It wouldn't be the end of a series if we didn't provide an extra-long episode, and it wouldn't be the Dirty Pair if they didn't have something interesting to say. This time, we're talking about police corruption in a capitalist system and the only cure for it: collective action! Also, Kei and Yuri get mechs, giant space guns, and, of course, rocket launchers. Not all at once, though, that would be crazy! And, of course, Kei and Yuri demonstrate their knowledge of the various legal systems that coexist in the galaxy.
And, well, that does it for the Dirty Pair! Everyone wave goodbye to the best gals to ever do it out there in the galaxy. It's the last time we'll see Kei and Yuri in this universe, I'm afraid.
But, well, there's another universe. Similar, but not quite the same. And in April, we're going to dive right into it with Dirty Pair: FLASH! Keep an eye on this here podcastin' feed, and we'll let you know what's up soon as we have it figured out and possibly also recorded.
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We've almost made it to the end of Dirty Pair 2, and what better penultimate episode could there be than yet another of Shinchiro Watanabe's doings? This time, we're off to a war-torn jungle planet to learn about the war economy and vengeance! Kei and Yuri are facing down a crooked arms dealer and a squadron of killer commandos, and it's all lavishly animated and appropriately somber in the right places. At some point we stopped keeping track of how many casualties there are in a given episode, but rest assured that for this episode, it's the highest casualty rate that doesn't involve the Pair accidentally blowing up a planet, space station, or major metropolitan area. War is Hell, everyone!
Next time, a much lighter episode to finish off the series, and a run-time that, at this point, really needs to be edited down. Also, it'll be the last episode for Kei and Yuri and this Dirty Pair! Join us at the end of all things, won't you?
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Episodi mancanti?
I'll level with you: I might have lost the plot a little bit somewhere in here. Digressions abound, which is how you can tell which one of us was driving the episode recap. It's fine, don't worry about it, this is still guaranteed to be a memorable episode of Project P.O.D. as we take a pilgrimage to the past to solve a 20-year old mystery. Who's responsible for the tragedy of the White Swan? Is cryosleep an acceptable way to preserve one's looks as they age? Have you ever wondered what the publisher of the novel 1984 said upon reading it for the first time?
Weirdly enough, these questions all get answered on this episode of Dirty Pair: Project P.O.D! We're in the endgame now, with just two episodes left before we complete our year-long journey through this frankly incredible anime, and we're so glad that you've stayed with us all this time. Find us on the Wretched Bluesky, here, and say hello or something. We're running out of show and we need to figure out what comes next!
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Gosh, it feels like forever since I last did this, but it hasn't been that long, has it? We return and bring in the new year with another cracker of an episode of the Dirty Pair OVA series! Shinichiro Watanabe returns to the director's seat to walk us through the seedy world of underground fighting, super-steroid use, and long-simmering grudges. You know, the kind of stuff you'd expect.
Unexpected, perhaps, is the colossal muscle woman who drives the action of this episode, yet another example of the 3WA cleaning up its own mess, and another example of Kei having to fight a giant muscle lady (remember when the Pair fought a pair of professional wrestlers over ownership of a cat? I sure do). There's also the requisite amount of Kei and Yuri acting like, well, partners, if you take our meaning. One day those crazy kids will figure it out, I'm sure. Perhaps next episode? I don't remember which one that is, actually. Only one way to find out, and that's to keep subscribed to this here podcast!
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I want to remind everyone that we record these shows all in a batch and in fact recorded this show at the beginning of November, which makes the fact that the American News Media is all talking about an Italian dude named Luigi another one of those weird serendipitous things that sometimes happen with this show, like how our episode about the Halloween episode actually went up around Halloween. Sometimes these things just happen!
Anyway, this episode is all about how many references to other films the show-runners could fit into a 22 minute runtime, and I, your faithful editor, took up the challenge and met them reference for reference (not really (maybe)). There's also a counterfeiting plot (our second of the series!) and Yuri getting married on a fabulous resort island. These two plots are inextricable from one another!
There's also a special bonus announcement from me, the editor, to say that we're taking the holidays off and will be back on January 9th. See you then!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Side-tracked conversations and Dragon Kung Fu abounds on this, our latest offering to the devoted listeners who are hungry for more tales of the Dirty Pair! We dive into the fifth episode of the Dirty Pair OVA series and answer the important questions of: what the hell is Mughi wearing? Is his code name Kung Fu Dragon or Dragon Kung Fu? What's that hat Kei's got on called, anyway? I promise that we answer all of these questions and a few more that you've forgotten you wanted to know. It's all happening on this, our Thanksgiving (USA) episode of Dirty Pair: Project P.O.D.!
Our next episode will be ready and waiting for you on December 12th, just in time for.... something, probably. Not quite Christmas. It'll be great! See you then!
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Weird audio issues abound on this episode (not really, I cleaned a lot of it up) but we soldier on anyway to discuss yet another episode where Kei and Yuri have to deal with some troublesome kids. These kids, however, have a childish obsession with war and access to a weapon that could potentially rip the fabric of space-time asunder! Does this show have something to say about our cultural obsession with violence and the gamification of war affecting our children? You'll have to listen to find out, I guess! I already forget what we said about it, but I'm sure it was tres insightful.
We're onto a new, hopefully less aurally problematic recording session with the next episode, so this is hopefully the last time you'll hear my incredibly out-of-place voice reading over a couple of parts that were crunched beyond all salvation for whatever reason. I don't know what the hell's going on with that! Hopefully it didn't show up in this next batch of recordings! We'll all find out together on November 28th!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
On this, the spookiest day of the year (it's gonna be 80 degrees here on October 31, that's the scariest thing going), we discuss the spookiest of topics: the true cost of Utopia OOOOOOH BOOOOOOOOO SCAAAAAAAAAARY! We also discuss the lesser known works of Shinchiro Watanabe, as well as everything else that comes up in this particularly stylish episode of Dirty Pair 2. It's full of twists (heads and limbs), turns (missed ones), and not to wrap back to the whole 80 degrees Fahrenheit at the end of October in the goddamn Northeast United States thing, climate disaster!
Our next episode will release, assuming that we don't experience a catastrophic collapse of infrastructure in the meantime, on November 14th. Before then, we'll have recorded a whole other batch of episodes for you all to enjoy in the coming months (again, assuming we survive The Election). Damn, shit's gotten kind of a bummer here at the end. We'll push through it though, and keep making this little podcast because we enjoy it and because we are too committed to the bit at this point to turn back now. See you then!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
It's a Halloween full of capers as Kei and Yuri, y'know, fight crime or whatever. I don't know if they even really mean to fight crime, they're too busy chasing a killer robot, but crime is fought nonetheless! We spend a lot of time talking about Kei and Yuri chasing a killer robot, and make sure to discuss the various threads that are teased from this episode as one would unravel a particularly garish sweater. Did you know there was a show called Bodacious Space Pirates or something like that? I didn't, and you can hear me learn about it in real time! Also something called Cute High Earth Defense Force Club, that's in here too. But it's mostly about Kei and Yuri and spreading their wings all the way on Halloween. What's that mean? I'll leave it to your interpretation.
There are a few moments here where the audio gets real crunchy, probably because the slapdash filter I run to get rid of the A/C noise that permeated this episode got a little carried away. I'm sorry about those crunchy parts, but I promise you it's probably better than hearing the drone of my A/C unit every time I talked. I'll see if I can dial it in a little better next time.
Next time? Oh you're damn right there's a next time! It's all the way on October 31st, and it's all spooky and shit! More podcasting synergy, courtesy of... fortuitous timing, really. Until then, you can follow us and message us on our Wretched Bluesky Account, or rate and review us on your podcasting apps, or what-have-you.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
You wanted it, we also wanted it, we said this post was going to be on Cohost but hey, whaddaya know, it's on our own blog now because RIP to Cohost: it's the triumphant return of *Dirty Pair: Project P.O.D.*! We're coming to you with the fantastic OVA sequel series, known to some as *Dirty Pair 2*. Our first episode deals with our reintroduction to the Pair in "Prison Uprising! Or We hate People with Grudges!" We also take some time to discuss the changes that the OVA series makes to the Pair, including brand-new intro and outro songs that both are great.
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Well, we've finally come to the end of the road for Kei and Yuri, or at least the Kei and Yuri who don't wear matching uniforms. Flight 005 Conspiracy marks the longest episode we've ever done as well as the final foray into the world of feature-length animations, assuming you only need to be an hour long to be counted as a 'feature.' It's some of the best writing to date and probably the worst ending we've ever seen (or will see with this Pair), and you can hear all about it here, right now, on this very podcast!
As a scheduling note, due to the fact that my work schedule is gonna prevent us from being able to record in time, our next episode which both marks the beginning of Dirty Pair 2 and me not breaking the Season field by putting 1.5 in there, will publish on October 3rd! We'll be going back to our every-other-week cadence as well, since we're leaving the longer features behind. Dirty Pair 2 runs for 10 episodes, and after that? After that? Well, I suppose Dirty Pair: Flash exists too.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
It's our lowest bitrate yet as we once again go long on Dirty Pair: The Movie or Dirty Pair: Project E.D.E.N as it was known in the United States (also where we got the name of our podcast from). It's also our most musical episode yet, because all of the music in this film is incredible and I just HAD to include it. So, y'know, this'll never get monetized but I will put the tracks I played most of below (also I guess the OST is on Spotify but the OST does not have the Wattsman song so... it'll be a mystery).
You'll notice that I've mostly talked about the music and haven't mentioned the plot, and that's because... there's not much of a plot. Sorry. There's some monsters, there's a mad scientist, and there's Yuri shamelessly flirting with Kei. There you go. Enjoy! This movie is gorgeous both visually and sonically and is an all around fun time.
We'll be back August 1st with our final Special Presentation, where we examine the Flight Five Conspiracy. See you then!
Ah, and here's the link to the Dirty Pair soundtrack, as promised.
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We'll get to the true second season of Dirty Pair eventually, but first we need to take a look at these OAVs and Feature Films, starting with 1985's Affair of Nolandia, an experiment in a harder science fiction and more adult content (not that kind of adult, for the most part. The mature kind). A brand-new Lovely Angel with brand-new character designs takes the stage! Artificial esper kids! Corporate conspiracy! Cyborgs! Tentacles! Some really odd musical choices! They're all here, in this podcast, and all will be discussed!
Also, we talk about Berserk and Mad Max and... honestly some other stuff, I dunno. It's two hours long, you gotta expect the occasional detour.
I boldly predict our next episode will hit on July 4th, wherein we will discuss the Dirty Pair movie, or Project EDEN. Only history can prove me a liar!
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We've done it, you've done it, everyone's done it. We made it to the end of the 1985 (plus two in 1987) classic sci-fi animated series Dirty Pair. We've done it with a special longer-than-usual episode for you since it's the last one we'll be doing for a little while. And what an episode it is! This one's got it all: big guns, cool fights, giant explosions, and above all, some real quality yearning. Ah yes, settle in friends. If a series has to end, this is the way to end it.
But of course, this isn't the end, there's a second series that releases as an OVA and there's a couple of hour long specials, as well as a feature film. We'll be tackling those all in some kind of order that we explain at the end of this podcast, but first we're going to take a break. I would like to take a break!
So while we take a break, and try to track down some information about the production of The Affair of Nolandia, feel free to just listen through the series again a few times. We won't keep you waiting long! Our next episode will deal with the first of two specials, The Affair of Nolandia, which takes the series in a different direction both tonally and artistically. Aren't you excited? Well, maintain that excitement until June 6th, which is when we're currently planning on releasing that episode.
Thank you to everyone for listening, this has been such a fun thing to do. See you next time!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
25 episodes into this podcast run and I discover that I can put custom thumbnails for each episode. Well, better late than never, I guess!
We careen towards the end of our time with the original run of Dirty Pair (plus two OVA episodes!) with this episode that maybe, y'know, has more subtext than previous episodes. Is it the freedom afforded by being an OVA episode? Is it us reading what we want to read into it? Either way, they have a beautiful friendship. Sure, Gooley, that's what it is. Also there's a Terminator, and a laser table, and a VOTOM. Who can ask for more?
Our next episode - indeed, the FINAL EPISODE before we take a little break and figure out our next move - will appear in your podcatchers as if by magic on April 18th.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
We come to you now with a bit of a long one but in fairness, in fairness, they're all long ones from here on out. But here on out isn't that far away, because this is the final episode of the Dirty Pair's 1985 televised run! Sure, sure, there's a couple of OVA episodes that get released in '87, and yeah, there's that Affair of Nolandia special and Dirty Pair: Project Eden, the movie from which this podcast took its own name, but this is the last televised episode! It's Big! It's Important! One might argue I went a little overboard when I edited it, but history will be the judge of me.
Also, this is the first episode we recorded since Akira Toriyama passed, so we spend a little time talking about that as well.
Anyway, it's a good episode of television, and I'd like to think we earn the longer run-time on this one as well. The next episode, which deals with the first of the two special episodes once included on From the Lovely Angels with Love, will drop on April 4th. You'll love it. I'll love it. Everyone will love it. It'll also be a bit of a long one.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Welcome, everyone, to the second-ever podcast that I had to export at a lower bitrate in order to get the file size low enough to upload to this free tier of podcasting service! Pull up a chair and have a listen to an elegant assassination attempt, a long con, a romantic pursuit, and a dramatic comeuppance! It's no wonder we spent so long talking about it, this (the penultimate episode of Dirty Pair's original televised run) episode is packed with all kinds of cool stuff.
Give it a watch, then give this a listen, and then marvel at how much we talked about it. Took me ages to edit this one, goodness gracious.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
It had to happen sooner or later. Eventually, there was going to be an episode of Dirty Pair that we just couldn't manage to talk about for an hour. This, the second half of a two-part tale, is that episode. It's nothing wrong with the episode itself, mind you, it's just that things happen so fast in this episode that it's hard to really latch onto anything and digress for an hour. My memory of recording these episodes is kinda hazy on account of being sick the whole time, but I'm pretty sure next episode we'll more than make up for it.
Also we talk about the Affair of Nolandia for a little bit. Think of it as a teaser for when we eventually watch that OVA and record a podcast about it. It'll sound a little something... like this (this being the part where we talk about Affair of Nolandia).
Next episode drops March 7th, at which point I need to find time to record more episodes. Until then!
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Our podcast project hurtles towards its inevitable conclusion, as we encounter a mysterious ghost ship that ought to have 463 people on it, but doesn't. Incidentally, why 463 people? It's such a specific number. We don't talk about that, but we do talk about proper commercial break timing, the appropriateness of using one's Natural Talents to cheer up a child (don't do it), and the disgusting domesticity of our favorite intergalactic Trouble Consultants. Also, I'm still sick in this recording, so enjoy that
The next episode will arrive on schedule and continue to feature my Husky Sick Voice on February 22nd. Until then, you'll just have to draw your own conclusions as to how everyone disappeared off of that spaceship.
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I don't know how I manage to keep getting these out on time, but here we are yet again for another episode of Project P.O.D! This time, we're talking about Captain Haddock, an assassin who has one last job to do, an ice cream magnate, and the creamiest gal. Kei and Yuri spend this episode either being completely in sync with each other or verbally sparring, so you know it's my absolute favorite kind of episode. Meanwhile, you all get to hear my husky voice for this and the next few episodes because I had an absolute bitch of a cold when we recorded this most recent batch of episodes. Please look forward to it.
Speaking of this most recent batch of episodes, the next episode will appear as if by magic (but it's not magic, it's me taking time to get this thing published) in your podcast application of choice on February 8th. Until then, dear listener, until then!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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