RSS Feed Renee Racette, Ph.D., is an education professional with 13 years of experience with the St. Louis Public Schools. Starting as a chemistry teacher in 2005, she loved supporting students in learning about acid/base titrations and the periodic table. However, she realized she could make a greater impact in the lives of children outside of the classroom and began her school leadershi [...]
RSS Feed Jessica Jones is a non-binary educator and activist specializing in contemporary literacies and LGBTQ+ justice. They have served as an educator in various capacities for ten years, with most of their career spent as a high school Language Arts teacher. Early in their teaching career, Jessica observed the numerous barriers that queer and transgender students face within our education system a [...]
Episodi mancanti?
RSS Feed Thomas R. Hoerr, Emeritus Head of School, New City School; Scholar In Residence, UM-St. Louis College of EducationIn 1981, Tom became the head of the New City School in St. Louis, a school founded on a commitment to progressive learning and respect for human diversity. Under his leadership, New City began implementing the theory of multiple intelligences (MI) in 1988 and created th [...]
ESJ podcast host, Sherita Love, interviews Hazelwood 8th grade ELA teacher, Dr. Tamara Wells, about her successes and challenges teaching for social justice in her classroom and school. The two educators discuss Dr. Wells' efforts to implement a program she founded at her school entitled "C.H.A.T. Academy". C.H.A.T. stands for “Children Having Academic Talks About languages, dialect and identity.” This program provides an academic space for students [...]