
  • * Important & Major Announcement at the end of this episode (8:45) 

    Amazon started in 1995 as a simple website selling only books. But within about a month or so, Amazon had already started shipping its products to over 40 countries. 

    And over the following years, the site continued to grow into what we all know now as one of the most respected, largest, and most powerful companies in the world. 

    According to some estimates, Amazon's site controls as much as 44 percent of all e-commerce sales – and it continues to grow.

    But the question is,...

    What makes Amazon so successful? Why is it that when we think of e-commerce, we think of Amazon?

    Well...there are a few key reasons why this company is so successful. And we are going to be exploring 6 of those in today's episode.

    So check out this episode to find out more!

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  • Just a few days ago, China landed a second blow to Bitcoin investors when the government announced a crackdown on Bitcoin mining and trading activities. 

    According to CoinDesk, this is one of the most high-profile warnings against cryptocurrencies in recent years.

    What we can say is that the Chinese regulators are tightening up crypto regulation.

    Regulatory bodies also issued a joint statement banning China's financial institutions from offering any crypto-related services. 

    They warned that cryptocurrencies are not "real currencies," and so cannot be used in the market.

    There’s obviously a tremendous amount of fear in the cryptocurrency market right now.

    If you are like me, you have some investments in crypto, and if this is your first time going through crypto volatility − for a lot of people, this is their first market cycle − then this is definitely going to be very troubling and frightening. 

    And it’s easy to get caught up in the sea of negative sentiment and headlines you’re going to see all over the internet for the next few days or maybe even weeks.

    That's why I want to take this time to talk about what is currently happening, how is this going to affect crypto in general and how is this going to affect us as investors?

    So, check out this episode to find out more!

    For more info about Delugne Investing, check out Delugne.com for more info.

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  • In today's episode, let's talk about how the richest people on earth avoid paying taxes.

    Just last week, ProPublica, an investigative journalism nonprofit, released a report mapping out how the wealthiest people avoid taxes, exploit loopholes and escape scrutiny from federal auditors.

    In 2007, Jeff Bezos, then a multibillionaire and now the world’s richest man in the world, did not pay a single penny in federal income taxes. And He managed to do the same thing again in 2011. 

    In 2018, Tesla founder Elon Musk, the second-richest person in the world, also paid no federal income taxes.

    Michael Bloomberg managed to do the same in recent years. 

    Billionaire investor Carl Icahn did it twice. 

    George Soros paid no federal income tax three years in a row.

    And the question is...how. 

    How do the richest people in the world avoid paying taxes? That's what we will be exploring in today's episode.

    So, check out this episode to find out more!

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    1. The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax

  • In this episode, let's talk about Costco. Why is Costco such a great company and how does Costco turn customers into fans.

    Costco is one of those companies that people absolutely love. It seems like they have their own cult following. 

    There are Costco blogs, Costco forums, and Costco Facebook groups with thousands of followers. People just absolutely love them. 

    But why?

    At first impression, Costco makes no sense. It looks like a warehouse. Items sit on wooden pallets in dark, the aisles are unmarked.

    Brand selections are limited. And you have to pay a $60 annual membership fee just to get in the door.

    But still, people love them so much. The company earned a cult following all around the world.

    Just when brick-and-mortar retail stores are crumbling because of the growth of e-commerce, Costco still experienced steady growth.

    The question is how? How do they do it? That's what we'll be discussing in today's episode.

    Check out this episode to find out more!

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    1. How Costco gained a cult following — by breaking every rule of retail

    2. Charlie Munger on Amazon, Costco and General Electric. | Daily Journal 2021

  • In this episode, we're gonna talk about 2 things.

    The first is about Amazon’s $8.5B acquisition of MGM and if this is going to be a threat to competitors like Disney+ and Netflix.

    The 2nd thing we're gonna talk about is Charlie Munger's most recent investment. If you know what stock it is, good for you. Otherwise, stay tuned to find out more!

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    Ep 119 - Why I'm Bullish On Alibaba (BABA)?


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  • In this episode, let's talk about Ethereum. 

    If you've been following cryptocurrencies, you 'd know that there are a lot of fear in the crypto market right now. Probabky worse than the stock market. 

    Ethereum's price went up as high as around $4,200 per token in mid-May, and over the past week, the price of Ethereum plummeted by more than 40%. 

    However, this is not something new. The crypto space has always been volatile because it is a space that has yet to mature. 

    And seeing a drop as much as 40%-50% doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad time to buy. 

    If you've done your research and you're interested in investing in Ethereum, it can be a smart move to buy when the price is lower. So that you can get more for your money and potentially see greater gains if the price bounces back.

    But then again, this is not financial advice. It is only for educational purposes. So make sure to do your own due diligence. 

    Anyway, before you dive in, it's important to know what you're getting into. That is why, in this episode, I am going to be sharing with you why I'm bullish on Ethereum.

    Check out to find out more!

    For more info about Delugne Investing, check out Delugne.com for more info.

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  • In this episode, let's talk about DarkSide, a company that led to the ransomware attack that took down the Colonial Pipeline.

    A few days ago, a major oil pipeline company announced that they are coming back online after a few days of outage because of a cyberattack that caused gas prices to surge and gas stations in many different states to experience shortages. 

    After nearly a week of being shut down, the Company announced that they are restarting the pipeline operations and that the supply chain would “return to normal” within the next several days.

    Now, here's the thing, this is not a small problem. Why?

    Because Colonial Pipeline is the largest gas pipeline in the U.S. The pipeline provides nearly half of the East Coast’s fuel supply, and if the company has to go through a prolonged shutdown, it would have caused the oil price to increase and the shortage would have affected many different industries.

    Not only that, this ransomware attack was different. It wasn’t an attack on a medium-sized business. It was much, much bigger than that.

    On May 7, when Colonial Pipeline announced that they were hit by a ransomware attack and had to shut down operations, gas prices spiked, millions of people were impacted, drawing immediate attention of the press and the FBI. 

    All of a sudden, everyone knows about this ransomware attack.  

    And the services enabling the attacks were provided by this company called - DarkSide. 

    But how did Darkside takedown Colonial Pipeline? That's what we'll be discussing in this episode.

    Check out to find out more!

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  • If you've been paying attention to what's happening in the market, you will know that the Nasdaq is down by almost 8% from its all-time high, S&P 500 is down by about 4% and the Dow Jones is down by about 3%. 

    When you look at the fear and greed index, it is at the scale of 37, and the VIX index spiked up to 65%. All of this indicates 1 thing. 

    The market is fearful. Why?

    That's because people believe that inflation is coming. Prices are going up. And it is definitely going to affect investors. 

    Based on the April CPI inflation report, the reality is that prices are rising. 

    Overall, prices in April climbed 4.2% year over year, the biggest gain since September 2008. 

    From gas and groceries to computers, cars, and clothing, people are already paying more for everyday expenses.  

    Even if you strip out volatile food and energy prices and calculate only the core CPI inflation, prices also rose by 3% year over year in April. 

    For month over month, the core CPI inflation rose by 0.9% in April, the biggest one-month jump since 1982.

    This April CPI numbers came in higher than what many analysts predicted which is why Wall Street is shaking and the indices are all dropping.

    The question is, why is this happening? Why are prices going up? How is inflation going to affect investors?

    That is what we'll be discussing in today's episode.

    Check out this episode to find out more!

    For more info about Delugne Investing, check out Delugne.com to find out more.

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  • In today's episode, we'll be talking about how a secretary by the name of Bette Nesmith Graham, got fired from her secretary job, started a business, and turned it into a multi-million dollar business. 

    The product that she was selling is an office supply product that you can get in any stationery shop. 

    It is one of the world’s most popular and enduring office supplies that almost everyone uses, at least once in their lifetime. Most people use more than that. I've personally used it so many times before and I'm pretty sure you have too.

    So...guess what's the product?

    Well....this product is a white correction fluid used to conceal handwritten or printed typos, also known as Liquid Paper.

    Just like many other women in the 1950s, Bette Nesmith Graham made a living as a secretary. 

    But between her sub-par typing skills, her critical boss, and the fact that she had to support herself and her young son Michael, she needed to find a way to hold onto her job.

    She wasn’t a chemist or an engineer. She was a single mom from Texas who had a brilliant idea while working a 9-to-5 job as a secretary.

    Over several decades, she identified a need in the market, organically grew her business, there was no Facebook, Instagram, Google to promote her business, all marketing was done organically and offline, she also had to stave off competition, and bootstrapped her way to eventually selling her business at $47.5million, equivalent to $173m in today’s money.

    And she did it all during a time when women were discouraged from pursuing business ventures.

    The question is, how did she do all of that and turn her business into a multi-million dollar business? That's what we'll be discussing in today's episode. 

    Check out this episode to find out more!

    For more info about Delugne Investing, check out Delugne.com to find out more.

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  • In February this year, Jeff Bezos announced that he would step down as the CEO of Amazon.

    After a 25-year tenure as Amazon's CEO, he is now stepping down and passing the job on to Andy Jassy, who is the current Amazon Web Services(AWS) President. 

    In his years working as the CEO of Amazon, he grew it into one of the largest and most influential companies in the world. 

    Jeff Bezos founded Amazon in 1994, and it went IPO in the year 1997. 

    Its stock price has increased by more than 194,000% since its initial public offering in 1997. Today, it is worth almost $1.7 trillion.

    That is how incredible this man is. 

    And each year since its 1997 IPO, Bezos has written an annual letter to Amazon shareholders.

    And in this episode, I want to take the time to talk about 2 main lessons from Jeff Bezos' final letter to Amazon Shareholders that really stood out to me.

    Well...check out this episode to find out more!

    For more info about Delugne Investing, check out Delugne.com to find out more.

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    1. Amazon: 2020 Letter to Shareholders

    2. Jeff Bezos Packing Table Story

  • In this episode, let's talk about some of the reasons why I'm super bullish on Alibaba and why you should consider looking into this company.

    If you've been following Alibaba for a while now, you will know about the things that have been happening to the company. 

    Alibaba has been widely underperforming the broad market and most of its tech peers over the last six months, mainly because of the worries about regulatory pressures, anti-trust legalization, anti-monopoly investigation, and so on.

    From the peak in 2020, Alibaba's market cap has declined by more than 25%. 

    The funny thing about this drop is that it has nothing to do with any type of fundamental slow-down, revenue decline, or anything similar. 

    Alibaba's value wasn't really damaged to any large degree. They still remain to be a leading tech & consumer play in China with super high growth. Looking at their most recent quarter, they have been showing excellent results for shareholders. 

    To summarise this whole episode, I'd say I'm extremely bullish on Alibaba and I do think that it's a no-brainer investment that is currently trading at a clear discount compared to most US-based tech companies. 

    But of course, there are also risks involved in this investment. That's why, in this episode, I'm be sharing with you why I am so bullish on Alibaba and what are some of the risks to be aware of before investing in the company.


    This is not financial advice or even a recommendation, so do not take this as financial advice. If you need proper advice, do speak to a fiduciary or a financial advisor and they'll be able to help you with your specific needs.

    Anyway, to find out more, check out this episode!

    For more info about Delugne Investing, check out Delugne.com to find out more.

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    1. Alibaba: The End Hasn't Come - LINK

    2. Alibaba Is A No Brainer - LINK

  • Just yesterday, Apple held their first product launch event of the year, we got to see the colorful new iMac and an updated iPad Pro, now with 5G and the M1 chip that’s also used in Apple's desktop computers. 

    Not only that, Apple also announced the AirTag, which is a lost-device tracking gadget, and the Apple TV 4K with a brand-new remote.

    Now, I'm not an Apple user, mainly because I don't want to get sucked into the Apple ecosystem. But i'm always so impressed by whatever they do. It's like, they always know how to make their products look amazing. 

    This led me to ONE question, were they always that great at what they do?

    The answer is obviously no. Nobody's perfect and no company, not even Apple, has had a perfect runway of success.

    That is why in today's episode, let's us go back in time and learn from Apple's first-ever major failure - The Apple III.

    Check out this episode to find out more!

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  • In today's episode, we'll be discussing the fight between Apple and Facebook and how the most recent privacy change on iOS-14 is going to affect Facebook.

    In the coming months, Apple will be rolling out an update to their iOS 14 operating system that actually gets apps permission from you before tracking your activity across other apps and the web. 

    This change may seem small, in fact, a lot of apps are already tracking our web and app activities through the default settings we accept when we install them.

    But now, with this software update, Facebook, is not happy with the change because this change is going to threaten their $86 billion annual revenue(business model). 

    Facebook had campaigned against Apple, running full-page ads in national newspapers and testing pop-ups inside the Facebook app to encourage users to accept their tracking. 

    They also alleged that Apple's changes are designed to help Apple's own business, rather than actually protecting consumer privacy.

    According to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, he said,

    "Apple may say that they're doing this to help people, but the moves clearly track their competitive interests."

    On the other side, Apple CEO Tim Cook says the change is rooted in the company's belief that "users should have the choice over the data that is being collected about them and how it's used."

    So, the question is, who is right and who is wrong? And how is this going to affect both Apple and Facebook? 

    That's what we'll be discussing in this episode. Check out this episode to find out more!

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  • Today, let's talk about Kim Kardashian. 

    Over the course of the coronavirus pandemic, the number of billionaires on Forbes’ list of the world’s wealthiest exploded to 2,755 people, which is 660 more than a year ago. Out of all the billionaires, a record high of 493 were new to the list, which is roughly one every 17 hours. 

    And one of them is Kim Kardashian. 

    The question is how did Kim become a billionaire? That's what we'll be exploring in today's episode. 

    Check out this episode to find out more!

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  • In this episode, we are going to talk about one of the most spectacular personal loss of wealth in history. 

    Bill Hwang, a multi-billionaire financier, built up a fortune of around $20 billion through savvy investments and invested his wealth through his firm Archegos Capital Management. 

    But just last month, in March, he lost everything in just 2 days, when his Archegos investment fund imploded after some of his bets went to the ground.

    The question is, what actually happened? 

    The answer is Leverage. This is what leverage can do to you. 

    Before Bill Hwang lost it all $20 billion, he was the greatest trader you’d never heard of. But even the greatest fall into the trap of leveraging.

    It's one of those stories where you either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. 

    That is why, never underestimate leverage, even if you think you know what you're doing. 

    That is also why I decided to talk about this - to learn the lessons from Bill Hwang's deadly mistake. How this man was able to lose $20 Billion in 2 days.

    Check out this episode to find out more!

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    1. Archegos meltdown: What happened at Bill Hwang's firm and how it is affecting global markets

    2. What is CFD trading?

  • In our previous episode, we have talked about Microsoft's futuristic goggles and how AR, VR, and MR are going to change the way we work. Clearly, it is more than just enhancing the gaming experience. And I also promised you that we'll look into some companies in this AR, VR, MR space for today's episode. 

    So yeah.. that's what we'll be talking about in today's episode, the 3 overlooked AR & VR stocks that are worth your attention.

    Disclaimer: This is not financial advice nor is this a recommendation for you to buy or sell. What I'm about to share is based on my readings and my opinions which are mainly for educational purposes. So if you decide to invest, be sure to also do your own due diligence. 

    If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to follow or subscribe and share it with someone who will benefit from this.

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    1. 3 Stocks to Invest in Virtual/Augmented Reality

  • In today's episode, we are going to be talking about how Microsoft's futuristic goggles could change the way we work.

    In 2016, Microsoft introduced their mixed reality HoloLens. 

    What is Mixed Reality (MR)? 

    Mixed Reality is the combination of both Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) elements. It is the merging of real and virtual worlds to produce new environments and visualizations in which physical and digital objects can co-exist and interact in real-time.

    Since then, the technology of this HoloLens has been developed and improved over the years. 

    My initial thought of this HoloLens was that it will be used to enhance their existing product such as Xbox gaming experience, probably use for education purposes, or even Skype communication, etc. But the more I learn about it the more impressed I am with this technology. 

    This HoloLens can also be used for Architectural engineering, interactive digital human anatomy and neuroanatomy education, space exploration with NASA, and most recently, to improve the defense infrastructure of the US Military.

    And that is what we will be talking about in today's episode. Microsoft's most recent contract with the US Army using their augmented reality headsets and the potential of AR, VR, and MR becoming a major disruptor in the future. 

    If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to follow or subscribe and share it with someone who will benefit from this.

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    1. Microsoft wins U.S. Army contract for augmented reality headsets, worth up to $21.9 billion over 10 years

    2. Army designing new futuristic goggles for US soldiers

  • This episode is specifically for those who have not started investing. If you are one of them, then this episode is for you, my friend. 

    Now, almost all investors have encountered at least one of these investing lies since they started their own investing journey. 

    These lies can be minor with hardly any impact on how you function, but some can seriously get in the way of good investments, potentially costing you a huge sum of profit in the long run. 

    That is why, in this episode, I have highlighted the 4 most common lies about investing that you are probably telling yourself. 

    If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to follow or subscribe and share it with someone who will benefit from this.

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    1. 6 Lies About Investing People Actually Believe

  • I'm so excited to share this episode with you because I think you're gonna love it. 

    In this episode, we will be talking about the first-ever bubble in the history of booms. How this particular flower was able to consume a nation? 

    The bulb of the flower was once worth their weight in gold and its rare gorgeous patterns was praised by the entire nation, eventually turning into an object for financial speculation.   

    The price of the rare flowers soared outrageously high that you could literally use 10 bulbs of this flower to buy a townhouse. How crazy is that!

    But that's not all, the rarest of them all was worth up to 10,000 guilders. How much is 10,000 guilders?

    Well...10,000 guilders at that time was enough for you to feed, clothe and house a whole Dutch family for half a lifetime, or sufficient to purchase one of the grandest homes on the most fashionable canal in Amsterdam for cash, complete with a coach house and an 80-ft garden.

    All that with just 1 flower. 

    That's why I think you're gonna loveee this. Because we all love dramas, don't we? Or maybe it's just me.

    Anyway, in this episode, we will be talking about the first-ever bubble in the history of booms. The Burst of the Tulip Bubble.

    Check out the episode to find out more!

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    1. 5 investing lessons from The Tulip Bulb Mania of the 17th Century

  • I have a question for you. What happens when you go grocery shopping without a shopping list?

    Well, my guess is you'll end walking down every shopping aisle to see what you need. And guess what, you’ll almost always forget something, usually the most important item you need. You may even end up buying something you don’t need and spend more than you expected. 

    This might work for grocery shopping, but it doesn't work for investing.

    Why? Because of the lacking in clarity.

    Just like anything else, it’s the lack of clarity that creates chaos and frustration. And the same applies to investing. An investor that lacks clarity is the one that makes the most mistake. 

    That is why we need a watchlist. 

    The whole reason for creating a watchlist is because:

    1. It’s an easy way to track your stocks. It keeps you updated on all the news and information around the stocks and funds that you're planning to own.

    2. So that when the opportunity comes, when the market is down, you are ready to buy. Just like what's happening now, when you look at the fear and greed index, it is pointing at 36, which means the market is getting fearful, question is, do you have your watchlist ready to start buying?

    That is why in today's episode, we'll talk about how to create you own watchlist and I'll also be sharing some tools you can use to help you create an effective watchlist.

    Check out the episode to find out more!

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    1. The Bowser Report Portfolio Tracker - LINK