
  • This week we look back at an article we wrote earlier this month on the WHO Foundation, which has funneled $24 million to the World Health Organization since its launch in 2020. We examine the foundation’s strategy, including its plans to ensure that donor funding to WHO is seamless and aligned with its priorities.

    Also on the topic of global health, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance launched its $9 billion replenishment target. We examine the key takeaways from the organization’s next five-year strategy and highlight the pledges made so far.

    We also reflected on the main talking points from last week’s Forecasting Healthy Futures summit, which took place in Baku, Azerbaijan. With the city also set to host the United Nations Climate Conference, COP 29, later this year, the event was an opportunity to bring global health to the forefront of discussions around climate change.

    For the latest episode of the This Week in Global Development podcast,, Devex President & Editor-in-Chief Raj Kumar sits down with Anil Soni, CEO of the WHO Foundation, and Senior Reporter Sara Jerving, to dig into these stories and others.

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  • This week we take a look at Republicans’ approach to foreign policy if Donald Trump were to win in the upcoming U.S. presidential elections in November. From implementing cuts to changing the United States’ foreign aid priorities, we dig into what a second Trump presidency would mean for the global development sector.

    We also reported on new data from USAID which shows that just 9.6% of the agency’s eligible dollars were channeled toward local groups last year — rather than major international development contractors — down from 10.2% the year prior. With one year left before USAID’s ambitious 2025 deadline to channel 25% of its funding to local organizations, it seems very unlikely that the agency will hit its goal.

    On the topic of USAID, we also discuss an opinion piece by the agency’s chief, Samantha Power, in which she outlines how USAID is planning to meet its localization targets.

    To dig into these stories and others, Devex President and Editor-in-Chief Raj Kumar sits down with Managing Editor Anna Gawel and Reporter Elissa Miolene for the latest episode of the podcast series.

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  • This week we take a look at the humanitarian crisis in Haiti, where 578,000 have been displaced, mostly due to violence. We explore what is being done to address the hardships faced by the affected population, including bringing essential food supplies, as well as discuss what life is like on the ground.

    On the topic of food insecurity, we also dig into a UNICEF report, which found that 181 million children under age 5 worldwide are experiencing severe food poverty — which can have lifelong consequences for their health and development. We stress the importance of having programs that prioritize the providing of a balanced diet to malnourished children.

    On a more positive note, we also report on how CRISPR gene-editing technology could change the way we eat by making crops tastier, more nutritious, and more resilient to climate change. Nonetheless, questions remain on the extent to which the technology will be available to farmers who need them the most.

    For the latest edition of the podcast series, Devex President and Editor-in-Chief Raj Kumar sits down with Jean-Martin Bauer, country director of the World Food Programme in Haiti, and Devex Global Reporter Elissa Miolene to discuss these stories and others.

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  • This week we reported on a House foreign affairs subcommittee hearing in which Republicans tried to paint the U.S. government’s entire approach to foreign assistance as wasteful and counterproductive — but they faced pushback from Democrats who argued that human rights grants are critical in the global contest between democracy and autocracy.

    The hearing took place against the backdrop of a proposed House of Representatives budget bill that would impose an 11% cut across U.S. foreign affairs spending, which would be 19% less than what President Joe Biden requested. The proposed funding bill cuts “wasteful spending” and “continues reestablishing American leadership” where the Biden administration has been lacking.

    We also look back at an event that took place in Washington D.C., during which U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan discussed tackling humanitarian crises, adapting to the rise of artificial intelligence, and partnering with other nations to drive development through debt relief and infrastructure "corridors" connecting regions.

    Meanwhile, during the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States, or SIDS, concerned countries called for debt relief and more concessional funding to deliver on a 10-year strategy to achieve Sustainable Development Goals and build resilient economies. We highlight how a lack of support could decimate local livelihoods and lead to climate-induced migration.

    For the latest episode of the podcast series, Devex President and Editor-in-Chief Raj Kumar sits down with Liz Hume, executive director at the Alliance for Peacebuilding, as well as Devex Managing Editor Anna Gawel, to discuss this week’s top global development stories.

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  • In 2020, media reports and an independent investigation revealed one of the largest sexual misconduct scandals in U.N. history, in which more than 50 women accused ebola aid workers — including World Health Organization staffers — of sexual exploitation and abuse during the 10th Ebola outbreak in the Democratic of Congo.  

    At last year’s World Health Assembly, WHO’s Dr. Gaya Gamhewage spoke at length about the organization's new policies for addressing sexual misconduct allegations. Gamhewage was appointed to lead a new unit investigating such claims in 2021.

    In the final podcast episode from WHA77, Devex Associate Editor Rumbi Chakamba is joined by Dr. Gamhewage to discuss the progress her department is making, the challenges faced, and the lessons other agencies and NGOs can learn from WHO.

  • This week Devex’s editorial team was on the ground in Geneva, Switzerland, closely following the conversations taking place at the 77th World Health Assembly. As well as attending the summit itself, we also hosted Devex CheckUp @ WHA 77, our very own event happening on the sidelines of the main event.

    From following the pandemic treaty negotiations to addressing global health issues, we provide an update from the conference that brings together health leaders from around the world.

    We also discuss the World Health Organization’s announcement of a November fundraising event to usher in this finance. This is a new approach for the world’s leading public health agency as it hopes to raise $11.1 billion to fund its work over the next four years.

    To look at the key stories from WHA 77, Devex President and Editor-in-Chief Raj Kumar sits down with Fatema Sumar, executive director of the Center for International Development at Harvard University, as well as Devex Senior Reporter Jenny Lei Ravelo for the latest episode of our This Week in Global Development podcast series.

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  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, the health of populations across Africa were put at risk because of dysfunctional global health systems. For example, African nations were at the back of the queue for medical countermeasures, including vaccines. In the wake of the pandemic, leaders across the continent have worked to build stronger health systems — but there are still barriers at the international level standing in the way. 

    At this week’s World Health Assembly in Geneva, health leaders from across the continent are calling for changes to global health systems. These include more equitable access to health innovations and financing that aligns with country priorities. “Those who can do more should agree to give in order for us to meet each other at a level where everyone will feel safe,” said Dr. Magda Robalo, President and co-founder of The Institute for Global Health and Development.

    In this podcast episode, Devex global health reporter Sara Jerving speaks with Dr. Robalo and Dr. Githinji Gitahi, chief executive officer of Amref Health Africa, about changes needed at the international level.

  • A two-year negotiation process for a pandemic treaty concluded on Friday without reaching a consensus, as countries remained divided on numerous provisions, including technology transfer and equitable access to medical products. This week, health officials at the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, will need to determine the next steps.

    Before Friday’s decision, Devex Senior Reporter Jenny Lei Ravelo spoke with K.M. Gopakumar, legal adviser for the Third World Network, an independent international nonprofit network that advocates for the needs of people from the global south, about the contentious issues in the negotiations and how opposition to the pandemic treaty in some countries impacted the process.

    For front-line and behind-the-scenes reporting on global health, sign up to the Devex CheckUp newsletter: https://www.devex.com/newsletters/devex-checkup

  • This week we report on Kenyan President William Ruto’s visit to Washington, D.C., the first by an African leader since 2008. We dig into what the occasion means for the relationship between Kenya and the wider African continent, including whether it will lead to closer economic ties between the United States and Africa as a whole. During the conversation, we also look back at our interview with Sen. Chris Coons about the visit, in which we discussed the African Growth and Opportunity Act, or AGOA, and the U.S. Africa policy.

    We are also keeping a close eye on the farm bill — a $1.5 trillion piece of legislation that shapes food assistance both within the United States and abroad. While the legislation largely focuses on domestic policy, it also governs the operations of Food for Peace, a flagship food assistance program that distributes American-grown commodities across the globe.

    However, it has been proposed that at least 50% of funds should go toward U.S.-grown commodities and ocean freight. As the reauthorization negotiations continue, we explore the importance of these funds for communities in the global south and contemplate what the potential outcomes of the discussions could be.

    On the topic of food systems, we also look at a story that explores how Vanuatu is stepping up its efforts to enhance food security by combining traditional practices with modern technology.

    For the latest episode of the podcast series, Devex Managing Editor Anna Gawel sits down with David Barth from Save the Children and Devex Senior Reporter Adva Saldinger to discuss these stories and others.

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  • This week marked a significant development in the philanthropic world with Melinda French Gates resigning from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to focus on the "next chapter" of her philanthropy. As part of the separation agreement with her former husband Bill Gates, French Gates will receive an additional $12.5 billion for her work on behalf of women and families, an area which she has been pushing to get involved with.

    On the topic of philanthropy, we also took a look at where MacKenzie Scott has been spending her money. Known for her unorthodox attitude to philanthropy, she has already given away $17.3 billion since 2020, mostly as unconditional grants. While many have praised her approach to philanthropic giving, it appears as though few have followed suit when it comes to allowing recipients to decide how they would like to spend the funds they receive.

    We also reported on Unlock Aid’s plans to launch a platform dubbed the “Glassdoor for Primes'' in the coming months. The tool would allow local organizations to publicly review major international NGOs, contractors, and agencies on their accountability and treatment of subgrantees.

    In order to discuss these stories, and others, Devex President and Editor-in-Chief Raj Kumar sits down with Sasha Fisher from Spark Microgrants and Devex Business Editor David Ainsworth for the latest episode of our weekly podcast series.

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  • The European Parliamentary elections will take place next month, and with anti-aid and anti-migrant parties poised to make big gains, there are fears for the future of the world's second-largest development budget.

    According to one senior Brussels politician, the controversial swiping of €2 billion from the development pot to fund a crackdown on illegal migration could just be the start of the European Union’s reduced focus on supporting global development initiatives. We explore how Europe’s political landscape is changing, as well as what it could mean to the EU’s approach to foreign assistance.

    In South Africa, we found that the country’s politics is preventing NGOs from effectively delivering health services to refugees and migrants. Aid groups and civil society organizations are trying to untangle the snarled problem of how to guarantee access to health services for all people who are far from home — whether that home is in another country or somewhere else in South Africa — without creating disparities in health care services that enrage local communities.

    On the topic of the continent, Devex obtained a copy of an African Union audit that examined accusations against Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention's Director General Dr. Jean Kaseya. The audit, which was finalized in March, analyzed over a dozen allegations in a February whistleblower email. We dig into the claims, including allegations of misusing funds, flouting rules, and exhibiting favoritism, among others.

    For the latest episode of our podcast series, Devex President and Editor-in-Chief Raj Kumar sits down with Managing Editor Anna Gawel and Senior Reporter Sara Jerving to discuss these stories and others.

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  • This week we discuss the establishment of the Africa Club by the African Union, an initiative that the continent’s leaders hope will drive reform of the global financial architecture. With African states currently spending more on debt repayments than they are on health care or climate action, the goal is for the alliance to leverage more funding for global development efforts.

    On the topic of Africa, we also reported on a gathering of African leaders who outlined their funding priorities for the International Development Association, the World Bank's fund for the lowest-income countries. From building climate resilience to greater energy and digital access, we examine why IDA is such an important tool for countries in the global south.

    We also break down leaked documents from the European Commission that outline its development vision for the next five years. To almost nobody’s surprise, it appears as though the EU is planning to pursue a foreign aid agenda based on its own economic interests rather than prioritizing issues linked to poverty and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. And like the U.S. Agency for International Development, which is struggling to meet its localization objectives, the EU also faces issues around staffing that affect its ability to carry out effective aid delivery.

    To analyze these stories, Devex President and Editor-in-Chief Raj Kumar sits down with Bidjan Nashat, managing director of Aequitas Human Capital, and Senior Reporter Adva Saldinger for this week’s edition of our podcast series.

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  • IDA, or International Development Association is the world bank’s fund for the poorest countries. IDA provides grants and low-cost loans that countries can use for a variety of needs from health to education to infrastructure. This year it's up for replenishment and so the bank is going to donors to ask for a new influx of capital.

    In this episode, we speak to Dirk Reinnerman, the Director of the IDA Resource Mobilization and IBRD Corporate Finance at the World Bank, about his pitch to donors in the IDA replenishment, and how it ties to broader bank reforms.

    We also hear from Garghee Ghosh, the president of global advocacy and policy at the Gates Foundation about what makes IDA unique, and Serah Makka, the Africa Executive director at the ONE Campaign.

  • Juan M. Lavista Ferres got his start with AI for good in an unlikely way: He really didn’t want to go hiking.

    While working at Microsoft running randomized control experiments, Ferres had a colleague who was raising money for research on sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS, to which he had lost a child. The campaign involved climbing the Kilimanjaro mountain — decidedly a no-go for Ferres.

    Ferres didn’t want to climb a mountain, but he did want to contribute to his friend’s cause. So rather than lacing up his hiking boots, he got together with a group of colleagues to analyze the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s cohort-linked birth/infant death dataset, an open-source dataset that’s logged tens of thousands of SIDS cases in the United States.

    Using machine learning models, Ferres and his colleagues were able to manipulate the vast amount of data in ways that had never been done before, revealing new links between risk factors in infants and SIDS. It was through this effort that Ferres realized how powerful artificial intelligence could be for solving some of the world’s most intractable problems.

    For many of us, AI means asking ChatGPT for recipe suggestions or, more darkly, ruminating on the possibility that the machines will soon eclipse human intelligence. But “AI for Good,” both the name of Ferres’s book and the lab he directs at Microsoft, demonstrate the enormous power of AI to improve the world as we know it.

    In this episode of the Devex Book Club podcast, President and Editor-in-Chief Raj Kumar sits down with Ferres to talk about how he got his start with computer science, what AI can do (and what it can’t), and how beluga whales can help detect war crimes in Syria.

  • Last week we were the media partner at the Global Inclusive Growth Summit hosted by the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth. The conference focused on how access to financial services are key to helping drive global development in low- and middle-income countries.

    During one of the events, Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley stressed the importance of debt restructuring in order to help low- and middle-income countries overcome health and climate change challenges. We discuss the value of cash transfers for building resilience to crises by providing money to those in need quickly and efficiently, as well as how they can help increase financial inclusion globally.

    We also published a story on Grant Assistant, an AI tool supporting its users in the writing grant applications. From speeding up the process of navigating the paperwork to helping local and smaller organizations access USAID grants, we discuss the tool’s potential impact on the global development sector.

    This week, the U.S. Congress passed a bill, which would unlock around $9.2 billion in humanitarian aid. We contemplate what this means for USAID and where the money could go.

    To dig into these stories, Devex Managing Editor Anna Gawel sits down with Yolande Wright, vice president of partnerships at GiveDirectly, and Devex Senior Reporter Michael Igoe for the latest episode of our weekly podcast series.

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  • As finance ministers and central bank governors from the G20 nations concluded their recent meetings, concerns over the pace and stability of global economic recovery took center stage. In an exclusive conversation with Achim Steiner, the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), key insights emerged regarding the discussions surrounding coordination, the global financial architecture, and pressing challenges facing developing economies.

  • The World Bank and International Monetary Fund are trying to evolve and prove they are fit for purpose, but the jury is out on just how far that evolution process has gone. 

    While numerous announcements were made at the World Bank-IMF Spring Meetings last week in Washington D.C., the pace of reform is too slow, according to several experts.

    “The rhetoric in terms of the important pronouncements that have been made are saying the right things, but they're not giving you the next three things that could get done in the next month, in the next three months, in the next six months, in the next 12 months,” Afsaneh Beschloss, founder and CEO of investment firm RockCreek, told Devex.  

    “And so what I would urge the shareholders to do is really get serious, put pressure on the World Bank to start getting things done, not to look at the negativity, but look at the need,” she said, adding that “so much can get done today as we speak.”

    This gap between rhetoric and reality, between policy making at 10,000 feet and the impact on the real ground-level economy, was evident in the meetings, experts tell Devex in this podcast episode.

    "The world is in a very, very difficult place. There is progress, but not enough. Reforms need to broaden and deepen to address the grave situation," Rachel Kyte, professor of practice in climate policy at the University of Oxford, told Devex.

    We also speak with John Denton, the secretary general of the International Chamber of Commerce.Want to understand what played out at the meetings and what’s next? This podcast episode will give you the rundown.

  • How can the World Bank play a role in attracting more private capital to address development and climate needs?

    That is a challenge that World Bank President Ajay Banga has prioritized and was a key discussion in Washington, D.C., last week at the World Bank and International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings.

    From a Private Sector Investment Lab charged with helping the bank identify and scale what already works to a new loan guarantee platform and plans to bundle and sell some International Finance Corporation investments to private investors, changes are afoot.

    But there are questions about how far existing proposals go, if they will succeed, and how exactly private sector mobilization will be measured.

    In this podcast episode we hear from experts about how those efforts stack up and what more can be done to attract private money to these markets.

    We dive into what the Private Sector Investment Lab has prioritized, why mobilization efforts have been stymied, and the importance of data transparency in these discussions.

    Gavin Wilson, who leads DAI Capital; Nancy Lee, director for Sustainable Development Finance at the Center for Global Development; Ben Weisman, executive director of capital mobilization and public policy at the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero; and Gary Forster, CEO of Publish What You Fund share their insights.

  • This week we are closely following the World Bank and International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings taking place in Washington, D.C. From having a capital increase to provide funding for the world's low-income countries to how the financial institution can support the fight against climate change, we dig into the key conversations we’re following at the conference.

    In addition to increasing risk appetite to encourage private capital mobilization, we argue that multilateral development banks, as well as organizations under the World Bank Group umbrella should be collaborating better in order to maximize impact.

    To discuss how the bank can be reformed for it to be a better partner in global development, Devex President and Editor-in-Chief Raj Kumar sits down with World Resources Institute CEO Ani Dasgupta and Devex Senior Reporter Adva Saldinger for the latest episode of the podcast series.

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  • The World Bank is about 18 months into its efforts to reform the institution in response to shareholder demands and changing global needs. From stretching its existing funding to attracting more private capital, the bank has laid a laundry list of proposals on the table.

    So what has been accomplished thus far and what more is needed? That’s what we tackle in the first episode of a special edition podcast during this year’s World Bank and International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings, which take place in Washington D.C. this week. The bank has a new capital adequacy framework to get more out of its own money, a new mission statement making climate change part of its core ambition, and of course a new leader in Ajay Banga.

    Listen in to hear Devex Senior Reporter Adva Saldinger in conversation with Clemence Landers, a senior policy fellow at the Center for Global Development, Kevin Gallagher, director of the Global Development Policy Center at Boston University, Stephanie von Friedeburg, managing director of banking and capital markets advisory at Citi, and Rep. French Hill, a Republican from Arkansas, who is vice chair of the House Financial Services Committee.