
  • A guided meditation designed to cultivate a deep sense of compassion and empathy towards oneself and others. Through gentle guidance and heartfelt affirmations, participants are invited to explore the boundless reservoir of love within, fostering a greater sense of inner peace, connection, and understanding. This meditation encourages participants to embrace themselves with kindness and compassion, nurturing a sense of warmth and acceptance that radiates outward to the world around them.

    Welcome to our 7-day meditation series taking you on a journey through the five stages of loving compassion. With guided meditation designed to nurture and uplift your inner spirit, this soothing journey will have you embark on a voyage of self-discovery, exploring the boundless depths of your heart and uncovering the radiant light of loving-kindness within. Through gentle guidance and heartfelt affirmations, you'll learn to embrace yourself with compassion, kindness, and acceptance, awakening the inherent beauty and worthiness that resides within you. Join us as we embark on a transformative journey of self-love and empowerment, where every breath reminds you of your innate goodness and the infinite capacity for love within your soul.

    This is episode 6 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "The 5 Stages of Loving Compassion " 3128-3134.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Loving-Kindness Quest:

    Select a person to send unconditional loving kindness to all week. Fair warning: Be prepared to be ignored or shunned. Sharing loving kindness with someone difficult helps you to develop inner resilience.


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
  • Take a journey of compassion and connection with our "Family Love Meditation." This guided practice will help you cultivate boundless love and kindness towards your family and loved ones, fostering deeper understanding, forgiveness, and harmony in your relationships.

    Welcome to our 7-day meditation series taking you on a journey through the five stages of loving compassion. With guided meditation designed to nurture and uplift your inner spirit, this soothing journey will have you embark on a voyage of self-discovery, exploring the boundless depths of your heart and uncovering the radiant light of loving-kindness within. Through gentle guidance and heartfelt affirmations, you'll learn to embrace yourself with compassion, kindness, and acceptance, awakening the inherent beauty and worthiness that resides within you. Join us as we embark on a transformative journey of self-love and empowerment, where every breath reminds you of your innate goodness and the infinite capacity for love within your soul.

    This is episode 5 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "The 5 Stages of Loving Compassion " 3128-3134.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Loving-Kindness Quest:

    Select a person to send unconditional loving kindness to all week. Fair warning: Be prepared to be ignored or shunned. Sharing loving kindness with someone difficult helps you to develop inner resilience.


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
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  • This meditation guides you in extending loving-kindness and compassion towards those who challenge you the most. By focusing on your breath and generating feelings of warmth and empathy, you can transform negative emotions and foster a sense of inner peace and understanding. This practice helps heal relationships and promotes emotional resilience, encouraging a deeper connection with even the most difficult individuals in your life.

    Welcome to our 7-day meditation series taking you on a journey through the five stages of loving compassion. With guided meditation designed to nurture and uplift your inner spirit, this soothing journey will have you embark on a voyage of self-discovery, exploring the boundless depths of your heart and uncovering the radiant light of loving-kindness within. Through gentle guidance and heartfelt affirmations, you'll learn to embrace yourself with compassion, kindness, and acceptance, awakening the inherent beauty and worthiness that resides within you. Join us as we embark on a transformative journey of self-love and empowerment, where every breath reminds you of your innate goodness and the infinite capacity for love within your soul.

    This is episode 4 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "The 5 Stages of Loving Compassion " 3128-3134.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Loving-Kindness Quest:

    Select a person to send unconditional loving kindness to all week. Fair warning: Be prepared to be ignored or shunned. Sharing loving kindness with someone difficult helps you to develop inner resilience.


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
  • This meditation focuses on extending love and kindness to strangers, fostering a sense of universal compassion. We will incorporate a simple breathing technique to enhance relaxation and focus.

    Welcome to our 7-day meditation series taking you on a journey through the five stages of loving compassion. With guided meditation designed to nurture and uplift your inner spirit, this soothing journey will have you embark on a voyage of self-discovery, exploring the boundless depths of your heart and uncovering the radiant light of loving-kindness within. Through gentle guidance and heartfelt affirmations, you'll learn to embrace yourself with compassion, kindness, and acceptance, awakening the inherent beauty and worthiness that resides within you. Join us as we embark on a transformative journey of self-love and empowerment, where every breath reminds you of your innate goodness and the infinite capacity for love within your soul.

    This is episode 3 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "The 5 Stages of Loving Compassion " 3128-3134.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Loving-Kindness Quest:

    Select a person to send unconditional loving kindness to all week. Fair warning: Be prepared to be ignored or shunned. Sharing loving kindness with someone difficult helps you to develop inner resilience.


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
  • Immerse yourself in the gentle embrace of loving-kindness with this soothing meditation, where you'll cultivate compassion, warmth, and goodwill towards yourself and others. Through heartfelt affirmations and guided visualization, you'll awaken the boundless love within your heart, creating a harmonious ripple of positivity that extends to all beings.

    Welcome to our 7-day meditation series taking you on a journey through the five stages of loving compassion. With guided meditation designed to nurture and uplift your inner spirit, this soothing journey will have you embark on a voyage of self-discovery, exploring the boundless depths of your heart and uncovering the radiant light of loving-kindness within. Through gentle guidance and heartfelt affirmations, you'll learn to embrace yourself with compassion, kindness, and acceptance, awakening the inherent beauty and worthiness that resides within you. Join us as we embark on a transformative journey of self-love and empowerment, where every breath reminds you of your innate goodness and the infinite capacity for love within your soul.

    This is episode 2 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "The 5 Stages of Loving Compassion " 3128-3134.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Loving-Kindness Quest:

    Select a person to send unconditional loving kindness to all week. Fair warning: Be prepared to be ignored or shunned. Sharing loving kindness with someone difficult helps you to develop inner resilience.


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
  • Welcome to our 7-day meditation series taking you on a journey through the five stages of loving compassion. With guided meditation designed to nurture and uplift your inner spirit, this soothing journey will have you embark on a voyage of self-discovery, exploring the boundless depths of your heart and uncovering the radiant light of loving-kindness within. Through gentle guidance and heartfelt affirmations, you'll learn to embrace yourself with compassion, kindness, and acceptance, awakening the inherent beauty and worthiness that resides within you. Join us as we embark on a transformative journey of self-love and empowerment, where every breath reminds you of your innate goodness and the infinite capacity for love within your soul.

    This is episode 1 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "The 5 Stages of Loving Compassion " 3128-3134.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Loving-Kindness Quest:

    Select a person to send unconditional loving kindness to all week. Fair warning: Be prepared to be ignored or shunned. Sharing loving kindness with someone difficult helps you to develop inner resilience.


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
  • Inspired by Miyamoto Musashi's "The Book of Five Rings," this walking meditation combines movement with mindfulness, embodying the spirit of a samurai. As you walk, you will focus on the principles of the five elements—Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void. Each step grounds you in the present moment, while your breath flows like water, your focus ignites like fire, your movements are as free as the wind, and your mind embraces the infinite potential of the void. This meditation will help you cultivate balance, clarity, and a warrior's calm in every step you take.

    Welcome to our 7-day meditation series inspired by "The Book of Five Rings" by the legendary samurai, Miyamoto Musashi. In this series, we will delve into the profound teachings of the five elements—Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void—each representing a unique aspect of strategy and life. Through daily meditations and reflections, you will learn to harness these elements to cultivate inner strength, adaptability, passion, freedom, and infinite potential. Join us on this transformative journey to gain clarity, balance, and mastery in both your personal and professional life.

    This is episode 7 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "The Circle of 5 Rings: A Strategy to Win at Life " 379-385.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Win Differently Quest

    Practice going with the flow by engaging in a new activity or solving a problem in a different way than usual. Notice how being flexible and adaptable impacts your experience. Journal about a situation where adapting like water helped you navigate more effectively.


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
  • This meditation, inspired by Miyamoto Musashi's "The Book of Five Rings," guides you through the mastery of the five elements—Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void. Each element represents a fundamental aspect of life and strategy. Through focused breathing and visualization, you will connect with the grounding stability of Earth, the adaptive flow of Water, the passionate intensity of Fire, the free movement of Wind, and the infinite potential of Void. Embrace this practice to harmonize these elements within yourself, achieving balance, clarity, and a warrior's calm.

    Welcome to our 7-day meditation series inspired by "The Book of Five Rings" by the legendary samurai, Miyamoto Musashi. In this series, we will delve into the profound teachings of the five elements—Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void—each representing a unique aspect of strategy and life. Through daily meditations and reflections, you will learn to harness these elements to cultivate inner strength, adaptability, passion, freedom, and infinite potential. Join us on this transformative journey to gain clarity, balance, and mastery in both your personal and professional life.

    This is episode 6 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "The Circle of 5 Rings: A Strategy to Win at Life " 379-385.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Win Differently Quest

    Practice going with the flow by engaging in a new activity or solving a problem in a different way than usual. Notice how being flexible and adaptable impacts your experience. Journal about a situation where adapting like water helped you navigate more effectively.


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
  • Inspired by Miyamoto Musashi's "The Book of Five Rings," this meditation focuses on grounding and stabilizing your Root Chakra. Just as Musashi emphasized the importance of a solid foundation, this practice will help you connect with the Earth element, fostering a sense of stability, security, and strength. Through guided visualization and deep breathing, you will anchor yourself firmly in the present moment, drawing upon the steadfastness of a samurai. Embrace this meditation to cultivate a strong foundation, enabling you to face life's challenges with resilience and confidence.

    Welcome to our 7-day meditation series inspired by "The Book of Five Rings" by the legendary samurai, Miyamoto Musashi. In this series, we will delve into the profound teachings of the five elements—Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void—each representing a unique aspect of strategy and life. Through daily meditations and reflections, you will learn to harness these elements to cultivate inner strength, adaptability, passion, freedom, and infinite potential. Join us on this transformative journey to gain clarity, balance, and mastery in both your personal and professional life.

    This is episode 5 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "The Circle of 5 Rings: A Strategy to Win at Life " 379-385.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Win Differently Quest

    Practice going with the flow by engaging in a new activity or solving a problem in a different way than usual. Notice how being flexible and adaptable impacts your experience. Journal about a situation where adapting like water helped you navigate more effectively.


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
  • In this meditation, you will use a powerful mudra inspired by the teachings of Miyamoto Musashi's "The Book of Five Rings." The "Mudra of Balance" combines the energies of the five elements—Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void—promoting harmony and equilibrium within. By holding this mudra during your meditation, you will enhance your focus, ground your energy, and cultivate a deep sense of inner balance. Embrace this ancient practice to align yourself with the elemental forces and achieve a state of calm and centeredness.

    Welcome to our 7-day meditation series inspired by "The Book of Five Rings" by the legendary samurai, Miyamoto Musashi. In this series, we will delve into the profound teachings of the five elements—Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void—each representing a unique aspect of strategy and life. Through daily meditations and reflections, you will learn to harness these elements to cultivate inner strength, adaptability, passion, freedom, and infinite potential. Join us on this transformative journey to gain clarity, balance, and mastery in both your personal and professional life.

    This is episode 4 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "The Circle of 5 Rings: A Strategy to Win at Life " 379-385.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Win Differently Quest

    Practice going with the flow by engaging in a new activity or solving a problem in a different way than usual. Notice how being flexible and adaptable impacts your experience. Journal about a situation where adapting like water helped you navigate more effectively.


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
  • In this meditation, you will learn a powerful breathing technique inspired by the teachings of legendary samurai Miyamoto Musashi. This practice, known as "Warrior's Breath," helps you cultivate inner calm and focus, essential for any warrior. Through deep, controlled breaths, you will center your mind, harness your energy, and prepare yourself to face any challenge with clarity and determination. Embrace this ancient technique to strengthen your resilience and achieve a state of unwavering calm.

    Welcome to our 7-day meditation series inspired by "The Book of Five Rings" by the legendary samurai, Miyamoto Musashi. In this series, we will delve into the profound teachings of the five elements—Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void—each representing a unique aspect of strategy and life. Through daily meditations and reflections, you will learn to harness these elements to cultivate inner strength, adaptability, passion, freedom, and infinite potential. Join us on this transformative journey to gain clarity, balance, and mastery in both your personal and professional life.

    This is episode 3 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "The Circle of 5 Rings: A Strategy to Win at Life " 379-385.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Win Differently Quest

    Practice going with the flow by engaging in a new activity or solving a problem in a different way than usual. Notice how being flexible and adaptable impacts your experience. Journal about a situation where adapting like water helped you navigate more effectively.


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
  • This affirmation draws from the timeless wisdom of Miyamoto Musashi, legendary samurai and author of "The Circle of Five Rings." It encapsulates the essence of the warrior's path, emphasizing discipline, mindfulness, and strategic thinking. Repeat this affirmation to cultivate a sense of inner strength, clarity, and unwavering determination. Let Musashi's teachings guide you toward mastering your own life battles with the spirit of a true warrior. Embrace the way, and find harmony in every challenge you face.

    Welcome to our 7-day meditation series inspired by "The Book of Five Rings" by the legendary samurai, Miyamoto Musashi. In this series, we will delve into the profound teachings of the five elements—Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void—each representing a unique aspect of strategy and life. Through daily meditations and reflections, you will learn to harness these elements to cultivate inner strength, adaptability, passion, freedom, and infinite potential. Join us on this transformative journey to gain clarity, balance, and mastery in both your personal and professional life.

    This is episode 2 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "The Circle of 5 Rings: A Strategy to Win at Life " 379-385.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Win Differently Quest

    Practice going with the flow by engaging in a new activity or solving a problem in a different way than usual. Notice how being flexible and adaptable impacts your experience. Journal about a situation where adapting like water helped you navigate more effectively.


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
  • Welcome to our 7-day meditation series inspired by "The Book of Five Rings" by the legendary samurai, Miyamoto Musashi. In this series, we will delve into the profound teachings of the five elements—Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void—each representing a unique aspect of strategy and life. Through daily meditations and reflections, you will learn to harness these elements to cultivate inner strength, adaptability, passion, freedom, and infinite potential. Join us on this transformative journey to gain clarity, balance, and mastery in both your personal and professional life.

    This is episode 1 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "The Circle of 5 Rings: A Stragegy to Win at Life " 379-385.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Win Differently Quest

    Practice going with the flow by engaging in a new activity or solving a problem in a different way than usual. Notice how being flexible and adaptable impacts your experience. Journal about a situation where adapting like water helped you navigate more effectively.


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
  • In today's meditation, you will learn to cultivate a deep appreciation and love for your life, allowing you to focus on the positive aspects and avoid the distractions of negative news. Through guided visualization and affirmations, you'll reconnect with what makes your life unique and fulfilling, fostering a sense of joy and contentment. Embrace this journey to fall in love with your life and build resilience against negativity.

    Welcome to our 7-day meditation series, "Processing Negative News: A Journey to Inner Focus." In this series, we will explore techniques to help you avoid distractions, particularly those from social media and negative news, which can disrupt your peace and lead to negative feelings. By practicing mindfulness and inner focus, you can reclaim your mental space and navigate the day with clarity and positivity. This is episode 7 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Processing Negative News" 3121-3127.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Negative News Filter Quest:

    When you encounter negative news, ask yourself, “How can I use this information?” “How does it make me feel?” “How can I be of service?”


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
  • Today's meditation helps you focus on your purpose by avoiding negative news and fostering a positive, purposeful mindset.

    Welcome to our 7-day meditation series, "Processing Negative News: A Journey to Inner Focus." In this series, we will explore techniques to help you avoid distractions, particularly those from social media and negative news, which can disrupt your peace and lead to negative feelings. By practicing mindfulness and inner focus, you can reclaim your mental space and navigate the day with clarity and positivity. This is episode 6 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Processing Negative News" 3121-3127.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Negative News Filter Quest:

    When you encounter negative news, ask yourself, “How can I use this information?” “How does it make me feel?” “How can I be of service?”


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
  • In today's meditation, you'll focus on releasing the negativity that often arises from exposure to negative news. Through guided visualization and mindful breathing, you will learn to let go of the emotional burden and cultivate a sense of inner peace.

    Welcome to our 7-day meditation series, "Processing Negative News: A Journey to Inner Focus." In this series, we will explore techniques to help you avoid distractions, particularly those from social media and negative news, which can disrupt your peace and lead to negative feelings. By practicing mindfulness and inner focus, you can reclaim your mental space and navigate the day with clarity and positivity. This is episode 5 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Processing Negative News" 3121-3127.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Negative News Filter Quest:

    When you encounter negative news, ask yourself, “How can I use this information?” “How does it make me feel?” “How can I be of service?”


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
  • Before engaging with social media or news, take a moment to ground yourself through deep breathing. Set the intention to be mindful of your media consumption and its impact on your emotions. Welcome to our 7-day meditation series, "Processing Negative News: A Journey to Inner Focus." In this series, we will explore techniques to help you avoid distractions, particularly those from social media and negative news, which can disrupt your peace and lead to negative feelings. By practicing mindfulness and inner focus, you can reclaim your mental space and navigate the day with clarity and positivity. This is episode 4 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Processing Negative News" 3121-3127.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Negative News Filter Quest:

    When you encounter negative news, ask yourself, “How can I use this information?” “How does it make me feel?” “How can I be of service?”


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
  • Reflect on how to set healthy boundaries when loved ones are negative. Stick to these boundaries to avoid being overwhelmed by negativity from those around you. Welcome to our 7-day meditation series, "Processing Negative News: A Journey to Inner Focus." In this series, we will explore techniques to help you avoid distractions, particularly those from social media and negative news, which can disrupt your peace and lead to negative feelings. By practicing mindfulness and inner focus, you can reclaim your mental space and navigate the day with clarity and positivity. This is episode 3 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Processing Negative News" 3121-3127.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Negative News Filter Quest:

    When you encounter negative news, ask yourself, “How can I use this information?” “How does it make me feel?” “How can I be of service?”


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
  • Reflect on your emotional reactions to the negative news you’ve encountered recently. How did it make you feel? Reflect on the emotions that surfaced and any physical sensations you noticed in your body. Welcome to our 7-day meditation series, "Processing Negative News: A Journey to Inner Focus." In this series, we will explore techniques to help you avoid distractions, particularly those from social media and negative news, which can disrupt your peace and lead to negative feelings. By practicing mindfulness and inner focus, you can reclaim your mental space and navigate the day with clarity and positivity. This is episode 2 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Processing Negative News" 3121-3127.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Negative News Filter Quest:

    When you encounter negative news, ask yourself, “How can I use this information?” “How does it make me feel?” “How can I be of service?”


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.
  • Welcome to our 7-day meditation series, "Processing Negative News: A Journey to Inner Focus." In this series, we will explore techniques to help you avoid distractions, particularly those from social media and negative news, which can disrupt your peace and lead to negative feelings. By practicing mindfulness and inner focus, you can reclaim your mental space and navigate the day with clarity and positivity. This is episode 1 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Processing Negative News" 3121-3127.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Negative News Filter Quest:

    When you encounter negative news, ask yourself, “How can I use this information?” “how does it make me feel?” “How can i be of service?”


    Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


    For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

    Enjoy access to more than 3,000 guided meditations without ads on the Sip and Om app. Try it for 7 days of free access to the full app!

    Listen on iTunes for 1-Week Free! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sip-and-om/id1216664612?platform=iphone&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/iphone 1-week Free Access to the Android app! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sipandom.sipandom ***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission. RESOURCES Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller. I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes. **All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.