital and the biomedical. Beyond privacy alone.

    [16 Mins] The Switzerland experience of Track and Trace and de-centralised alignment (with Google and Apple) , efficacy and privacy preserving decisions.

    [20 Mins ] A more harmonious experience than the UK and a law behind the decisions.

    [22 Mins] Being part of a science task force underpinning these factors in Switzerland. Decision making underpinning the experience and peoples liberties.

    [24 Mins] Absolutely voluntary which was key. The law is that it cannot be mandatory. This tool has to be voluntary in a trust society.

    [26 Mins] 18% download in Switzerland is not great; but actually not bad vs. other countries. Also, it is working to identify those that would have been missed by traditional tracing.

    [29 Mins] The British creation of Black Mirror by Charlie Brooker. How can we avoid the Black mirror outcome?

    [32 Mins] Even low case countries are now having outbreaks or second lockdown, NZ and Israel included. We are all learning from imperfect tools. Also, the pandemic is being politicised.

    [34 Mins] What about the economic impact in Switzerland? The relative successes of the Swiss social security process.

    [38 Mins] The good, bad and ugly of digital health and ethics.

    Good = Innovation. Bad = Rushed through tech without data security [not testing enough before release] Ugly: Ineffectual and harmful products that destroy trust.

    [42 Mins] Torn about IoT and, Product and Digital products under the lens of ethics [The Social Dilemma]

    [44 Mins] Hard law vs Soft law in ethics.

    [46 Mins] Magic Wand: Increased acumen- wisdom, responsibility, empathy to those in digital health to protect the many and not the few.

    [48 Mins] Finding Effy online @effyvayena on Twitter

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  • This week I talk with Samatha Oakley, Commercial Lawyer. We talk about risk, the Coronavirus act and more.

    In the light of the updated regulations from the Prime Minister, we explore risk and the meaning of who is responsible for it. Then we go deeper to explore the far reaching factors of what trace this will leave on our society and our human rights.

    [0 Min] How to sign up to the Daily Dose of inspiration

    [2 Mins] An introduction to Samantha and a history in media and tech convergence.

    [6 Mins] What has changed in the last 6 months since we talked PPE and Masks4All? The duty of care of the government

    [10 Mins] Let's talk risk and the latest updates from Boris Johnson. e.g. the young as a vectors for disease.

    [12 Mins] The apportioning of risk. Is it the public or the government's responsibility (and in what measure/ with what effect)?

    [15 Mins] Are the NICE guidelines in contravention of human rights and the Equality law?

    [16 Mins 30] Transmission, the young and the Chris Whitty Hypothesis: Blaming the young vs. their responsibilities.

    [21 Mins] The missing wider conversations about looking after our community.

    [23 Mins] The 'Freedom Pass' and hanging out with the uninfected. Is this really the future we want to target? Also, what can we learn from Marshals and US traffic cops and the side stepped 4th amendment (via 99% Invisible).

    [26 Mins] Let's explore the example of attending the football at Brighton & Hove Albion FC. Where does the risk move, and why need a Freedom Path?

    [30 Mins] How do you deliver for all under Public Liability: The duty of care.

    [34 Mins] Discussing the Sky News report: Using £100Bn for just testing (vs £130Bn on the whole NHS).

    [40 Mins] Exploring the behavioural surplus area of data and track and trace. What does this mean in the long run for human rights?

    [42 Mins] The basic right to privacy: The missing Data Protection impact assessment

    [45 Mins] Magic Wand: Clarity to give us confidence [in Covid 19 and Brexit]

    [48 Mins] Finding Samantha online on LinkedIn and at so-law.co.uk

    JOIN US on Side Effects - email me at [email protected]

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  • This week I talk with Health Economist, Nurse and Innovator Shawna Butler RN MBA

    We talk about the true reality of life in Texas at present under the Covid 19 pandemic. We explore how cutting edge innovations can, and should, come with nurses at the helm. Then define areas where clinicians should start to put their ideas into practice. If you are a nurse or other clinician who wants to turn ideas into impact, then this conversation is for you.

    [0 Min] How to book my time - Mentoring with Matt

    [2 Mins] An introduction to Shawna, and her current experience of Texas and Covid.

    [4 Mins] The emotional landscape of a thought leader in health in the USA today

    [8 Mins] The challenge of public health

    [11 Mins 30] The American healthcare system, and its exposed vulnerabilities

    [16 Mins] Dying alone in Detroit: a tragic perspective in 2020

    [19 Mins] A look at innovation and Nursing. From starting in the time of AIDS, through to business school and on to today. How much has changed?

    [24 Mins] Thinking demand and supply and healthcare re-designed

    [26 Mins] Technology and policy changes: Who does what, when and where?

    [28 Mins] The EntrepreNURSE movement

    [33 Mins] Critical stakeholders in the design process

    [34 Mins] What Covid has revealed about Nursing?

    [40 Mins] Gendered inequality in innovation

    [42 Mins] What questions do Nurses ask you about entrepreneurship?

    [44 Mins] Why you should explore places you would not normally go (or be invited)?

    [50 Mins] Magic Wand: 1. Be Intentional 2. Impact Regulations & 3. Align financial incentives with healthcare outcomes

    [1 Hour 02 Mins] Finding Shawna online at the See You Now Podcast by Johnson & Johnson Nursing and American Nurses Association and on Twitter

    [1 Hour 03] A question to Matt as a content creator

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  • This week I talk Wellbeing Coaching with Melanie Flower

    We talk about the true benefits of coaching in regard to health and happiness. How Covid has presented new wins and losses in how we are approaching wellbeing and what we can learn from factors as wide as taking personal responsibility, to loving where we are and who we are today.

    [0 Min] How to book my time - Mentoring with Matt

    [2 Mins] An Introduction to Melanie Flower

    [4 Mins 30] Wellbeing Coaching and Lifestyle Medicine

    [6 Mins 30] 'Why GP's are not well equipped today to deal with many challenges of chronicity

    [9 Mins] Covid times and opportunities for us to build on the positives, not just fear from the negatives

    [10 Mins 30] Dealing with stress

    [12 Mins] 'Stepping off the hamster wheel'. Productivity does not equal worth

    [14 Mins] Why overfilling calendar's (especially kids) is not always great

    [16 Mins 30] The difference between Coaching and Counselling

    [18 Mins] What Life coaching could look like in healthcare, replacing some of the current Doctor roles

    [20 Mins] The 'revolving door patient ' and the power of chatbots (and the simple journal)

    [22 Mins 30] Taking responsibility: Where the government has failed to promote healthy behaviours

    [25 Mins 30] Science and things that are not 'woo-woo'. Remembering that nutrients cannot be patented

    [27 Mins] Magic Wand: You only get one life, love it

    [29 Mins] Finding Melanie online and on Instagram. Sign up for her Free Weekly Newsletter

    Listen to this series on iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |

    JOIN US on Side Effects - email me at [email protected]

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  • So I thought it may be of interest to learn about my backstory, and how and why I got to this place today. I start off talking about my initial desire to work in TV and then my journey through healthcare at the Coal Face. Finally, I ask you to remember that 'your clock is ticking' and that there is no time like the present to act on your need for change.

    Sound interesting? Well let's just dive in.

    [1 Min] An invitation to sign up to a Daily Dose [email]

    [4 Mins] Realising that I always asked What If?

    [5 Mins] 'Masters of Innovation' [IDEO] White Bear Yard, and asking how to get into design?

    [7 Mins] The downside of going all in with work

    [8 Mins] Nokia: What I learnt from a changing world?

    [9 Mins] Building a insight and strategy agency with just naivety and bravery

    [10 Mins 30] The whole Diabetes lifecycle - and realising it was a time to change in the agency

    [11 Mins 30] Pivot to ANATOMY HCD

    [12 Mins 30] Good Care Days: A double-sided market

    [15 Mins] TEN, Matt's List or Ask Matt - Perspective, Product and people

    [17 Mins] Helping others: sharing my experience a Premium access content offer in the making

    [18 Mins] Top tips: 1 Ask yourself, what is it that you do/what is your superpower?

    Top tips: 2. Find out how you can use where you are to test where you want to go?

    [20 Mins] Top tips: 3. 'Be the change you want to see’ Gandhi)

    Top tips: 4. Believe in yourself and understand you can

    [21 Mins] Top tips: 5. Ask for help by giving help

    [22 Mins 30] Top tips: 6. Accept that your clock is ticking

    [24 Mins] Sign up for the Daily Dose [email each day at 7 am]

    Listen to this series on iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |

    Join us on Side Effects. Or get in touch to find out more about our Covid Secure, Insight On Demand offer.

    Email [email protected]

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  • This week I talk mental health with Luciana Carvalho Se. Luciana is the Co-Founder of MindCheck.

    We talk about mental health and mental illness, and the fact that someone dies of suicide every 40 seconds. Also, we reflect on what Covid has done to accelerate a $1tn p.a burden on the worlds economy.

    [2 Mins] An Introduction to Luciana Carvalho Se.

    [6 Mins] Covid and mental health: the silent pandemic.

    [11 Mins] 'The collective death of the world as was' [David Kessler and HBR]

    [14 Mins] PTSD and frontline workers all over the world.

    [21 Mins] Building resilience and tolerance, in mental health.

    [23 Mins] The tools out there to support; MindCheck, Wobot, 7Cups, unmind, sanctus.

    [25 Mins] Let's deal with culture, taboo and stigma.

    [29 Mins] Is digital the answer? The good and the bad of tech solutions and society (inc ref to Simon Wesley and Ken Carswell).

    [36 Mins] What does good societal mental health look like?

    [40 Mins] A road to better mental health literacy (inc ref to European Digital Society)

    [41 Mins] Magic Wand 1: Systemic change.

    [44 Mins] Magic Wand 2: Luciana's personal story of being a Covid 19 survivor.

    [46 Mins] Finding Luciana online at mindcheck.me, @Lcarvalhose [and an exclusive to her new book in the pipeline].

    Listen to this series on iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |

    Join us on Side Effects. Or get in touch to find out more about our Covid Secure, Insight On Demand offer.

    Email [email protected]

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  • This week I talk with Andy Wilkins, Co-Founder at Vision4Health & CEO of BE Advisory. A thought leader and systems thinker, Wilkins deep dives into the health and care landscape and creates a vision of what a future 'good' road ahead looks like. Split into 4 themes, we explore:

    1. The Future of Health, and how Covid 19 has impacted the road ahead.
    2. Systems Biology: How humans and personalised health have a much better potential future?
    3. Ethics, Technology, Data and the emerging powers of tech titans in health.
    4. Mental Health, Job Design and the underlying principles that might enable us to have a Better Britain in Life Sciences.

    [0-4 Mins]

    Introduction to Andy and the Health Beyond the Fog report

    [4 Mins - 27 Mins ]

    1. The Future of Health, and how Covid 19 has impacted the road ahead
    [inc systems design, 10 million waiting list, track and trace (preventative care) and the National psyche]

    [28 Mins - 54 Mins]

    2. Systems Biology: How humans and personalised health have a much better potential future?
    [inc. assessment, health coaching and life coaching, balance, stresses and hormesis, pathological cascades and addiction/food. What Political, Social, Environmental and Individual impact should be targeted?]

    [53 Mins - 78 Mins ]

    3. Ethics, Technology, Data and the emerging powers of tech titans in health. Alongside this, we explore the weakness of the 'synthetic molecule' business model.
    [Digital in health and the business models underpinning management of healthcare, data and digital twins, 'always on' tracking and pharmaceutical innovations and business model futures]

    [78 Mins - 91 Mins ]

    4. Mental Health, Job Design and the underlying principles that might enable us to have a Better Britain in Life Sciences.
    [Mental health, Ill health, adults and kids, long term stress and cortisol, trauma and delayed PTSD in health workers, job design and better organisation]

    [91 Mins - end]

    Magic Wand and finding Andy Wilkins online [Vision4Health] [Beyond the Fog - Summary Report]

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  • [44 Mins]

    So the PM and Government have an Obesity plan. With Boris perhaps learning the hard way about the effects of diet on Covid 19, a plan for a healthier Britain looks set to be built (and commended). But what is the reality of this as a course of action?

    I talk with Ruth Wood - Nutritionist and Addiction health expert. Ruth has built practices at the BBC, in the City and at The Priory. We discuss what we need to understand about how food interacts with our body and mind. What are our weak spots, and how has lockdown exposed them?

    [2 Mins] An Introduction to Ruth's exposure to nutrition after a trip to Africa.

    [4 Mins] Nutrition and Addiction - working with people since 2000 in the City and then at TV Centre at the BBC.

    [6 Mins 30 ] The first nutritionist at The Priory - How nutrition works as part of management of cross over addictions - inc. drink, drugs and nutrition.

    [9 Mins] The structure of food and its impact on life and in the body (and Crucial Food).

    [13 Mins] Lockdown and the sweets pot for damage: When anxiety and depression is magnified, emotional eating (overeating and under eating)

    [15 Mins] Stress, cortisol and the craving of higher sugar/higher fat food - the serotonin lifter.

    [17Mins 30] The real impact of lockdown: A double whammy for Unhealthy Britain.

    [18 Mins] The Good: People taking more interest in foods. The Bad - Overconsumption of alcohol.

    [21 Mins 30] The differences between Men and Women [and nutrition].

    [26 Mins] Nutritional education, and why it is so important.

    [27 Mins] Why hospitals and schools can lead to damaging food scenarios: Where Jamie Oliver and James Martin couldn't really succeed - no budget for food

    [31 Mins] Calling on the Joe Wicks factor.

    [32 Mins] Pubs, Restaurants and perhaps a road to more healthier environments.

    [35 Mins] Magic wand: 1. Everyone is educated in the effects of nutrition on the body and mind. 2. No more fad diets. 3. Plus addiction acceptability (less stigma please)

    [39 Mins] Finding Ruth at Crucial Foods and on Instagram

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    Join us on Side Effects. Or get in touch to find out more about our Covid Secure, Insight On Demand offer.

    Email [email protected]

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  • [26 Mins]

    As we hit the end of the first wave of Covid-19 in the UK, we invite Dr Shikta Das, from C4X Discovery and UCL, back onto the show to discuss the facts and what we have learnt.

    We cover the risks to the BAME community, Diabetes, Non-Pharmaceutical interventions and societal approaches to resilience.

    [2 Mins] An Introduction from Dr Das

    [4 Mins] BAME, Diabetes and the first wave: What actually did we learn in the wash up?

    [7 Mins ] BAME specifics: Risk factors and Diabetes as the lead factor?

    [10 Mins] Trickling out success in messaging, alongside a dose of failure

    [11 Mins 30] Patterns of inheritance [and risk]

    [12 Mins] Local shutdown: Leicester and the stigma of a 'local' blame game [Including the younger person transmission story]

    [14 Mins] What does a positive test really mean?

    [16 Mins] Physical distancing messaging, and why its tough in specific communities

    [18 Mins] Track and Trace: Slipping through the cracks

    [20 Mins] Summary from wave 1: Let's not miss this opportunity

    [24 Mins 30] Magic wand: Exposed fault lines

    Listen to this series on iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher

    Join us on Side Effects. Or get in touch to find out more about our Covid Secure, Insight On Demand offer.

    Email [email protected]

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  • The Catch-22 behind being seen as a ‘Superhero’ Doctor, and how we might be making things worse from a Human Factors perspective.

    [2 Min] Who are Doctors?

    [5 Mins] Adam Kay and the reality of being a Junior Doctor/why GP’s can’t fill their vacancies

    [7 Mins] Why the NHS is not Google

    [8 Mins] Superheroes bounce back without blemishes, but do Doctors get PTSD?

    [9 Mins 30] Human Factors and designing out the ‘hero’ myth

    [10 Mins] Better lives for Doctors through job design, balance, health support and a new system

    [12 Mins] How might we make this more resilient. You decide.

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  • As we near the end of the first wave of Covid-19, what have we learnt?

    I knew that when I talked about the future for Britain with a group of specialists with 250 years worth of expert know-how (across many creative fields), I would come away with an alternative perspective on the possible road ahead.

    [1 Min] Where to begin? Sir David King and the Independent SAGE group are reflecting on the road ahead, but where are the designers, creatives and producers for Britain?

    [3 Mins] TEN points to focus upon in creating a better Britain [in Work, Health and Play]

    [4 Mins 30] ONE: Inequality Britain: Race, Gender, Education and Work
    (Listen to Dr Shikta Das shines a worrying spotlight on BAME communities, mental health inequalities, and the emerging data)

    [8 Mins] TWO: A National Health Service or a National 'Ill' Health Service?
    (Listen to Obesity and why its not too late to stop being 10x more likely to die of Covid-19, by Dr Aseem Malhotra)

    [11 Mins] THREE: Mental Health and Well 2.0 standards

    [15 Mins] FOUR: Return to Work: A simple fix or the impossible jigsaw?
    (Listen to Kursty Groves, Workplace Strategist, talks returning to work in the new normal.)

    [19 Mins] FIVE: Community Service, or just serving communities?

    [20 Mins 30] SIX: Shall we trash our commitment to Constant Growth?

    [22 Mins] SEVEN: Surveillance and Technology [inc. the Trust Index ,The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff and NHS X]

    [27 Mins 30] EIGHT: Mother nature and Resilience

    [29 Mins] NINE: Social Care and Aging [The Green paper in the wings and Give a Friday]

    [31 Mins] TEN: Over to you

    [33 Mins] The Magic Wand: What If?

    [35 Mins] Matt's conclusions. Insight into what he heard and asks, How Might We?

    [37 Mins 30] Kursty's video request. Are you up for it? [please tweet @weareten2 #TGBDC] - Thanks to Nationwide we have some examples.

    [39 Mins] Insight on Demand. The key to answers for your corporate challenges in a post (first wave) Covid world. Find out about a new service Matt and TEN have built for you.

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  • Today I talk to Dr Nadine Hachach-Haram , CEO and Founder of Proximie. Hachach-Haram's web-based dashboard allows surgeons to collaborate remotely via audio, video and augmented reality.

    We talk about how Proximie is helping patients like Mo Tajer; recovering after undergoing remotely guided Da Vinci robotic surgery.

    We also hear about a very personal story for Nadine, and the biggest 'litmus test' of them all. When she was asked by her mother to support her surgery using Proximie.

    Listen in and learn about how the demand for virtual support is accelerating under the conditions of Covid19, and how it is helping to deliver the best care, the first time, every time for patients.

    [2 Mins] Introduction to Dr Nadine Hachach-Haram and Proximie

    [3 Mins] The background to Proximie, as a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Guys at St Thomas's who knew that 5 Billion people in the world did not have access to surgery.

    [5 Mins] How Proximie helps? The case of Mo Tajer, undergoing remotely guided robotic surgery by @andrewgregory

    [9 Mins] The Virtual Rep: Rethinking access to the operation room, to support the likes of Jan Creidenberg

    [10 Mins] Covid19, accelerated adoption of digital solutions and the new normal. A study of Proximie vs. Face-to-Face support in theatre.

    [13 Mins] Learning from Matt's Nokia tale. How to use the right technology at the right time?

    [15 Mins] Stress testing in War zones: Being accessible in bandwidth, connectivity and low latency

    [17 Mins] Cancer care post Covid19: The WeShare Healthcare conference exploring the resumption of cancer care.

    [20 Mins] How do you scale: in regard to the growing need for experts?

    [Association of Surgeons in Training. European Society of Colopractology, International Society of Hip Anthroscopy].

    [22 Mins] The importance of of foundational processes: Being focussed on the UX first and foremost.

    [24 Mins] Proximie in 3-5 years time: Increasingly democratised access to care.

    [25 Mins] The ultimate 'litmus test': When your mother asked for Proximie to help her.

    [35 Mins] The Magic Wand: Every patient to have access to the best care, the first time and every time.

    [38 Mins] Do you want to join Nadine? Proximie is hiring! A. Client Engagement, B. Customers Experience Experts and C. Business Development specialists.

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  • Helene Guillaume, CEO and Founder of Wild.Ai. is on the show and talks about designing for women.

    Through WILD.AI’s research and algorithms, Helene’s app helps women perform and train all over the world, based off their physiology – not some misplaced system built alone on Male data. Not only can it predict when a woman will experience bloating or menstrual pain, but how to alleviate these symptoms. During ovulation, when the body is particularly strong, it will notify you when workouts can be pushed, and optimise the decisions you take for your body to reach peak performance.

    Her company is endorsed by superstar olympians like Paula Radcliffe, with #FemTech being a massive growth area. Wild Ai has attracted funding and support from Greylock, Reid Hoffman and McKinsey .

    But, what can Guillaume tell us about resilience (potentially to viruses) and how women and men might need to be understood differently in regard to their preventative health?

    Our conversation explores her cutting edge work, and the road ahead for women and athletes all over the world. Periods are the last taboo in sports, WILD.AI is breaking it.

    [2 Min 30] Life in London and Cycling under the lockdown

    [3 Mins] Introductions to Wild.ai and why Women are not Men

    [7 Mins 30] Empowering women throughout different life stages by understanding physiology and performance

    [10 Mins] Training, immune systems and menstrual cycles

    [13 Mins] Fuelling the right way, where is the female data? And what might this mean for Covid?

    [15 Mins 30] The Wild Ai Business: Women taking control

    [18 Mins] Resilient health beyond sport

    [20 Mins] 500 millions smartphones, and why Wild.ai is for more women than just athletes

    [21 Mins] Sport: What are people training for in lockdown? Adidas ‘We’ll be ready’

    [26 Mins] Pelaton and the success of training at home

    [28 Mins] Balance between tech and nature

    [33 Mins] What really matters about face to face vs. what can be done via the truly digital?

    [35 Mins] The Magic Wand

    [38 Mins] Finding Helene online

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  • In The Great British Design Challenge we discover what leading Workspace designers, TV and film makers, innovators and design researchers identify as the problems that society most needs solving, and what the potential long-term impacts might be if left unresolved.

    We explore the design of society from a different perspective to that of the SAGE group (or Independent SAGE) by questioning what key factors to address to help Britain move forward.

    [1 Min] Introduction to session two of The Great British Design Challenge – Work & Play (part 2).

    [2 Mins] Welcome to (and backgrounds of) Kursty Groves, Mat Hunter, Will Knight, Greg Boardman, Clare Hester, Heather McQuaid

    [8 Mins] Returning to play: Football without crowds, the NBA and the broader live-based entertainment world.

    [12 Mins] Desirability, Feasibility and Viability: The return of the box, and the reality of the business model

    [14 Mins] Design, ethics and who am I working for? Then what am I working for?

    [16 Mins] The new danger in the forest: Dealing with climate change alongside Covid-19

    [18 Mins] The Well 2.0 standard and mental health first aid framework. Thinking hard about the office part of this.

    [23 Mins] Many people are just holding it together in fragile ways: we need better ways to communicate. Especially when burden on life at risk on news.

    [27 Mins] Everybody has felt the rollercoaster to some degree – mental health awareness is critical in this crisis. Let’s find compassion.

    [30 Mins] Things have changed to mix remote and in-work: But only a standard deviation to the right.

    [31 Mins] TV content will become less locally relevant, more global. SVOD will continue, movies more special effects. But what is next?

    [33 Mins] Society 2:0 – More of a focus on Non-Pharmaceutical interventions

    [34 Mins] We can return to work, in todays spaces. Think flow and the fire exit

    [36 Mins] The East and Asia Collectivism is more prepared than the West individualistic culture. We are still in trouble.

    [38 Mins] Tuberculosis to Cholera, changes in society are built to fit requirements

    [39 Mins] The Dragon’s are in the digital space

    [41 Mins] Purpose driven work and purpose driven communities. The ownership of time.

    [42 Mins] The non-military national service? [750K volunteers in use and 8K in 3D Crowd]

    [44 Mins] Community service is a gift, today it’s seen as a punishment.

    [46 Mins] Resilience: The community, society, the state or corporations. What blend of actors is the big question.

    [47 Mins] Life is not all Watches and Suitcases: Why Wired is the opposite of being happy where you are.

    [50 Mins] Magic Wand: 1. The non-military national service, 2. Give a Friday 3. Leadership being enlightened

    [53 Mins] Magic Wand: 4. Institutional trust and people having compassion for each other, 5. Remove bias (partisanship), replaced with compassion and critical thinking 6. Courage.

    [60 Mins] Kursty’s video request – a video message to yourself in the future 6 months hence

    [62 Mins] Gene Wilder’s Willy Wonka and Covid-19

    [63 Mins] Lets increase diversity…

    [64 Mins] Eat, Rest, Sleep, Work, Play & Live: Let’s get a better balance

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