今天我们将探讨一个备受关注的话题:Nostr Spam问题。作为一种去中心化协议,Nostr协议在全球范围内实现了社交媒体的去中心化、自主性和抗审查特性。然而,这种协议同时也存在着一些挑战,其中 Spam问题是最为突出的一种。
我们今天的讨论将不仅仅局限于 Spam问题本身,还将着重探讨它对社交媒体的未来、去中心化技术的进展和隐私保护等方面的影响。为此,DAOrayaki社区特别邀请了来自Nostr CN社区的数据科学家 Sherry老师,从专业研究人员的角度,跟我一起开启今天的话题
版权税,也称 特许权 使用费,常在金融领域中的被广泛使用,是指一方因使用了另一方的资产而向其支付的费用。由于NFTs的出现,彻底改变了创作者和消费者之间的经济关系,产生了创作者二次销售版权税的概念。但版权税在NFT领域的发展之路可谓几经波折,行业里不但没有形成统一的标准范式,甚至切分出了完全不同的两种观点,并在应用层设计了不同的产品路径。
带着这些问题,DAOrayaki社区特别邀请到了在NFT领域的资深技术实践者,同时也是10K Universe的创始人 5660.ETH老师,一起聊聊今天的播客话题
Episodi mancanti?
Damus是如何做到的呢?它与其他Defi项目有何不同的商业化路径?其底层去中心化协议Nostr对破圈现象有多大的助推力?带着这些疑惑,DAOrayaki社区今天特别邀请到我们的老朋友Jolestar老师,带来他对Nostr Damus破圈现象,对Defi所面临金融化“激励诅咒”的独家思考。
账户抽象的概念最早于2017年在协议EIP-86中提出,其目的是实现“交易来源和签名的抽象”。 人类账户的改进是一项为期多年的实验。 需要自我托管的钱包地址是用户在链上世界的「账户」,但同时也是阻碍用户进入 Web3 的一大障碍。
账户抽象使我们能够使用智能合约逻辑来指定交易的效果,以及费用支付和验证逻辑。 这提供了许多重要的安全优势,包括多重签名和智能恢复钱包、无需更改钱包即可更改密钥的能力以及量子安全性。
随着概念的普及,账户抽象和合约钱包将从小众走向主流,从用户需求出发推动协议兼容,形成新的账户范式。 最终,在广泛共识下,以太坊具备了直接更改底层代码实现账户抽象的条件。 这种新的账户体系将更有利于为web3吸引新的用户和流量,刺激生态的蓬勃发展,从而形成良性循环。
The concept of account abstraction was first proposed in EIP-86 in 2017, and its purpose is to achieve "abstraction of transaction origin and signature". The improvement of human accounts is a 7-year experiment. The wallet address that must be self-hosted is the user's "account" in the chain world, but it is also a major barrier that prevents users from entering Web3.
The account abstraction enables us to use smart contract logic to specify the effects of transactions, as well as fee payment and validation logic. This provides a number of important security benefits, including multi-signature and smart recovery wallets, the ability to change keys without changing wallets, and quantum security.
The hardcore article "Account Abstraction - A Crucial Step in Ensuring Ethereum's Adoption" has been translated by DAOrayaki as part of its ongoing research on the idea of account abstraction.
This episode, we are glad to have Daniel from Fifty Finney, the author of this article, to speak intuitively about account abstraction with us.
“Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.”
Says ― James Bovard, Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty
DAO is a charismatic public organization, which eliminates all risks of these public welfare forms in the common ownership of all items, and realizes incomparable benefits in terms of non-profit organizational goals.
Due to the superior mechanism of blockchain and tokens, DAO has its own voting governance mechanism. The lower trial and error costs of DAO organizations also provide a stage for experimentation with different governance mechanisms.
Democracy means participating in polls. The main difference between a dictatorship and a free, liberal, and prosperous democracy is that the populace can decide who represents their interest by participating in open, fair and transparent elections.Governance is an ancient problem facing humanity. Human development is a process from centralized governance to democratic governance. As the core element of DAO governance, the voting mechanism has made the development of DAO today. With the continuous vertical development of DAO, it is particularly important to trace the origin of the voting mechanism and explore the relationship between democracy and voting.
Today, we are glad to have Raphael Spannocchi to talking about democracy、 the Marquis of Condorcet、the origin of DAO’s democratic voting.
Hyperlinks were ground-breaking for the internet during the Web1 era and enabled digital advertising to become the backbone of the internet’s commercialization. To date, digital advertising is still the largest means of monetization, having generated $521 billion in revenue by 2021.
The internet is all about drawing attention, more attention means more profitability. During the Web2 era, the largest attention generator has been social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, whose users spend an average of two hours and 49 minutes per day as of 2022.
Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 5489, proposed by Parami Protocol, was assigned as Last Call before becoming an official ERC standard. The upcoming standard extends ERC-721 with a new functionality by allowing hyperlinks to be embedded in nonfungible tokens’ (NFTs) metadata slots, so the audience of NFTs can click through and get directed to any URI destination on the web.
With the new chemistry between the attention economy and NFTs catalyzed by EIP5489, it is necessary to make a serious summary of the attention experience in the web3 domain, the new development of NFTs, before we dive into EIP5489.
On the last day of 2022, we are honored to invite our partners from Parami Protocol to talk about NFT, the attention economy, EIP5489 and Parami Protocol.
本期播客,DAOrayaki特别邀请了社区的内部成员HTseaaat,跟大家一起深入谈一谈扩容与隐私计算的发展现状。 -
"What is a DAO community and how to measure health" has become increasingly important. The DAOrayaki community tracked this topic, and we found that RnDAO published a study on "Measuring the Health of the DAO Community". In the research of RnDAO, we first put forward our views on the conceptual basis of defining the DAO community and how to measure the health of the DAO community. As we have seen in this article, the topic of DAO community health is extensive.
From a systematic point of view, it is analogous to medical concepts and proposes indicators to measure the health of the DAO community. In the next research phase, we will collect data from different communities to test and refine the community health model. Additional research projects (by us or others) could expand on the health assessment of different nested systems as well as the additional structures we propose. Likewise, exploring the contributors to the long-term health of communities could serve as further research.
This episode we are honored to invite one of the participating authors of this article, Dr. Katerina Bohle Carbonell, from RnDAO, to share with us in detail "how to measure the health of the DAO community through scientific methods".
The industry scandal exposed by the FTX is still ongoing throughout the crypto industry. The reason is that current crypto projects and funds lack effective tools to manage their assets and relationships with investors in a transparent manner, and investors cannot really control the situation of funds within the project or fund. Investors simply transfer assets using void legal contracts, at their own risk, with no real protection, or even using any contracts at all.
On the other hand, founders of crypto projects have no incentive to develop their projects after successfully raising funds and sometimes engage in exit scams such as rug pulling or just mimicking project activity without actually looking for real customers and product-market fit. Now, investors are not immune(i’myoon) to any of these activities. An alternative solution needs to be found as the current legal system has proven to be costly, inefficient and creates more headaches for founders than truly protecting investors
Investing in DAOs can be a solution to the lack of transparency, but because current DAO builders lack mass adoption, developing a custom DAO for a project or fund requires developing it from scratch, which is costly and efficient low.
The guest we invited today is an expert in asset management DAOs. Using today's topic, let us see if we can find an efficient and feasible personal asset management method.
welcome Vladimir Prosvirkin. -
GameFi 一直是 Web3 生态备受关注的赛道,因为其,具有对web2用户更友好的特性,相比web3其他赛道有更多的web2用户,但由于全球30亿游戏玩家未能真正涌入Web3,并且大多数GameFi的项目周期都很短,因此探寻这个行业该如何变得更加可持续发展是至关重要的。
虽然,生态的成熟度和游戏的可玩性,对 GameFi 的成败起到关键性的作用,然而让 GameFi 游戏有别于传统游戏的,正是游戏内的资产「Fi」。如何为游戏资产构建一个良好的交易环境,即:流畅的交易体验、足够深度的流动性以及丰富的金融工具等,理所应当成为了 ,GameFi 开发者 和投资方 关注的重点。
本期我们邀请到的嘉宾,便是在GameFi领域的长期实践者,在经历了GameFi赛道的盛夏与寒冬的交替后,今天的GameFi领域发展如何,Play 2 Earn的模式是否还有新的经济模型,整个行业在痛点的切入上又有了哪些形式的变化,带着这些思考,让我们开启本期的播客话题,
洗尽铅华,行业实践者眼中 GameFi, P2E 的叙事有了哪些新变化?
这两天关于FTX跟币安的话题在圈内持续发酵,最新的进展是,虽然FTX已经宣告破产保护,但其交易所在持续的受到黑客攻击,目前围绕着整个事件的内外部情况,可以用一片混乱,一波未平一波又起来形容。我个人的思考,从这次还在发酵的事件中显现出了很多问题,例如市场的监管方向问题,涉及垄断法的问题,中心化与去中心化问题,交易所的流动性及兑付问题,等等,无论哪一块,对行业的未来发展都有着十分深远的影响。DAOrayaki做为行业BUIDler一员,则更关注对于BUIDL圈有影响的问题事件,这就是今天我们要谈的Merkle Tree 默克尔树。这次的交易所大战后,各个交易所都开始 你争我抢的 官宣一个叫默克尔树的技术,力图通过此种方式,证明自己交易所的资产储备透明性及交易透明性。默克尔树到底是什么,被用来解决什么样的问题,对行业又有着什么的影响,带着这些思考,我们今天特别独家邀请了Starcoin的核心开发者,同时也是MoveFuns DAO的发起人Jolestar老师,一起聊聊默克尔树以及这次事件所带来的一些独家延展性思考。
DAO在“实践”的这条赛道中,可以大致归纳为两个方向:一个方向是做治理中间层,或者说是DAO的操作系统,像AragonDAO、DAOstack是这一方向的代表。另一个方向是应用层治理,其中又可分为“融资型”与“协议型”。由于融资的目的是为了支持社区建设、资助开发、孵化项目,所以产生出了一种融资型DAO的子类型:Grant DAO,比如著名的MolochDAO,Dora Grant DAO等,在谷歌的一般性定义里,Grant DAO作为DAO的几个首要用例之一,被设计为创新的 DeFi 项目提供资金,从而表明去中心化社区在资金方面比传统组织更灵活。Grant DAO与其他投资型的 DAO 类似,是不断增长的 DAO 类型的重要补充。 这些 DAO 适合支持和资助 Web3领域的初创项目。
如今,Grant DAOs对于区块链生态系统的发展越来越重要——企业、活动、社区、公共物品都可以由Grant DAOs提供资金资助。Grant DAOs在DoraHacks社区中也越来越受欢迎。BNB Grant DAO在单轮资助中资助了216家企业和公共物品,涵盖去中心化保险协议,BNB域名服务,zkBNB等多个前沿领域的项目。
随着Grant DAOs的不断发展,所呈现出的形式也变的更为多样,但终极目标,都是想实现开放式社区Grant DAO,所以如何对其进行治理,成为了决定Grant DAO下一步能否顺利发展的关键因素。DoraHacks对这个领域一直有着很深的研究,并对可能出现的问题进行了系统性的思考及非常具有实操性的解法,今天,就让我们与DoraHacks的发起人Eric,一起聊聊开放式社区Grant DAOs,以及其相关治理问题的话题
Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs, for short) are changing how organisations are defined and thought about.
DAOs actually grew out of imagining how decentralized technology features such as global digital assets, censorship resistance, and automated operations would change the way organizations operate. Originally known as a Decentralized Autonomous Corporation (DAC), the more generic term DAO emerged in the Ethereum blockchain community.
In an article called DAOs, DACs, DAs and More: An Incomplete Terminology Guide by Vitalik in 2014, A DAO is described as a capitalized organization in which a software protocol informs its operations, putting automation at its center and humans at the edge. On this basis, it is proposed that DAO is to automate the interaction between human actions.
But, the reality is, there is no universally agreed definition on what is a DAO.
“Member-owned communities without centralized leadership. A safe way to collaborate with internet strangers. A safe place to commit funds to a specific cause.” - Ethereum.org
”Collectives that use automation and crowdsourcing to make decisions” - The Economist
“An entity that seeks to replicate the decision-making activities of a traditional organization without the traditional structures and costs of an organization” - Forbes
“A community with a shared bank account” - Huling (2021)
DAOs have evolved to encompass a multitude of entities, and, as a result, have had a spectrum of definitions. But the question is, what is the most objective, comprehensive and specific way to define DAO? DAOrayaki, as a member of in-depth research and construction of DAO, has been thinking about the same question.
Fortunately, today we have a new extension of the definition of DAO, thanks to the contribution of RnDAO, which has long-term continued research and continuous in-depth thinking on the organizational form of DAO. Today, the DAOrayaki community is honored to invite Daniel from RnDAO to understand DAO from a new, deeper and more interesting perspective. Daniel is also the original author of the article "What is a DAO? Conceptual Foundations'' . Let's welcome Daniel.
When music, NFTs, and rhythm games met decentralization at the same time.What gonna happen?
“Music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand,” says Stevie Wonder.
NFTs and the Metaverse are two of today’s hottest topics. But whenever anyone talks about linking NFTs to music, a key question always arises:
With almost unlimited access to huge libraries on music apps like Spotify available for a small monthly fee, why spend money on music NFTs?
If we want to answer this question, We might as well go back to the features of Web3 and rethink the whole thing.
An important feature of Web3 is its decentralized nature, which provides opportunities for true player ownership, community, and collaboration. If player ownership, community, and collaboration opportunities are all linked through NFTs, we see the potential for music to be given a new definition. For example, music can be used not only to listen but also to play and even earn money.
There is such an easy-to-understand statement in blockchain games that the P2E business model has a long history in traditional games. Its prototype is the sale of assets in games such as "World of Warcraft" and "Dungeon and Warriors". Earning money, and playing earning games have upgraded this model. Players can earn digital assets to trade or sell in the open market by playing games based on cryptocurrencies and NFTs to create the effect of earning actual income.
It is characterized in that the player is the consumer and the asset owner. The game assets acquired by the player in the game will be recorded on the blockchain in the form of NFT (non-fungible tokens), and this record cannot be tampered with and is open and transparent. . Players who want to make money in the game no longer need a third-party trading platform to ensure the safety of transactions.
Today, with the popularity of the creator economy, there are many new economic miracles in the Play to Earn field, and DEBEATS we are going to talk about today is one of them. DEBEATS has just concluded the Solana summer camp jointly organized by Solana and Dorahacks. Among the 658 projects that joined the Solana
summer camp, DEBEATS won the second prize in Dorahacks' Esports Track and the first prize in Community Voting Grant.
At this moment, what new changes have taken place in the field of Web3Game, what new sparks can NFT plus music plus rhythm games with decentralized attributes create with each other, and what new ways to Play 2 Earn, with these questions, we're glad to have DEBEATS founder KK Chen join us today.
Facebook 在2019年发布数字货币项目 Libra 的那一天时,肯定没有想到,随后的故事是,Libra被迫转型为Dime,而Dime又最终以1.82亿美元的价格被Meta出售。这个曾经定位于,为面向数十亿人的全球货币和金融服务提供基础设施,一经推出便吸引了整个金融市场的高度关注的计划,看起来是无疾而终,但其实却给整个加密行业留下了宝贵的遗产——一个弥补了 Solidity 及 EVM 缺陷,并实际运用于,目前最具代表性的新Layer 1公链 Aptos、Sui 的编程语言,Move 编程语言。
一种是基于现有的编程语言进行裁剪,然后运行在 WASM 等通用的虚拟机里。这种方案的优势是可以沿用当前编程语言以及 虚拟机的生态。
另一种呢,是新造一个专门的智能合约编程语言以及虚拟机,从头构造语言以及虚拟机生态。我们熟悉的Solidity /səˈlɪdɪti/ 语言 是这种方式,今天聊的Move语言,也是这条发展线路。
由于 Move 合约之间的依赖和调用方式可以让它最大化的复用模块,适合一层一层构建智能合约的基础设施,而Move 的“自由状态”模型,可以让数字资产在不同的合约之间流动,提供基于类型的组合性。基于以上两个特性,Move 可以在分层扩容方案中发挥更大的价值,比如实现跨层的合约复用以及组合,任意状态的跨层迁移。Move 也由一个为 Libra 设计的智能合约语言演变成一个开源社区项目,成为多链设计的一环,让它可能被更多的公链等基础设施项目采用,从而构造更大的生态。
Move 是一种注重安全和灵活性的新型智能合约编程语言,其生态系统包含一个编译器、一个虚拟机和许多其他的开发工具。 Move 受到 Rust 编程语言的启发,该语言通过线性类型等概念来明确数据的所有权 ,Move 强调了资源的稀缺性、保存和访问控制, 并定义了每个资源的生命周期、存储和访问模式。 这确保了像 “数字资产”这样的资源不会在没有适当凭证的情况下产生,且不能被重复消费,也不会消失。
你不能阻止一个人向自己的脚开枪,编程语言是一个工具,开发者用这个工具向自己的脚开枪的时候,编程语言本身能做些什么事情?智能合约让不同组织的程序运行在同一个进程中,最大化了编程语言的作用,但也带来了新的安全挑战。当然,新命题必然出现新问题,哪怕有更多的新问题出现,我们依然相信 Move 是一种可以提供更安全、更快捷、更简单的方式来编写智能合约的语言,它将成为一个强大而充满活力的开发者生态系统的基础层。而实际上,使用 Move 来构建下一代 Web3 应用程序以吸引更多的 Web3 用户的设想,今天已经在实实在在的发生着。
那么,代币经济学在DAO的经济模型里到底发挥着什么样的作用呢?我们都知道,DAO 的首要目的是解决问题和创造价值。DAO 的成员通过持有 Token 成为组织活动的参与者,随着 Token的升值获取应有的回报,这种经济模型,一定程度上实现了“所有者即劳动者”的共享共治状态。所以,在代币经济学模型这个大命题下,针对DAO领域,什么样的经济模型是有效且先进的呢?除了我们熟悉的TOKEN,NFT,甚至行业大VKOL,启动DAO的经济模型还有什么样更好的方式么?
2022 年 5 月 11 日,Vitalik 和 Glen、Puja共同发表了新论文《去中心化社会:寻找 Web3 的灵魂》,论文集中讨论了关于新型 Token SBT(Soulbound Token,灵魂绑定通证)的概念、应用和实现技术,以此寻求打开 Web3 的新局面。论文发表后,迅速成为整个 Web3 领域最热门的话题之一。DAOrayaki作为全球第一个把这篇论文翻译成中文版,并连续做了三期Podcast进行翻译解读的去中心化媒体社区,一直保持着对SBT的后续发展进行持续性的深入报道及推广。
只有21克重量的灵魂,会是Web3不能承受之轻么? -
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